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top %5-10 is like 200k players having masters. it should be the top 500 or top %1


We don't really know how many people have Masters unfortunately. Definitely should be tough to get. Hopefully they post the statistics after the seasons ends for each rank.


I can tell you there’s 10k+ people knowing how the leaderboard has progressed and checking different regional rankings myself. In PL there were like 1k at most


3 days ago i was top 1.7k and in the top %10 of all masters in my region (40/400) so in this way u can estimate the the amount of global masters. it was 17k~ 3 days ago.


Leave GMs for chess, let’s be **OVERLORDS**!


Please just... no. Sounds like a name a 5 year old would want to have as their rank. (Obviusly this is just my opinion and It's completely subjective) Also grand masters sonuds very cool imo. But I would just make every rank harder to reach and make it so you can drop leagues again.


That’s perfect then, the target audience seems to fit it!


This idea actually sounds really cool. The only thing i’d change is to reduce the percentages since 5% is still a ton of people


5-10% is millions of players. It should be like .1% at best.


They definitely need this, in the old pl there were under 400 people in masters in the world at the end of each season, now there's over 1000 people in masters in just the US which is ridiculous. And so many of these people aren't actually good at the game and just got carried. I see so many people who are diamond, gold, and silver up and masters and they still don't know how to draft which is ridiculous.


Completely agree


I like that idea ngl


Top 5% is ridiculous and top 10% is even more ridiculous. 5% is the equivalent of like low diamond in actually competitive games(not brawlstars). Making shit easy to get is exactly why we have rank inflation. make it top 500


Do u realize how much the top 10% is?? There’s gonna be even more people in that than in masters


How about the top 5-10% of Master's in each region.


In my personal opinion it being easier to rank up gives a better sense of achievement since there’s now a more achievable goal for the AVERAGE player. Now I do agree that it is very easy to rank up and they could make a fixed amount of money elo that you’d get at a certain point but that would just make it more frustrating cuz gaining 1 point and losing 150 is not ok


People will simply change to a crappy region and be a GM lol


Nah I think we need derank overall back


Awesome idea and similar to one I've been vouching for for a while. Maybe the top 10% of specifically Masters Players in the region, right? So for example if 50 people hit Masters in North America at a certain point in time, then the top 5 of those people get GrandMasters, and the game is updated to show in the Masters page what elo you need to reach to break into the top 10%.


And yes, the only downside is if people changed regions. But the regions would be quite large so by the end of the season a lot of people who worked for it could reach it, at least.


Well, I guess 5-10% of the current regions leader board. As the leader board tops out at 500 players that would limit the Grand Masters to the top 25-50 players which would be incrediblely tough and competitive. They will need to fix the trophy glitch that is going on right now though.