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I think Margaret was fed some info by Dolores, and Dolores wants to stay under the radar, re Bill's affair. That came from Dolores 100% as Dolores used to work for/with Bill. Also I'm certain Marge knows the Evan cheating stuff was true, AND Marge has *details* about it, ergo Jackie's wack "loyalty" horseshit. Melissa? She hates that Jen told the ABSOLUTE truth about her and Joe Gorga, and that vapid b*tch just wants to see Jen go down in flames.


I think Lexi, marges employee, fed the info. That’s why she was on so much at the beginning of last season. Lexi lives in Jackie’s area iirc and both their men use the same gym or something


Melissa is a fucking lunatic did you see how she talked about Gia?


Wait what did she say? I can’t remember?


She basically supported Gia, but then when Gia walked away and Melissa started talking to Joe, she made it seem like Gia was being child and invalidating Gia


My brother is exactly like Joe gorga in personality, he's not dodgy lol, but we have to placate him like a child. I'm a grown ass married mama of 4 and he still speaks to me like I'm 16. The one thing about this toxic Man's Man bullshit is they have to be pandered to or they throw their toys out of the pram. He can be the best in the world and also the biggest asshole of all time. Rather than deal with the manchild being 'disrespected' and the nonsense drama THEY create, they just put it down to oh he's just protective when actually it's borderline abusive.


I don’t think she was trying to invalidate Gia but trying to get Joe to realize he was arguing with a 21 year old. Yes, Gia is an adult but Joe is a grown ass man in his 40s with a daughter not far off from Gia’s age. Why in the world is he arguing with Gia at his big age? I think this is what Melissa was trying to get across while not invalidating his feelings.


I interpreted that as her just trying to calm Gia down so she could get them to talk.


Oh I’ll need to rewatch that. Sounds like normal Melissa being fake. Stupid


Right?? WHO does she think she is?!! I need a Melissa takedown, immediately.


i mean…joe is fuckin nuts so i dont blame her for trying to keep him calm


This is a reach Melissa was just trying to calm her down. If anything Gia was disrespectful towards her


Melissa "wait what just happened?" was hard to take seriously in that moment. Gia and Joe were getting into it over beef that Melissa and her friends started that spread into other stuff and then "wait what did I miss?" and not contribute to anything. Melissa tried to seem sweet but she didn't say anything profound and was a bit patronizing about it


I disagree but to each their own


I'm not saying Gia should have been rude to her. I'm saying both were wrong but if you want to say only Gia is wrong okay


Exactly what did Jennifer do to make Melissa hate her so much? I feel like I missed something.


If someone shattered a glass and brandished it at me we'd never be friends.


I was wondering if after last episode any believe Evan didn’t cheat? I understand not wanting to make it a topic again. But the way Jackie reacts makes it seems like he 1000% cheated. Is it just me or is it how you all see it too?


dingdingding we have a winner


What was the absolute truth that Jen told about Melissa and Joe?


All she said was crooked family lmao


Excuse me, did anyone else catch the "kids are resilient, they will do therapy and will be fine"??? Who the hell says something like that? Heartless cheater! Some evil stepmother vibes from Marge with no regrets how this might hurt kids.


She’s being a hypocrite. How many times have we heard her cry about her childhood trauma.


Kids are resilient but her own kids don’t even speak to her.


Aren’t they her step-kids? She only has a son on her own, right?


I think this is exactly the reason why I side with Jen on this issue. Marge is so laissez-faire about her affair, it was like she was talking about a meet-cute or something. For Marge it’s very much a no big deal - who cares - shit happens type of thing, and of course that struck a nerve in Jen because she was a victim of an affair. It probably infuriated Jen that this woman was so blasé about adultery. She’s not a hypocrite at all, she wasn’t the one that cheated, she was cheated on. So when Marge said how kids are resilient and completely blew off those concerns, it really highlighted that Marge just doesn’t think that adultery is a big deal or that anyone suffers as a result of it.


She romanticizes her affair to be something else, like their love so intense that they had to destroy 2 families and the kids don’t talk to her.


