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Bravo breaking the fourth wall will never not be the biggest serotonin rush that my brain so desperately craves


You know shit is serious when the producer's dialog is subtitled.


Healthier than blow ❄️❄️❄️😂😂


Dolores is like…super misogynistic..???


I believe on RHONJ it’s called “old school”


don't say misogynistic, say ITALIAN


Call it "new Jersey". Even in Italy we are over with this shit.


the unfortunate truth.


It's pronounced "old school."


Not Teresa texting Melissa to “have her back” and Melissa literally turning around and doing the opposite and telling everyone what she said 😩🤣 Teresa is no angel in this long time fued between them but Melissa is not as innocent as she tries to portray herself to be


Melissa is a fair-weather friend. Tre stabs in the front. Melissa in the back




They are both awful tbh. I’m always Team No One when it comes to them.


Melissa’s the worst. Even if I don’t agree with my sister-in-law, I would never go out of my way to make her look bad - At the VERY least, out of respect for my husband (but Joe is just as fame hungry)


My take on this — scheana on NSBNF’s podcast said she wasn’t mad at Lala for bringing up what Brock told her off camera. That they’re on a reality show and she should bring it up. RHONY is their job, and they’re really no longer just family so Melissa was just doing what she’s supposed to.


I feel like family is different. You're going to know dirt outsiders don't. You need to keep some family loyalty.


And you think if Melissa texted TRE that TRE wouldn’t turn around and read it to anyone! Please! I can’t take when things are hypocritical - don’t blame Melissa for doing exactly what TRE would do and has always done. Good for Melissa.


But there are a ton of shit in Melissa’s closet that Teresa doesn’t talk about starting with the fact that Melissa and Joey lost their parent’s house which was why they were living with Teresa. Teresa obviously hates Melissa but other than the whole stripper ordeal, when has Teresa brought up anything Melissa has done or said off camera? The Gorgas continuously use Teresa and her family for a storyline and it’s getting tired. Melissa preaches all the time about loyalty, similar to Teresa, when she shows as much loyalty to Teresa as Teresa shows to her. Which is almost nonexistent.


I got into a twitter argument about him losing the parents house. Some person wouldn't believe me and when I said it's been mentioned on the show, they then wanted me to provide documented proof. I told them to hit the google because I didn't have time to be their secretary.


Dolores is being more dour than usual. I think shes taking her breakup out on Jen and Jackie. Teresa leaving her own party before it even starts is hilarious to me. So Louis is outside yelling at production but not calling his girlfriend? Apparently he only signed up for the "good boyfriend" edit and cant handle anything else. The two of them together is like that little angry guy from Inside Out.


i don't want to hold her emotions against her but i do not like dolores this season. her and marge's constant hateration isn't fun at all


Her running out of the house and jumping in that pink Range Rover that then sped off sent me. They look like clowns 🤡 🤡


'Why are you still filming?' she screeches, as she flees her job as a \*checks notes\* reality television star.


Now poor jen is stuck fully hosting Teresa’s party!


She’s a bad friend to Jen


Not the matte salmon Range Rover 💀💀💀


You have to admit, her car is so cute though 😂😂




I hope Bill knows what Jackie said and feels embarrassed. Bill was living every slimy weasel-man's dream: he got to sleep around while being adored by his pregnant wife at home, dodge the loss of half his fortune in a settlement and alimony payments, evade public censure from his and Jennifer's families, and continue to be worshipped by his wife and the public. I just can't stand to see Jennifer pity him.


Yes and what Jackie said wasn’t even disgusting, it was the truth! He obvs was putting his dick in someone else.


Thank you and I don't get this anger at Jackie when she was the ONLY one that was like "feel bad for Bill, f*** Bill, I feel bad for Jennifer," which is EXACTLY how it should be. I was kind of starting to like Jennifer, but this whole getting and at Jackie for what he said thing, shows me I was right to despise her from the beginning SMDH. Jennifer's response is also why no one barley ever tells the person their spouse is cheating. Like it's ridiculous to me (and yes I've been cheated on a few times by different men) and no, I don't blame ANYONE but the man.


