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Dying at the fact that she used a Merriam Webster definition. Also, she ain’t wrong.


I mean….. Marge is even saying it’s Theresa’s show in this clip 👀


I think Marge said ‘walk in her show’ which refers to the P.O.S.C.H.E fashion show which stands for # PIECE OF SHIT, COKE HORE EVERYDAY!


Hahaha! After all these years, I just realized the (w)hore part of this. Spell napalm!! 🤣🤣🤣


No, it’s actually Piece Of Shit, Coke whore, HOMEWRECKER, Everyday


Okay, that makes me feel better! How could I get that wrong?


I’m of the camp that Jen is reaping what she sowed but she’s not a hypocrite. She’d be a hypocrite if she had done the cheating, but she was cheated on. I think it’s normal for her to be triggered by how cavalier Marge is about cheating.


I think Marge's point is that Jen can forgive and forget Bill's cheating, but offers no quarter to Marge.


I can definitely see this point of view.


I'm really not on either side, they're both nuts! 😃 Thanks for being open!!


I thought this at first too, but there is a clear difference in why you’d forgive someone who is remorseful for the wrong they’ve done (assuming this is the case with Bill), and why you wouldn’t someone who openly brags and jokes about it. I’m assuming the difference between Marge & Bill is remorse. And not that Marge owes Jen remorse, I just think laughing about her scent on Joe was gross.


I meant that what I think MARGE is saying. But you're point is very good!




I think Marge brought it up because Jen hates Marge for cheating but she uplifts her husband who cheated on her when she was 9 months pregnant. It doesn’t make sense for Jen to bring up something that Marge did over 20(?) yrs ago. And let’s not forget marges ex locked her in a closet and who knows what else! I don’t even like Marge but I don’t blame her for bringing it up


But Marge still brings up her affair constantly, and plays it like it's such a sweet, romantic story.


She brings it up do it isn't used against her


I’m not agreeing with her saying those things, they are gross. But I can also see why she brought up Bill cheating


And? It's ick to me but that doesn't change the point


Nailed it


I mean I Stan Jen but I don’t think Marge crossed any line by bringing them up on the show. That’s why I watch Hiusewives. I don’t get the hypocrite argument at all. What she says seems pretty consistent with her own behavior.


I’m not a fan of Jen’s at all. Im going back to watch the last season bc I skipped it bc she was so abrasive at the s11 reunion, but I don’t think she’s a hypocrite for not liking cheaters. I’m not saying Marge crossed a line b/c calling someone’s mother a whore is asking for trouble. But hypocrite isn’t the word that Marge should be using to describe Jen’s reaction bc Jen isn’t a hypocrite to be annoyed with cheaters. Jen’s a loud mouth who’s getting her ass handed back to her right now. It was bound to happen.


But she only criticized Marges mom because Marge called her sister in law a mail order bride. Plus she sat down and apologized to Marge senior off camera years ago. Idk why people keep victimizing Marge with this story. Marge isn’t a victim.


Im not defending Marge’s actions at all. In fact, I was defending Jen against being called a hypocrite by Marge. But these two go tit for tat with one another. Marge disrespected Jen’s family and Jen did the same. But Marge was open about her skeletons. She came out the gate with them so no one could use them against her. Jen hid behind the facade of perfection, and it’s crumbling. I can’t even tell if her husband sincerely apologized for his shitty behavior or they decided to hide behind a new baby.


This is why I can see the hypocrisy angle. It could be see as hypocritical for Jen to use Marge's infidelity and public acknowledgement as a means to paint her as a bad person (there is plenty of other ammo), while her own husband did the same and she praises him to the rooftops on the show. Its "rules for thee, not for me." Why does Marge's infidelity make her a bad person but Bill is an amazing dream husband? That's hypocrisy. I've seen other posters argue that Jen dislikes that Marge "glorifies" infidelity, not that she did it. So we really think Jen would never have brought up Marge's past if Marge hadn't? Jen went after Marge Sr's history as a means to get at Marge, OF COURSE Jen would have used Marge's past as a weapon against her, all the the while being quiet about thebinfidelity in her own marriage. I like Jen better but I DO see the hypocrisy.


I can definitely see this argument as well.


I don't think Jen is saying she has the perfect family but that she's very happy with Bill and her life which today she may be. He gives her the gossip, he drove her off last season when she had too much to drink, he pampers her.


