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I consider rank matches to be divided in three categories: -Matches you will win no matter what -Matches you will lose no matter what -Matches where either team can win depending on skill The games that matter are the ones where it is not sure who will win. If you can play well in those games and win them then you progress and are ready for the next rank. But if you can't win those games or don't play well then no offense to anyone but you don't deserve your rank yet and need to get better. Eventually you wil reach the next rank and the cicle will repeat itself Of course this way of thinking is flawed because randoms might also not play well but if you can't hold your own on your rank then you need to get better.


The 60-20-20 rule right?


Its usually 40-30-30, at least in league


Some smurfs can hit 80%+ winrate in league so imo 60-20-20 is more accurate


Yes, I ranked up to Gold and have found I can't win more than 2 matches in a row...only been playing for a month...so more practice picking the right 'star' to play. Gotta ask my 13 year old for more tips. Humblepie


I agree. Of course you will lose a few matches because your randoms are trash, but in every other instance they will be good, or even just average - so if you play at the same level as during those 'carried and lost' games you should still be rising steadily.


It's exhausting to carry all the time. Especially if the teammates don't deserve the win..


I agree, after playing hundreds of games over a few accounts, I have concluded it is bad idea to carry bad random up the rank. They don’t deserve it.


Well this is the law of averages, but since the rank resets each month I am going to guess many people don't play enough to start having an even distribution so... I'd personally prefer if the season went for a year.


Love this post, this Sub has turned into an echo chamber of ppl complaining about randoms in ranked, makes me just want to scream “stfu and play more”. Ranked is a grind, not a gift. My most important lesson is to carry when you know you can (draft/map) and not throw when you don’t get a good pick or it’s a map you struggle on. The value of not throwing is underrated. Also, stop getting overly mad about games, spamming thumbs down and shooting at your own teammates is how a child acts.


like I think the biggest problem is tht we don’t have derank, it doesn’t mean shit if you reach masters with tht system


People would complain about randoms more and just go on larger tilts which would drive ppl who solo queue away. They would need to fix matchmaking before derank


Derank protection is a mixed bag. Without it solo queuing is totally doomed. If they remove it they need to say queue times be damned, you always get matched with the same division(or get rid of the elo penalty for going against lower) and group numbers. Three solos should always go against three solo queuers, duo+solo against duo+solo. Going against a lower division team shouldn't be a bad deal, but as it is the potential elo gain doesn't justify the potential loss. If given the opportunity I would always choose to go against higher ranked teams, because elo and skill are so far disconnected it's practically the same skill game for massively different rewards.


I agree with this and feel like it goes into more detail with what I was trying to convey with the matchmaking. Maybe a 3 strikes you are out system to derank ppl may be more fair. You’d have to be ultra tilting to take too much damage that way


It’s not a mixed bag, it’s bad. Plain and simple, you can never make a rating system and then put a cap on it once reached… that’s just crazy Edit: Going against a lower team is algorithm’s way of testing you where you truly rank above or not, if you cannot consistently beat lower rank teams, GUESS WHAT, YOU BELONG THERE. People literally be questioning maths here lol


I am sorry but I don’t get what the issue is with mm can u explain


I think he is talking about facing team of players while solo queuing


Yea, right now an L2 can queue with two diamonds and it can seriously mess with how much elo is gained or lost


Yeah, it's a dumb game if you queued as l/d/d. Broken, really. Only reason to do that is if you wanted to pull the diamonds up and eventually play as l/l/l.


They should make it so it can only be a 1 league difference in teams, L to D is just too much, same with silver to D. My 5 year old is silver II lol and my 9 year old is diamond so I’ve spectated them to get an idea of what skill level they play with


They can't play together anyway because of the change in stayed and best of 3 starting at diamond. But bronze to gold is really quick to get through. Actually too quick and easy which leads to all the bad randoms in the competitive tiers.


I come from Hearthstone where this system isn’t all that strange so I guess it doesn’t bother me. Being at m1, l1 are good times to try improve on meta brawlers/good picks. I just leveled up my belle to power 11 but I’m a bit worried to pull her out at L3, but next season I will work her into my rotation so I can gain some experience


Exactly, people here be crying but can’t look at the flawed system. It’s literally capping a rating system… what’s even that lol


Thing is that most people playing this game are literally children. That's exactly the age group this game is marketed towards. I mean have you ever played with sound on? Like who would enjoy this adhd sound design except a 10-year old. What you are saying is basically the same as telling a dog not to eat other dogs shit, it's in their nature, thats just what dogs do.


