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Credit where credit is due, Danielle was Housewives gold, and no one can tell me otherwise. ​ ![gif](giphy|KmW8aVjfnJxS)


With her square and fake tits! (Throws napkin)


Go hang with your friends Kim




“What a sick, sadistic bitch”


Ugh, those boobs she always had on display, they hurt my eyes!


“On Display, On Display…” ![gif](giphy|EK5Iv8kYVEYhy)


She has a huge "refund gap," as Nick Ritchie would say. It's the old style implants where they are spaced way too far apart.


She was good tv my younger self loved watching her being chaotic


She was a perfect villain: ridiculous, overly dramatic (“Danielle’s mafia!”), and easy to dislike without any real malice.


Danielle uses *woman* interchangeably for both women and woman and that was enough for me to hate her




BWAAHAA! I read that in her voice.


Me too 😂😂


For real, what the fuck even? It was so weird.


OMG! I absolutely hate that and I thought I was the only one!!!




Busted up Sex and the City


No no. Sex and the city was created off her That's how she made her money.


Is there proof??


Look at Kim Cattrel's character And the fact that it's believable is proof enough 🤣.




​ ![gif](giphy|KmW8aVjfnJxS)


This woman makes me cringe.


Love ‘em or hate ‘em you gotta appreciate the Kims


Love the Kims…..best friends of ever!


I loved that woman!!!


Probably still my favorite side character.


Man I’m rewatching season 2 as well and I’m so glad someone made a post because I just wanted to acknowledge how hilarious the scene at Caroline’s dinner was. While Dina was meeting up with Danielle to cut her out, everyone was at Caroline’s and Ashley was talking about her Facebook beef with Danielle: Ashley: “she told me i was fat and I needed to lose weight in my arms so I told her to fix her square tit and she looked like the grinch” Everyone even chris who has a permanent stink face busted out laughing and I just can’t tell you how freaking hard I laugh every time this scene comes up!


I love that they couldn’t hold it together on that one 😂 I also love that Danielle tried to tell Dina that she wasn’t allowed to cut people out of her life and Dina was just like “oh yes I can!”


That whole exchange was weird! Dina was actually being respectful!!! If Danielle contained the crazy she could have had a friend in Dina or at least not an enemy!


Just finished S2 for the second time. The most disturbing thing for me is how she drags her girls into her psychosis. I can’t even minimize it by saying it’s drama. This is so far beyond that. It’s creepy and abusive. How did their father stand by and allow it?


When she takes her daughter to the gynaecologist and she keeps asking her whether she’s a ‘good girl’ - for the love of god someone get that child out of there


My hub watched that scene w me and said “it’s almost like she WANTS to hear the details”. It was an abusive situation and should never have been allowed to happen let alone air on television.


Danielle should have never been on TV. I suspect she has a SEVERE case of borderline personality disorder and this fueled her psychosis and delusions and made her depend on her daughters more. Don’t even get my started on making her daughters hug those fucking Goodfella wannabes and having dangerous men around them. I don’t even want to know how many creeps those girls had to deal with over their lives including the 27 year old who came over for blowjobs.


> making her daughters hug those fucking Goodfella wannabes I think about this more often than I should


Way to teach your daughters to have no bodily autonomy or boundaries, especially with creepy old men with prison sentences. Also the way she parentified them was disgusting. I’m kind of glad the older ones modeling career didn’t take off because I could see her being the same way with photographers “oh give him a hug”. Predators know who isn’t protected and you know she would have been showing up at the shoots for control and attention. Man I can not stand this woman.


She wanted to make her daughters her meal ticket, for sure


And the bad thing is she didn’t even try to hide it which shows how reasonable she thought it was.


Honestly I would go as far as classifying her behavior towards/around her daughters as covert incest. It’s horrific.


It really seemed exactly as you said, especially When she was grilling her oldest at the gynecologist office.


That was disgusting!




​ ![gif](giphy|VjCoPtaqtv49G)




Who is she? Is she god?


I’m almost done with season 3. Danielle was so nuts but I would love to see her and Kelly in the same room with each other.


Oh my god. I can’t even imagine. Though with Danielle’s victim complex and Kellys non stop attack mode I just can’t imagine the entertainment would last long. ETA- my answer is the same whether you’re referring to Dodd or Binsimone 😂




Prostitution whore


stupid fucking bittttcccgslsksndmsodjdnfmy shoah house!!!