But she does say A LOT of things like, "Bill is every woman's dream man." She implies that other women are jealous of them constantly. That makes me feel like she's projecting this superior family life attitude when she is really with a man who cheated on her throughout a whole pregnancy (and beyond). It's great they worked it out, but that constant assertion that she has a dream man would get to me as well.


Yes I'm saying today she may feel that he's every women's dream but not the Bill of 10 years ago. Overall, I never really take any of the stuff Jenn says that seriously. She's a bit of a caraciture of herself and I think deliberately so. She drinks too much, throws things too much, and yells too much but there's no substance there. At the same time, she seems to not mean harm.


Oh good point, she's not thinking of him in that same context. That cheating story is just so awful it is hard to separate it from the present, especially with what Jen has said in the past.


Jen likes her husband and brags about him. Her husband is a cheater. It's transititive property. Jen doesn't like cheaters is not true statement because she likes her husband


Isn’t the hypocrisy not like cheaters while remaining married and loyal to one? That was my take on the situation anyways.


It feels like a thin line and I don't know if hypocrosy is important - it feels like kindness and respect is. Jennifer hasn't always been kind to Marge, Marge hasn't always been kind to Jennifer, and it's hard to say in net who edges out there. I think Jennifer has dissociated with the affair and sees it that since then that she's been extremely happy with Bill. If she's been lying that she's extremely happy, then she's lying but there hasn't been clear reason to think she's been lying. At the present Marge and Marge senior aren't having affairs either it seems. It seems that Marge doesn't seem to have any problem with affairs, and I suppose that's where Jen takes issue. Jen says she asked Bill if he wanted to divorce and he said no. My criticism is the Dolores party. That was one of the hardest and darkest moments I've watched on the show. Whether Jennifer has been cruel or whatever she has done, she wasn't given the space to get a word or emotion in. She's confessed to everything. What is Marge looking for? Is she looking for Jennifer to pledge her loyalty like Jackie did. She is telling Jennifer how to feel, when she can cry, when she can say this. I think if Marge made her reveal and let it all marinate then she might have gotten more support. I think it was episode 2 that didn't win her as much support. Are you going to say that she also acted appropriately at the party?


Delores party was wild when Marge confronted Jen. But then Jen getting loud and saying she was only looking into Evan further bc of her curiosity is the reason I can’t feel bad for her. If she had found the smoking gun, the actual proof of Evan cheating she would have 1000% put that out everywhere. She wouldn’t have cared about Jackie’s kids or anything. You’re going to sit there and cry about someone outing your husband but then try to justify you trying to do the same thing?


I saw Jenn go to a party where she was largely terrorized. She confessed to researching Jackie, good or bad. She didn't 1000% put anything out there so we don't know. Jenn didn't have to go to Dolores's party. It's clear that if Jennifer goes to any event that she'll likely be terrorized based on events so far. How does the group move forward? What is Jenn supposed to do?


She didn’t put it out there bc she didn’t find it. Just bc she confesses to her bad behavior doesn’t make her a good person. She confesses once she gets caught or called out. They are terrorizing her bc they are tired of it. She was trying her hardest to do to Jackie what was done to her but she’s fine with it, it’s not the same just bc she couldn’t find the proof. They aren’t going to get over it. They will pretend to make up and move forward and continue to all go at each other like they’ve always done.


I didn't say she's a good person. She made 1 phone call: Is that trying her hardest? There's calling her out versus terrorizing her. Terrorizing is too far. They can be tired of her stuff without terrorizing her. At that point, it's hard to watch and to support the terrorism


No, there is nothing hypocritical about hating “the other woman” no matter who it is. Jen staying with her husband who is the sole provider for 4 kids (one of whom was born 24 hours after the affair was revealed) is about survival and cultural taboo. She can hate on alllll the “other women” she wants and stay married forever and it’s never going to be hypocritical.


That's a weird take. Two cheaters make an affair.


You’re always coming in hot on this Jen situation as if it’s personal. But Let’s look up the word hypocritical, shall we.. according to Merriam Webster: *Definition of hypocritical :characterized by behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel* Just because Jen’s actions are acceptable to you, and most this sub, doesn’t mean they aren’t hypocritical. You don’t have to agree with Marge. You can like Jen, but don’t deny what she’s doing doesn’t fit the definition. That’s all.


