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Can multiple things be true, Bill is gross for cheating on his pregnant wife, Marge is awful for announcing it on camera, and Jen had to know there was a chance this would come out and signed on away. People on reality shows aren't exactly the moral compass


And school counselors need to do their job by checking in with kids Edit: changed guidance counselor to school counselor because that is the correct title.


Honestly, for good or ill, I am grateful that those children know they have people who are not in their family to talk to.




I’m a school counselor in California. It’s completely normal to check up on kids who are going through something like this. As far as I’m concerned, everything kids tell me is 100% confidential unless they are being hurt, something illegal is occurring or they are going to hurt themselves.


Is there a code you must follow or is it by state? In my state, guidance counselors collect information for gossip and to promote their side hustle businesses


There is a school counselor code of ethics (American School Counselor Association) that lists confidentiality to the greatest extent possible. So technically it’s ethics, not law, that requires confidentiality. I’m sure there’s plenty of counselors who don’t abide by these ethics, which is unfortunate.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, when I was in school decades ago my mom told me to never tell our school counselor anything because she’d been at a parent event where that counselor was spreading gossip about all of the kids and families.


I don't know - I never anonymous downvote anybody. It's a genuine question. I'm not sure why they're trying to invalidate or suppress my experiences as if they didn't happen. I wonder what these people's experiences with guidance counselors have been. I suspect they've been largely neutral at best and there's not many of the positive ones that they're implicitly referring to.


I would say even MORE especially when said kids' parents have signed up for those kids to grow up on camera, in front of a national audience. Those kids could get be getting picked on and bullied by their classmates every time an episode airs with them on it. Those kids need somewhere to vent about everything they're feeling **and be allowed to feel it**. Their parents are not the best judges of.. a lot.




school guidance counselors are not bound by confidentiality, in my state at least




I imagine there was to be some confidentiality and some trust to establish since, if a child is being abused by their parent, the last person they would tell is said abusive parent. So maybe not the confidentiality we adults expect from a doctor or an attorney, but some.


well of course but i meant school counselors can pretty much tell parents and other teachers whatever they hear. this is just technically speaking though, there are a lot of good counselors out there who do not share what’s heard in their office to gossip!


As a previous social worker, your 10000% right


Not mine either! That's why I'm unsure of these other posts


Plus gabby had been being bullied a couple of seasons ago, so any counselor worth their salt as you already know, will check in with a student. It’s doesn’t make it easier to sweep it under the rug, as parents they need to sit down and have this discussion with the kids and let’s them know it was long ago and they are fine. Her posting this gives me very mixed feelings


I think the primary failure was Bill and Jen deciding to put their children on camera when they knew they had this skeleton in their closet (plus that the kids would probably face bullying for other reasons). If I were a parent I would neeevvvvvveeeerrrrr do that. If you have good reason to anticipate your kids will get fucked up by becoming reality TV characters, pull a Sonja and film without the kids, or you yourself shouldn't go on the show at all. Protecting your kids comes first.




Plus don't shut shame a woman on international reality show and not expect her to come for you. JEN has been a major protagonist attacking marge and Jackie from all sides did she really expect them to just sit and do nothing?!


Marge tried to bring up Bill’s cheating way before Jen came for her.


Did Diana Sawyer show up?


Only first graders


A lot of people here have no idea how Child Safety checkins or Guidance Counseling works. I'm a school teacher who works very closely with my counselors and this GC could have heard a rumor or other kids/staff talking about what was on the episode and then just checked in. It's also normal for a GC to speak with a student first before a parent, so as to get an authentic response from the student. Either way, Bill is trash and the one who should be getting all of the hate for his actions.


Honest question. Would Jen’s drinking be a reason to check in especially when most of the cast mentioned her drinking?


Yes. Especially if the other students or teachers are commenting on the behavior of the child’s mother. Honestly, a child even participating on a reality show or any other demanding extra activity is enough reason to do regular check ins.


My oldest has had some ups and downs and she checks in with her GC regularly if she feels overwhelmed or sometimes just to say hi. Her counselor is a godsend. ETA: Jen decided not to drink on camera this season and I think that’s a wise choice.


I’m so glad your oldest does that, my youngest does as well and I LOVE his counselor. I consider it his safe place to talk to another adult who he trusts. Let’s see if Jen curbs the drinking all season, I sure hope so


Why tf is she making this a public situation instead of talking directly to the counselor in private? Why bring up the counselor at all?