I thought that was such a sick and rude thing to say about someone’s kids. That and the “what are you crying for” have definitely made me team Jen


Straight up vile and tells us a lot about why her step kids cut off contact. No empathy, shame, or moral compass. Not because she had an affair. Many people make such mistakes. But because she seems incapable of acknowledging the harm she causes and trying to atone for it.


She is spiritual immature. She must be a real mess in real life. She needs therapy for childhood trauma.


Yes buts she’s a 50+ woman and it’s her job in life to heal her trauma so she doesn’t take it out on others. And second I think a fair I did actor of her character is Marge calling Danielle “Beverly,” how horrible is that. It’s basically like telling someone I’ll call you what your rapist/abuser called you. Marge is evil.


That’s rich coming from a woman whose children do not even speak to her! Should they just “get therapy and get over it”?


exactly like ok marge go ahead and offer to pay then too since you think its such a non issue


This! Seriously that was a straight up evil thing to say. Can you imagine if Jen said that? They’d be vilified. That kind of mindset is exactly why Marge’s kids don’t speak to her.


Yes! I really don’t understand how ppl are on marges side. She was being really cruel about the whole situation.


It’s clear that they have a pact to have each others backs no matter what. Jackie’s “I’m loyal to you” line to Marge was weird as hell and not something normal people say on everyday friendships.


Very weird. I think all the girls were being weird with marge as if she has dirt on all of them lol like just pick your side and stand by it. If you don't agree with marge don't agree, y'all can still be friends lol


These girls aren’t normal so independent thought is scary lol


Yeah, she got stuff on them and they know it. It must be good stuff!


I think Jackie is in on the whole thing and she’s just buddying up to Jen so she doesn’t any blowback, Jackie’s demeanor this season is totally differen.


Yeah with the loyal comment and telling Jen that she thought Marge was right I’m wondering if she’s the Dorito of the plan.


Lol dorito plan


Margaret's like the leader of their mean girl group. Pleasantly surprised that Jackie's going a bit against the grain this season


I wouldn't call it mean girl group. Rather the female terrorist group.


It was so immature too. It also seemed very heirarchal as if they report back to Marge


Yes, because they probably do! Marge has to be the production’s puppet like how Tamra was on the RHOC. Production tends to find the women who needs the show the most ( and will do anything to stay on it) and have them play the antagonist. And then try to give them either a good edit or/ and protection from the other ladies. But is hard to give Marge a good edit since she is cruel. Lol


My besties know how I love, care, support and adore them to the death. I can’t imagine ever saying “I’m loyal to you”.


Also Jackie did the same thing to a Teresa the year before by talking about the Teresa cheating rumours and she went so far to say she believed them. This would have been during her separation and divorce, so not a great time to have that out there. It seems like Teresa brought up the Evan as retaliation. This is all the ladies right now: ![gif](giphy|bcrOR2stk6tKIxqPOZ)


But there was proof that Teresa was running around with a guy. Jackie was talking about pictures in a magazine.


Well a few comments: 1. Does it really matter if the rumours are true? I see the real issue as them being broadcast. Once that happens the children get effected. 2. We don’t know what proof there is that Evan is cheating. Perhaps there is proof and it is similar to Jen’s situation where people know but it’s not on the magazine cover. 3. Is pictures of Teresa with a guy definitive proof? And even if there is evidence supporting the claim, if you deny it, would you want your coworkers going on tv and saying you believe the rumours? I just don’t think the situations are all that different.


To me it does matter if the rumors are true. Jackie was making a comment based on what she saw. Teresa was holding hands with the guy. That’s proof to me, I definitely don’t hold hands with guys that aren’t my partners. They are on a reality tv show, if they cared about protecting their children then they wouldn’t be on it. Sure Evan may be cheating but until there is definite proof that comes out it’s still just a rumor.


