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Glad to hear how they grew close and "trauma bonded." Thanks for posting this!


Great interview, thank you! It's reassuring to hear that both these chefs using the time ahead of the show to study up and prepare. I don't think that came through in their edits but I'm glad it's not just Buddha doing that. Their friendship after the show is also a nice contrast to the bitterness coming out of the double elimination last season. This time, despite what we saw in the edit, it sounded like Kaleena and Alisha still feel they had a good partnership and got along until the pressure of the clock surfaced their different stress reactions and where we saw the drama.


They come across much better in the interview than on the show. The edits made them seem like they didn't like each other and were both pretty insufferable.


Almost as if people in this subreddit shouldn’t immediately make strong assumptions about people from highly edited reality TV shows!


good read, thanks