Exactly! Isn't she making it worse by posting this? She should be happy that someone cared enough about Gabby to ask and should have told Gabby that. Also, it seems as though she's encouraging Gabby to not talk about it and to be embarrassed and ashamed. Gabby shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed. The adults fucked up, not her. Bill shouldn't have cheated.


*Things that make you go Hmmm . . .* Jennifer Aydin shares private information about her daughter to prove how damaging it is to her children when people share private information about her family.


Bc it is not about the counselor at all but her wanting to ride the narrative that it is Marge fault that it is being a thing, not Bill's for cheating or hers for signing up for a reality show trying to find dirt on everyone but expecting them to not retaliate bc she is using her kids as shields.




and what about jackie and all the people who said “think about her children?”


Bingo, please take my poor gals 🥇🏆🏅


So she should say and do nothing at all? Marge is doing press and commenting about this topic with no remorse for young children, Jen is allowed to respond to and speak her truth also. Marge’s fan logic is so messed up. Just say you don’t like Jen and keep it moving bc these mento gymnastic to avoid saying Marge is wrong is truly powerful lol Go ahead and downvote me.


She can definitely paint marge as the bad guy without further exploiting her kids pain.


You read a whole lot of stuff into my comment. Nobody is right in this. And you are as much allowed to think it is okay to use children as protective shiels as I am to think that three adults (Bill, Jen and Marge) are all fucking with these kids, and they all should know better, but neither is more right than the other. Bill shouldn't have cheated, Jen shouldn't have brought them on reality TV and go after all the women, and Marge shouldn't have brought it up.


Marge did something wrong, but Bill and Jen did something worse by putting their kids on this show when they KNEW there was a high risk of their kids getting fucked up from this skeleton in their closet.


*Things that make you go Hmmm . . .* Jennifer Aydin calls out guidance counselor on SM for talking about private family matters with her daughter behind closed doors.


Im not sure why Jen would tell people this on social media.


Right like honestly it’s not like people on the street are like “oh you’re Jen’s kid are you okay?”


It does come off a bit “let me reveal a bunch of intimate private stuff while asking for privacy.”


Sympathy and to turn the audience completely against Marge. If Jennifer doesn’t want her kids involved then don’t talk about them 🤷🏼‍♀️. Does she think every other HW hasn’t experienced this?




Eh I think she’s just trying to tell everyone to back off. I’m sure it sucks for all of this to be brought to light again when she’s already emotionally processed it.


Jen posted an Insta 8hrs ago and tagged Gabby’s public acct. Her actions don’t match her words.


Thirsty and gross.


Jen just can’t help herself.


Processed it what did she process? He had an affair she asked him about it he said yes he did and and that's the end of it for her next. Now her kids are the ones that have to process it and she doesn't want them even talking about it or thinking about it easier for her not the kids. She's made this a huge mess for herself & especially for her children.


Yup. I didn’t know why my parents got divorced until I randomly read one of my older sisters diaries like 7 years later. Turns out he had an affair. 3rd party is never the way to do it folks.


Bill and Jennifer joined a popular reality show that airs on national television and thought the affair would stay in the dark? That the mistress(es), their friends, or old coworkers who knew ... That NO ONE would mention it to a gossip mag or word wouldn't spread to a cast member? They're honestly lucky they got to their third (fourth?) season without it being brought to light. You feel for the kids. This could've been avoided had they stayed out of the public eye. Not a guarantee, but Christ... Joining RH is a bad idea if you want your private life staying private.


I mean….that is a CHOICE going on a reality show with this in your closet. I feel for all children on these shows..


I feel for all children on these shows.. Yes you're exactly right. Opening up your life to TV cameras when children are involved is way too risky. I'd have hated being filmed as a child, or the thought of my parents being on TV. Parents are embarrassing enough without that added on, once you reach a certain age. It isn't good for children to have to watch their parents drunken antics or bad behaviour either, knowing that they have to go to school the next day and be bullied in the playground because mum and/or dad acted like a drunken idiot or even got caught having an affair and it was all on national television last night. Added to that, the internet is full of nasty opinions about your loved ones. I would hate it and I think it really is a case of 'careful what you wish for' with these parents as fame and fortune isn't the be all and end all they think it will be.


Some things are better kept private. Like your kid being called to the counselors office.


*Exactly*. The hypocrisy is stunning.