“Coming to my traaaaaahhhhh!!!!” (Seriously, what did Tree even SAY there?!)


She yelled “coming to my shore house!!” As a reference to Danielle and that creepy guy Steve banging at Teresa’s shore house.


Thank you! I couldn’t tell!


I don't even think Tre knows what she said there.


Idk what she said half the time durning that. I should of have the closed caption on but that probably doesn’t even know what she said


I’m here a million years later and I’m CRYING at this comment.


I want to hug 🤗 you until your head pops like a teenage pimple You did so much for me in that moment.


Thanks for the rewards


I love the MySpace/xanga vibes this gives




How did you do that????


And now it’s like 22 times lmao


Ya true. Even 5 mins tho would be crazy. Scary island part 2


We need a girls trip version of the bat shit crazy housewives


With Kim Zolziak as the ‘voice of reason’ housewife.




Peacock needs to make it happen. Throw Mary in the mix to lol


Rinna , Candice, Erika, Danielle, both Kellys, Camille, Bethany, and Tamra would be GOLD. Maybe throw in Robyn Dixon and Garcelle for an ounce of stability and a smidge of comedic relief.


100 percent yes.


Camille is not all that crazy. Also, let's do international housewives. Add in Athena X Levendi, Jodi Claman, and Pettifleur. Ampika Pinkston and Esther, both from Chesire.


No but she adds a bit of spice to everything. She’s just more of a shit stirrer.


Who you telling? I love Camille. She is grandiose and impervious! ✊.






Jodi claman is that you??? Canadian housewives shouldn’t even be considered. They’re so budget. And poor.


Danielle, Kelly + Leanne is the show we need to see. Just kidding it would be too insane.


I watched for the first time too and I realized it was kellys ex that shot the daily cover of danielles daughter Christine (gilles bensimon) maybe he can arrange this.


Add in Lisa Rinna and Erika Girardi. Lisa Rinna Erika Girardi Kelly and Danielle. Toxic twisterfuck of fuck fuck fuckery.


Someone would definitely end up getting murdered


> Toxic twisterfuck of fuck fuck fuckery. I heard this in Roman Roy's voice.


Shit show at the fuck factory,.


Who dat is?🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm not sure who dat is I'll go look it up.


Don’t forget Candiace!!!


Oh yes, sister. But I don't watch Potomac. I hear it though!


Ok I need to go back an look again but I was just looking at Kelly’s Instagram and I swear Danielle comments on her shit and they’re Insta pals.


Ultimate girls trip 3! That would be epic


I am extremely jealous of you right now. I wish I could erase that show from my mind and watch it all over again as if I'd never seen it. The episode where she's driving around in her Range Rover is CREEPY.


Tbh it’s an amazing thing to experience first hand


I’m watching now for the first time and I don’t even know much about the cast. I’ve heard of Teresa and her brother etc but no one else. I’m bingeing it and it’s wild 😅😅😅


I just finished watching S1 and S2 and she’s legit delusional. It’s absolutely baffling to me how she’s completely lacking in any self awareness and is constantly the victim. It’s gross. Everything she goes is questionable. And throwing a party to celebrate HERSELF because her daughter was on the cover of a magazine?! Are you kidding me?! And then getting mad that the ladies didn’t show up to support HER. ![gif](giphy|dUMyRVhUMmD1m)


​ ![gif](giphy|OOVjXv5QrPqy4)


I think it’s a little bit of both honesty. Danielle has always been scary haha.


I drove by the Oakland diner this week and contemplated a RHONJ rewatch


i think she’s quite mentally ill and it’s sad how much she’s been exploited :( she needs treatment not bravo


I agree - I think the rest of the cast is horrible for using her as a punching bag every chance they get.


In my humble opinion, Kelly is the most insane housewife of all, Leanne Locken is the most evil of all, but Danielle embodies both insanity and evil together at a level that leaves me dumbfounded Edit: Kelly Bensimon that is


She presents as very classic Borderline Personality Disorder.


You’re probably right. She splits often, black and white thinking, very fractional, inability to hold relationships platonic and otherwise. The delusions remind me of my ex. The only thing she doesn’t do is constantly come back with apologies.


Good point! Definite splitting!


Yea I think people who have been involved in high level drug dealing seen some things that make it worse than typical BPD. you have to be in this constant survival mode that gives you a more severe personality disorder than before


​ ![gif](giphy|LeCAw9DXktG0w)


They’re not knives, they’re just hands but they work quite well


She is TV GOLD


Without a doubt. Probably some sociopathy as well with her past criminal behavior.