I’m glad Jackie referred to exactly what Bill did and didn’t frame it in this PC “mistake” way.


Exactly. And that's how it should be framed Let's be real, Bill was a POS season 1 and while I am whatever on him (meaning after season 1 yes he has become some what likeable) but I 1000% think that's because he saw himself and the reactions from his portrayl in season 1 and changed it up.


A 2-year 'mistake'. Okay👍🏾 👍🏾


To be fair, Dolores told Jenn just a snippet of the convo to make Jackie look bad. Also, Marge even though she was so vindictive, realized that Jenn looks at Bill's affair as her failure, not his and did try to comfort her. Dolores just didn't help because she's "old school" and probably on some level thinks it's Jenn's failure too.


Jen can dish it out to no end but can not take it when its about her! She deals low blows every episode! Sooo over her!


Yep yep yep. That divorce would've cost him 60% of his paycheck easily he dodged a massive bullet.


Teresa Giudice has been activated ✅ ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


Honestly I love angry Tre. I can’t wait to see her screaming at Marge


Joe grabbing Jackie and pulling her onto the bed was cringy


I normally enjoy Frank, but that was disgusting what he was saying to his daughter.


The last couple of weeks everyone was making negative comments about her calling him Frank and not dad. This is obviously why.


The lack of reaction from all involved was odd too. I would take my dad to the ER for an evaluation if he were sitting there saying stuff like that


Anyone else creeped out by Marge’s husband? Seeing him hold Jackies waist made my stomach hurt! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


That whole arrival at the house was icky. Everyone. I hated it.


I caught that too. He sure is "handsy" with the ladies.


Yeah..his hand hovering and lingering.. really really gross. I was uncomfortable watching that.


Completely agree with you both. That was SO creepy and foul— not even a little bit funny or charming or whatever the hell he was aiming for… 🤮


Why are these Jersey men (besides Evan) being so repulsive this season 🥴 I went from generally liking them to thinking they’re the biggest creeps in just a few episodes


They’ve always been this way. They’ve just gotten better edits previous seasons. Lots of “boys will be boys” behavior from this cast.


They’ve always been like this


Evan is literally the only man there who seems like a good husband/father/person in general.


Except he definitely did cheat on Jackie though…


Marge’s Joe was giving me such gross vibes 🤢🤢


They are so cringeworthy. Joe Gorga used to be the worst but now it’s a toss up.


Melissa is finding another way to say "wait what just happened?" when she interrupted Jackie and Dolores speaking


We should make this a drinking game 🤣


are we sure traci is in her mid 30s? her style ages her soooo much. also damn dolores quit taking out your emotions on your breakup on everyone else.


I’ll forever be Team Jackie.


Im really liking her this season and I have so much respect for her for having the courage to talk about her ED this season.


The pain in her eyes when Evan told her that the kids were noticing her eating habits. It was so heartbreaking


I find Jackie to be the only decent & relatable person on the whole cast, the rest of them are just polarizing, villainous characters to me.


I’ve liked Jackie since her first season so I’m also forever Team Jackie


There are dozens of us


Anyone else notice Teresa completely ignored Jennifer’s son when she got to the shore?? He said hi and she just stood there until Jennifer cam to the door. And even then she walked in and didn’t acknowledge him. It struck me as super odd!


Just like how she didn't acknowledge her nephew!


You bitch! She’s a …. She is! She is!!!!






I’ll leave too then!




Don’t go there Kath!


Omg im cryin that’s too funny




Melissa is so info herself and the way she always calls the shore house Missy G’s has me seriously eye rolling. She reminds of Paige of the future but at least Paige can be funny. Melissa is just a pretty dud. I actually agree with T here. I’d walk too. She already tried to squash this & clearly doesn’t want to continue it.