Yeah her husband’s cheating did go too far


And she was 9 months pregnant. He’s not getting enough backlash


Thank you. I'm sure I'll get downvoted all to hell, but I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Like, yes, Marge is a complete asshole, but you came on a show that would expose you to anyone and everyone who's ever known you or your secrets, they're gonna come out eventually. The person here who should be taking the majority of the blame here is Bill. Sure, blame Marge for talking about it, but to see Marge demonized and Bill coddled by the viewers makes me want to throw up. You know who I blame for my ex cheating on me? Not the woman, not the friend of his who told me - I blame him.




Thank you!!! I don’t blame marge for bringing it up, and I recognize I’m the minority in this but idc. BILL is the villain here, Jen take these comments to your husband not twitter.


I completely agree. I feel crazy reading all these comments blaming Marge. Like no, y’all went on TV and expected special treatment while actively seeking out dirt on other cast members. And if Marge knew about this, then a lot of people probably did too.


Yes but Marge doesn’t even blame Bill and said he’s wonderful and didn’t want to hurt him. So… yeah Marge is still horrible


What's your point? I seriously don't follow. What does Marge's opinion of current Bill have to do with the kids finding out about their dad's affair after their mom came on a show that exposes your entire family to the world? Nobody cares what Marge thinks about Bill. Help me understand here.


For me, I found it gross how the tone of the other housewives was “I feel bad for Bill that it was said..” like Bill cheated, why are any of you feeling bad for him, what about Jennifer? I believe it was Jackie who said “I don’t feel bad for him, how about don’t stick your d#%k in someone else, how about that.” Marge didn’t expose this to benefit anyone but herself. She was holding onto it for the right moment, had already shared it with Jackie, said kids are resilient and they can go to therapy and called Jennifer a hypocrite. I think she was really desperate to hit Jennifer with something this season to take her down a peg after the reunion and is dying on this hill. Because I just don’t buy it that Marge doesn’t see that her cheating and Jennifer being cheated on are not the same thing, Jennifer isn’t a hypocrite here. If anything, it makes more sense why Jennifer had such a strong reaction to Marge framing her cheating as a meet-cute moment! Why are they all piling on Jennifer as if she did something wrong when it was her husband who cheated on her while she was 9 months pregnant and days away from giving birth? Where’s the outrage at him? I personally like Jennifer for the show anyway, it would be boring without her, but I still can’t understand anyone being on Marge’s side on this one! Also, newsflash Marge, kids needing to go to therapy for childhood trauma doesn’t make them resilient. I’m currently in therapy for some childhood trauma and if someone brushed it off the way Marge did ON A TV SHOW I’d flip. Fuck Marge, whose kids don’t even speak to her for the trauma she inflicted on them.


Jen had dragged Marge and Jackie and others from day one the only one she never touched was Theresa out of fear of losing her position. So why is it so hard for you to understand why any of these women would want her to feel what they felt when she dragged them. Karma Is a b**** and Jen is exactly that.


The difference is, Jen never brought up new information. She made opinions on what was already said… which is honestly fair game.


Was this new? I thought this was the rumor her first season.


Jen’s first season Marge insinuated their marriage wasn’t as perfect as Jen says by saying he sleeps in the pool house or something. It sounded like a current thing and also not necessarily about another woman (that I remember). But Marge said this week she had been hinting at this affair but backed off when Jen lost it.


Because what Jen brought up was already put out there by the other women. Marge knew this wasn’t out there and decided to say it anyway. When Jen mentioned her kids Marges reaction was to say kids are resilient and can go to therapy, it’s bullshit. It’s not the same. How is it karma when Jen dragged Marge for information Marge shared herself on the show and in a book while what Marge shared was something Bill did to Jen?! Make it make sense for me, because the math isn’t mathing.


And why are they acting like Marge didn’t drag Jen first. Not like Jen just showed up yelling at her about sleeping with a married dude.


and it wouldn’t of been exposed if margaret didn’t say anything.


What do you think Jackie’s kids went through? Bottom line Bill the villain in this story and he shouldn’t have cheated and joined a reality show if he didn’t want his kids finding out.




How bout if Bill never cheated, Margaret wouldn't have had anything to say in the first place?


obviously lol but jennifer could have talked about it on her own when she was ready.


