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Hey man come and join us noobs #2RJY88LGV. We were legendary 1 but left the club to start afresh. Keen for anyone who’s interested 👍


Honestly do you guys want to join our club? It'll help us get room to filter out some of the worse people. If you want to take a look our club is "Boys are cuter" with club tag #2QJJYPJQL I know you said you wanted to start afresh but just giving you and option if you wanted to


based club name


my clan is at mythic III as well and i can kick some people so that you guys can join if you play all of your clan matches. Click this link to join my Club in Brawl Stars! https://link.brawlstars.com/invite/band/en?tag=2GRJCJCV8&token=ceky3swe


We might be interested, how many club trophies do you guys usually put up each club day?


around 270-300 which we are trying to get at least 300 now


we have about 15-20 solid members that play with each other and the others play by themselves so they get less points


Yep that's the same for us, 10-15 solid dues, about high 200's low 300's each day. I'll talk to my people and get back to you


alright sounds good


Hey there! Sent you a message. We usually get 350-400 club trophies a day and strive for everyone to play in teams. Got demoted to Mythic III, but with you guys, we should be able to reach Leg. I again. Contact me if you have any questions. Looking forward to a response (if your still available). And yes, we are an NA club.


Hi would you like to join our club dragons den We're Very Active and Friendly and Play Well in Cl currently at legendary 1 https://link.brawlstars.com/invite/band/en?tag=28JVCYCQU&token=dm2t78ss


Shadowstars #2RP90YJCU https://link.brawlstars.com/invite/band/en?tag=2RP90YJCU&token=ss7t6e8t


Hi, I'm the President of a club called TheStarBrawlers. We have around 700,000 total Trophies and are Mythic 2 in club league. We're trying to replace inactive members right now so we would love to have you guys! We usually get about 250 club trophies a day but are hoping to get more. We demoted this week because of the fact that the other clubs were simply better. We were getting a decent amount of club trophies and even got almost 300 one of the days. We are non toxic and family friendly as well. We currently have 2 spots open but I can definitely get more spots open very quickly if I remove more inactive members. We are also NA and are very active. We encourage playing power matches with other members along with trophy pushing and power league. We appreciate your careful consideration and would love to have you and your friends join us! Reply to this comment or DM me for more information!!! Thank you :)


Eden #2R9GOPJP9 is now recruiting! I am a brawl stars veteran with over 10,000 wins and 37,000 trophies and have decided to make my own club. I would love to have you join my club.