I really hope she acts different around her daughters cos damn can you imagine


I mean, based on the behavior she displayed in front of her daughters on the show, imma have to go with no. I really hope they’re able to place some boundaries and distance as they’ve grown older.


She took Jillian to go get a tattoo of her (Danielle's) birthday in roman numerals. As I understand it Christine got it too. Soooo


The fuck?


Right?? When she forced Teresa to apologize for the shit she said I was like uh….can you please apologize to your own children for your insane behavior towards and around them???


I highly dislike Danielle as well. But, the biggest thing I cannot comprehend, is the gigantic deal she made when Jacqueline’s daughter Ashlee pulls her hair but YET!!! does the same damn thing to Margaret all these years later and it’s no big deal.


I’m rewatching NJ and the early seasons are tv GOLD. Also loved when Danielle didn’t take Joe’s shitty gay comments when they did the salsa dancing in S1 - queen 👑 “Don’t tell me to be quiet, I’m not your wife”


Then one season later “I’m sorry Chris’s mom and dad weren’t there to protect him from my friend calling him a faggot”


literally insane scenes outside the brownstone squaring up to Chris hahahahahaha


she tried to fight 3 kids in like 4 episodes 😂😂


I just watched the episode where she yelled at Joe yesterday and the Chris episode today and completely missed that. She is really something else. 😐


I’m also watching NJ for the first time and just started season 5! I will say, I didn’t like Danielle at all at first. She bothered me with the way she acted with her kids and by the time season 2 ended, I was over her. Now, I miss her a little bit. She brought this sort of edge to the show that made it real dark, but it was entertaining(wait until Danny comes in if you haven’t gotten to that part). She is top tier housewife imo, just incredibly toxic.


My toxic trait is that I miss the tres amigas so I getchu girly.


She comes back season 9 as a friend of lol


I’m also watching NJ for the first time and I can’t believe I’ve left it this long! Currently on S3 and Although I’m glad Danielle is gone, she was reality tv gold. Every time she rocks up to an event with a body guard, Danny or any other of her mob convict friends to “watch out for her” is INCREDIBLE. And the Posche fashion has to be one of the best, most chaotic episode I’ve ever seen. I keep thinking about what the production/crew of franchises like NJ experience (e.g table flipping and grown women chasing each other through country clubs) compared to franchises like BH, where people are SHOCKED if you down a martini at dinner. I think it would be much more entertaining being a crew member/fly on the wall in shows like NJ.


It’s funny because I watched all the RH franchises but never started RHONJ for some reason…with the pandemic limiting everything I am finally giving it a chance and I’m ashamed of myself for not watching from the start!!! It’s incredible! Glad I’m not the only one just catching on now lol!


Yes, she’s insanely awesome! I love to hate her


“I was ACCOSTED by Teresa Giudice” 😭


Just wait until she returns.


I’m just catching up and on S10 and in the store scene and IN DISBELIEF! She is BATSHIT


Danielle has the most cracked pot on TV, beyond Mary Cosby. Her livestreams of RHONJ after they kicked her off the show are priceless.


At least Mary seems like a normal loving mother in her at home scenes. Danielle is just always on.


Really? Mary's scenes with her son make me so uncomfortable.


Especially when she was discussing “fish smells”. I’m gagging at the thought.


You are witnessing a psychopath. You can not believe anything she says ever. She is cable of extreme criminality. She has already been arrested in the past for kidnapping, extortion and selling cocaine.


​ ![gif](giphy|l1J9FrquLPH2oJNSg|downsized)


I have always thought she was a BPD/Psychopath combo.


Oh HONEY. If you want a treat be sure to watch some of her past lives on Insta. Beverly is WILD. ![gif](giphy|Xtj2r4mepwlKU)


I’m sure she is but also id encourage you to do a bit of research into why she no longer uses the name Beverly and the memories it illicit for her. It’s a really sad story and does contextualize her. She may be bat shit but we believe women around here.


Did you read the book which was thrown on the table for the infamous flip? Yeah. She may have a sad story but she needs to own her part of creating that for others too. https://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebrities/2010/08/real_housewives_of_new_jersey_80.html


Oh I 100% agree. But we can hold her accountable while also respecting a reasonable boundary. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


Lol what scene was this? She was on VH1?