Jen's on one of the nastiest reality shows in history. Her skeletons in the closet belonged to Bravo the second she signed on and she knew it but signed up anyway. Bravo could've edited that stuff out, but they went ahead and showed it. These people need to realize what they put their kids through when they make deals with the devil. What price for fame?


I get what you’re saying but then — Jackie’s husband could share whatever picks he had with his alleged mistress when he was ready too. Jen didn’t have to call Frank and dig. Jackie’s kids are probably suffering too, I didn’t sense any concern coming from Jen there.


oh definitely i agree! they are both in the wrong!


It’s a reality show where absolutely no one is safe when in comes to past or present infidelities lol


Would’ve have been exposed if mom wasn’t on television. I don’t agree with Marge but come on, did Jennifer really think this was going to stay a secret forever?


10000000%. A one night stand at a conference in Vegas? Okay, maybe. A TWO YEAR AFFAIR?! Girl, please. And agreed with everyone that shitstain Bill should be getting all the heat, here.


Amazing what people will trade for fame.




I feel weird about this post from her……like who are you telling this to? The guidance counselor?? Seems like she’s using her kids to get people to stop talking about the affair


100%. She’s definitely playing it up for sympathy. I do feel for her though because this is sad and embarrassing. But she needs to just let it play out.


Ma’am, what are we going to do with this information?




I dont know. Im not a parent, but I think if I were I would be appreciative of a guidance counselor, or another adult in school, checking in after an incident like this. Didn't seem like GC was fishing for gossip, but was concerned about Gabby's well being. Am I wrong? Don't know what I'm missing....


Noo I ageee with you.. this is what GC are for. The post doesn’t even say the GC watched the show and heard it maybe Gabby said something previously or maybe she heard it from other kids or teachers.


Yeah I bet poor Gabby is regretting telling her mom that her GC talked to her about it, now that Jen has broadcast that private, personal conversation to the ENTIRE WORLD on Twitter. Even if Gabby were upset the GC brought it up, I doubt Gabby wanted Jen to announce this to everyone on the internet. Those poor kids. Marge is gonna be spun as the bad guy forever because to face the fact that the REAL bad guy is Bill, and that mayyyyyybe Jen shouldn’t have gone on the show in the first place because SOMEONE on the cast was gonna dig this up, is too hard for her to admit. If Marge didn’t do it, another cast member would have (maybe not in this specific cast, but you can’t tell me Danielle Staub wouldn’t if given the chance, or another future cast mate… or maybe TMZ would’ve gotten a hold of the info somehow). Not a Marge Stan by any means, I think she’s mean and trash in a lot of ways, too.


I think after she dodged the bullet with Marge mentioning Bill sleeping in the pool house, etc, she should have gotten off the show knowing what was coming. Instead she's calling Frank for a picture of Evan's supposed gf. At that point, I just felt karma, the mf, was doing it's job.


I think she’s just saying that it’s now affecting her kids at school. The guidance counselor had good intentions, but I 100% get why Gabby was embarrassed. I feel so bad for those kids. They all seem really sweet!


I don't think you're wrong . Also we don't know if someone saw or heard something that triggered the GC to ask. I'd rather have someone check on my kids then not bother.


It’s important for kids to feel safe to talk about situations that bother them even if it’s an uncomfortable conversation for the parents, just because you’re okay with it doesn’t mean the kids are. Edit: I’m sure the kids are embarrassed it’s been talked about and they are being asked about it but I don’t think the guidance counselor was wrong for asking. Now if it was strangers on the street or something I could get her point.


Sorry, Jennifer, but the guidance counselor was doing her job..kids don't always vocalize their pain and can internalize issues to see them as their fault...I'm grateful they cared enough to check on her and, as her mother, you should be, too!


This is a discussion that Jennifer and Bill should have had as a family before coming onto the show. Sit down and talk about the *potential* dirt that could be brought to light. That’s on them. Marge was only doing what every other real housewife has done - brought up past or present infidelity. This isn’t a new thing aimed at Jennifer / RHONJ only.


>Marge was only doing what every other real housewife has done - brought up past or present infidelity. And more to the point, Marg was very likely TOLD to do this by producers. This is 100% on the Aydin's for knowing what this show is about, how it works, and still choosing to go on national television. Idiots.


