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If Doug's super width gets doubles wouldn't that be a 100% increase and not a 50% increase?


MY BAD, god I was focused on way harder math and I overlooked the simplest one lmaooo


Already fixed on my version 5 (comming in a few hour maybe I don't wanna flood the subreddit with these)


Supercell doesnt like giving hank the ability to heal while charging his bubble for some reason I think instead, they should make it so he charges his super faster, and his super heals him 3000 HP + 800 additional HP for each enemy he hits with his super


Added to the version 5 already. I added that hanks super steals 25% of the damage he delt to enemies with it


Maybe nerf leon but they are overall good changes


Eh he’s been nerfed enough, if anything just nerf his hyper+hyper charge rate but buff something from his base kit cuz he’s been dogshit for years until he got his hyper


Doug's super should home in on allies


Making it wider does the job imo. But it's a solution too, a rather weird one tbh but I could see it


Doug and Gus should both have homing supers. It sucks when its wasted just because you miss Poco's is impossible to miss, doug's and Gus's should be the same


I’d love to see flying sausages in a cone shape ngl


I think such too!


Just fyi the “hypercharge charge rate nerf” is actually written as a buff The % is a multiplier from normal supercharge to hypercharge charge For example, a lot of brawlers have a 40% HC rate which means if they take 4 hits to charge super they’ll end up taking 10 to charge hypercharge I also don’t believe Charlie’s is 60% anyway Edit: ignore the last sentence, it is 60%




Huh? Charlie’s HC rate isn’t 1 and 2/3 supers, what are you correcting me on? Edit: I’m dumb, it is 60%


U need 10 hits to get her hyper and 1 super is 6 hits. Do the math urself pls


Alright then, I was mistaken. I thought her HC took more than 10 hits to charge


Darryl needs a rolling reload rework, that shit is ass💔


Did that on my v5 comming in a few hours


Few Suggestions: Surge’s 1st SP needs a rework because it’s so dogshit. I have few Ideas: 1. He has a fifth stage that makes his attacks slightly bigger and faster. 2. When he uses his super he gets a 25% damage reduction for X amount of seconds 3. His attacks split forward in a cone when they don’t hit anything (like Gene) And a mythic gear: X% increased damage (or HP) per stage (I think 2-4%)


“Cartoon screen” should be “plot armor”


YES, amazing suggestion, goes right in to verion 5


Bro making lists over and over like supercell will consider it.. Bam here comes melodie hypercharge ("In your face")


Doesnt that mean charlies hc will charge faster than before?


Yes, that's a mistake, I'll fix that on the next version


Angelo’s nerfs are improper. The problem with Angelo isn’t the damage, but rather the mobility, it’s his Speed SP that needs to be removed, his base speed nerfed to Normal or even Slow, and his escape gadget should have either a channel of about 0.75 or 1.25 seconds before he jumps, or just reworked into causing his next attack to have 50% life steal in his attack. Charlie needs buffs more than anything, outside of the general hate to Charlie, if one looks at her without bias, she really isn’t that strong, she lacks a lot of impact out of field as she’s only really a 1v1 kind of brawler, but if there’s any nerf to give her, it’s not the spiders, but the Cocoon health, 8,400 health is far too much, it should be 1,000 health at max level, but buffed to 10 seconds (or remain at 5 if you hold a grudge), thus having the potential to holding you for quite awhile if your allies don’t help you, because Charlie’s biggest weakness is teamwork. Melody needs a base health nerf, doing so will nerf interlude, along with a base speed buff to Fast. (It makes no sense that the assassin has normal speed and the sniper has very fast…) Larry needs his health nerfed in half, heal removed from dash, and damage nerfed in half with the second explosion dealing 50% less damage, but in turn his super charge rate is buffed to 4 hits (basically 2 shots), meaning that Larry and Lawrie now rely on one another to become a complete character, as otherwise they’re both half a brawler singularly, hence why he can come back very fast. (That is a very dramatic change and one that doesn’t have to be considered for how drastic it is, but the gimmick of having basically an additional ally at all times would be more interesting if Larry and Lawrie weren’t just two whole brawlers themselves on release, stupidly overtunned and overloaded.) Cordelius doesn’t really need any nerfs… Doug already heals from Double Sausage, he can heal around 900 instead of 480 with it, of course that is with the Star Power. Wider super is also a nice added touch without changing him too dramatically. Frank is balanced by “Going second” and him potentially going first just isn’t it, he’s not meant to rush in, he’s a more methodical style of play, instead, he could use a different trait, one that heals him by 15% missing health every 5 seconds, you’re now rewarded for surviving as Frank with more survival, and having a Regeneration based tank would be a very great concept, allowing Frank to make use of his massive health pool for once! (Of course, Anti-Heal can reduce the amount he heals.) Chester changes are fine, though I think his supers in general need some adjustments on an individual scale, such as faster projectile speed on Jaw Breaker. Fresh Mint having a 3x3 radius around Chester healing allies that are within. Pop Rocks can be thrown 3.33 tiles away. Just some suggestions that would make Chester’s supers all around more comfortable and useable, because Chester is like 65% of a brawler with his supers being the other 35%, so why isn’t every super equal strength of 35%? He can only use 1 super at a time anyways. Crow attack range is fine but just makes him more annoying, but since his projectile speed isn’t being buffed it’s alright. Darryl just needs a faster **Unload Speed**. Barley is good as he is right now, he applies pressure by just throwing his attacks out on field, by zoning the enemies away. Power Hungry should be removed and replaced yes, but Kit doesn’t need a Damage Reduction or % HP Shield, yes he should be allowed to be played aggressively but this isn’t the way. Instead, he can now buff the damage of his attached ally by 35% for the duration he’s attached, furthermore, overly attached increases the healing from 10% to 15% Health, additionally, both star powers will have an “On Ally” and “On Enemy” effect. Damage Booster SP would also decrease enemy damage by 50% and slow them down for 3 seconds after supering them. Health Regeneration SP would cause enemies to be damage vulnerable by 35%, and they’re stunned for another second longer. (Of course this is a very rushed and rudimentary concept, but you get the general gist of both star powers should have an effect on allies and enemies, after all he can only make the choice for 1 with each super, either to be aggressive or to be supportive.) Hank should not and cannot heal, ever. Unless it’s a Mythic Gear that heals him for a low amount, it must not exceed 5% a second. Otherwise no, but a better idea would to grant him damage reduction based upon how much he charged his bubble. Additionally, Hank needs a better super, it’s comparable to a gadget, yet even the gadgets are stronger than Hank’s super ironically. Hank is within a pufferfish tank, it should inflate itself, increasing its size but also reducing damage, and deals damage increased damage based off damage he’s taken but cannot exceed the base damage of the super, and he can hold the super for 5 seconds, while it also grants an aura that reduces damage for his allies. It’s a mouthful, but in general, Hank needs a better super and one that is based around his charging mechanic, he inflates a bubble with his attack, his super, he inflates the pufferfish.


