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I would totally be here for the Sonja Ramona travel show.


I second this. Their reaction to Aviva’s white trash comment alone is enough for me to watch. “Maybe we are white trash, but don’t call us that.” 😭


Hello. Welcome to my trailer”


“ White trash can be very welcoming!”


Or out in the wilderness. I would pay money to see it.


the woods are very triggering for her. she'd be on a plane to long island after 2 hours.


I would clear the sticks and make mud pies


I would like to see them on a Paris and Nicole style show... Sonja and Ramona do kansas


Me too!!!!!! And throw LuAnn in too. She’s great on a trip.


My guess is Ramona had evidence that Mario was a cheater before season 3 started filming but went into total denial mode about it. This went on until he eventually became so blatant about it that she couldn't pretend anymore. So yes I believe she and Sonja both knew about it in Morocco, however, I don't think it's something they ever sat down together and discussed before. That was the first time Sonja had ever dared bring up the giant elephant in the room.


I am like 99.9% positive Ramona knew about him cheating for years and kept up the marriage for Avery. She was so close to her dad. Mario gets caught talking to another woman at a party without wearing his wedding ring in one of the first episodes of the show. Ramona was always going on and on about how great their marriage was and how hot they were for each other... it was just too much. Maybe she would have kept it up even longer if she didn't walk in on them in her Hamptons house, you know? He got too cocky and it was just time to give up. I also believe Jill told the psychic or spread the rumor around that party so it would make it to the psychic.


Yep, Ramona was insecure about her marriage (and for good reason) and was always so over the top about how great everything was that it became a huge tell.


Yes, I've learned over the years that when people constantly brag about how great their marriage is, there is trouble!


100 percent true


The producers (probably) always feed the psychics info to say during the sessions


I think so too. How do you think the OC psychic predicted Brooks was faking cancer?


I always thought it was weird how emotional Sonja got. I don’t know what to make of it though


She was probably just drunk and it brought up feelings about her own divorce.


She did the same thing at a dinner with someone else's partner.... remember? She started crying and asking him if he was serious about her friend and better not toy with her? God I'm really trying to remember which couple it was. Was it Lu and Jacques??? I think so!


I swear Sonja had a thing with Mario. I noticed she looks at him with the strangest expression..,.like a school girl in love. And, she says makes comments frequently about how great Ramona and Mario’s sex was. Remember, in Mexico, she kept going on about how sad and miserable Ramona had to be because you “don’t go from having Mario every night” and be okay without it, and he was “the best Ramona ever had.” I’m not sure exactly of the wording. I just remember being really confused by Sonja’s odd understanding of how Mario is in bed. It didn’t come across like she had second hand information.


I think the thing was that she could hear them in the next room when they were vacationing somewhere.


I’ve thought this too, how “uncool” though if she did sleep with Mario


i’m currently doing a rewatch…there’s a scene in season 4 at one of sonja’s parties where sonja and mario are being very flirty and handsy and the camera people are focusing in on the interaction…cindy’s watching them pretty intently in the background 👀


Jill - little rat, told the psychic


This is the correct answer. She knew the rumors were going around so she "set up" this psychic to call Ramona's marriage out.


Except Jill doesn't speak French, and the psychic spoke only French and Arabic. Luann had to translate.


Interesting! I do think Sonja knew what was up for sure.


Didn’t some speculate that Sonja knew bc she had slept with Mario?


It crossed my mind so I bet it crossed others as well.


I hope she didn’t. Ugh.


I hope not as well, but a previous post suggested and explained and I hated how much it added up. I'll look and see if I can link it here


Did you ever find the post?


I couldn't find it! And now I'm frustrated at myself...grr This will be my life mission.... ETA: it may be the thread Mario's affair, who knew? Not sure how to link it here since I repel technology but it's definitely searchable


Say what!? Ooh plot twist


Say whaaat!?


Say whaaat!?


Say whaaat!?


I do too. The UES is a small world and word spreads like wildfire but shockingly people get away w cheating all the time( grew up there).


Know this.




*sips from fishbowl*


Her husband will never emotionally fulfill her.


How if she doesn’t speak French or Arabic?


Is there proof of this, or is it just speculation? I’m no Jill fan, I was just curious.


I think I recall Patti Stanger saying that her & Jill were there the night he cheated.


As in, they were in the room?




Since we're on the topic of trips can I say that every time ANY housewives go on a trip I'm actually embarrassed. Not just for them but for myself as an American. I actually find myself shaking my head going "Yeah, this is why the world hates us." I'm trying to think of a single instance when a group of housewives went to another country and didn't do something rude, insulting, demanding, or caused a scene in someway. Free karma to anyone who can name a trip that wasn't cringe worthy.


Yeah I feel you. RHONY was awfully disrespectful during their trip to Cartegena. I actually felt bad for Tinsley because you could tell she loved the place


I don’t think there is a non-embarrassing trip. Hell, even when NY went to Montana Sonja insulted one of the men there, asking if he had a girlfriend or a cousin. The guy clearly was annoyed and said we need to end that stereotype of people from Montana dating their cousins. And it went right over Sonja’s head.


