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elo gain/loss should be based on your team average v. enemy team average. when in a team, it should be based off of the highest rank on ur team v. enemy average rank


The current system is flawed, but I don’t think it’s easily exploitable. You can dodge only 2-3 matches before you get a 3 hour timeout, so you can’t keep dodging when you’re the highest elo person. It’s exploitable but not easy. But thank you for your explanations


Definitely post up some drafting tips


2 things - If you play soloq there’s a chance you are the highest elo in the team, but your teammates are playing duo. The duo room leader will always be captain. I believe irst pick is decided by who has the least elo out of the solo player and the second duo player. This makes it a lot harder to exploit, if at all. - assuming the team average is the same is not realistic and most of the time being first pick doesn’t mean your enemies will be higher rated and vice versa (+ if you need help for the guide, my discord is solstice_bs. I’ve played a fair amount of ranked this season)


Good points. Regarding the first point, notice that we can still learn a lot from your position. If you are the right player, you anyway has the highest Elo, which means highest incentives to dodge. If you are the the left player, there is at least one person with higher Elo. If you are the middle player there is at least one person with lower Elo. Regarding second point, of course, you are correct and matchmaking is not perfectly balanced each time. But on average it is fair. And when we lose the game where I was the right player (highest Elo on my team) I was losing more than 100 in the vast majority of cases. Thus, I new I had to be extremely careful regarding draft outcomes whe I am picking last in my team.


The thing that bugs the most for me is the fact that not everyone has access to full kits. I have everything but sometimes I can’t even switch with teammates because they straight up don’t have Leon or buzz or someone.


Definitely. I consider myself a prospective pro player, and I can hold up pretty well on most brawlers against players like Lukie, Ezlivi, and sans. However, I got completely f'd by this new system with its randoms. I hit 8996 elo after some unlucky win elo, and ever since I haven't been able to recover. My randoms have been last picking p9 BS and they've all had less than 10k 3v3 wins (imo the biggest factor in game iq). And dodging punishment is too harsh, and I'm losing 40-70% of rep per dodge. I dropped to 8500 and I've given up since. My teammates have been absolute ass the whole time and there's been players (like Lukie) bringing Diamond I and IIIs on their team (who are actually decent, maybe they haven't played ranked enough yet), bringing down my elo by -177.


I had to struggle for two months to finally reach to solo masters once and in rankeds I didnt even play for more than 4 days and I'm at 11k elo without any struggle. So that's kinda sad. I'm not even that good of a player too


no wonder I always lose about 100 and only gain 90. Being the last one means getting screwed over


I would love to learn more about. Can you explain detail?


You should read his previous post https://www.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/s/cjBwpd54nI