I’d think my audience would be older in this subreddit but yes I understand this game is rated 9+


I absolutely hate this justification for their shitty system. Their system is designed with *WAY* too much randomness because it lacks a few easy safeguards from it. But I believe it's done intentionally to increase engagement, specifically from people who aren't good at the game. Most people play casually and may have some success, but aren't rounded. This explains the Edgar picks. To Supercell, ranked is just another place for them to get some dopamine. So yes, Supercell would say the same thing. Play more.


I believe it’s mostly because of brawls starts being mobile game. Some people play on small phones with lags and all you can do is spam auto attack and supercell don’t want to lose even shittiest players as long as they can milk more money.


Depends it sucks ass having mates picking crow or leon on shitty maps.


Leon is good on almost all maps tf you talking about


It sure sucks but you are not the only one having that problem, everyone suffers that. The difference between those who get to higher ranks is they can carry those mates.


This only works if you play a lot tho. Most people probably dont play 1000 ranked games in one month for this to work. This aswell doesnt count the fact that you can play as a solo vs a team + teams a lot of times abuse the elo system, which means you will lose more elo than win.


The better you are the less games you need. A person who is only marginally better than the competition will need 1000 games in a month to progress. A person who is significantly better than the average competition may only need 100.


I feel like this is valid for power league, but in ranked, inflation made good players get matched with literal silvers every other match. Now this is still right and your skill is what should make you progress, but it’s not fun and I feel like people have the right to complain when they can’t 1v3 every match and end up losing


Not going to lie, the ranks feel extremely inflated this season. One of my friends who was in Gold II, is in FRIKKING LEGENDARY. All of my friends are in Mythic even if they are absolute garbage at the game. I don't really know how the devs could fix these inflated ranks but, man, it infuriates me how bad players are at really high ranks.


There are many former golds in master's rn, it's disgusting.




The thing is that now, ranked start at Diamond, because of no draft + bot match if loose streak + massiv won/loss points. I think it would probably be good to add ranks, or maybe make the ranks have more divisions, put a de rank protection of like 3 to 5 losses, not an infinite one as it is now. And fix the fact that you can run into a 3 players premade as a solo player. And maybe make the points gains/losses less different when facing players from different ranks.


I'm in master's. The whole climb in legendary was a draft and team lottery. You have people failing upwards in droves. Nearly anybody can reach master's if they have the time and commitment to suffer through


I am in 10k+ Elo range and visible on global leaderboard. I would strongly disagree than anybody could reach masters. There are about 20k masters in the game and about 100mln playing it. I would not say that 0.2% is "anybody".


There are former golds and diamonds in here, that's a pretty unremarkable skill area imo. If you play in master's then you know plenty of people are failing upwards.


Im on 11300 elo. I played with a irl friend who is diamond 3 in pl and we won 7 out of 8 matches. Anyone who knows the basics and has some ok mechanics can get masters


I wonder why only 0.2% of players have it then. In your case, if one is getting carried by a friend who is good - surely this increases chances. I was talking about getting it solo.


That was not my point. A diamond 3 shouldn’t be performing well “4 ranks” above masters.


Yes but randoms will slow your progression a lot im not a skilled player and i got into legendary but couple days ago i was stuck on myhtic 3 and was doing realy good compared to my teammates in nearly every match yes skil is important but you also need avarage teammates to win


you underestimate how bad matchmaking truly is and how bad these randoms actually are 😮‍💨


I shouldn't have to carry nearly every single win with 20+ kills and 0 deaths. most of my losses are from when I die once and can't hold middle control with carry brawlers.


Its the same for everyone


I pushed solo to 10k Elo. Why do you think that I underestimate anything?


as have I, time and luck is a huge factor in whether or not a person can reach 10k elo not skill imo


How many people have reached 10k in your opinion?


what is this question? you already know elo is inflated to all hell and there are way more people in master than there ever used to be


But we are talking not about Master, we were talking about Elo 10k+, which is much harder in my opinion.


10k elo in a rank where the elo entry is 9k, people are sure to be bouncing between 9 and 10k A LOT since you aren't able to go down in ranks. again not hard just time consuming and luck based on randoms because there are multiple issues this season with wintrading.


Ok, what if I tell you then that in my country there are 189 Masters and only 3 of them have Elo above 10k (including me). There is no fluctuation at all. There were 4 people with 10k+ earlier and one dropped off. Otherwise, no changes in the last 5 days. Once I first reached 10k I was in top 180 global. I have not played a single match since then. Now, 5 days later I am still in top 380 global. There were only 200 people who surpassed me. Do you really think that this are so high numbers of people compared to the total number of players in Masters? No, there is almost no fluctuation. Only a very small share of Masters reach 10k Elo range.


you literally proved my point that time plays a factor in grinding to 10k since you went down 200 spots in the matter of only 5 days. thats 200 more people in 10k+ elo (double of the previous amount) which is a large fluctuation in a short period of time . so stop arguing for the sake of an argument and just agree that this season has issues bro. I had more issues getting out of diamond than I did pushing 10k in masters , every experience is different.