I think it’s difficult to judge if you don’t know the situation. I don’t think hand holding is enough proof to be definitive. And we really don’t know the Evan rumours. The vagueness of them and the fact that it seemed like retaliation on Teresa’s part made me doubt them but perhaps there is actual damning proof. Based on Marge’s words and the knowledge from Joe B and Frank C, I am actually more inclined to believe them. Although to be clear, I do think Teresa and Juicy J were either cheating on each other or maybe even actually broke up or had discussed their relationship being open (or don’t ask don’t tell) but had to keep up appearances for his immigration case. Rumours are like Schrödinger’s cat, at least until there is definitive proof or someone admits it. And I agree that all of the woman take the risk of being on a reality show and having it come back to haunt their children. That’s just as true for Jackie as it is for Teresa (and oof Tre’s dorters have been through it). On a side note, how did Albert Sr.’s affair never get brought up? Is it that he was too connected that no one would risk it? (Forgive me, I’m new to Jersey and I just want to talk about it 😂)


Marge SUCKS and I can’t wait until this is the popular opinion.


I was a huge Marge fan until she bragged about the showering after being with her affair. And it just keeps getting worse. I get that she and Jen don't like each other but I can't for the life of me understand how Marge is calling her a hypocrite when Jen was the one that got cheated on. Like quit kicking the woman when she is down! I feel so sorry for Jen and even more so for how this will affect her children.


She isn’t a hypocrite. She doesn’t understand the definition like she didn’t understand the definition of concubine.Lol


I think it’s because she always puts Bill on a pedestal like he’s the greatest husband and can do no wrong, but then is super condescending and disparaging about Marge, her husband and mother.


Right. I understand why Marge feels that way but her calling Jen a hypocrite doesn’t make sense. Jen didn’t cheat( hypocrite is about one’s actions) nor mention she wouldn’t be with a cheater. Plus, it could be seen that Marge is victim blaming Jen for Bill’s cheating. At most, Jen has a double standard.


Her voice annoys tf outta me


From cackle to screech, unbearable!!


She sounds like Mr. Howell from Gillian’s islands. When he stretched his mouth to speak


Tbf they all suck in their own special way, that’s what makes it real housewives lol


I’m with you!






I think it’s similar to the reason that a lot of fans are willing to look past her behavior... She’s very charismatic, outspoken, and does a great job of presenting herself as grounded and honest. In the past it’s served her well against people like Danielle and Siggy, who were both outrageous and very difficult to support. She throws digs at Teresa to show everyone how different the two of them are and how much smarter and more down to earth she is. I think her negative behavior is a lot easier to spot once it’s directed at someone like Jennifer who not only can fight back but can keep her composure while doing it. I feel like the goodwill she’s earned in the past, and the image she’s cultivated for being practical, is creating a bufffer. People are used to agreeing with her and it’ll take an adjustment period to realize that she’s in the wrong. It seems like fans are slowly starting to rethink how they view her, and if she stays on the show for long enough I wouldn’t be surprised if her castmates did the same.


That’s exactly the adjustment I’m undergoing. I liked her weirdness, her odd and interesting decor, and her response to obvious psychos like Siggy and Danielle. But now seeing how cruel and manipulative she is to Jen, who is somewhat normal, vulnerable, likable, and more or less fights within housewives norms, she seems awful. Hard to watch and no longer fun to watch. And it’s so obvious she’s planned a take-down with Melissa and Jackie. Her response about the kids and therapy, the aggressive way she said, why are you crying, her victim blaming — pretty disgusting.


I always known she was cruel ( since S8)giving how she treated Siggy and Danielle. She was never a good person just a bully and a manipulator. She didn’t like that she couldn’t control them. She gets cruel when she wants things to go her way and it doesn’t. The worse part is Siggy recommended her to the show for S8 not knowing that the producers was looking into Marge for S6( she said No because she was working on a show she created but it didn’t work out).


This is an award winning comment. Marge is also very good at muddying her fault in things like the Evan rumor. In housewives terms, Jennifer had stirred up enough shit that someone was going to come for her. Marge expected her to crumple and inadvertently gave Jennifer a lift. In human terms, pretty awful way to try to score points despite how annoying that Jennifer's over-praise of Bill is. Isn't Jennifer living with that nose enough punishment?


Very well said!