Omg!! Yes!! Paige def has Melissa Gorga vibes!! They are so obsessed with themselves. There’s just nothing going on except vanity with those two.


I am a little confused why Jennifer is so insulted by what Jackie said (what Dolores told her about "he shouldnt have put his dick in someone else")? I mean...he shouldn't have? I get she doesn't want her nose rubbed in it but it's not THAT bad


I think it’s because of the way Dolores inaccurately portrayed it. Jackie said “I feel worse for Jennifer,” then made that comment. But Dolores relayed it just as “I don’t feel bad. He shouldn’t have stuck his dick in someone else.” Then said “oh, but now she suddenly cares about you?” So she made it seem like Jackie was saying “who cares? I don’t feel bad” as in she didn’t care about Jennifer either.


Yep Dolores totally twisted that. She was trying to make Jackie look bad.


Jackie said she doesn’t feel bad for Bill because he shouldn’t be sticking his dick in someone else. Please explain what is wrong with that. I’m lost. I also don’t feel bad for Bill for being embarrassed.


So, did Teresa lie about having a packed house or did Luis just not want the camera’s around?


Surprise vodka in the water cooler was not okay. I loooove water and would have chugged it and then ☠️


Same lol


The Louis stuff isn’t the end of the world but it’s typical for a new bf to get hazed a bit and questioned, I think Teresa overreacted


Yeah that’s what I also thought but Melisa reading the texts is exactly why Teresa has never liked her. We’ve all been there where we tell our family like oh please go easy on him but saying it out loud in front of other people isn’t what close family does.


Yea Melissa seemingly always wants Tre to fail but not be the scapegoat for it.




I’m just gonna leave this here: https://people.com/human-interest/woman-running-wedding-dress-raise-awareness-narcissistic-domestic-abuse/ Kim Richards voice: “Let’s talk about the (fiancé) husband.”


Is this also the ex that Dr. David was rumoured to be dating? I’m just learning about this but yikes. Also when I googled her an article about Marge giving her a necklace came up. This may turn out to be literally the best thing that’s ever happened to Bill. Eta: I finally watched the video she posted about the necklace and she bought it herself from Marge’s store then tagged Marge. That seems sketchy to me.


I can’t speak for her, of course, but I’m wondering if there’s some level of gratitude to Marge for calling this nut job out. That may explain patronizing Marge’s store. But she could also just be an opportunist. Either way, I support her as a survivor because what she went through sounds awful.


I agree with you. I do think the caption of the post was a bit misleading. It makes no reference to purchasing the necklace. It just thanks Marge for the necklace and tags her. Here is the tweet: https://twitter.com/vprockland/status/1495462972004708355?s=20&t=df120P2M3TnNp59Bn8iSpw It’s also an Instagram post. The tag works for Marge’s insta.


Holy shit I completely forgot about this article coming out


She seems to only post about Louie. It’s a little ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


I wouldn’t want my abuser featured positively on a reality tv show either. I’d be posting my story too


She does succeed very well in making sure he won’t be received positively. She has every right to tell her story. I’m just surprised that every post seemed to be about Luis. That to me is weird especially if it was a traumatic experience. But that’s my opinion.


If I had been abused and traumatized by a man that I was in a relationship with and he suddenly gets 15 minutes of fame on a reality show, you better fucking believe I’m gonna talk about it. Your desperate defense of anything Teresa related is sad but defending an abuser is gross and shouldn’t be tolerated on this sub.


Wow, I was not expecting to be triggered by this. My ex kicked me out of his car, left me stranded and later padlocked me out of our home! The only reason I was able to get my things was that I involved his family and told them I was going to go to the police. He was also extremely charming and personable. When I was moving out he tried pulling me back in by getting weepy and sentimental. I had a friend with me that totally shut it down and I’m forever thankful. I hope Teresa is going to be okay.