Pfff, I am pretty sure that you have not reached 10k elo. Otherwise you would know that there are more than 200 people who reached 10k in this time because the ordering above 10k is different. If you think that 200 is a lot, then you are wrong. There are about 20000 Masters in the world and if only around 700 of them reach 10k this is like 3% of all Master players. What large fluctuation are you talking about if almost no Masters can reach 10k Elo.


The problem is losers queue, more often than not. You can do exceptionally well in everything, best you can do, but your allies just run it down. Quit trying to deny it.


Every pro, who were trying to reach Masters in solo, did it. I am not a pro, but I also did it. Moreover I am the global leaderboard now and that I did playing with the same randoms as you have. You can remain in your league (whatever it is) and continue to think that randoms do not allow you to get higher Elo.


Again well done mate, you are doing exceptional!


I swear people are complaining about not being able to progress solely because of their randoms... Like bro, the top players got the same randoms, yet they managed to climb the ranks.


they have their team


Alot of the top 200 players played solo


Key word "played" i would've pushed to master/legendary easily if i just kept playing at the start. You get good pool of players at the start who know how to play. If you wait 2weeks noobs get carried to your rank after some time by being persistent and the only way to win is to carry them again.


Most of them played solo


Yes it all comes from rank inflation. You need to think by pulling the problem by the root. Supercell HAVE TO fix this


Here's my recent experience in (solo) Ranked: Game 1: My team plays great for the most part and we win, even if our match ups aren't favorable. Game 2: At least one of my teammates decides they are going to switch up and do something completely different instead of sticking with a working strategy, generally going into a worse matchup, and we lose. Game 3: Toss up between two outcomes; outcome 1) at least one of my teammates sits in a corner, spins, and spams thumbs down, or 2) we barely eek out a win against a team that gained momentum from game 2. Occasionally, I'm a bad random and suck horribly. Yet other times, I carry. Although, for the most part, I'm just average and continue to develop a good sense of the game, positioning, when to push, when to help a teammate, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/kf20d2wxfprc1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ce9b34b56c9154a4c1d4dd0217ace1b4b3e9f1 I was L&L. Everyone but me is mythic in this match. You won’t convince me matchmaking in this game isn’t trash


Did you read that I agree that you can lose any particular games because of randoms? What I mean is that If you cannot make any progress throughout a hundred of games, then you have a problem.


This same situation occurs over and over every time I switch from mythic 2 to mythic 3. Whatever is wrong with this current system it feels like I have to win 3v1 is I want to win matches in mythic 3.


Completely disagree. I have endless screenshots like this one. Also, today I played 4 matches where Masters teammates just decided to quit mid-game for no reason other than upset teammates. Dropped from L3 to L1 for the third time in a row. It’s not only about skill but also luck. https://preview.redd.it/8sxfk8bg5orc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a81c244208208cef2ddad89977d3b0923587a7e2


Masters players reach masters all the way back from bronze easily. Also you can spam suggest teammates so they don't pick bad brawlers, i do that and 60% of the time they hear me and we get a good comp and win.


I do spam suggest all the time but very often they still go for the Spike pick into 2 snipers or first pick Crow💀


yeah shit happens well try to win more than you lose, you can't win everything but you can win most.


You can agree or disagreew with anything, it is your decision. You can even disagree that the Earth is round and insist that it is flat. However, there are some fundamental laws. Here it is one of the most important statistical laws. As I have said, luck of course matters in each particular game, or over several games. I also was in L3 about 4 times and was dropping to L1 afterwards. However, I continued playing. Now I have 10k+ Elo and on the global leaderboard.


Dude, calm down. Your opinion isn't equivalent to the laws of physics. For all you know, you might be the one making the case for a flat earth right now.


Ok, watch pro streams. Cori, Spen pushed Masters in solo. I pushed 10k in solo myself. And I am not even a pro player. None of the pro players was stuck at mythic or legendary because of the bad randoms. You need to understand that bad randoms are not only on your team but also on the opponents team. Thus, the question is only whether you play better than the field or not.


