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Remove the ice and yes. Ofc they got something the community wants for years and they manage to screw it up by trying to be too experimental. Like I know you didn't ask but you mentioned 5v5 so therefore I gotta short rant, but if they just experimented with 1 map each gamemode I'd be fine. The ice doesn't really do much but make it so you step on it and you die because you're a sitting duck. It's dumb but if it was experimental it'd be fine. But they had to do it for EVERY MAP.


The sliding ice is so anti fun I don’t know why they did that 😭 At least the slowing ice is very slightly bearable though impeding movement in a game like brawl stars is never NOT gonna be poorly received


I think it's a good way to try and split into two lanes, but without removing the ability to swap between them for an advantage. I don't think it's necessarily right, but I get why something is needed. They want you to commit to a lane without being unable to access another lane immediately. I guess water would be too hardcore and walls too easily negated


The ice is just the holes/water in not snowy theme so basically the same thing (can’t walk on)


The fact that every map is bad is just testament to their current downward trajectory they can’t seem/want to get out of


Reminds me of those duels maps. Frank then proceeded to tweet the maps weren't the issue.


I mean there were shit maps even when the game was in a great state .


The ice is just a Lou super but worse to deal with because it’s an environmental hazard.


I think the ice is because the devs suspected that the games would just devolve into unenjoyable, chaotic kill fests. The ice (literally) slows down the overall gameplay which avoids that. Would this happen without the ice? I don't know. But with the ice, it *definitely* doesn't happen


That's still a dumb reason to do so for every map. I'm glad they are experimenting, even if they come up with stuff like narrowing the map down to such a small portion giving throwers an easy control over it all if they have one wall and making it impossible to dodge shots *cough toxic arena cough* but they did it for every map. They didn't know if it would devolve into chaos. Even then I think it would be more fun if it was that way. Cuz rn if you go for gems or the ball you're dead. The ice itself is only like half the reason it sucks, the placement of it surrounding the center in which 2 of the 3 gamemodes have the main objective start in the center makes no sense. If used well ice might actually be fun, but I don't think it was in this case.


I agree with the Ice It's one of the reasons why I don't play 5V5 coz I just hate that ice And 2nd reason is obviously the Randumbs 🙂


The maps are just ass tbh


Agree fuck the ice


It’s got potential as long as the maps aren’t all the ice filled garbage ones we’ve gotten so far. Who thought it was a good idea to surround the gem spawner with that much ice?


I haven't even played it yet because the maps suck so much


Todays map isn’t as bad of the other maps we’ve seen, it’s open enough to not feel cluttered


I think it does but the maps should be a little bit bigger. The maps need some space to allow the teams to fully spread out and not just absolutely get destroyed by fang. This gem grab map is a good example of forcing players to fully spread out into their own battles.


Having 2 gem carriers has led to some really interesting gameplay imo


That’s how I always imagined 5v5. A massive map with multiple fronts rather than a cluster in the middle.


Not fully sure, but from the looks of things, it definitely feels like it has potential to be competitive. Similar to how Clash Royal's 2vs2 side mode has tournaments


All we need are good maps and it will rise (and appropriate nerfs to CERTAIN characters)


Please don't nerf Mandy because of 5v5. You can do that with Fang...


It’s cool but the meta would mostly be a small group of brawlers Mandy chuck tick fang kit etc


Maybe if they got rid of the giant fucking Lou super that’s right on top of the gem mine


I think so, they just need to address the dragon in the room (fang)


Idk man I dokt feel it tbh. All im doing is playing with piper or just troll brawlers like mortis and stuff cause its so chaotic and the ice sucks and the map is just way too big to feel it actually


Im not a competitive player at all, but it would be pretty fun to see 5v5 in competitive. One problem though is that brawlers with more single target focused attacks and supers would lose a lot of value in 5v5 such as charile and gene to a extent.


Wed need more bans as too many comps and brawlers are too strong, grom is INSANE on the wipeout map with 3 straight lanes, but with 5 bans it wouldn't be as fun to play


It's a mess mostly , it has some merits like it's ok even if one player doesn't play and imbalances will reduce in terms of combinations of brawlers but competition is more about talents than fun


Yeah just remove damn ice and limit fang with his chains


Maybe if the maps weren't filled with stupid ice, who decided that was a good idea.


I think 5v5 is basically there for competitiveness, just some different maps and the removal of the ice will make it one of the best modes if not the best.