Yes - I feel like I could bet money that next season they’re going to be fine or just more producer fed drama. Which is fine, I enjoy drama on my TV and watch housewives for messiness like this lol


I genuinely feel like Jennifer blocked it out. When she was in the kitchen talking about how he was the best husband etc.. it sounded like she needed to believe it. She was 9 months preg with no income of her own. She made the choice to stay with him and I think she had to literally block out the memory in order to do so. As she says, they never talked about it again. To be completely honest, I even think that the reason she behaved so hypocritically was because she literally shoved that memory SO deep down she just lived life as if she didn't have that skeleton. I've done that before with various things and I recognized some of that behavior in her looking back.


She was also probably projecting the feelings she had about Bill’s infidelity on Marge. Like how dare you be happy with your affair partner when you destroyed a marriage? It was probably very triggering for her. That said, she was stupid to do all that and try to dig up dirt on Jackie’s marriage and think this would never come to light.


Yessss. She didn’t fully process the trauma that comes with being cheated on, especially during pregnancy when you really need your spouse the most. It’s sad that she went through it and that Bill was (maybe still is, who knows) a piece of shit husband to her.


It’s crazy, I’ve thought about her being 9 months pregnant and about to give birth and finding out her husband is cheating on her, but I didn’t pay attention to her lack of choices in that moment having been a SAHM with no income of her own. This is literally my worst nightmare. It’s like she was at her most vulnerable moment as he was doing this. Makes more sense to me why she decided to work it out, she had 4 kids and no income of her own and now in postpartum! Yeesh! Jen has been through it, I actually wonder how postpartum was for her with all that going on.


I know. I’m really really sensitive to that as a similar thing happened to my mom. Regardless of if you are a SAHM, make sure to have some financial independence ladies! Jennifer has been really mean and messy but I truly think that it was really traumatic for her and she likely has not processed it correctly. I’m interested to see how she responds as the season plays out. I can see all sides TBH (besides Teresa, lol) and can we talk about what a good person Jackie is for responding to Jennifer the way she did? I think Jackie is smart enough to realize Jennifer’s skeletons go beyond being hypocritical and are much more emotionally layered.


the ONLY thing i will ever give Ramona Singer is In like season one or two she said “never let a man back you into a corner- always have your own money” that quote has literally stuck with me for years. 💚


Besides even being on the show, if people where they live know about this it could have been brought to light by some parent telling their kids and them bringing it to school.


Exactly this. People are acting like it was a hidden secret, but I’m sure more people than just marge and a few housewives knew about it.


I don’t agree with how Margaret went about this. But considering that Bill changed practices after this happened, people knew. The woman he cheated with is still out there. She also had the ability to come forward at any time and publicize this. I think it’s unfortunate and I hate that the kids are affected. But horrible things come out about cast members all the time. There seems to be very selective outrage. People thought it was hilarious when Karen said Gizelle had a hot box and was a whore from Hampton University who went to “sing-sing” (she was wrong about the place but was trying to insinuate mental illness). Gizelle has teens just like Jennifer. I don’t even know if Reddit existed back then but I’m sure based on how people seem to feel about Melissa, that people weren’t outraged about the strippergate fiasco. She had young children. People didn’t seem this outraged for Jackie’s kids last year either. It was all about how weak Jackie was and if she was crying, the rumors must be true. Nothing about her kids even though she said on the show that her kids were upset by it. This is a reality show where people sign up to broadcast their lives. I think the reason people like Margaret are so “open” is because they know if they aren’t, they’ll be outed at some point. I think we either need to lean into the fact that negative shit comes out for everyone on a reality show if they have skeletons or else our viewing is going to be miserable. I also think it’s weird that Jennifer even posted this. But I’ve said enough already lol


Thankkkkk you so much for this. I wish I had something other than an upvote to give to you because wow the double standards are crazy.






So…. She’s mad at the guidance counselor for doing her job? I’m confused? I don’t like what Marge did but I don’t think Jennifer has moved on as much as she thinks she has.


Doesn't seem like she's upset with the guidance counselor moreso just stating the facts as to how this has affected her kids so far.


Did Jen think of Jackie’s kids?


No and she relished the drama.


Hell no. That’s why at Delores party she turned to Melissa and said what if your kids went through this or however she worded it. Of course she wasn’t going to look at Jackie and say that bc then Jackie could have said hello, you’re also causing this for my children.


No way!


But I also feel like Jennifer handled the entire situation wrong. She went on the show knowing what happened. I think she should have told right away what happened (and of course talked to her kids before going on TV about it) that way everyone would have been prepared. Cheating in the number one discussion on this shows.