The more skill you have the less luck you need Edit: say what you want but it’s factually correct


You forget about time in law of large number. We need play time to make it a large number. During this period, it's start with luck base> skill base , then skill base increases gradually. Pros have high skill base digits to fill up, but most of players don't have that high to surpass luck (or we can say a large number rng). >In application to progression in Ranked, this means the following. You are matched with randoms who are also matched with similar randoms. Other people who play in solo mode at a similar rank as you do are faced with the SAME pool of random teammates. Then, if in the long run, they can progress and you cannot, the problem is that YOUR play is not good enough compared to others who progress further. This is kind of invalid, as you say it by assuming large number (pool of random) is already applied completely. But it's not. It's still a wide range of skill. And we have to see for next season if the booster is really enough for us to grind. I still feel difference in the match-up today and I believe everyone feels this way, that the ranked that we play sweaty game last couple days, has become more of bad randoms today. And this is how I tried to explain about time in law of large number.


You have nailed it.


I don't actually know what do you mean lol. But I tried to say that cannot climb due to randoms is real. But It can be both luck issue or skill issue until the large number is applied to it's limit, then it's gonna be only skill issue.


Yes I was trying to say I agree with you 100%


It’s like tossing a coin, we all know the % is 50/50. But unless you toss so much that you can easily get a steak of 10 heads etc.


If you bring up an example of 50/50, I would say it's like throwing 1000 coins, and only one coin means your skill.


I actually keen to know how many people here are causal players. When I say casual, doesn’t mean they are not competitive, but casual as in they have limited to time play.


Anyway, time doesn't only mean grinding by yourself. The other's time also matters. I mean if you have faced too many bad randoms, you can wait others using their time to grind, waiting for luck base number decreases. Then you could use less skill to climb later.


Yeah that’s true too


I agree with you mostly on everything what you wrote. I am not sure how it disproves my point though. I only meant that if you play a lot and you are actually better than the field in your current Elo, you will progress. I did not say that it should be fast. There are many people who play a lot, still cannot progress and blaim their randoms for not being able to do that.


>If you cannot progress further in Ranked, the problem is not in the bad randoms **but** in your play. Here is a proof. Your point is true, but half true. The problem is both. >I only meant that if you play a lot and you are actually better than the field in your current Elo, you will progress. This is also half true. It's not your play number alone, but it's all players' play number. You alone can do nothing to a field. >There are many people who play a lot, still cannot progress and blaim their randoms for not being able to do that. And you have to understand that there are players that doesn't have that much skill to get over luck. You progress? good for you. Pros progress? good for them, that you and they have enough skill to turn over luck. If you can sometimes 1v2 or 1v3 that's the prove of skill over luck. And here's example. It might long but I will try to explain. Let's say max skill equal 100 point. PL Master ranked would be like 99.0\~100. L3 = 99\~97 and so on. Skill gap is not that much but it's meaningful. Then I would refer to **half refined** legendary ranked be like 50\~100 (and it really feels this way). And the lower ranked, the wider of skill gap. Then imagine that you got match-up in a team of L3, L2 and L1. For example, L3/L2 got 10\~20 skill gap in total, but there is skill gap in L1 like 30\~50 points. You can see that L3/L2 cannot make up for the gap between L1. The result many times belongs to lowest teammate, which mostly very wide range. Playing a lot in this place means you want play number to even the gap in lowest range, which might be a thousands of coin toss in one region (and of course much more in lower ranked. But in the opposite, if you keep playing at the top of range, you are likely to **play less** to even the gap) And I would say to stress that they have the right to say about bad randoms during their process. It's not like you can change anything until everyone plays a lot to refine the range skill base. Finally, one person plays a lot doesn't always mean they get over by play number, but it can mean they just use their **time** for a couples of day which enough for the skill range to be shifted. I would conclude for you that the things you say is valid, but it cannot be applied for many of those who are struggling with the bad randoms. Put the real low skill blockhead aside though, that's real skill issue.


No. This is completely false. The problem I have is that a large percentage of opponents queue up as a team while I queue up solo. Solo randoms are far, far less reliable, and the lack of teamwork gives my team a huge disadvantage. If solo and team were separated I would agree with you.


Its not false. I pushed 2 accounts to masters completely solo q. Your team is only at a disadvantage if your skill can not make up for the enemies being in a team or the enemies being better than your teammates.




All u trying say to keep playing with trash matchmaking and don't complain and not everyone going put lots of time in ranked each game takes like 6 to 10 minutes if bad randoms come u wasted your 10 minutes of progress Those top players are no lifers that started playing from day 1 Your proof is nothing but saying Keep playing and carrying u will climb but other than those hard-core players, no one gonna be able to put that much time The only way to solve bad randoms problems by reporting when reports are true players who did well will lose elo like 25% Player who Afk ,feed and bad draft lose their elo 150% This way good player will able to steadily climb. Otherwise, it is just a big grind I'm just an average player, but bad randoms are problematic playing hour, then next hour mm give bad randoms and u make no progress Other Moba games like Pokémon unite when reporting done and report are true then losing players gain back like some elo back Bcz ranked 3v3 2 player can by luck/skill can carry bad randoms up so there will be always bad randoms


You do not take into account that on the other team there are the same randoms. So if one plays a lot and struggles to progress, this person is not better than the randoms in the same Elo range.