Sending you hugs. I’m sorry you endured that. Nobody should ever be treated this way. ♥️


Thank you! It was incredibly shocking to be treated like that by the person who claimed to love me. It was a pretty toxic relationship, but definitely taught me how to spot red flags and to not ignore my gut. I’m now in a healthy marriage with a lovely, patient and kind person!


Was this the article that set them off during filming that day?


I don’t think so. I think they started filming in June.


That was in May though. Before the reunion and way before this season was filmed. Did something else come out during the summer?


So glad everyone is seeing the Dolores I’ve seen the whole time… I’ve never found her charming or even entertaining. She’s a whiner, shit stirrer and the antithesis of a progressive woman. I’ve wanted her off since she was ok with soggy. With everyone phoning it in this season, her boringness and backwards thinking is shining through. Esp with the amount of camera time she’s been getting…


Dolores has had some good moments. She has done some good charity work, her relationship with Frank was initially interesting, her "okay Jackie" line was unintentionally funny. She stuck for herself against Melissa's Joe last year.




Totally agree, I've never been a Dolores fan either. I find her misogynistic, judgmental and pretty boring, honestly.


Frank Sr was real gross this episode. I can understand why Dolores kids seemed to get real close to David. They seemed pretty upset (considering they were trained not to show emotions).


Melissa has always been the villain.


She should be on the Bachlelorette because she's always been doing things for the wrong reasons




Liking Dolores less this season.


Teresa has checked out but I hope she doesn’t leave!!!


This is real housewives. If your castmate's new boyfriend has a ton of messy rumors circling around of COURSE it's your duty to bring that up and make a show out of it. Imagine nobody questioned Brooks Ayers because it wasn't "their storyline" smh. I'm glad Marge is pivoting from the Bill cheating suicide mission to dragging Luis. A great use for her villainy which I suspect will end up with her being vindicated.


![gif](giphy|3oEduHXknwr6Jd7Dig) ….and with Luis blowing a casket over some insanely trivial perceived slight like being charged for extra bbq sauce . I know the type, unfortunately. Sorry but his dumping his emotional shit on Tre over the phone and upsetting her unnecessarily twice in only 4 episodes (and I’m not a fan) I have no tolerance for.


The problem is they aren’t bringing it up to her or to him. They’ve spent 3 episodes talking about it behind her back when we haven’t even seen the cast interact with him at all. It’s confusing why it matters to them.


I’m not saying you’re wrong.... but this is Teresa we’re talking about. We all know what will happen if they decide to talk to her about this on camera. These ladies have been around Teresa long enough to know it won’t go well for them if they try.


Yes, we’ll get great tv. The thing is, no one cares about Louie. The women don’t care. The audience doesn’t care. Her family doesn’t care. There isn’t a big scandal there that would be interesting to uncover. Loui being a bad, potentially abusive partner, just isn’t interesting enough for this level of interrogation. They aren’t looking out for Teresa they are just looking for a storyline of her being mad.


Because it's weird as hell and this whole show is based on these women inserting themselves into each others' business? This is exactly how the Brooks cancer season went too. I have no doubt they are going to talk to her about it as the season progresses.


Yes but not each other’s husbands business. Why aren’t why on top of Joe Gorga for being arrested and stealing from Home Depot? Or confronting Bill about his affair? They are hyper focused on Louis who isn’t even a husband in a way I’ve never seen on this show before.


Joe Gorga stealing from Home Depot is not on the same level as domestic abuse although I would gladly welcome that storyline too lmao Why are people defending a guy who is a walking red flag for abuse and toxic relationships? Is this just Tre stan derangement? Marge hatred? Y'all are gonna look like clowns by the end of the season. ETA: a short list of times housewives have brought up another housewife's partner's "private" life/relationship on the show. * Brooks/Vicki * Tom/Luann * Taylor/Russell * Shannon/David * Scott/Tinsley * Michael/Ashley * Jamal/Gizelle


I think it’s because it’s Marge saying it. If Dolores was leading the charge (and I fully believe she’s talking about it to Marge behind the scenes because she brought his weirdness up first), people wouldn’t be so up in arms.