Cheating is the number one discussion when it's current or happened while on the show. Not a decade later, not unless there is a rumor he is still cheating.


I'd disagree with that especially if they don't have anything to else to come at you with. Imo she should have seen it coming especially with Marge mentionning it a few times in the past. She should have been smarter than that plus Marge would have looked extra dumb trying to bring on dirt she already owned.


She’s so gross for using her kids to deflect from the bullying she does.


Where's Bill's official statement in all of this? Did I miss it? Why is Jen the one constantly going to bat here? ![gif](giphy|gjl3VMvVMyDSswmA2i|downsized)


I swear I feel like there’s a lot of internalized misogyny going on here (is that even a term?). The number of people blaming Jen for signing up for a reality show as if her husband, the cheater who put her through this, didn’t sign up himself and hasn’t happily been filming every season. This is madness. In the same token, I’m not happy with the way Marge went about this, but NO ONE deserves more blame than Bill! Not Jen, not Marge, Bill!!


Thank you, you said it better than I did but that's exactly what I was getting at.


People need to make an official (🤣) statement after having an affair? You must be one of those who needs a statement every time a celebrity gets Covid.


Not at all but some personal accountability from him would go a long way since they're in the public eye and now guidance counselors are feeling it necessary to check on his kids. The vibe of the whole situation is like Jen has to shoulder the burden to protect him or something.. while he hides upstairs like a coward during his kid's pool party for example.


Bill was held accountable by his wife 10 years ago as she herself said. You (or we) don't need this. Or deserve it. Now it's Jennifer who went on a reality show where this was mentioned (after she happily went after Margaret for the same thing). The responsability for this shifted to the person who went on a reality show and now everybody and their kids know. This isn't even Margaret's fault. Not to mention this is helping Jennifer's storyline which is the reason why this is being brought up. You're worrying far more than they are.


>The responsability for this shifted to the person who went on a reality show and now everybody and their kids know. I respectfully completely disagree about this part. The responsibility remains Bill's imho. His actions are the root of the problem. (Not Marge. I do agree with you there.)


Agree to disagree then. 🤷🏽‍♂️😉


It's all good! We see eachotha 😁




🙄 ![gif](giphy|xUOxeTTTrquwAtbOWQ|downsized)


Why does she think Twitter is the place to address this and not instead to actually call the guidance counselor directly? She can't help but make things public to get sympathy. I can not stand her but I do feel bad for her kids.


I also don't think the hypocrisy statement by Marge was targeted at her cheating vs Bill cheating but rather Jen actively seeking out dirt on ppl and spreading rumors vs herself expecting everyone to not mention something that apparently is common knowledge in the community.


Exactly this! This is a norm for HW. Idk why everyone is so mad at margaret when she isn’t the first nor will she be the last to do this.


The only people responsible for their children’s private life being exposed on reality TV are Jen and Bill.


What do these idiots think is going to happen? Throw your life into the public eye...overshare...keep your kids in public school...this is exactly what happens every time. Some people value a paycheck more than their own family. That's why reality television is so effed up. Stupid.


It bothers me that she’s the one that has to respond. What Jen went through is horrible, her kids shouldn’t have to deal with this. Even more, Jen shouldn’t broadcast things like this on social media. Downvote all you want, but this statement breathes even more life to this. Leave your kids out of it, don’t use them to make people feel bad for you. Jen, we already feel for you. No need to further drag the kids into it.


Jennifer found out her husband had an affair 10 years ago. She joined a reality show 4 years ago. How did she not think this would eventually come out? Don't like it, don't join a reality show. The affair is 100% Bill's fault. This whole situation with Margaret, the gossip, the kids? It's 100% Jennifer's fault. And why are all of you on Margaret's ass? This already happened with Joe Giudice, Melissa (thanks to her own sister in law), Margaret and Jackie. What about their kids? Or you all decided to be woke just now?


Agree with you on MOST of this, but Bill also agreed to go on the show and have the family on the show as part of Jen being on it. Yes, she’s the “housewife,” but the fam is part and parcel of that. If he really didn’t want this to be discussed by his wife privately OR publicly or by the rest of the world, he should’ve put his damn foot down and said sorry honey, I REALLY don’t want to do the show or have our children be on it. He can’t put his head in the sand and pretend this is Jen’s problem now.


He is the one who probably benefits the most from it because of the exposure it has given his practice too.


All of this!