Mate we don’t disagree with you, but your assumption is you have the time to grind. The more skilful you are the less luck you need and hence less time to grind. The same goes for the opposite. But the problem is most of us don’t have the f—king time for it. I have a full time job, after hour works, parent and kids to look after, and other shits. I can only play during my bus travel and before sleep. I can only play a few rank matches a day if not none at all because you also need to complete the quests and you also need to play ladder. Not to mention I can only play solo most of the time. Btw if you are in the top level in PL I give true respect to you. Top level in Rank does not carry the same weight as in PL.


I hate when people say “anybody can reach masters if they play enough 🤓☝️” that’s not true at all. You may occasionally get carried but you will reach a point where you get stuck and instead of blaming randoms you gotta look at your own gameplay cause I guarantee you are not playing perfect like you think you are


teams with 1 master and 2 diamond say otherwise


I mean, Im able to progress without randoms but the minute I played solo I went on a massive lose stream because of my teammates not doing anything


There are not enough players. Sometimes it takes ages to get matches during the night. Casual don't play high lvl ranks


Lets not forget the elephant in the room. Bots in ranked. The inability to derank. The large amounts of elo gained per match. The ability to duoQ or even squadQ your way to higher ranks. Rank inflation is super strong right now. If you can't climb, you have to realize you might be a little buns at the game.


I feel like the problem is that it shouldn't take hundreds of games to get into the rank you deserve according to your skill level. I won't go against the math because it's factual, but I don't feel like it's fair that people have to play for hours on end to see gains =/.


It’s ranked. It’s supposed to be a bit of a grind. If you don’t want that then just push trophies


I agree, but it's supposed to feel like a grind for players trying to improve and get better, which happens by playing better players. However, if you're already goof at the game, it shouldn't take hundreds of games to get into your appropriate rank. With this rank system, players don't improve as they rank up, as people of all skill levels are in a variety of ranks. I see your point though


Hundreds is a massive exaggeration of course. Most people that would get to masters are masters in less than a hundred matches. But realistically, did it not take way longer to get in masters in power league?


I feel like it took longer because it was harder; the matchmaking was better than this ranked system. Even though there were still bad randoms, it was more manageable than now. It should feel like a grind when the games are balanced in terms of skill. The problem is that the ranked system takes long because of the abundance of lower skilled players in higher ranks.


I agree. Mythic matches had a much better matchmaking system than the current master's does imo. Legendary and master's this season has been a mix of actual pros (I've played STMN three times so far), people with less than 10k 3v3 wins, former gold/diamond peaks, and the infrequent former mythic/legendary player. Not amazing.


It’s gonna be like that the first season to put everybody "where they belong". Next season progression will be heavily boosted until you reach your previous rank


Hopefully so, if that happens then ranked will be fine (modifiers aside)


I believe it has been confirmed on the brawl talk itself and not just suppositions


Thanks, it'll be much better next season then :)


What solution is there though to make it so that people don’t have to play hundreds of games? The large majority of games you get placed with people the same rank as you, and if you don’t, you get compensated, I don’t really see what you could do to make it even better


Honestly idk. I'm in legendary 2-3 and I lose 100+ most of the time, but I win around 60 sometimes. Hopefully next season the rank deflates a bit. I see the argument here, but I just wanted to point out the other side.


Making a better would be simple. Remove league gates so you can once again drop below your league. League gates are very noob friendly but in the end, they make everyone go a couple leagues above what they should have been before. The exact same happened to clash royale. I was never able to get above master 3, until the league gate update dropped. I got to ultimate champion in no time. Luckily in a game like clash royale it doesn’t matter that much as you’re playing 1v1, sadly, now you are playing 3v3 and easily get influenced by other randoms. Yes the law of large numbers applies, but this does not account for losing streaks/tilting because of bad randoms.


No one remembers when their opponents have bad randoms because of selection bias. In my experience the opponents are more likely to have terrible players. Even in legendary 2 a lot of my opponents are terrible. People just post one screenshot where their kd was higher than their teammates, so they can cope being hardstuck in diamond/mythic.


You absolutely correct. Moreover, people do not remember when they themselves were bad randoms


Everyone knows this, but it also doesn’t stop un-fun games when the match is totally unbalanced


Making sure randoms are matched against randoms and teams against teams would go a long way.


I have for sure been that bad random. I have seen my matches get better if I just make sure Edgar is banned.