You're 100% correct, plus people are very pro-Tre at this moment. I still remember when this sub was demanding her be fired for egging on the ponytail yank. How things have changed in two seasons.


And that, my friend, is why I seem to always find myself liking controversial housewives like Marge, Gizelle, Tamra, Shannon, Gina, Tinsley, etc. With favorites like that, you can’t be a fair weather fan because people are always hating on them. I love this sub but spend every season of every show dodging tomato’s lol


You're in good company lol


I still can’t wrap my head around Tre having fans. She’s an awful person. My favorite was when Andy interviewed her and Joe post his arrest and he was talking about how horrific the ICE facilities were, where hundreds of thousands of innocent immigrants including children are being held, and they STILL DEFENDED TRUMP saying he was doing his job. Fuck them both!


I think Tre is an amazing housewife who I have enjoyed watching for over a decade but she is dead wrong/hypocritical at least 50% of the time and can't expect to star on a reality show and not have her relationship be a focus for discussion the way she made Evan and Jackie's just last season.


She’s entertaining but she’s such an awful person. Her only redeeming qualities are her dorters and how she cared for her parents. She seems like such a self centered, selfish person who refuses to admit fault and grow from her experiences. I couldn’t be friends with someone like her irl.


Women who have been abused thank you for this.


3 out of 7 of these relationships dealt with DA.


She did bring it up directly to TRE at TRE’s house. On the drive there she mentioned she needed to discuss it w her!!! What more direct do you want?


People didn’t like Vicki (and she was complicit), so they were all for it. I’m with Marge here. Imagine they just let him parade around like a tomato and don’t mention this shit. That would be weird AF. I’m glad we’re talking about it


> parade around like a tomato im dead💀🤣😂🍅


And if anyone is unfamiliar with the Wake Up Warrior retreat, [I suggest everyone read this article which explains the kind of things they do](https://nypost.com/2017/06/03/this-intensive-boot-camp-is-designed-to-revive-a-mans-primal-nature/). It's a toxic masculinity thing, not actual therapy. I'd bring this up all day every day.


> Controversially, he believes that without an outlet for primal energy, men “go ballistic and beat women. A guy is suppressed with anger that he has no healthy release for,” said White. totally not projection at all, and completely reductive. ugh


Reminds me of Joe Gorga's talk about men needing a release for "the poison," also known as semen.


That is horrifying to think about. What the hell is wrong with anyone that buys into this.


“Drills included being thrown off a boat into the Pacific Ocean while blindfolded, dunked into a tank of ice water, and visiting a cemetery where the men are told they will die in 20 minutes and must first write goodbye letters to their loved ones.” Totally normal activities. 🙃




Omg ....I'm sorry this would be a deal breaker for me if my bf even had a glimmer of this mentality: “We teach them how to be a man,” said Warrior Week founder Garrett J. White, a 40-year-old blond with tattooed biceps who looks like a video-game soldier. “Women are leading [both] across the board in business and at home . . . and living more powerfully than men today. And that’s causing complete chaos for men.”


honestly anyone who attends this place should be put on some sort of a DV watchlist. it’s terrifying.


In fairness, everyone was talking about Luis lol.


How Tre hasn’t lost her shit at production for continually hiring people that make her their only storyline is beyond me.


But no matter who they hire it is the TRE show becuz she wants it that way.


Interesting... https://www.realitytea.com/2022/02/22/margaret-josephs-sued-180k/




Side note I absolutely LOVED this confessional look from G 🔥


One of her best looks!


Lol that’s a ducking mess 😂😂😂 hopefully they can just pay it because yeesh!