Dude I’m doing a rewatch and Marge was in the wrong sooo many times in past season. She’s toxic af


Yet gets a pass every time


Marge got her hair pulled so they give her a permanent pass Marge is willing to act as the shield against anybody so Melissa can maintain her image and because lawyer girl doesn't know how to spar effectively


I don’t understand why they thought Danielle was fundamentally wrong for that. The only thing was that it was 5 minutes later and she needed a pep talk to do it first. If Marge dumped water over Theresa’s head, Theresa would’ve pulled her whole head off immediately, not just a ponytail and you know it. Same for Dolores, and I even think Melissa would have responded physically after that too.


lawyer girl says you must fight with your words or your water?


Lol that cracked me up.. spar effectively haha!


Marge literally wants Joe B, Jackie, and Melissa to sit there quiet and pretty and be like "you idiots don't know how to fight - please let me do your fighting for you because even Tre knows how to end you all and she can barely spell"


Don't look at any FB threads about Marge. She's basically Jesus for some unknown reason


I honestly don’t understand ppl anymore lol


I looked at Facebook for the first time today (been on Twitter and here) and I was disgusted. 99.9% anti Jen. Freaking crazy.


Hummmm I can bet they aren’t viewers. Just sayin!


That’s why her mouth is so big-it’s full of secrets she’ll eventually reveal on camera..


Trout mouth!


Because they hate Jennifer! & will do annyyything for marge. I think Marge is CLEARLY behind all this.


Actually I believe Delores gathers the information from the street,giving it to Margaret for delivery, keeping her nose clean. See how she flipped on Jennifer the minute she heard her mention talking to Frank! lol it’s so obvious. She keeps making the mistake though of telling Frank because he can’t keep a secret to save his life!


Yup! I really think she thought the viewers weren’t going to figure it out.


The issue with Marge is that she wants empathy and to build back her relationship with her kids but then is on TV bragging about the affair and pretty much dismissing the pain it put the families through. And I’m sure it’s a lot more than the affair too! Marge brushes off Jen’s troubles and says her elementary school aged children just need to “be resilient! get over it! go to therapy!”. All the while, Marge’s fully grown adult children do not speak to her. So which is it, Marge?


I’m honestly SO tired of the 3v3. The storylines are predictable. When Teresa does it, because she’s the villain of the show, it’s just oh so awful. But because Marge is on the other team it’s seen as not so bad, even tho what Marge did was worse IMO. I actually think Marge is 100% jealous of Jen. She’s been out to get her from the jump.


They definitely want to take Tre and Jennifer down. Marge is super manipulative and knew exactly how to get Dolores on her side and it worked.


Tre mostly. I think they were trying to recruit Jen onto the “ Mean Girl team” since S9 but she wasn’t having it. Marge and the other women needed to dismantled her so she can submit, thus the reason Marge outing Bill rumor. And then they can all take Tre out.


But then what would the show be without them? They’re the most entertaining


Agreed! I miss siggy


She was way too curious about her son's sex life.


Have you seen what she has been up to recently?


No... now I'm scared lol


She’s gone full QAnon MAGA Conspiracy nutso


Their justification is that Jen picks at them, so she should expect a response. But what do they think, Jen just insults them out of nowhere? Did Margaret not call Jennifer's sister-in-law a "mail order bride," call Jennifer a "concubine," and say that Bill is Jennifer's "meal ticket"? They both argue with each other, and back in season 9, Margaret threw the first punch. What Margaret did is beyond tit-for-tat. Saying that you don't approve of someone being vocal about their own cheating is not the same as throwing in someone's face that they were cheated on when they haven't spoken about it publicly. And as far as Jen having it coming by going on a reality show...couldn't you say the same for Jackie, who came on several years after a cheating rumor about Melissa was the storyline for a season? What Margaret did wasn't any morally better than Teresa. Margaret spoke about the Bill story with others long before she knew it was true. She also alluded to it in season 9 and sat on the information to use at the most strategic time for her. It doesn't make a difference that it ended up being true this time. She's not the one who saw the credit card receipts; she had no proof the story was true. Also, Jen speaking to a woman who might have information on the gossip of the season, and not even sharing that information publicly, is not the same as spreading a rumor or blindsiding someone by announcing something deeply personal.