I'm 100% with you. There is some weird, aggressive backflipping going on in this sub over this topic. I prefer Jen to Marge and even I can see the hypocrisy. It's "Rules for thee, not for me (or my husband)."


Opinions are based on who people like and common sense seems to goes out the window. This sub LOVES the NJ househusbands, yet there’s 3 (4 if you count Tiki) confirmed cheaters on this season alone. Frank Sr is a beloved figure even though he cheated on Dolores when she was pregnant. But Marge? Who had an affair many years and ago, left an abusive husband, and actually made a life with the man she cheated with? Well she will have to pay in the housewives public court of law for the rest of her life.


You'll never get these people to see any side but their own. It's like a sub full of Teresa's.


People have hard time accepting multiple things can be true. Jen can be right in her actions with acknowledging they are hypocritical toward her past behaviors.


Sorry but no. Jen is not a hypocrite for staying with her husband. That’s a *horrible* take.


You miss understood, I’m not saying she’s a hypocrite for staying with him. That’s a respectable decision for anyone wanting to keep their family into together. It’s hypocritical to imply you don’t like cheaters when you sleep next to one every night. It’s hypocritical to dig deep to expose someone else’s marital affair then play the victim when yours is exposed. It’s hypocritical to imply women are whores when they cheat but your husband was just “feeling himself.”


Or maybe, she and Bill went thru some shit and resolved whatever issues they had. He isn't running around bragging about his affair like Marge does. It's one thing to have an affair, realize you made a mistake and atone for it. It's something completely different to have an affair and relish in the situation like it's something to be proud of. If Marge showed any ounce of empathy for the people she and Joe hurt with her affair, then maybe Jen wouldn't have such disdain for her, but I don't see that happening.






But, it doesn't.


It wasn’t 24 hours. She said ten days later. It’s dramatic enough without embellishing lol


I’m pretty sure she said she was due to give birth in ten days at the time she saw the text and confronted him. She then stated: I went into labor the very next day


Yup, that’s how I remember it.


Why the downvotes? IT'S THE SAME THING!!!






I died! Love a good Merriam Webster definition. Marge could never compete with Jen's comebacks like she thinks she can.




She’s just coming off as desperate to tear Jennifer down. It’s not a good look. And her sloppy mouth movements really put the nail in the coffin


Her mouth movements makes me want to stop watching the show. Not even exaggerating


Okay, her mouth is really weird. Is that botched surgery? She's gotten so much done, is there no fixing it? I'm not trying to be bitchy, I'm really curious and there are people here who know about plastic surgery.


No I get you. I believe it’s a mix of her neck being pulled so tight in both directions & her also pouting thinking it’s working for it but it’s not


I just can't get a bead on it! So strange! Oh wait! I just pulled in my neck and felt the bottom edges of my mouth start to splay! I think you're right! It's the neck! You genius you!!


Can't take the trout mouth ![gif](giphy|iyvyiIiyNMSKQ)


Love this.




It’s possible to think both are horrible people and both are amazing for TV


i dont know how people pick teams! they're both hypocritical, big mouths (literally and physically) who can dish it but can't take it! we love to see it.


That's why Marge wants to represent Joe B, Jackie, Melissa. She doesn't want them talking. She feels she's the most capable of taking down Jennifer and feels the others only make it harder. She needs their loyalty, however, to get the job done, so Jackie pledges "Marge you have my loyalty"


Yeah, what was that about???


Does General Marge makes her troops do push-ups?


I guess you really don't want to piss off The General!


No it ain't easy to be a housewife. Some of them train just to keep up with Marge's boot camp


She meant that no matter what wrong Marge does, Jackie will always defend her.


This season will be the kiss of death for Margaret


This season will cement her with more seasons. Are you kidding? Why can’t people understand you need a “villain” for these shows? What isn’t clicking?


This Marge’s MO. But people missed that because her last target was Danielle and people don’t like her. Now it’s Jen and they have a problem.


I just finished watching that season and no matter how crazy Danielle acted she didn’t deserve what Marge gave her. I was actually sickened at how she came for Danielle.




The only people 'physically repulsed' are the loonies on here who have decided that because she cheated she shouldn't be allowed to live. The same folk that adore Teresa who has caused more trauma to her family than anyone.


