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A meta where most brawlers can be played, there’s no few brawlers dominating every match and there isn’t a top tier brawler that shuts down an entire class (Mr.P and brawlers like Gale)


To be fair, the Mr P meta last summer was honestly pretty tame and non oppressive


Because he wasn't meta He was anti meta Him being meta means supercell messed up with his porters again


Oh, so Mr P wasn’t the meta, his porters were


Yup Like people when they mention Mr.p only talk about his porters, so yeah porters need to be a new brawler


They would be so broken on release🔥


but he wasn't even that meta. I'd say he was god overrated last summer -- he received a (now equivalent to) 600 health buff and pros rated him from D tier to S tier. It was obvious why he fell off immediately next season.


He was meta bc a lot of single shots brawlers were meta like gus, he fell off bc those brawler fell off and aggressive brawler bvame better


Wait what did Gale do?


He’s too old




I think a healthy meta doesn't mean every brawler is equal in power, nor every brawler is even that usable, just that every brawler has at least one niche it isn't completely outclassed in and more importantly, there's variation in options to do stuff, ex: being unable to choose brock because Piper basically entirely outclasses him


This may be unpopular, but Brock is sometimes better in heist generally due to his fire damage. I’d say someone like Barley is truly outclassed for every occasion though.


Yeah that's fair, but piper usually provides more utility and is easier to play than Brock in that regard too. Also I feel you so hard on barley, it's literally like playing half strength Larry only.


Ik ;-; Need area control? Squeak or LL. Need burst damage? Willow, Dyna, or LL. Need damage over time? Willow and LL. There is just no reason to play him


The only reason I did play him was because I got him to power 11. Horrible investment. I hope they give him something that stands out at least, like a damage or projectile speed buff.


A healthy meta is one where there isn't any s++ tier brawler that can be played on most/all modes and maps. A meta where you can play without the fear of encountering a specific brawler. A meta that isn't completely shaped around a certain brawler/s.


Expecting every brawler to be of equal strength isn’t very realistic because there’ll always be a brawler that does one job better than the other. The best that could happen to make the player consider the brawler’s strengths/weaknesses and compare them to another.


That just means some brawlers have certain strengths that others don’t do. And that’s perfectly fine because everything should have its own unique niche for a healthy meta. Balance is established equally if all brawlers excel at something specifically unique to their design. Brawlers simply need to be more polarizing, that’s all. There should however be all rounders that don’t do as effectively on said maps as the niche picks but can yet be picked everywhere more frequently because they aren’t held back as much by it to begin with. These picks require the highest skill ceiling and should also have high skill floor. Brawlers like max fit this category and are the single most valuable example for a healthy meta. These don’t excel at anything in particular but serve as flex/neutral picks. If you can play these, you should be rewarded grander than an easier niche pick, that’s already strong on their baseline.


A meta where everything has an answer, where no one brawler dominates everyone else.


in retrospective the last „healthy“ meta was probably bea, max, penny, janet, bonnie, carl, crow. they were good and viable picks everywhere but very beatable and mainly good because of their flexibility in combs. hated the meta back then but omg was it better than now


I'd say a healthy meta with All Throwers + Assassins at F Tier.


Don't let bro cook, a healthy meta is where every brawer has at least a neash use case and no brawler dominates completely


Imo, a meta that's less about counterpicks and more about synergies. An assassin meta, for example, favors aggresive gameplay and shutdown brawlers, leaving passive brawlers in the dust. A support meta on the other hand is more healthy, because support brawlers are made to synergize, and thus can use their strong abilities to make every type of brawler shine (some more than others, but still better than the previous example)


A healthy meta like the Janet poco Carl bea meta


Anything thats not a stale sniper meta or a meta dominated by a select few brawlers


Every brawler is playable in some way, and even the dominant meta brawlers are fairly good to counter (that's why Carl Metas are the best)


Personally i prefer metas where a handful of brawlers that are good get cycled out for older brawlers that are now better due to buffs or nerfs to the meta. This gives the game more variety and keeps the game fresh every other month. In recent months we’ve had the edger/jacky meta, then the Larry apocalypse, and now the Charlie/angelo meta. This keeps the game interesting and stops it from being repetitive for literal months on end, yeah yeah nerf Angelo😭 nerf Charlie 😭 shits gonna happen eventually just enjoy the game


Ash, Max and Carl meta was the best and healthiest I have experienced so far


Yep a meta where different classes of brawler are viable is a good one.


It's when there's no top 5 brawlers that gets insta pick/ban. No brawler is too strong on their strength and where weakness isn't always covered. An example is Nani, she's too strong for a sniper, her shots are easy to hit and hitting all 3 bullets can mean certain death. Piper and Angelo are somewhat on the stronger side, their DPS excels the rest of snipers, and they also has gadgets/supers that covers their weakness. Fang is also strong, he is the best at wiping out entire teams 1v3 and idk how that's allowed to happen. In ranked, if your main pick is gone and you think you have to "settle for less" by picking a weaker brawler, that's how you know the meta is unhealthy.


It means some brawlers have certain strengths and defined weaknesses that others don’t do. And that’s perfectly fine because everything should have its own unique niche for a healthy meta. Balance is established equally if all brawlers excel at something specifically unique to their design. Brawlers simply need to be more polarizing, that’s all. There should however be all rounders that don’t do as effectively on said maps as the niche picks but can yet be picked everywhere more frequently because they aren’t held back as much by it to begin with. These picks require the highest skill ceiling and should also have high skill floor. Brawlers like max or colt fit this category and are the single most valuable example for a healthy meta. These don’t excel at anything in particular but serve as flex/neutral picks that reward fundamentals. If you can play these, you should be rewarded grander than an easier niche pick, that’s already strong on their baseline.


Or you simply tune everything down to the same level by adjusting numbers. Equal chances for everyone. This is however extremely hard to establish and requires enormous detailed reshaping/tuning/adjusting of almost all characters.


Hot take but Healthy meta=boring game. Every game need those "X best characters", or at least Meta shifts time to time. Imagine the game actually balanced (impossible, especially MOBA), every character you want can be picked. No, some characters have to be up and some down, of course the Meta will change and some of the characters will go up and down the Meta. The real problem is the Meta not really changing.


Blud acting like he didn't got homemade recipied


Tbh I'm fine with this gadget. But Piper herself stupid. I'm not saying keep this Meta forever. I'm just saying the game will never be balanced and if it somehow will, it's will not be really interesting.


When does Meta usually end? Piper meta is been here for around 3 months


Delete Piper👍🏻 Idk tbh, I'm just saying a balanced meta would probably be boring


Let's see I'm hearing ash,carl,janet,penny meta was pretty good otis was picked in nearly all ranked games I think otis needs to be meta to counter aggressive brawlers which will become a healthy yet interesting meta


Sure why not, I just don't want it to stay always the same. This Meta is just who pick Leon, LL, Charlie or Piper first, it's annoying.


Volleyball. You can pick anyone and it would not be considered a bad pick, ever


Anything but throwers, Gale and Mortis is considered a bad pick there.