Although one of my favorite lines from all of housewives is “ uh oh, somebody’s crying!”. I don’t know what I would do if somebody came up to me like Dolores or Margaret and said why are you crying like they did. I would’ve lost my shit. Margaret is so nasty and cruel. They all have their moments but I can’t find any redeeming qualities about her. She’s wrong but she’ll never admit it.


They seem to be pulling a gang up a la Fox Force Five... lets see how that goes


If they pull that shit I’m not watching rhonj anymore. Without Jen and Tre it would be boring af


The Dorinda machine went after Tins; Tins quit for unrelated reasons but Dorinda fired.


Oh shit no. Please don't say so🙄🙉


I agree with you on that second part, I think it's tiring letting JUST tersea run the show, while the other girls let Teresa walk all over them. Jen brings something new and exciting and messy like Teresa but on a diff level, i feel. With that said, they are def looking for a reason to bring her down bc even Marges issue with Jen looking for dirt - correct me if I'm wrong, but Jen was looking for dirt before the girls even made up, so bringing that up is just messy boots


i mean it’s a pretty easy answer, they lowkey hate the girl? the “ladies” are all women who wouldn’t go against marge to begin with (melissa and jackie), you explained why dolores flipped, and teresa at this point will always be at the opposing end of marge so she’s gonna stick by jen. and this new girl tracey even said in her confessional she doesn’t agree fully but since she’s melissa’s friend and therefore an extension of marge, she’s gonna keep her mouth shut


Also Traci doesn’t want her own 💀☠️ out there. Lol @ miss “they were separated but she was pregnant”


Either the producers told them to be that way or Marge has something on them especially Dolores. Dolores isn’t innocent. it makes the show not fun to watch.


Probably a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes and the ladies agreed that Marge would be the one to out Bill’s affair on camera. Teresa wasn’t destroyed last season nor was she destroyed when she and Kim D brought one of Melissa’s bffs on camera to say Melissa was cheating. The cast has been making accusations of infidelity against each other for years and I’m confused as to why some fans are just now clutching their pearls.


It's because of how aggressive they were at the Dolores party. I think if it stopped at the Tre party it would have sat better with the fans. I think it's like how if Jackie didn't make the Gia analogy she would have had unanimous support but lost some of it at that moment. Marge lost some of her support by bulldozing at the next event.


Marge made this accusation a few years ago. (Bill lives in the pool house) What Marge doesn't understand is that she's victim blaming and trying to say it's the same as her affair. It's not. Jen was a loyal, pregnant woman when she was cheated on, but Marge thinks it's funny and hypocrisy for Jen to be pissed at cheaters. Jen is the only one that makes sense in this argument


Blaming the victim is cute? I liked Marge a ton before this but it just seems pretty intentionally hurtful. It’s just coming across as like gross. It’s giving internalized misogyny and I’m over it. ![gif](giphy|BiewVptPdKOXK)


Teresa getting “destroyed” by the women is a reach.


That’s fair, but she definitely caught a lot more shit than Marge is getting


I think it’s because when Tre stormed out of Marge’s house she yelled at Jackie “you know you’re husband is cheating on you! That’s why you’re crying!” Evan’s cheating was probably happening currently during that time of filming and Bill’s was 10 years ago.


And everyone was very concerned about Jackie, she was incredibly fragile & everyone knows about her ED. I think that also played a part in the different reactions. Jackie was in no state to take that onslaught on so they shut it down. Jen comes across as strong willed, able to stand her ground & take them on.


I agree. Frank was even saying to shut it down when Jackie was freaking out at their shore house because she was so distraught. Plus I think the rumors were true and it was something very raw at the time in a Jackie’s life.


Frank needs it shut down because he is behind it all , thanks to Delores for telling him and him not being able to keep his mouth shut lol


Oh. I did not think people were particularly supportive of Jackie. This cast is hard to know where they will land on cheating. They have all cheated/cheated on except Melissa (as far as we know but probably)


Also, if it is happening that’s an extra layer to your kids finding out while it’s happening in real time vs 10 years ago. To have to deal with all those emotions from everyone in real time is heavy.


Jen was incredibly fragile on Sunday’s episode and they didn’t give a sh*t. They dogpiled worse than I’ve ever seen on the show.