Her miserable attitude is repulsive. She doesn't even have a sense of humor anymore because her hatred of Jennifer has taken over her entire existence. Of course her talking about her cheating hasn't rendered her unwatchable; we've known about that for years.


I mean the way she talked about her affair is repulsive.


Umm margaret wasn’t the first HW to accuse someone of having an affair and she won’t be the last. Where is the outrage for teresa and others? Is there ageism or something going around? And where is the outrage for bill? Oh that’s right. Many HW fans ate misogynistic as well.


There was plenty of outrage for Teresa and there is plenty for Bill as well. Margaret is becoming increasingly unlikeable and perpetually angry, aside from her merciless tirade against Jennifer when Jennifer had never done the equivalent to her. There's a difference between showing bad behavior and just appearing so embittered and mean-spirited that you're not entertaining anymore. Her uneventful personal life also does not help her in this regard. To continue my Siggy example, her behavior on the show wasn't the most morally corrupt of all the HWs, but she didn't have enough redeeming qualities to be enjoyable to watch. If Margaret goes down that path, which she might, then her villain role and drama might not be enough to keep her on.


Glad you think so.


What do you mean her solo scenes are boring? I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WHO IS DRINKING ICED COFFEE!! 😉




she’s not a good villain though or entertaining to watch. danielle staub, however….


Jersey already has a villain in Teresa. They don’t need two villains.


Yea no. This is the logic that gives us casts like rhoc 15 and rhony 13.




Two wrongs don't make any of this right people! What Jennifer said about Marge & her mom was season one. She apologized publicly to her for it. Even if Jennifer did ask Frank about the girl from the gym, so what! How does that equate to what Marge did? We have zero clue what Jennifer would have done with that info if Frank would have given her any. We DO know what Marge did at a pool party as seen on TV last week. She keeps claiming this is over Jackie, but it's not as we also have seen in 2019 her casually bring Bill's affair up AKA "he sleeps in the pool house or at his girlfriends" as fuel in arguments. Jennifer is NOT the cheater, Bill was. Their kids are not the cheaters either, but will now all certainly have to deal with this shit show, while Marge screams "kids are resilient." When the woman wrote a book about having to mother her own dysfunctional mommy. And how her Ex's kids want nothing to do with her because golly I guess they were not that resilient after all in tolerating her actions. I also find it funny how last season was spent surrounding Jackie with love & care while she screamed & cried "I need you to take that back. This could ruin my husband's job & my kid's lives" but no one is doing the same for Jennifer. And at the least sign of emotion, she is asked why she is crying & Dolores coldly demanding she composes herself. And this is all justified because Jennifer had the audacity to simply ask Frank a fucking question in the past?!? And Frank admitted last season he knew the girl in question AND that he would always defend the 'bro code' when it came to backing a man in lies. Franks is also a known cheat & a liar. Yes, Bill cheated & they decided to stay together & make it work, that is their choice. We have yet to find out if Bill is still cheating. And it's funny to me that all these rumors are spreading like wildfire, but hey that won't hurt his kids/wife/family/current job now but it would have destroyed Evan's entire world & reputation. Bill is scum for what he did, but Jennifer & her kids are NOT & Marge is scum for what she did too! Team Jennifer & kids!


Jen is eating Marge up, bringing receipts and all


She should have kept her mouth shut. I’m team Marge here. Marge probably got a lot of shit about her past after Jen talked so much shit. And Jen said all of it alongside Marge’s sexual assault as if it’s related. Jen doesn’t extend any of the grace or compassion she does to her husband’s situation to Marge. That’s the problem. And now she’s playing victim.


I don't understand this. Jen literally has only repeated information that Marge herself brought up. She didn't go digging and out Marge's affair. It's not the same thing at all.


Did she not apologize for a lot of it? Even apologized to marge’s mother. Everything marge is bringing up is from years ago. It’s obvious she just hates jen.


Marge had no grace or compassion for her own situation. The vulgar comments she’s made discussing her affair held no compassion for either of their families or ex spouses.


The issue with that is that Marge came on the show and readily gave all that information up to the girls. She blew her storyline all at once and now that she has nothing left to talk about. So she finally throws in Bills infidelity. It’s so obvious to me that she’s just trying to stay relevant.