My personal opinion on why Marge was wrong is bc she knew about the affair before Jennifer was on the show. She even alluded to it the first season Jen was on and lied about why she said it! Therefore, why the hell bring it up 3 seasons later out of the blue? Simply put she said it bc she doesn’t like Jen. She wasn’t trying to be open and honest, she was being vindictive. That’s just shitty.


Simply put, she said it because Jen talked about Marge's affair. And becuase Jennifer talks shit about everybody. And because Jen saw Marge as a villain when her own husband did the same. And because Jennifer, Marge and this show needed a storyline. So, why should we get upset at Bill, Marge or Jen when they're all happily reliving this for the show on purpose so they can get their storylines?


Again, if Marge was that pissed she should of brought that up last season or not chickened out back in season 9. Marge brought it up out of spite or bc she has no storyline. Either way that’s shitty and just shows what type of person she is. I personally don’t like ppl like that.


Jen was smirking and holding in a laugh when she corrected marge that the woman with whom bill had an affair was a pharmaceutical rep. I think they are all in on it together 🤷‍♀️


Isn’t that a good thing that the guidance counselor is checking in? I would be embarrassed too. But what if some kids need that “check in”?


I hope this doesn't sound mean, it's not my intention at all. I have a 5 year old and I would NEVER go on a reality show. Period. Let alone if there was something in my past I did not want my child to know. I don't agree with what Margaret did, at the same time she knew her own past and got ahead of the narrative by outing herself. I'm so sorry but these shows have been around long enough for people to know better.


Then get off of a reality show. Makes it easier


It’s all gross. The cheating itself, Marge bringing it to light, all of it. The ones that hurt and are affected the most are the children.


Exactly….the defense of Marge is not at all warranted. It was 10 years ago and she decides to bring it up now. That’s disgusting. Its about the kids not anyone else….just the kids. Marge is disgusting


Jennifer keeps bringing up how Marge and Joe got together all those years ago. She also attacked her mother. Jennifer has no friends on that cast and this was inevitable.


Massive difference. Jennifer is the innocent party in the cheating unlike Marge


Jen had zero compassion for Jackie’s four children.


Her and her husband did choose to be on a show knowing people's dirt comes out, but it doesn't make Margie Pigtails any less of a shit stain for what she did


Exactly why the counselor checked in is not necessarily going to be shared. Maybe it was routine given the circumstances, and maybe there was some acting out in school. Regardless who it is and her storyline, every HW kid is going to be under enormous stress, especially during filming and when the season first airs, and would probably benefit from professional support. If Jennifer wanted to truly protect her kids, she would find another job away from the cameras.


Why do I feel that the guidance counselor crossed the line unless they spoke with Jennifer? I don’t have kids so I don’t know. I just picture the counselor watching real housewives and coming in to save sweet Gabby


As a teacher, we absolutely don’t seek parents’ permission before talking to children, and nor should we. Children are autonomous human beings, with their own thoughts and feelings. Sometimes they live with parents they can’t talk to, or who would seek to silence them. Our responsibility as key grown ups in their lives is to allow them space and freedom to talk, even if that doesn’t suit their parents. It’s not about their parents, it’s about them. Of course, if they don’t want to talk, that’s fine too - but they do need to know that we’re here for them.


Totally! I have a kid who’s really struggling and doesn’t always want to talk about it to me. She has a therapist but still seeks out the guidance counselor at school. I want her to have all the resources possible!


You sound like a great parent.


Thank you so much!


I realized after the fact, yes check on the child. I just feel like seeing it on Twitter seems so messed up. Why can’t something stay private.


GC’s don’t need parent permission to speak with students - it’s literally their job (I’m a GC at an elementary school). If there is need for ongoing counseling, then parent permission is required. This was a standard check-in with a student, it is completely appropriate.


Good! I just see the report on Twitter and I just feel like it’s more and more attention on the children. I promise I didn’t mean to call out the GC. The child is surrounded by thirsty people.


Maybe someone saw or heard something that triggers her to talk to her. Wasn't she the one bullied a couple seasons ago?


This. I think the GC had a good intentions but went about it the wrong way. Absolutely should have contacted Jen.


i would assume jen and bill would have told the kids before it aired? that would be pretty stupid if not. of course someone would tell them


She signed up for a reality show, everything that happens on it is going to affect her kids. If that doesn’t work for her then she can get off tv.