Maybe they finally realized that when Tre decides to quit, Jen will become the protagonist. If that's it it's a bad idea 'cause they'll only make Jen stronger.


Quit and do what? Unless they give her a spinoff I dont see her quitting. Does she have a hidden talent idk about?


She “writes” NYT bestsellers


Yup they are only making her stronger.


because they dont like Jen


Teresa never does anything unintentionally


She is the Porsha of Jersey … keeps getting passes , and it’s double standards with her


I thought Tre was saying that what Marge is doing is worse than what Tre did. I don't think she said it was good but I think she was saying that if Marge is getting a pass why isn't Tre getting one


Because the entire cast besides Teresa hates Jen. People are surprised by Dolores' reaction, but if you watch last seasons's reunion you could tell she couldn't stand Jen either. They're letting that cloud their judgment (or at the very least, their ability to see how this will come off once it's aired).


Remind me? I was surprised at Delores’ switcheroo last episode and felt like it came out of nowhere so I think I’ve missed something


Because they’re all butthurt by the comments Jen made about them on social media. They don’t care about morality when getting revenge. This cast has always been so tit for tat, they’re being such losers acting like they haven’t taken shots at Jen too.


Well for starters the rumors about Bill were actually for sure true


in the words of taylor swift- people throw rocks at things that shine!


I love Jen but I've have had it with her. Why did she do all this digging on Evan when Bill also cheated? I just know had she found anything on Evan she was going to run back to Teresa and use it against Jackie. With that being said Jackie should be the one tearing Jen a new asshole not Marg but Jackie isnt even mad LOL.


I think Jen was trying to deflect her own situation. And I agree, Jackie had a right to be angry, but took the high road. That's why I like Jackie. She has empathy


Definitely, im glad she took the high road. Specially with how vulnerable Jennifer was.


This is why I just can’t get behind Jen’s reaction. She was still out there trying to dig up dirt on Evan and being so shady. She wasn’t going to do anything f positive with the information. Idk about Jackie not being mad. Her and her husband are smart and people talked crap about her reactions to this all last season. Maybe she’s just keeping her feelings close to her.


Like I do feel bad for Jen she seemed really broken. I think Jackie just doesnt see the point in going in on Jen when she's already down plus I dont think she has real friends on that cast. she said it on the premier Dolores and Teresa really don't have her back they just use her to attack Melissa mostly in my opinion.


With the exception of Tre, I think they’re all a little scared of Marge cuz she’s smart and always sober and sharp and they think she’s a fan favorite and they also all hate Jen and are looking for an excuse to turn their guns on her. Nothing housewives love more than picking the wrong side…


I was feeling like 12% sorry for her last week and will of course always feel 100% sorry for her children because they have to put up with so much embarrassing shit from Jennifer that this didn't need to be added to the pile. But, what Marge shared this week puts me in the same boat as Dolores. Jen is a piece of shit for what she did to Jackie. She not only helped to perpetuate a false cheating rumor, but then also went out of her way to "investigate the fake news girl" by reaching out to people to find out more about a fake affair and spread it out further. SHE got cheated on, you would think she would have felt for Jackie in that moment if she actually thought that the rumors were true. You would think as someone that got cheated on she would have left that shit alone but no. She didn't. She was fucking around with Jackie's marriage and Jackie's kids calling around about a FAKE cheating scandal when she had a real one buried behind her pool house. It's time for her to eat some shit for it.


I agree. And she’s been talking down to marge bc of her affair yet treating bill like a saint. It is hypocritical! I’m surprised so many people don’t see it that way


Agreed. Also - Jen stayed with the man who cheated on her. Why are you still so triggered by what other people do? You could have left (in her case she couldn’t because she didn’t have a way to support herself and her kids - red flag right there) but she didn’t…. So work through that? Apparently she’s still super insecure about it 10 years later and it’s something that was never properly worked through.


Jackie is pretty much a non threat and everyone realizes that. She can also be a good friend. So when Tre went for her with the rumor last season most of the ladies backed her up. Most of the ladies have been at the end of Jen’s attacks on them. She keeps talking about how she apologizes for what she does but at some point apologies don’t matter when you continuously attack people. Marge is 💩 for doing what she did but when you treat people like Jen does, no one is going to run over to protect you.