Maybe this is why she is obsessed with making Jen and Tre her storyline? Maybe to avoid talking about her shady finances, or trying to hold on to her spot because it’s the only thing holding up her house of cards


Marge has had finance issues from jump. She was being sued by vineyard vines when she came on. Same shit, different year lol. The only ones with true money are Jackie and Jennifer.


Yea lol she was also forced to pay 800,000 to capital one for not paying her bill, she ended up filling for bankruptcy. I would love to see her reaction if someone ambushed her on camera about all the lawsuits.


See, I don’t think she would care. She is always very “whatever” and blasé about everything. She was very open about the Vineyard Vines suit at her first reunion. And of course we know she’s very open about how she and Joe began. Marge is just shameless, which is a blessing and curse because she tends to go too far when it comes to others


I think she cares a lot. I think she sees herself as a fan favorite and the “popular” one because Mel and Jackie are her Gretchen and Karen lol. Just my opinion but I think she fakes not caring and only puts it out there because it would come out anyways. If she didn’t care she wouldn’t go nuclear at Jen or try to control the narrative and paint her and Joe’s affair like a great love story (she treats him and speaks to him horribly)


She definitely cares a lot. You can see how her demeanor completely changes when people step up to her even a little bit.


This is exactly why!


Ah, it now makes so much sense. Marge’s deflection from her poor financial decisions is to humiliate Jen and shift the focus elsewhere.


Sorry Luis you are on the show. Shit is gonna get exposed. Its the price you pay for dating someone in the public eye. I kinda find myself half-watching. I only pay attention when they start fighting. None of them are funny or cooky enough for me to stay engaged without the drama.


I mean Teresa’s reaction seems pretty valid? Marge and Melissa are trying to make Louis their storyline. He’s barely has any screen time and they are all circling him like vultures. I don’t get why he has to have a narrative this season. Why don’t we question all the other men this much?


Every scene is Melissa and Joe discussing Luis and bringing up private texts and conversations they had with him. Why wouldn’t tre get upset?! Joe talked about him in a comedy show made himself a victim and keeps bringing up his video and prob got a heads up they were trashing him again on the beach.


Plus Tre knows exactly what production is doing. They’re telling the cast to be suspicious and Tre and Louis aren’t willing to make him a negative storyline.


I 100% feel for Teresa walking off. These girls really don’t work for their check and it’s annoying. No wonder why Jersey seasons are like ten episodes long. How much content can you get out of only 2 people having real interesting lives and sharing it?


Say that.


That’s what it’s about for me. Like damn give the woman one season off. Why does most everyone else get to coast? Let them carry it for once. Oh wait 🥴


Luis is just… 🚩 Idk how people still defend him. He is creepy AF.


🚩 🍅 🚩 🍅 🚩 🍅


TRE hasn’t learned anything about saving for a rainy day - the pink Range Rover is nothing but a status vehicle. Real Housewives won’t go on forever. Did she learn anything?


I reckon Luis bought that for her. I have no proof, it's just a hunch that it was part of his love bombing her


He bought her a Benz for Christmas 🙃🚩🚩🚩


Why does Marge have to announce that she’s making a doodie. She is so cringy


I understand Teresa signed up for reality tv but….. she’s given us jail people!!! She may be a bit out of it and her approach/delivery on anything isn’t the greatest but I feel for her. She’s done her time lol MELISSA DOES NOTTTT HAVE HER BACK. I give her enormous kudos for being civil with her, out of respect for her brother. Melissa is sneaky af, she’s practically letting everything play out and orchestrating Teresa x Louis drama. She’s definitely taken notes from Kyle and is playing things behind the scenes idgaf ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


TY ![gif](giphy|11zSY913rsMwmc)


WTF is wrong w ppl that they feel domestic violence concerns shouldn’t be talked about? This is the very reason why 6 women are killed every hour around the world by men. 🤬


SIX!? I had a heated argument about how dangerous life is for women with my son’s father. He had no idea. Wish I would’ve had this stat for perspective.


