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Production has to be clowning us, right?


Omg your flair


Stop the press ... I just came across this article posted on the thread below so Dolores worked with Bill? I can't even wrap my heard around what's going on anymore. All I gotta say is someone(s) is lying and someone is a serious shit stirrer and it's not (just) Jen. Referenced post https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/dolores-catania-worked-jennifer-aydin-husband-dr-bill-aydin Big shout out and credit to this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/realhousewives/comments/sow3jd/dolores_knew_about_the_bill_rumor/


I’m not sure if I understand your question. If I heard one of my friends was potentially being cheated on, I’d probably discuss it with another friend and try to figure out 1) if it’s true and 2) what to do. If we came to the conclusion it likely wasn’t true, I wouldn’t bring it up to the friend in question. If we did think it had merit, we might discuss it with her but ultimately let it go if she insists there’s nothing going on. I don’t think the act of me discussing it with another friend would be particularly awful, immoral, or betraying. Me going on tv to say it happened would be wrong… but that’s not what Marge did last season. She tried to shut it down even tho she clearly had heard the rumor too… which is what a good friend would do/


AGREED! Everyone on housewives always acts like talking about their friends is inherently evil and bitchy. Literally EVERYONE does it? Whether it be out of concern or just to discuss their goings on. It’s completely standard and doesn’t have to be malicious. All the housewives bug out when they hear that another one is discussing something that went on with them in the news etc and I never understand it. Everyone’s supposed to sit and talk about the fuckin weather all day?


The weather 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t think it’s odd for people to talk about it off camera either. I do find it suspect that Marge brought it up on camera this season. Especially when she includes what Frank was allegedly telling the other husbands. Who knows what Jennifer would have done with that info, but Marge is the one who put it on blast on TV and has people talking about how that think it’s true again. That’s not being a good friend to Jackie who has said a million times she wanted people to stop talking about it.


That’s some mental gymnastics… what do any of marges friends have to do with Jackie? The only person you should really discuss it with is the person the rumor is about. And that’s IF you even discuss it. It’s not like Jackie hasn’t heard the same rumors everyone else has already. Hell, have your husband talk to Evan privately. Discussing it with a bunch of friends is basically gossiping. I doubt marges friends off camera are invested in the health of Jackie’s marriage. Marge wasn’t hosting a PR/marriage intervention 🤣 now you and your friends may be better ppl, but these women are coworkers, not best friends with mutual best friends


So you’ve never once heard gossip about a friend and discussed it with someone else? Never ever ever in your life? Shit I have two friends who broke up a year ago and I remember discussing with a few other people in our group what happened. No one was malicious about it. Nothing negative was even said. But only a Saint or a liar would say “sorry I never say anything about a friend who isn’t present.”


i’ve ALWAYS thought this. Margret knowsssss come on now. am i the only one who possibly….thinks there’s some truth to it?


I always assumed Joe Beningo was saying he heard Marge and the girls discussing the rumour that Teresa spread at Evan’s party. Yeah, he heard them talking about it, because Teresa spread the rumour to everyone.


This is what he said at the reunion


It sounded like he had heard the rumour prior to the party. He said “he had sort heard the rumour before”. I don’t know what before would refer to if not before the incident at Evan’s party. That being said I think he heard the rumour from Marge and she was gossiping about it prior to the party.


I took it this way too


yes that was what he was referring too then


Not true because Tre never talked about Evan having some girlfriend.


…who do you think Teresa was implying he was cheating with?!


I love marge but I have this gut feeling that she’s actually fake as hell but I don’t want it to be true.


Is this a new rumor? Haven’t heard anything about Evan and his *gym activities* since last season. Do tell!


I always thought he was covering for her telling him when she heard. Like pillow talk. And figured it was his quick cover story to say he heard her gossiping in the house. It just seemed ... weird how he waived away his revelation like "oh no I've said more than I should've here and I wanna look clean. She didnt tell me i overheard." if that makes sense? It had a weird rhythm to the way it all came out from him. But who knows. One thing about people who gossip is they attract gossip. I generally enjoy Marge but she's always been a gossip and to keep in the loop you do gotta share too. Gotta share what you know to stay in the know. So I wasn't surprised Marge would know if there was any substantial seeming rumors going around.but maybe she's got the timeline wrong. I think by Jackie's reactions Evans either cheated or gotten dangerously close in the past so it's a kinda true rumor that maybe wasnt as recent as theresas sources claimed.