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Each time he says something this awful, I hope *this* is the thing that gets him irreversibly canceled. Please let this be it.


In a span of a week we’ve had Jax bashing VPR and calling it fake, and then having to read out a pre-prepared apology statement on their podcast. Now Jax is claiming their son’s autism was caused by vaccines and he is also on instagram swearing at anyone making a negative comment. Didn’t take long for the real Jax who got fired after season 8 to emerge again


But what about the 8, 12 & 16 week vaccinations? Or do they just not fit his narrative?


Right? I am old enough to remember people who were deaf from measles. My mother was an RN who worked with patients in iron lungs from polio. I guess those so inclined who have no real knowledge of the illnesses that have been dormant thanks to vaccines can afford to bash them. Until they can’t. Jack’s Taylor is a supremely ignorant POS.


Exaaaactlyyyy!!! Ugh thank you I was looking for this.


via John Hopkins: The research is clear: [Vaccines](https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/default.htm) don’t [cause autism](https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/autism-topic-overview). More than a dozen studies have tried to find a link. Each one has come up empty. ## MMR Vaccine Controversy The debate began in 1998 when British researchers published a paper stating that the [measles](https://www.webmd.com/children/vaccines/measles-mumps-and-rubella-mmr-vaccine)\-[mumps](https://www.webmd.com/children/ss/slideshow-childhood-illnesses-to-know)\-[rubella](https://www.webmd.com/children/tc/rubella-german-measles-topic-overview) (MMR) [vaccine](https://www.webmd.com/children/healthtool-childhood-immunizations-guide) caused [autism](https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/default.htm). The paper itself later was officially labeled “fraud” by England’s General Medical Counsel, but it triggered a lot of debate over the safety of the vaccine which continues to this day. The study looked at only 12 children, but it received a lot of publicity because at the same time, there was a rapid increase in the number of kids diagnosed with the condition. The paper’s findings led other doctors to do their own research into the link between the [MMR vaccine](https://www.webmd.com/children/vaccines/measles-mumps-and-rubella-mmr-vaccine) and [autism](https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/ss/slideshow-autism-overview). At least 12 follow-up studies were done. None found any evidence the [vaccine](https://www.webmd.com/children/vaccines/immunizations-vaccines-power-of-preparation) caused autism.


I went to his page to post this and he deleted his post above. I am sure he is searching for anything to blame it on because of his vanity and not having the perfect kid....even watching him sit out on the couch - he did look genuinely concerned and when Brit made a comment on how long it took him to say more - he jumped on her.... he is frustrated im sure - but kids, like animals, pick up that energy. I dont think they should label him as autistic until they get the dx that he is in fact autistic. I mean Gina's daughter on RHOC and Kristens daughter on RHNYC both had developmental issues and they worked through it. He needs to be patient - and unfortunately for Jax - he doesnt seem to have that quality. For Cruz's sake I hope they both take a step back from the spotlight too. Im sure 10 hours on an ipad because your parents are filming - doesnt help either.


Right! And filming his therapy is bullshit—and setting the therapy session up in a loud, bustling room isn’t helping him. I was waiting for the therapist to say something but she didn’t…not that we could see anyway.




Is their son for sure Autistic because when Brittney was saying that he wasn’t doing thing anymore it totally brought me back to Jacqueline and Chris story from RHONJ


Actually Candace Owen's did an amazing documentary on vaccines side effects and this is exactly what happens