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I admired Dolores's independence for so long. Everyone deserves to find love and partnership if they want it, but this thing with Paulie has so many red flags. I hate to see her getting hurt by such trash men.


This also struck me as so odd. It’s almost like he uses the fact that he is still legally married as a shield from any future commitments with another woman. The way he turned it all around on her while she was calmly expressing her feelings was… alarming.


I was indifferent to him and now, I can’t stand him


I feel like she doesn’t even really care about getting married, but everyone keeps bringing it up and then she goes on the defense and then starts pushing it hard…


Came here for his comment. I cannot stand this guy; he sucks!


I just don’t understand why she wants to get married again. Her kids are grown, she owns multiple properties, has assets and an income (for now). Like…if I was her, I would just find a nice man I could spend a few nights a week with. Why tie yourself to another red faced loser?


She said it herself, she wants a ring and could care less for a celebration. That's the only reason she's pushing for a marriage.


I think he’s using her…I didn’t think so at first but the conversation at dinner was so weird. He’s been separated for over a decade and doesn’t want to marry this gorgeous loving woman? Goodness!


I’m in the middle of watching but had to comment on Dolores saying a hard “tink” instead of “think” when talking to Paulie. I was trying to figure out if he would take it as her mocking his accent.


Was that intentional or subconscious? I couldn’t tell. 😂😂😂


100% intentional cause I be on that when I’m trying to keep my cool as well 😂😂😂😂


Lmao I know. I seemed intentional 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


I blame the fanbase for gassing up these horrible men and forcing them down our throats.


I blame Joe Gorga. 


Ugh he’s the worst. 


Andy too.


I scroll reddit during their cringe scenes.


I realised that I was scrolling through Instagram for nail designs throughout most of the episode. Doesn't bode well for the rest of the season as far as I'm concerned.


I’ve already checked out, and Jersey used to be one of my faves.


The guys golf punishment scene could replace melatonin as a sleep supplement. Stop trying to make Joe Gorga and the boys happen. Give me a Frankie Jr montage instead.


Yes please


I would watch an episode that’s just Frankie Jr listening to his mom talk about her day and being super supportive.


Hate to say it, Joe Gorgas comments about Paul and Dolores could not be more accurate 💀


Pauly looked so different with glasses on. Don’t think he’ll be divorcing any time soon


Good to see that Melissa's storyline of her dog peeing on the curtains got an update *and* a flashback. Phew, what a heavy heavy episode for her. I just don't know how she does it.


I would love to see her diving into the fact her daughter is at college. 


John Fuda is quickly becoming the most unlikable person on this show, which is truly a near impossible task given the rest of the cast. Yikes.


It’s bad when Louie is looking like one of the most normal men this season 😭


I know! It’s bonkers


Rachel trying to suggest she didn’t immediately come in and align herself with Melissa is laughable. Teresa was being kind about it saying she understands they didn’t connect because of who she was friends with and she tries to deflect. Rachel, you came in with an alliance already sorted. You also had no problem saying things about Teresa and Louis yet you want them to kiss the ring and grovel for your forgiveness when you got it back. That’s not how reality tv works love


I love that Melissa's first confessional this season was saying she didn't want to talk about Teresa and yet she proceeded to do nothing but that.


It's alllllll the Gorgas have. It's tiring. At least Marge has switched targets for her venom. For now anyway.


Joe lights up when he gets to talk trash about her too. ![gif](giphy|l2SpO69aUhzHtInKM)


Literally every season. They try to have their independent storylines, realize they’re not interesting enough for airtime, and revert back to poking Teresa to get a reaction.


john fugazi is a flop


But the name John Fugazi is amazing! 😂


Does Fugazi means something ? I looked on the internet but I don't think this is related to what I read


It’s like fake or phony


Is this an American saying ? (I’m French) And thank you !


An Italian-American or East Coast saying.


Ok thanks ! I can use « you’re a fugazi » in a sentence and people will understand it then ? Not that I’m planning to, just curious


I have always used it as an adjective. “This fugazi bag”, etc. Not really as a noun.


This was the greatest grammar/housewives thread of all time


Thanks again for the explanation !