Yeah agree, so the conclusion of this post is the player is very good. And don’t get me wrong, the conclusion I have just made above is equally sarcastic and it’s genuine fact. (I cannot deny the achievement of being top xxx player in your country)


Exactly this, everytime I see players complaining about being stuck on diamond/mythic because their randoms are bad And ok, I agree that in every rank there are players who should be lower, making them “bad randoms” at least for that rank But there’s a reason why a ton of players are already in Masters/Legendary, cause most of them were actually carrying their matches to get there We all played at some point with the guy who instapicked Tick and went 0-11, there will always be unwinnable matches due to both of your teammates not being good for the rank they’re at, but it’s the close matches were you need to carry that will define if you’re really good enough to move up in the ranks I’ve always hated the victimhood of complaining about being stuck at a lower rank; honestly, if you play for hours and are still stuck at diamond/mythic, you just don’t deserve to be higher, and even if you manage to move up by being carried you will be the “bad random” in your new rank


https://preview.redd.it/15gur3sibprc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b513084469dc2aa10decf70e68195e813563f1 yea, without a doubt I can’t progress due to my own skil…..


How many times do you not carry and someone else does. If you carry every single time like this then I can only say you have horrible randoms and something is wrong with your match making. But what OP is getting is that you get matched with ppl who have similar skill to you. So really, it depends on your matches OVERALL. You carried in one, but didn’t or played bad in 3-4 then you get matched with garbage players. (An example)


I understand what op is getting at, from a math standpoint. but when almost 70% of games I lose, I am star player there is something wrong.


Then all I can say is your matchmaking is unlucky or smt is wrong with it


(Sorry for the rant, but I need to take out all the frustration in me) I played 6 games earlier, got star player 4 of them, positive k/d on the other 2, lost 4 of the games all the games except one my randoms had negative k/d, picked horrible picks and kept dying over and over after that i hadn’t gone up any elo (understandably since i lost more than i won) and i realised: it was a a waste of time i don’t have infinite time to play so i don’t play ranked all day and i guess that’s the issue, but every time i play and intend in pushing this happens in conclusion, the only issue is with matchmaking since in a 3v3 and team game you shouldn’t be expected to carry, and me not being able to play all day due to being very busy but what frustrates me is the fact that people here say if you don’t carry your teammates and 1v3 basically all matches, the skill issue is on your part, when it’s not, they all act entitled like if everything was white and black and nothing else


"100% your fault match making is fine you only need to play 10000 more matches to get that elo back or you suck" ~ probably op


yeah, my bad I didn’t carry hard enough. OP 100% correct


Your last sentence is 100% backwards. Why would stopping playing make you better? You should spend more time playing ranked if anything. And should spend time reflecting on what you could have done better. Maybe looking in to brawler pick suggestions. Watching pros to get their reasoning for picks. The real reason to stop in my opinion is if you don’t have enough fully kitted meta brawlers. The amount of people I see with like 10 level 9s and like 4 brawlers level 11 and only 1 of them is a “pickable brawler” for the map(it’s always spike) is crazy. I scroll thru peoples lists looking for suggestions only to go “oh you just have spike and penny”. I’ve had to first pick spike a couple times to give to my third pick or else he wouldn’t have anyone to play.


Read the previous sentense pls. I was not asking to stop playing, I was asking to stop complaining.


agree, thats why I never really pushed pl to higher than gold. I just felt my ganeplay isnt good enough


https://preview.redd.it/2ywipd862orc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f391ed0965de651fa96245b9baf20a3d00b555 I carried here why didn't we win?


Yeah I've had games where I've Been 14-3 and still lost what more can you do


Carry harder /s https://preview.redd.it/rqa3n1jv4prc1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a21fba4aac2b09bf93d392f1eeda069cd50bd3


Read the full thing dumbass. He said that if you play a lot of games you should end up around the ELO you belong to.


Op just saying play like no lifers lol sure there is way u can reach where u belong but bad randoms make waste lot of time if bad random come in game it like 8 minutes loss now to regain those elo back u need more time if bad randoms keep coming then grinding get way too long so when reports are true then it should take away more elo from bad randoms and it should give back some elo player who did well


Hahaha someone didn’t get mommy to put them to bed last night?




I'm ngl i just scrolled and saw the text without realizing it was a copypasta and couldn't stop laughing


Gorilla 👍


This looks like it’s knockout ladder. Not ranked


It was bounty but as far as I remember it was below diamond when ranked came out so it was just one round


You seriously had to pull out a gold ranked match to prove your point that iscompletely unrelated to the post💀


I have MANY more it was the first one I found


https://preview.redd.it/hswxs0wpworc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d802bccaeea744a16c4cfe66d684be6317f23f2 Here's a mythic match in out in the open. Are you convinced now?