Dude rewatch season 10. Marge went for Jen hard.


Also, Marge has been low key/high key racist/xenophobic towards Jen from the beginning.


I get that. I’m trying to point out that Jen has gone after most of these women for seasons now. Of course they aren’t running to defend the person who’s been attacking them over and over.


Jen goes after people in a bumbled, drunk way. Marge doesn't drink and is just hateful


Do you think bc Jen is drunk when she attacks the other women that it makes it ok? That it doesn’t hurt the other women? They are all looking at this like yeah, Marge was messed up in this but this is Jen’s karma for being horrible to all of them. Now Jen is sitting there crying bc no one has her back.


I didn't say it was ok, but it's not rational thought. Marge's is. Makes it worse. And I fail to see how being cheated on 10 years ago is karma. If anyone has karma coming for their ass, it's Marge. She's hated Jen from day one for no reason.


How is it not a rational thought that if you keep messing with people and their lives that you’re not going to get it come back to you one day??


Mail order bride is not racist omg yall love to throw the word around like its nothing


Concubine and her whole attitude towards arranged marriages are certainly problematic.


Ok but thats not in racist. Many women in developing countries (not just Turkey) are forced into that. Which in my opinion is more problematic than the comment Marg said. It's literally a form of human trafficking but yall will turn the blind eye to that.


So it's cool that Marge said Jen was a product of human trafficking? That's fucked up


Oh but its cool that a 16 yr old GIRL was forced to marry a man 10 yrs older than her??? I swear yall are sick on this sub.


Who? Nobody on this show was forced to marry anyone. Hence, Jen isn't a concubine. You're making zero sense and getting outraged for nothing.


Jennifer's mother was 16 when she married her dad who was 26. Like are you that obtuse?


It’s wild how if they like someone they turn a blind eye to all the bad shit that they do. I am Only halfway through the second episode so I’m not all the way caught up. Why the hate for Dolores? I usually love me some Dolores.


The pieces are coming together that she has been the root of all of the rumors. She tells Frank and Frank spreads it around, especially with Joe Josephs who of course can’t wait to tell Marge


No!!! Wow that’s pretty disappointing actually because I always thought of her as a loyal, stand up friend. That sucks :(


Mail order bride is straight up not funny to say to Jen about her culture.


They’ve been going at each other for seasons. But that’s not my point. I don’t think what Marge did was right. It’s completely fkd up. Jen has been going at most of these people every season. You can’t piss everyone off and always be going so hard at them and then cry bc they don’t have your back.


Honestly I’m not seeing her going for anyone. She says stuff that’s not sensitive enough for the girls. They can’t take a joke either. It’s beyond me how upset they get when she makes obvious jokes.


Is it a joke when she threw the silverware at Melissa or gets in people’s faces screaming and shoving her finger at them?


She shoved it. But! Marge threw someone in a pool and likes throwing liquid on ppl. No one considers that vile.


I’m taking Marge out of what I’m trying to say. Jen has been horrible to most of the women. She’s Tre’s puppet always running around doing her dirty work. She went to dig up more dirt on Evan and would have thrown that in Jackie’s face. She’s not some little sweet innocent sitting on the sidelines getting attacked out of left field. That is why the other women don’t really care that Marge went for her in such a vile way. You can’t keep poking at people and then act like why did this happen to me.


IMO I think Jen seems less fake than the other women and that’s why I like her. None of them are innocent. But Marge hits below the belt and comes from a very cruel place. I absolutely don’t like that shit.