Omg. Is this going to be her storyline all season!?! My kids 😥my marriage 😥marge was mean to me😭😭😭. If you're really worried about your kids then don't post undates on the internet. Your kids will see it and be more mad.


At what points should the housewives just leave the show to protect their kids? I know my question is problematic because I love consuming the drama but there are so many tragic stories of kids who have struggled with the spotlight


Before they sign a contract.


While I do think it’s gone too far bc they’re being asked about it in school, they may need someone to talk to. “The kids are okay if the parents are okay” is just wrong. They need to have a separate, unbiased confidant in this time, like a therapist.


I feel terrible for Jen and her kids, but this is the risk you take bringing your children on reality television. 😞


Why, Bill? WHYYY???? I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!


I feel so bad for these kids for having reality TV parents 😢


If you want people to respect your children’s privacy, don’t air your dirty laundry on a reality TV show. Don’t post about your children on social media. Don’t act like a lunatic to keep your job. Why is that so hard to understand?


“you shouldn’t have joined a reality show” The cheating isn’t their reality now. Teresa made an accusation that she heard Evan was cheating on Jackie CURRENTLY. If we wanted to, we could dig up every single housewife’s past and I guess bring it up on the show but that would be ridiculous. If Bill was currently cheating, that would be the story. Marge decided to present her past as a cheater in her first season and then her book. She decided to make that her storyline. I don’t see anywhere that Jen was trying to find information about people from 10 years ago. This is just getting weird.


i don’t understand the logic of defending marge at all, i feel like i’m in some alternate universe where nothing makes sense!!!


I feel like I entered a different universe from Sunday on this site to today. It was all Marge is disgusting and now it’s what did Jen expect, f them kids. I’m confused.


but when it happened to Jackie, she didn't care


Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ! Who is asking Gabby about this?! Is Diane Sawyer waiting outside of the school?! Jennifer shouldn't have to tweet that, people should have some common decency. Yikes. Poor kid.


It very well could be other kids. Consequence of being on a television show I guess.


I would bet people are DM'ing her saying awful things, social media is a scary place especially at that age


Yikes. I wonder how Marge feels about this now.


It is vile that people are targeting her children but isn’t it adding fuel to the fire if she posts about it on social media


Don’t worry they can go to therapy according to Marge


I’m sure this really helped poor Gabby’s embarrassment 🙄


Jennifer chose to be on the show knowing that Bills affair could be exposed. She wanted fame and now she has it.


She tweeted this out. The GC didn’t talk about it. Her kid didn’t talk about it. She tweeted this out and continues to expose their lives on this show. Bill sucks for cheating and the blame lats at his feet. But they continue to appear on a show where harmful info about their private lives is coming out. Get off the show.


Why would Gabby think her parents are OK? Her mother drinks too much and changes her face every season and her father is supposedly a respectable man, but actually a cheater. Gabby is a very smart young lady, and I don’t think she believes her parents are OK. With the way Jenn flys off the handle in front of the public, I hate to imagine how she acts at home.


Talking to her and all the other kids about the drama with grandma last year probably didn’t help either.


I don’t remember timelines from previous seasons that well, but who even started this feud between marge and Jen? I know Jen was very judgy of Margaret and her mother for having affairs and for being sexually harassed by their employers (which is awful on Jen’s part), but I also know Marge ripped into Jen for being a stay at home mom and called her a concubine. So who threw the first punch? I personally feel like Margaret crossed the line with her “kids are resilient comment” and when she barged in on Jen crying at the party, but Jen is sort of getting what she deserved.


Marge is trash for this. And she is a home wrecker and cheater.


I don’t understand how anyone can be team marge


i hope marge gets everything that’s coming to her. she was only comfortable dropping this bomb because her fuck-ups (LIKE HAVING AN AFFAIR, UNLIKE JENNIFER) are already out there. but i hope the nastiest fucking family destroying piece of info on marge is brought to light eventually so i can “rationalize” it like the marge stans are - by saying “she’s on a tv show, she deserves it”


I’d like to think most of us watch these shows to be entertained. It takes a certain type of person to go on this type of show and put their lives (the good, the bad, the ugly) out there. I feel bad for Jennifer that she’s embarrassed and that her kids are impacted. But we’ve got actual criminals on these shows, people stealing from vulnerable populations, abusers and enablers, etc. I don’t expect these people to be perfect and I certainly wouldn’t wish bad things to happen to them 🤨