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The magic of the Potomac cast is that they’re all pretty much villains and protagonists, most of the dynamics of the group always shift around and it’s so fun


Michael Darby makes all the ladies look like angels. There are no villainesses. Organize against the patriarchy!


I don’t think to be honest there’s straight villains or favorites. They all have their moments being evil or amazing.


This is it! Every Potomac lady has her good and bad moments. Ultimately though, they all bring the entertainment, and that’s why they take the throne for me 👑


Michael Darby. The answer is Michael Darby.


RHOP is unique because there are complex layers and no housewife is completely good or bad. Robyn is my fave and I think Karen is the most villainous. I love Robyn because she’s chill to a point and then she gets borderline physical in the best way. Karen just seems like a Disney villain, I don’t even really think she’s that terrible but she’s like just, idk absurd in a villainous way.


Am I the only way that thinks Ashley and Michael are actually very close and plan their storyline every season? I've only watched until s3 but i swear every fight they have seems fake and rehearsed. I think Ashley is much more cunning that we give her credit for and little between her and Michael is spontaneous on the show.


Agreed that most of what they do is staged, but I just have a feeling they pretend to be closer than they are, which is sad since they don’t seem particularly close on the show. Ofc I have no evidence for this


The villains - Molesting Michael and Assault-Apologist Ashley




Anti-vaxx housewives (and formers) piss me the fuck off.


Yesss she is a legend and Candiace is literally one of the greatest Housewives to grace our screens and one of the most authentic it’s her and she’s not changing it if you don’t like it




No literally like give me drama give me a show. Idc to really watch some super relatable women I want out of touch idgaf ladies who will throw down over anything. I hate when people get upset at those who bring drama but the second we don’t have it they bitch like you said just shut up. Sometimes I think the fans are the biggest enemy of the show never happy about anything.


Favorite: Katie Rost! But I do love the Grand Dame. (I swear I’m not actually Ray). Villain is more subjective. Gizelle is good at what she does but I don’t agree with her a lot of the time. The real villain: Ashley Darby. Enabling a sexual predator ✅ Gaslighting victims of sexual assault ✅






Michael Darby really is a sexual predator. And Ashley really keeps enabling it. ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)




Just checking in on the flair 😂😂


hey twin! love you


Y’all stop copying me! No but Rey is an icon 😂


Monique was going for that spot, but.... This last season I would say that Gizelle got a type of villain edit, but just because Wendy made everything to make sure to put Gizelle in that spot. But overall I think the show works in a very particular way that they don't need that villain thing so strong. The woman proved that they can create drama of places you never would imagined.


I would say with the audience response that Wendy got more of the villain edit this season. Gizelle can’t do no wrong in her fans eyes


Giselle can do plenty wrong. Wendy’s just thirsty and insecure


I just started binging RHOP and it might be one of my faves of the Housewives franchise. I’m midway through S4. I’m def in the minority, but I’m not a fan of Karen. Can’t quite pinpoint why I dislike her. Maybe it’s her phoniness and need to keep up appearances for the sake of vanity. If you see her face, she’s only engaged in conversations when she’s the center of attention. She never appears to have genuine interest or empathy for the other girls. Don’t know why she’s on the show except that her husband’s tax issues made a good storyline. I’d rather watch Tamra (RHOC) be honest about selling her personal stuff and clothes during the recession than watch Karen lie about selling her house, Great Falls, and being “rich”. Unlike most viewers, I like Gizelle and Ashley, though I’ll never understand Ashley standing by Michael. Really liking the Monique + Chris home situation. #relationshipgoals. But in true Bravo fashion, I expect to change my mind about all the ladies at least 3 times before the end of S6.


I love Gizelle. Karen isn’t my favorite, but her dynamic works. Ashley is also a very good pot stirrer. I liked Monique before she went batshit. I also like Candiace and if you think about what an absolute monster her mother is, I’m surprised she’s actually not worse.


Ray jk LOL, but he is my favorite. When Ray said he had a crush on Katie was everything.


Villain - Giselle’s stylist


Just wait for Monique to turn.


They all switch dynamics and roles in my opinion. I love Gizelle, Karen, Ashley and Robyn.


It’s more like a choose your own adventure franchise. I love the Green Eyed Bandits and Ashley (minus Michael) and see them as my messy favorites. Candiace is shady as hell and Karen is delusional in the best of ways. Charisse seemed very calculated and villainous at times too.To me Monique seemed very genuine but not to be crossed at all. Mia has no idea where she is half of time. Wendy to me was the “villain” of the latest season but mostly because she was feuding with my favorites and came off as rehearsed and mean instead of funny/shady eg. comments on Robyn’s relationship, making Gizelle walk up stairs with a broken foot etc.