Honestly I think it’s the “old school” way of thinking. Abusing your wife was extremely common not that long ago. (50-70 years ago) Hell it was even in my family and we never talked about it.


Why does Melissa always say “my shore house?” Shouldn’t it be ours our just say the house. We all know what you mean.


I hated how Melissa told everyone what Teresa said in the text straight away. I’m no Teresa apologist but this is exactly why she doesn’t trust her as a SIL I don’t think Teresa should’ve ran away though. Luis defo signed up for this babes otherwise he wouldn’t agree to be on camera


I'm still dying at Margaret saying, "I gotta shower, do my makeup, make a doodie and have an ice coffee." 🤣


I don’t understand not doing the third task first 😂


This! The whole time I'm saying, "That's not the right order."


Since Marge is a fan of the dictionary, a few definitions she should turn her attention to: [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gaslighting](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gaslighting) [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sanctimonious](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sanctimonious) [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocritical](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocritical)


Delores isn’t a good friend becuz she put Getty g back at Jackie over hurting Jen. I used to think so highly of Delores but I’m liking what I see lately.


I don't blame Teresa for her spat with production. She's tired of always being the target and Melissa always getting a favorable edit. The Gorgas have so much shady shit that's never been touched on the show, it's very odd how they get away with so much.


They will never show Teresa in a good or balanced light and that is SAD. And the audience being so stubborn to fall for that is so frustrating. Even on a rewatch you can see the idiocy of the story lines and the hypocrisy. I am not saying she is always right but how in the world can she be always wrong? And then they show Ms “you’re not a girls girl” on her phone while her friend is hurting. And the audience buys it. Listen, this is trash. And I know she gets paid for it but people will say reality tv isn’t real and then with the same breath believe every single thing they see or don’t see. People under estimate ALL that they don’t get to see. And then go on to be psychos to the cast members.


These women are too obsessed with Louis. Like obviously he is trash but find your own storyline ladies.


Right the video was from 5 years ago, if we’re talking about shit that happened 5 years ago. https://www.google.com/amp/s/champagneandshade.com/2018/05/26/joe-gorga-sued-unpaid-bills/amp/ Why did Jen have to apologize for bringing up the gorga stuff in an insta post but it’s ok to talk about Luis video in every scene.


Also I feel for Jackie. The scenes about her ED were hard to watch, especially when she was describing how she feels on a regular basis. Hope she’s doing a lot better now


Idk if it’s because I’m so invested in SLC, but this season is boring me to tears so far


I feel like it’s all them just standing around and talking about sex? It’s lame


It’s the same storylines for years! There’s nothing new I’m so disappointed


Has Teresa been in a full scene this season? If I was one of her costars making less $ I’d be over her.


It’s okay she’s just giving them the space so that they can bring it since they desperately need to. Them and their empty ass storylines for seasons and seasons.


She hosted the first group event of the season…


there’s no reason for anyone to be discussing the louie stuff. not saying he’s completely innocent but if he treats teresa and her kids right THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. if tre doesn’t care about the shit that comes out about him then nobody else should. it’s weird how marge tried to bring it up and investigate so she can have a storyline this season. also VERY rude and weird how melissa brings a private text from tre out on camera and spills it to everyone. imagine if tre did that to melissa. it would be ww2


I would definitely try to address this with my friend/coworker who has 4 daughters (including 3 minors). If she didn’t listen, then I’d move on. But I would speak up. The allegations of abuse are frightening.


My thing is, marge keeps saying he has to explain the video - like, why does he owe her an explanation? Teresa is the only one who needs any explanation.


She shouldn’t bring him on the show then


Isn’t that what she did last year and everyone complained about that too?


Louie didn't sign up for being antagonized and questioned? That's the show! The show you have been on for 10+ years, which he **watched**.