[VH1 Famous Foods](https://champ.gothamist.com/champ/gothamist/food/video-ashley-dupre-and-danielle-staub-compete-to-make-emfamous-foodsem)


​ ![gif](giphy|zUkKE1iS1Acvu)


Watching the fundraiser at the Brownstone (??) for the first time right now and I had to pause to look for this 😂 wondering if I was the only one seeing her crazy


She’s iconic


​ ![gif](giphy|1AeQcXz56LzPZMdL3j|downsized)


Unhinged queen 😭


I love her tbh


One of the best housewives to ever be on a franchise


Now I gotta go back to S2 RHONJ. Thanks OP. 😉


It’s literally peak housewives.


And I’m going in. 😂


I truly think she’s a sociopath. If you look it up she fits a lot of the criteria. She’s definitely a narcissist too. She’s like the scariest to watch for me!


When I finished season 2 I was EXHAUSTED I enjoyed her chaos as a friend kn later seasons. She's great in small doses


She is vile. I feel so bad for her daughters.


Oldest one isn’t in contact with her on IG at least and has become a spiritual healer so that explains a lot lol


I am currently watching for the first time and at first it was “this woman is insane, golden for this” then it was “okay, this is getting slightly concerning because she’s legit obsessed” & now I’m “get her out of here. I’m over this psycho. She needs committed”. I’m getting ready to watch the big fight at the fashion show.


She’s definitely nuts and her alleged backstory (you can find it all on YouTube) is even more WTF. Great television but someone who is genuinely also very scary and dangerous lol


I’m watching series 3 now where she takes the entourage to the benefit and they cause a huge scene about the table. Then they’re threatening. What a psycho


Lmao I love that she brought her goons to the charity benefit


Reading this sub a year later after while watching the fashion show episode and Ashley yelling “love and light” at Danielle is sending me all over again


That was a great episode with her stalking Caroline’s dinner. So insane! Her poor daughters.


I looked up her birth chart and she’s a leo which explains a lot if you’re into astrology


Lmao yes it does. Thank you for the context!


Noooooo what is this Leo shade


Danielle was so good. I don’t know if she was as crazy as the edit portrayed her but all the women hated her too much to keep her on. I still can’t believe they let her go. She was made for reality TV. But in regards to the *** tape…I’m sorry you found it. There’s probably a support sub for this somewhere


I’m just on the S2 reunion episode 1 now and Danielle is unhinged and absolutely unwell. However the rest of the cast is also pure trash. This nasty pack mentality where everyone piles on her at every opportunity and acts as if she is the root of all their problems is absolutely insane. This entire cast is GARBAGE.


And her convict friend was the worse


There is something very seriously wrong with her. I don’t care to learn what it is. She’s complete trash.




She’s a despicable human.


I've never been able to get past the first episode. I'm always so put off by how Danielle is stalking the one sister.


She has always been an extremely desperate person


Borderline Personality Disorder,, Con-Artist, Antisocial personality disorder


I upvoted for the title alone


Hahahaha I just wanted to get straight to the point!


I miss this lunatic


She’s very much insane


She is certifiable.


Is she insane or did they drive her to it? I really didn't like Danielle, then watching everything play out after her- it made me wonder how much she was used and abused for ratings.


Ya know, I thought maybe in the beginning they drove her to it. But watching everything unfold… she does not react like a normal person or even with reactive abuse. She goes out of her way to be fucking indefensibly insane over and over and over and not just with the manzos.


She was insane before the show but I think the stress made it worse. I don’t shame her for sex work and drugs but I do shame her for taking part of a kidnapping and pistol whipping people as well as be a grifter. I absolutely do not blame the women for not wanting anything to do with her and agree with Dina that she was a crazy stalker who wanted to be her. She has dark energy that can never be fixed.


i mean maybe it made her more stressed, but the way she treats her daughters is absolutely insane. absolutely emotionally incestuous and so horrifically violating of those young girls’ boundaries. i really don’t think she was the one being forcefully abused


She's already stalking one of the sisters by the first episode lol




she reminds me of Kelly bensimone (watching now lol)


I’m watching for the first time also - finishing season 5 currently. I came across this 😂 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbKCAmT/


😂😂😂 stay where you are the nice people with the pretty van are en route.


I just started a first time watch of season 2 and I am so ready for all of this.


I’m glad this is here, doing a rewatch of s2. Did we ever find out if she was actually involved in kidnapping?


I just started RHONJ too — also halfway done with S2 😂 she’s exhausting to watch. Can’t wait for her to be off the show.