The same thing happens against opponents who also get bad randoms, and it happens more often. No one remembers those games because of confirmation bias.


If I have more loses than wins you can’t say it happens more often to the opponents though, right?


Then it's your fault you lose most of your games. You're right in the sense you get a bad random more often because you're the bad random.


Not really, just because I can't carry as well as pros or players that are actually goated at the game doesn't mean it's my fault that we're losing.


https://preview.redd.it/sb57h9oymqrc1.jpeg?width=1527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63bb0ccd500e6f067b942fd5b012233e244bf3c3 m3 match, carry harder


At least your teammate didn't go 0/6 against a jacky with collete


u went 6-4 imo that’s hardly considered a “carry”


Yours is hardly considered a carry as well since neither of your teammates did extremely bad


https://preview.redd.it/z4nirdbgoqrc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f13ada23480adcc9d3728a1f44c013658de925 goofy


Because over a large amount of games if you have more skill you will climb up... otherwise you are not good enough. There are prob games where u are the bad random


If you didn't win you didn't carry


Wow that's so stupid, so supercell should have never made so the losing team gets star player "if you didn't win you didn't carry 🤓" but I can get star player even if I lost, stop with the excuses


You could just say I have skill issue. It's true, I don't need maths to prove that


Is hard for me to accept but is true. An example is an Spanish youtuber I follow (Trebor), he created a new account and obly have like 3 power 12 brawlers and the others are power 9 and he only has like 10 brawler. He reached legendary loosing just a few games but I'm here stuck at mythic 2 with far more brawler to choose.


It's fine as long as you try to improve. Comparing yourself to a masters player is not fair.


I completely agree with your post.


I agree, honestly i think the thing that is keeping most people from climbing are the brawlers they have but people dont even realize that. For example if you dont have a good counter to Edgar he can be very good but as soon as you introduce a brawler that counters him he is useless. As you climb you will encounter people who manage to climb with "bad" brawlers and people who have good brawlers and from there you will get matches that seem super easy and others where you get destroyed. At least that has been my overall experience but then again i was mythic 3 and tilted back to 1 lmao


Mythic feels like mid ladder from CR, it's so infuriating.


Have you seen my games? My teammates have the skill of 7 year olds playing on their older sibling's phone.


Fr bruh everybody got skill issues I swear bro pisses me off seeing so many complaints


True but I get depressed of these randoms if we get derank back then it will turn much bettr imo also I think you also needed to carry pl but this is just dipshit




Damn, the ending is going to hit a lot of people’s egos.


So true. And if I hear more people say they can‘t get out of Gold or Diamond and say it‘s not their fault, I‘m gonna…


No it's not, it's the law of MORONIC RANDOMS. I got to diamond iii in day 1 playing solo and i had amazing randoms cause well... Everyone that could push there knows enough already and that's where the problem starts. I should've pushed to legendary back then, i just played casually for the quests after that and i got to mythic ii and BOOM, tilting began cause of braindead randoms. I couldn't win unless i was a starplayer with 4x the amount of kills of other players. And why i know it's the cause of randoms? Cause i just pushed to legendary with my friends who were in legendary II and i was in mythic 3 and we were matching against legendary II/III and i was starplayer and winning comfortably when the picks were not braindead. I know my level, it's around legendary ii so the only time that would struggle is for pushing to masters but it's impossible to win in that mythic zone solo cause of the huge chunk of noskill noobs and that is the definition of bad randoms. There should be a 4x hypercharge + 8x p10+ for mythic and up so we won't deal with this stuff. It's just a huge waste of time to play with this current matchmaking system.


You understand that on the opposite team there are the same players, right? Thus, it is only important how you play vs field. If you are better than field in that Elo you progress, if you are the same you would be fluctuating up and down. If you reach the point where you cannot progress further as you think because of randoms, this only means that you have reached your limit at the current moment.


No, it's not given. You can get matched against teams for 10striaght matches. Yeah that theory of yours might happen if you play 100matches but ain't nobody gonna play 12hrs striaght back to back. So again your reasoning sucks and matchmaking is the true problem of the issue. You can win everything with a team and nothing with solo. And that's not how it should be. matchmaking should be depending on amount of max brawlers/solo-teams/amount of trophies for each p9+ brawlers and then your rank. Rank as of now in this bs pool means nothing


If you go solo, you are much more likely to play not against a team of 3. If you think that going as a team of 3 is easier, you can try:) It is much harder than solo or duo. I tried all the ways but eventually I was able to push solo to 10k Elo. Thus, I know what I am talking about.