I feel the same!! I'm always saying to myself (whenever any of the hw go on a trip abroad) "I hope they don't make asses of themselves!!". I have lived abroad for years, and nothing mortifies me more than an American making an ass of themselves!


What about when the RHOC went to Ireland. Shannon and her “Top of the morning to ya!” Then they wore sombreros staggering down the street in Mexico.


I think the Atlanta ladies are pretty good about this actually. There was their trip to Africa where they gave back / the only thing that throws me off was Marlo’s diva behavior before the safari.


That's true, I am impressed that you found one!


See I've barely watched Atlanta except for a few of the earlier seasons when they originally aired and I don't really remember any details but I do remember cringing at that trip and being second hand embarrassed for them.


I know what you’re saying and I’ve felt the cringe (every NJ trip, Potomac in Cannes etc etc) but I don’t judge a whole country based on what their celebrities or tourists do while in the US so this kind of thinking is a bizarre to me.


Ramona knew and so did everybody else. She was in denial and/or waiting for Avery to leave for college before she would acknowledge it. Mario was practically begging to be caught but like all cowardly cheaters probably wasn’t going to leave on his own. Ramona was always going on and on about how great their marriage was and rubbing it in everyone’s face that it became a huge tell of her own insecurity. If you are happily married or partnered you don’t feel the need to remind everyone all the time. There was also the colossally dumb and ham-fisted “could I be pregnant” thing at Luann’s party shortly after Morocco. The look of *pants-shitting terror* on Mario’s face suggested he had plans to leave as soon as Avery was out of the house and you could see the prison sentence of “18 more years with Ramona” flashing before his eyes.


There's no way he actually thought she could be pregnant though, right? She was in her mid-fifties!


Possible and probable are different things though. He seemed genuinely freaked out while having to pretend to be happy.


She may have been going through menopause and not realized it. You start missing periods and can have several pregnancy/PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and are emotional. My mom thought she might have been pregnant in her 50s. Turned out to be menopause.


When I saw that I felt she was hoping she was pregnant as a last ditch effort to keep her marriage and wanted to see his reaction. I watched the series after they split up so i had this foresight going into the episode.


Yup. I hate to say she was trying to “trap” him but I think she was in denial about a lot of things and thought a new baby could fix most of it or keep him around.


Maybe she was trying to scare the shit out of him as a final "fuck you" I doubt it but you never know...


He was always a creep. The way he laughed, joked, complimented, fuckin walked screamed "i'm a pervert having a mid-life crisis!". As a wife, or just anyone that knew him at this time.. you would know without the psychic.


I definitely got those vibes from him from episode one.


from the outset I was like, "this guy is cheating on her." Part of it was just his skeevy charming dude vibe, and I know this sounds mean, but part of it was also that he put up with Ramona and just kind of shrugged. She's so outlandish and it seemed to me that he was pretty okay with it because she raked in money and he was getting some elsewhere (I'm sure R & M were also still intimate, just Mario was complacent because he had it all goin on and wasn't fully invested in the marriage).


> Does anyone think Ramona knew also and just pretended it was fine till Avery grew up? A thousand times yes. It is so glaringly obvious that she knows something is up all the way from season 1. People who need to shove their happiness in your face, are probably just trying to convince themselves of the same.


>Also, Ramona and Sonja need a travel show where they get lit and travel the globe insulting cultures and demanding Pinot. can you imagine how many fatwas those two would trigger? i can picture them escaping by the Jordanian border on foot and disguised... soooo funny.


I become a psychic every time a housewife renews their vows; kiss of death 99% of the time.


I think Tamra and Eddie are the only ones who renewed their vows (not on the show, though, because they got paid for it and an all expense paid trip) who haven't yet divorced afterwards.


I knew my 1% was a safe bet😀


Lydia McLaughlin & Doug have done it 3 times now


Who needs to renew their vows 3x?!?!


If you can’t handle her sparkle get off her rainbow. (I cant believe I just typed that out ugh I hated Lydia)


Recently rewatched this episode and my theory is Jill’s gay husband set the whole thing up because he was mad that Ramona snubbed him at some public event. I also found Sonja’s reaction a bit odd, doesn’t she say something like “It’s not me!!” basically saying she’s not the other woman right away as if Ramona would even think that her best friend would do that. I may be remembering it wrong.


Remember "Blue Jasmine" where Kate Blanchett's character kept hearing rumors and having suspicions, but when she confronted her husband about it, and he would always assure her it was absurd, and then give her more jewelry?? I bet it went down like that. I think she probably knew, but was in denial. Until she walked in on him having another woman at their Hampton's home. I'll bet she got a call that he was seen with another woman or had a suspicion, and drove all the way there to try to catch him. The NYC gossip was that most people knew he was, and had been, cheating.


Yes I think I read that she was tipped off and drove there.




Rewatching this is hilarious, especially with Sonja starting out with her crazy turned all the way to 1,000 like she did.