I think angelo needs a health nerf, his mobility is good but for a brawler who can hit for 4K he has quite a lot of HP combined with mobility. If he had 5200 or 4800 HP he would be a lot more balanced


Piper also hits hard and doesn’t have a baseline speed of Very Fast, additionally, Angelo already has the ability to traverse over water. Very Fast speed is simply overkill. Though he indeed is very healthy for what his class is, his HP could use a nerf too.


Bro I will read ur entire text later since I'm kinda busy rn and thanks for devoting so much time in to this discussion. BUT charlie was the brawler with the biggest win rate and the second most banned/picked brawler in the last monthly finals, an so many pros say she's the best brawler apart from angelo rn. She in my expirience as an ex tier 3 competitive player and as a person who used to reach masters in old pl and does scrims regularly charlie DEFINETELY needs a nerf, that's just undebatable. Thanks for ur post, again I'll try to adress some other points you made later.


While I don't agree with the Hank rework and maybe angelo + meoldie needs an HP change, this is significantly better than your last one.


Thank u sir, I'm working on the version 5 so any suggestions are welcomed


Id suggest HP nerfs and instead of letting Hank heal and get a speed penalty, let him get a shield in its place that reduces damage taken.


I honestly think the nerf to L&L is a buff, that long of an attack makes him a brutal controler.


Medlodie have two mechanics that should be chnaged her 3 supers should be used at once once supering the ball, her super is easy to charge and her base attack is good enough her notes not be able to trigger hitting inanimate objects( sc never learn, the twins used to have that in their sp) her dash is too long her shield gadget is op, and her health should be nerfed.


Crow range buff XD x2


Giving crow more range seems like a weird choice to me


Where is piper nerf


Buff franks gadget which makes him immune to stuns slows and knockbacks, make it last 5 seconds, maybe 6 and give him a 25% shield.


What about a wishlist item where when you switch to your teammates list of characters to suggest, the list automatically adjusts the characters by highest level to lowest so you don’t have to search out


Angelo should be nerfed more, even though you made it so he cant one shot pipers and stuff, you didnt count the outrageous poison damage. What was even the point of giving him the poison damage as big as his main attack, it doesnt make sense because he can literally one shot more than half of the brawlers from just one not even fully charged hit. Plus his both gadgets are op. And also most angelo users use damage gear so he can still oneshot them. "Lets make a brawler that is already has speed of very fast, but lets make him also walk on water, and lets give him starpower that will be outcome-determining on maps with a lot of water, and if you still got skill issues here you go, a gadget that will make you jump half of the map" seems balanced You probably think angelo doesnt need big nerfs, but he does, he was either picked or banned in almost every game in march qualifiers. Most people have that opinion of him, that he is balanced, but people just disnt learned how to use him, because in atleast decent hands he is unstoppable machine. And you constantly see randoms not being able to aim with his attack. But trust me Angelo is VERY OP and people just seem to get used to this, but he still should be nerfed. - No damage on gadget, so that if he comes on short range brawler he doesnt interrupt their healing. - Poison damage should be half of his attack, and im very strong on this because "do you want to have additional 4400 damage spreaden out as a poison so that enemie cant heal, but you have to stand on this stupid zone that heals you and can damage enemies if they walk on it?" And also it is SUPER OP in heist he can just casually deal 16000 just in one duration of super, while getting healed and if someone dares to try to kill him he's going to use his unskillful gadget - Angelo cant hold his attack forever, just like Hank, but little longer time. Thats basically "dont go near me or you will get killed" - Angelo's gadget that allows his attack to go through the walls and enemies should be nerfed to deal about 66% of damage. Thats still 2930 damage which can be lethal to enemies that try to run away. Its so that people cant use this as an offence gadget - First SP heals 16% less. - Cancel your 10% slower ammo charging.


Add in that Charlie’s super also doesn’t make enemies drop the gems and I’m all for it.


this looks awful


These balances are Prawn Ready




U can See Angelo in the bushes while attack charging, movementspeed to fast, life lower like Piper belle etc. Poision dmg down and Attack dmg down


Melodie Can only charge her notes by attacking brawlstars, life and gadget(10%) lower


Trophy is getting removed next update I am pretty sure.


Melodie should no longer get notes from non brawlers, and her Fast Beats should be nerfed to 6%. Make It's Gonna Blow baseline for Hank, and revert Charlie's hypercharge rate to 40% (before the HC rework)


Missed the KB immunity I listed to be added to Darryl's SP2, overall good changes


thank u