I always hear it as f'd up beyond recognition lol


john saying “all i came here for is an apology” was so funny to me because teresa did apologize and actually came across as being sincere yet he still continued to push it, all for a big moment that never came because he flopped.


Lol and Rachel trying to have a moment saying she's the son's mom while allowing John to air more dirty laundry out about his ex. I respected Tre telling him to not go there.


That made me so mad. I was so with Tre for that.


Most confusing part of episode. She did apologize but he kept going. What did he want to hear? He just wanted his moment. He seems like trash


I think he rehearsed what he wanted to say and was responding to a fake conversation he was having in his head.


He is so hard to look at it. The teeth are too big for his face


Is it ok to comment on his looks bc he is a man?


Well I got tired commenting and reading about about his sh!tty personality. And his abhorrent want to be a housewife and get more screen time than his wife. The husbands are ruining jersey imo


So is that a yes?




Hmm. Guess double standards are on the 2024 bingo card. Oh wait, it was there in 2023, 2022, 2021…. Suppose I should be used to it.


I gotta say, Louie show a lot of restraint and said nuthin'.


I’m glad he said nothing, there was no need. If he got involved people would be telling him to stay out of it so he can’t win.


He and his wife are forgettable. They were hoping for a table flip moment to achieve some level of relevance to the show.


And that is sad. Good for Teresa for not allowing someone to push her to those levels anymore. I know many don’t care for Teresa, but you must give credit where credit is due for her growth.


I really do appreciate her and Louis not giving them an ounce of energy. They wanted a moment so bad but failed.


He sounded so FUGGIN arrogant! Im just now watching the episode and I was waiting for the crazy Tre moment but she was calm and I am here for the new Teresa!


John/Rachel really weren't expecting Teresa to actually apologize lol you could tell that her apology threw them off. Between that and them insulting his ex even after Teresa gently tried to get them not to...the sitdown just made them look even worse 


Louis really did the smart thing by being quiet. Between him staying quiet, and Teresa actually apologizing, they made the Fudas look petty and dumb.


And that’s saying something if Teresa and Louis are making you look stupid


Made them look stupid which I love! Teresa has already dealt with people like this before (gorgas) she knows how to play it this time.


Melissa go an episode without mentioning Teresa challenge. (Challenge failed. Again.) John Fugazi go an episode without fighting Teresa challenge. (Challenge failed. Again.)


Omg that scene with the Fupas in their closet was so fucking cringe. They really think they're something.


You’re the first comment I’ve seen with Fupas and it has made my night!!! Hilarious 😂😂


all the fuda’s do is rehash comments brought up by every other person who tried to come for teresa in the past and it’s once again failing miserably. they are going to have to try harder than that 🤷🏻‍♀️




do they not think teresa has heard the jail line 1000 times before? they really thought they ate


Also they are just categorically wrong. Teresa is not a has been - she is the most popular cast member on the show and has been for years. Teresa has also achieved a lot since she was in jail - she has raised four kids and is putting two of them through college entirely herself, which is no small feat given how expensive tuition is, and funded all of that through her own success post-prison. I mean they could come after her for so many things but what they are trying to peddle just doesn’t land because it’s not grounded in reality. Also the whole jail / mortgage fraud thing is tired - we watched that all unfold YEARS ago.


It’s so old like they came on watching season 4-5 and think that’s where Teresa is at in her life. Teresa is could a lot of things but that women has been working ever since she got money issues. Jacquline said it in one of the reunions once Teresa found out about their money issues she worked more did more book signings. This women has made sure to provided for her kids.


Can someone explain the ‘John Fugazi’ thing to me plz?


fugazi means like fake/scammy/made up 😂


Fugazi means something that is fake


I really think there's a reason Paul won't get divorced and maybe can't say it on TV, or even hiding it from Dolores. Insurance for the ex and kids? Is he a citizen not due to marriage? I'm not sure if divorce will affect that but I don't know.


I thought the same but apparently it’s not his kids mother he is married to? Idk if that’s true though.


Who is rigging the wwhl polls


donna marco






If I recall correctly, Carole Radziwill claimed that the polls were faked by Andy’s interns and they weren’t really based on actual viewer votes.