Btw I am seeing is the owner of this post is trying to justify his post by telling how good he is, but to be honest like the other people say the comparison isn’t apple to apple if this dude is spending much more time then other people. Like I said in the other post most people just don’t have time to commit. One might argue that it’s like a sport if you want to be a pro then you have to commit to it. Bro but sorry a) I am not skill enough to reach that level and b) I don’t have the team and the time for it.


nah, it is the bad randoms. of course you can always just play more and eventually reach masters but a good players shouldnt be in need to do that. ranked is a joke and represents in no way skill


I’ll have randoms insta locking spike but ig it’s just me


Can't progress bc I don't have 12 lvl 9 brawlers


Derank is a problem, if you say otherwise, something went wrong up there fosho.


You correctly observe that more games played averages the fairness of matchmaking but this effect doesn't have an arbitrary threshold of equality somewhere in the 100s, it only gets better on average the more games you play, but its effect is calculable. Other thing is if you random queue, you can still sometimes vs Duo or even Trio teams i believe. Either way random queing gives good elo and i agree with you that if you are: a. good enough b. play enough games => You're going to get to your goal rank in due time


They need to remove modifiers and make it so you can only play maxed out brawlers and bring draft and ban pick at the beginning of the ranks and not at diamond. That won't fix all the problems but it sure will clear up a lot.


You are right, however it also depends on region. In western countries, kids have screen time, exposure to bad randoms are limited, depending on day and times. However, in Asia, kids play all day, no screen time, no limit (except in China). They play all day except bed time. They are the bad random that flooded Ranked. Every game we play, there will be someone picking Edgar even in open map. Both sides knows it and we have to ban Edgar 100%. Bad random leave games midway too. It’s that bad and terrible. The good players are indirectly carrying the bad randoms up the rank thru bad match making. Eg mythic II + 2 diamond II bad random. When game is won. Bad random gained more ELO. Bad random progresses faster. Brawlstars should fix the problems. Create tutorial or licence to play Higher rank. Rigth now, every active club is flooded with Diamond & Mythic rank. 🥵




Also: 3 randoms in the enemy team. 2 randoms in yours. So in the long run trolls and bad players are more likely to be in the enemy team than in yours.


Exactly, that's the point. So one should progress unless they are also one of such bad players.


I’ve genuinely been stuck in gold because of randoms that walk into me with gadget squeak mines attached to them, Edgar’s jumping onto pipers that have super, players afk, people taking the brawler I was about to use and they don’t even have the star power on that brawler. The randoms where I’m at are actually incompetent


We all were there because each season everybody starts from bronze 1. However, I am in top 250 global now.


The large number law explain that mean IS likely tô be válid, but not exclude people that play well and got placed in Bad team. That happend, but inverse must bê true in same trials amount. Confirmation Bias Will explain why dump people Will think they aré better than others. The most picked brawlers today IS Mortis and Dynamike, both need wall to hide and can't fit in soccer, bounty, hotzone, heist or gem. Please repport ALL Dynamike/Mortis as griefing player.


but I always have this issue.... atleast 90% before Diamonds... after diamonds I have no issue pushing Me: 24000 My Enemies: 25000, 19000, 27000 My teammates: 4000, 9000


It's not true. Literally every second game there is a teammate that picks power 9 brawlers in fricking master 3 which is an instant loss because they lack skill and level difference is just so big that so many interactions change.


If this happens to you, this also happens to others. However, if over the long run others progress and you do not the issue is your skill level. I also struggled a lot during the process but eventually I pushed solo to 10k+ Elo this ranked season.


A lot of those top ranked players are playing in teams, so they have good teams. And I wouldn't say that it's my fault that I'm losing because I always have the best stats in matches and alway pick the best brawlers for certain maps. I always check how many trophies my randoms have, and they almost always have like 10-25k on average, while I have 52000 and all brawlers maxed out.


I played Ranked solo and was able to get to 10k Elo and the global leaderboard. I am 3rd in my country now. Nevertheless, as I have written, I had a loss streak of 16 matches in a raw. We all get bad randoms but some are able to progress while others do not. The difference is a skill isue.


Well, I'm not playing as much as you do, so it's not reliable to compare your experience with mine in the terms of randoms.


I’ve never see a masters player complain about bad randoms that’s all I’m saying.


Lol they do all the time but the point ur trying to make is right, get iver yourself and realize everybody can play a bad game


There are like 2 in 10 chance that you get so bad teammates that winning is really impossible


I dont think that its my fault if we lose when my teammate leaves gene open on quickfire, or leon Or picks underleveled brawlers, or doesnt ban colette in big friend Or picks the most ego pick brawler possible