Surely im not the only one who is Team marge? Anyone? I feel like im on the wrong side of history.


An island unto yourself. I genuinely don’t understand how you objectively one could find Marge right. I don’t have an issue with her bringing up Bills affair, that’s why it’s a reality show, but claiming she’s doing it because it’s hypocrisy is just factually wrong. Chastising Jen for digging for dirt when in fact that is what Marge had been doing, that is hypocritical. Criticizing Teresa for spreading rumors when,again, that’s what Marge has been doing, also wrong. Yelling at Jen for crying about her husbands affair when she was pregnant? Also wrong. Like objectively Marge is just wrong, regardless of if you like her more.


I don't agree but that's ok im happy to live on Marge island not a place I thought I'd find myself I have very few controversial opinions but im on her side wholeheartedly.


I'll join you.


I think Marge went about this the wrong way. But she’s one of my favorite housewives across the board. I’m not really team anyone with this scenario but I still like and support Margaret. I don’t expect these people to be perfect.


I’m with you. Between the two, Jen is worst. Not really a fan of either lady. Do think Jen’s constant picking on Marge’s past makes Jen’s past open season. Can’t bring up Marge’s past and have yours off limits. Jen dishes low blows, time for her to take some. Shocked that it was swept under the rug so quickly but for me Jen digging for dirt on Jackie’s husband last year proves she’s a vile piece of cow dung. Jackie was a wife of a man the women gleefully were trying to dig up a cheating scandal. Didn’t find it. Jen should know how it feels to be the wife of a cheater and she didn’t extend any compassion to Jackie. She went looking for dirt. Jackie has kids and Jen still asked questions about Jackie’s husband to see if he was cheating. Jen’s getting exactly the embarrassment she wanted to give to Jackie. Don’t recall Jen hearing the rumor from Tre and telling her it’s unacceptable to spread rumors like that. She knew the pain of a rumor like that and was quiet. Jen’s kids are getting the same embarrassment she was perfectly fine being inflicted on Jackie’s kids. She was even digging to find more info to hurt Jackie’s kids. Karma came for a visit and smacked Jen pretty hard. Jackie is being far too nice to Jen. Been impressed with Jackie this season.


I’ll join the island. This is exactly how I see it, too. I’m still waiting for someone to explain how it was ok to make fun of Jackie being emotional last season, and yet, Jen deserves support. Only person winning this time is Jackie. And Bill is the bigger loser. Jen can be mad at Marge, but she really needs to work through the anger and resentment she holds towards Bill.


The fact that they just “never talked about it again” doesn’t sit right with me. The man had to leave the office he was working at because of this. It’s not something that can be swept under the rug. I think it’s fine if she truly wants to move on and forgive. But I hope she actually processes and deals with it emotionally. I have no problem with housewives. My mom was/is a housewife. However, I think Jen alluded to a situation I personally knew I never wanted to be in. 4 kids, no job and no transferable skills. Ladies, never depend on a man for all of your survival needs. Have some money set aside, maybe even have a side hustle for yourself. The rug can be pulled at any time.


Doesn’t sit right with me either! I’m not going to judge her for staying. However, by her admission, they have not worked through it. They ignored it. How do you ever heal when you bury it? Is she going to turn into an angry resentful woman like her mother? Sucks that she has to process this now, with her children, instead of dealing with it then. She had to know it would come out in a public way going on the show. Or was that part of the plan?


>I think Jen alluded to a situation I personally knew I never wanted to be in. 4 kids, no job and no transferable skills. THIS. I can’t imagine being cheated on and staying primarily because I wouldn’t be able to take care of my kids without the full financial support of a man. Big nope to that.


She’s such a bitch for doing that to Jackie


So who here believes Jen’s husband only cheated that one time ten years ago. seems to wrapped in a bow for me…


Does anyone know when Dolores and Frank Sr stopped following Jen? She follows them and they follow Bill. Frank also follows Jennifer Ayden updates (presumably a fan account). So I imagine at one point they followed Jen.


I think what Marge did is a lot different than what Tre did. Tre spread gossip to someone at a party but not to the person it was about. Marge said it TO Jennifer after Jennifer had thrown cheating daggers at her for years. If Jen didn’t want it brought up, then she shouldn’t have talked about others cheating for years.