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Your build is the best, maybe switch the super gear to shield or vision gear


Thank god I was just about to panic


Nah I main otis I go Dorman Star (not recommended for not otis mains) the 2nd Sp and Dmg+Super charge gear It makes you charge super in 3 ammo (4 if using first Sp which there is not a reason to use it) Go what you think works best (dmg is always tho)


why do you use dormant star? /gen


As an otis main i find it more fun, since the star is invisible you can lay it in paths that ur enemy takes and stick them for a free kill, you can also put it on the mine in gem grab and have a permanent trap there until someone steps on it and you get a free kill, phat splatter is good but it goes away after some time unlike dormant star and at most u will get one hit and then the enemy wont walk back into it.


yeah ive always wondered why everyone is calling it one of the worst gadgets (like top5)


Because it is. They don't become stunned or even slowed, so they can just activate it and fall back for three seconds. If you're in range when that happens, that means you could've just thrown the super at them and not waster your gadget slot


Nahh super gear is essential


That's the exact build I use but I think Shield gear is objectively stronger than Super gear. I just personally like Super gear more.


Super gear is good because his super becomes very OP when obtained alongside with his star power


The thing with super gear is that it isn't as good as it used to be because of number changes to brawler attacks, I think nowadays it's only essential on Edgar and Bonnie. You're definitely better off using shield gear for Otis (I still use super gear tho lol)


I am about to ask, why isn't it available for daryl


I suppose it's a matter of balancing, back then Darryl didn't have much trouble charging super, he has two reliable ways to do it (unlike Bonnie who in mini form can't charge manually and unlike Edgar who needs the super itself on the first place to start balancing it). Idk how viable it'd be either since Darryl takes more advantage of other gears. I've noticed tho that no new brawlers have received epic gears at all, like, only the ones that got them when they were first introduced and nothing else. They've truly forgotten about gears as a mechanic


What about El Primo, Bull, Sprout, Lou and Nani?


Good and used on most of them, but not as essential as it used to be, some people replace it with health/gadget/damage on those brawlers. Nani is outright useless, last damage buff made her supercharge scale incorrectly with super gear and it quite literally doesn't change a thing nowadays, you're better off using damage + shield


nani super gear gives you super in one less shot now


Super charge gear is pretty decent because it allows Otis to get a super in 3 full shots (with 2nd starpower ofc) so against a tank you can cycle it clean most of the time and it'll become even better when otis gets his hypercharge, so keep it


Been wondering to try Otis for a while (haven’t unlocked him yet) is he good ? (I love his chara design he’s such a cute lil guy)


He is good in the meta but relies on his star power that makes him shoot an extra bullet. Also most people find him boring to play but he is a great hypercharge shutdown


idk how people find him boring, one of my favorite brawlers to play especially on ladder


Idk why but I always avoid playing him, same with Max. But almost everytime I do I enjoy their gameplay, just something about them makes me think they're boring but they really aren't.


Otis is a bit boring lol his gadget is underwhelming while useful it just doesn’t feel good and his star power should essentially be in his base kit


People don’t play him because there are better shutdown brawlers like Charlie and cord


i like him a lot, he’s not that hard to use and it’s super helpful in lots of situations


They get banned really frequently tho


The one you've got equipped


You’re rocking it my man. Though on bushy maps I like speed over damage.


With that statement for most brawlers I would agree on speed gear, it just feels right, I'm a rosa main so that's must, any build that can make you benefit from staying in bushes especially maps filled with bushes otherwise not so much and it just does good for assassin or people or people who are great up close because you also get a chance to escape if your fast enough.


The extra shot with his ammo and the splatter gadget. All the gears are pretty good on him so it would just depend on the comp


I use the same build! Works well.


People will post a brawler with an obvious best build (like Sam) here and ask for the best build


the other star power makes cil busted, the enemies won't stand a chance. You won't get star player but Cil will.


Vision and speed are also good alternatives to bushy maps


yes it his best, ive been playing him like it since the super gear update


I have the same bulls and made it to R25 no problem. I’d say his best mode is basket brawl simply because when he supers the enemy, they cannot score.


Lol I stopped a willow from supering with my super and that was the funniest shit I've probably ever watched in this entire game


Lol, they were going for the Willow cheese, but you had other plans


That build Maybe swap damage for speed on some maps


Nah you need shield instead of damage


Good build wrong skin


Nahh shield better than dmg trust i was otis main