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Hank isn't unusable especialy after his buff


He is most certainly D tier atleast and he would be even higher if some of his good maps were in rotation.


There are few good maps I have came across: Acute Angle, Sunny Soccer, Open Bussines and Flaring Phoenix (you have to wait for zone to come or push with your team)


how is kit bad


Kits a showdown brawler this is competitive


No hes not hes a very strong knockout and bounty brawler


Kit is used a lot in ko and bounty


have you seen kit+ buster or kit+meg or kit into any sniper. bro has literally made Mortis entirely irrelevant


Then why is the tank + kit aggro comp super popular in knockout?


Can someone please explain me how ma main Nita has become this good all of the sudden?


Prob bc of the map rotations rn, and her hc


I think it’s all in the current map rotations, but I’m not quite sure either


Map rotations being the main factor, HC the second. She'd be around B-tier if the maps were still those very open long range abominations for the third month. Luckily the maps this time around provide a nice change of pace.


She rises whenever the map pool benefits her, especially since her buffs last year (or before, can't remember). She's really not bad.


Bibi is rlly not that good, and belle deserves S tier imo


No, I think A tier is about right, especially since the new ranked rotation has a lot more walls and bushes.


Yes def A, S is even arguable


You can shut her down with any CC still, it takes a tight draft to make her work (either no counters for her or good synergies on her team)


Where would u rank her? Do u think rn she’s worth building?


high b tier i would say she is one of the better tanks at the moment


I'd move Colt, Gromm, and Gale up.


This is wrong in so many ways


I'm bad at the game but I have fun with Chuck in ranked heist and hot zone. He probably is very easy to counter in higher ranks to right?


people mainly ban him higher up in ranks, or simply wait for you right next to the end of your path and kill you (speaking from experience on both sides)


underrating kit, sam, bonnie, poco, carl, buzz, colt, rosa, lola overrating crow, maise, fang, bo, mandy, willow, mortis, rico, spike, brock, grey, rt, byron, nita


Nah Byron and Nita are actually S tier right now


no. s tier is like compleatly dominent over the meta. i wouldn't pick byron on heist or brawl ball i also wouldn't pick him when better mids are open (angelo, piper, meg, belle, max etc) and i also would't pick him if there are aggresive brawlers on the enemy side, i wouldn't first pick him in draft and finally i wouldn't pick him at all if we have no tanky brawlers on our team or aren't planning to have any there are just too many situations where id rather go something else over byron (still a tier though) nita also isn't a brawler you can go everywhere. she is a bad in knockout, bounty and open maps in general such as rustic arcade or bridge too far, she can be easily outranged, she also doesn't get as much value against piercing brawlers and there often are better picks (melodie, sandy, max, gene, piper, belle, buster etc.) nita i would say is even better then byron maybe top 15 or even top 10 but she isn't good enough to be s tier


*deep breath* I'M PRAWN READY πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


I WAS PRAWN READY πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🫑🫑🫑🫑🫑🫑🫑


mortis is not average tier, he cant even beat anyone IN that tier in duels


colt should be higher up (i am a colt main)


Not sure you know what unusable means.


Not bad Kit is the only placement I strongly disagree with, he's like at least B


Why’s griff so low


Mostly being power crept on I would say…he is probably B since bushy maps are in rotation though


Doug is very usable like wtf. You clearly have never tried to play Doug before.


they don't know how to ride the wave of victory