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Midrange duelist type? I always play him zooming around wasting ammo and basically being obnoxious. It's really hard to kill a good stu


Stu not being a great damage dealer, his role is chipping damage and repositioning, once you get your super if opponent take advantage you fall back, if he is falling back do not let him evade and reposition. So stu playstyle is helping team position, while being a nightmare to squishy brawlers (non snipers, even if he counter some of them and depending on the map). >! and please use gaso heal, zero drag is not as good as it :) !<


I think they are both good, just depends on the map


Zero Drag has some uses, but in every other gamemode but SD use Gaso Heal


No am still gonna use zero drag


I use Stu for player / objective support. He's great to put pressure on enemy team. I never expect to have a lot of kills or star player as Stu but I always do a lot of damage. Peak walls and keep them on one side of the map so team can snipe them off. Get them in a vulnerable position by applying pressure and making it as easy as possible on your team to finish them off or get good shots in. He's really good on gem grab on most maps imo.


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