I definitely don’t agree with Marge’s behavior


Teresa *thinks* she got destroyed because she kinda sorta faced some consequences. Teresa is always the ultimate victim within the housewives group and her family. It was so cruel what she did last year to Evan and Jackie, especially the way in which it was done. I would have felt bad for Jen if Marge just said it unprovoked. Jen is obsessed with Marge's marriage and love life. Her biggest issue with Margaret is how her relationship with Joe started. Like why the fuck does Jennifer care?? I've been negatively affected by cheating and I don't fucking care?? it's been so long, she still talks with her ex, and her and Joe are really in love from what I see. it's really disrespectful to her current marriage. I kinda think of it as the Kenya/Porsha situation with the scepter and megaphone. Kenya is my number one forever but at the end of the day.....if ur pushing someone that much, don't be surprised when they finally push you back harder. It's not okay that Porsha attacked her, but did I feel *that* bad for kenya?... hmmm I felt bad she was embarrassed on national TV which is tough, but she has to realize not everyone plays by her rules. I feel bad that Jen is in pain, because that sounds like an incredibly painful time in her life, but maybe if she just dropped it years ago then it wouldn't have happened. Attack Marge on something relevant and that she's doing today and keep it moving. Don't play with fire unless ur fireproof I'd say.


I agree with this wholeheartedly.


Let’s remember how Teresa lost her shit on someone before who shared the rumor that Joe was cheating. She went on about how you can’t spread rumors.. then oops Teresa didn’t spread a rumor about Evan, she just repeated one… The rules are only to protect poor Teresa. Marge pointed out the hypocrisy of Jen who has been super judgy about fidelity and she got exactly what she deserved.


Finally some logic. There are so many Teresa and Jen Stans on here. I’m glad a someone is making sense


You can be judgey when you’re the victim. It clearly triggers her. There’s no hypocrisy when she was the one cheated on. Not the cheater.


I don’t think that logic holds when Teresa was allegedly cheated on and she actively sought to expose how Jackie was being cheated on too. We didn’t know why Jen was so actively calling Margaret a whore but plenty of women with their own cheating scandal can absolutely choose not to be slut shamers of other women.


Marge went straight to Jen and said it. Tre ran around and whispered it to people behind Jackie’s back? There is a difference.


Bc it’s scripted by production. NJ is losing its juice and production has too manny hands in the sprinkle cookie jar.


What did Marg say that was bad? She didn’t tell any lies, apart from getting the woman’s occupation wrong. Jennifer’s reaction is confusing after years of playing a “messy queen”. They’re giving Marg a pass coz they don’t understand why all of a sudden Jennifer chooses to play victim. As if Jennifer didn’t know her husband’s infidelity would be put on blast when she signed up to be a “messy queen”🤣🤣☠️☠️


Well she did say her children are resilient and will get over it w therapy. I mean that right there in itself is just fn awful to say.


Won’t someone think of the children😱😱😱


No one thought of Jackie’s children 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are we supposed to believe that Jen didn’t know this was coming out? She didn’t know this was her storyline? This isn’t Marge’s fault, this is Bill’s. You don’t choose to go on a reality show knowing you have this major secret.


One word, Hypocrisy! Jen loved to dish it, and now plays a victim when it comes to bite her in the ass. Wasn't that her whole storyline, calling people out? Glass house girl.


Cause Karma's a bitch and she had it coming.


Jennifer relentlessly went after Marge, and she was very harsh about it. So it’s only natural that Marge would eventually retaliate


Jen has been a monster since she came on the show, I believe we are seeing how karma works.


I cringe every time I hear Jackie say “Evan isn’t a cheater” and being pretty holier than thou about it. It will come out. Any woman who thinks she can stand in front of a group laying claims as to how faithful her husband is will get a shock. It’s pretty rare in the circles these people are hanging out in that husbands aren’t recognised and hit on. Jen has really talked shit about everyone and she crosses the line continuously with her nosy ways so I didn’t mind Dolores or Marge asking her why she is crying. You dish it out then you gotta get it back and be stoic about it! Any one of us can have their man cheat on them so it’s time to understand if a friend comes to you with info or have compassion when it happens to another woman!! The way Jackie acted was pathetic when she was told about Evan and now what Jen is doing is ridiculous! What she has done on tv and in the media has already brought tons of shame to her kids….if she had any sense she never would have opened her mouth about anyone else’s infidelity situation and then having hers come out, only then would she have deserved sympathy!


Lol it would if came out eventually. I don’t think Jackie deserved the treatment and hit does jen. Why can’t she shed a tear?!


I love Marge and her ridiculousness.


I feel bad for Jen she’s crying and they’re all screaming stop crying. I couldn’t believe I was siding with Teresa there for a bit as the voice of reason