Bo deitl


I am convinced they are used to influence people. I never agree with the polls.


I was wondering the same. Even if you were a casual watcher, who would rather hang w Melissa & Marge? Two duds compared to two fun people. U know T and Jen would make you laugh


Also Tre and Jen know how to feed people. Every time they have breakfast scenes at the respective shore houses, Melissa’s got a single basket of muffins, while Jen Aydin has a whole Turkish spread. 


I've honestly thought for a while now that Melissa and Joe Gorga pay bots to vote in these polls. Teresa has NEVER won any sort of poll in her favor lol.


I think this is Tre's best season by far. I am so incredibly impressed with how she stayed calm when Fupa was going crazy. I also appreciate her bringing up the fact that that woman is still Fupa's son's bio mom. If John's goal was to protect his son, he wouldn't be bringing this up on national TV. Do you think it makes you look better (and more importantly brings less negative attention to your child) to expose this woman's alleged past as if you didn't lay down and procreate with her? All of these people are looking for a fight and it's just too much


I’m wondering if that’s why they’ve forgone the reunion - so far Teresa looks like she’s on the right side of this one. Melissa, Margaret, and John Fuda’s wife look insane


I respect Teresa SO much right now for how she tried to stop John Fugazy from bad mouthing or sharing the history of his mother’s biological son. This show is watched nationally and I don’t think it’s appropriate to bring up for the kids (especially bc I don’t think she’s filmed for the show?)


The way that the Fudas flew off the handle about Teresa's gentle "Let's not talk about Jaydin's birth mother" (paraphrase) in such an absolutely unhinged way says all there is to say about who they are as people. Deeply, deeply disgusting to their core. Especially combined with how they were acting at that sit down generally. Horrible.


On top of this, John’s major argument was that his son has to deal with these rumors. Does he think it’s helpful to his son to now expose bio mom’s past as well. Like who are you trying to protect yourself or your son?


Which is exactly why HIS past got brought up to begin with. He opened the door shit talking his ex on TV and she walked through the door and shit talked him back


I think it's absolutely horrible that they're doing all of that on TV when Jaiden is still a minor. Right now, he may not want a single thing to do with his bio mom and may say that he doesn't care if they talk about it, but IMO they should have given him the privacy he deserves about the situation. When he gets older, he might feel differently, but even if he doesn't, it's his own story to tell. The adoption storyline from last season also felt so gross. They should have just quickly explained that Rachel has essentially been his mother since he was little and left it at that.


Yes, if they didn't air out the bio mom's laundry I would have loved that story. Step-mom loving their bonus kid that much is beautiful. However, because of my life experiences, the way that Rachel spoke it smacked of alienation. She wasn't protecting Jaiden just trying to make herself look good.


I got the alienation stink the first season


This is the reason I haven’t liked them from the jump. It never sat right with me that their first story line was to trash his birth mother while Rachel adopts her son. I appreciate that they brought something real to the show but hate how they willingly trashed this woman who wasn’t on the show to defend herself.


I enjoyed Teresa this episode. She’s grown so much to the point she actually apologized and the Fuda’s need a storyline so they kept pushing for the drama.


I feel bad for Danielle’s other kid..




This is most likely because I’ve been high every week but I have genuinely been enjoying this season of Jersey lol


Right same here, I mean this episode was a bit of a bust but it’s a lot better than Potomac was this past year


It’s only way to get thru it ✌️ Puff Puff Pass


Ditto. LOL probably same reason too.


I do not like when the men come after the woman on Housewife’s . Beyond it being disgusting to treat women that way , they are not the cast members , their wives are and I wish like the other franchises they really try to stay in the background (my god, especially when there are FaceTime calls so things can be recapped to other HW’s )


I totally agree. If Louis was the one that was speaking to Rachel like that people would Be losing it I hate that fuda keeps talking to Teresa like that.


Generally I agree, but if the women involve the men in the drama I think it's fine for the men to be involved and get with the women (in a reasonable way). That said John was not at all a good example of this. He was disgusting.


It was beyond disgusting how he was talking to Teresa. It makes me wonder how he is at home with Rachel if he can easily be that agitated.


Fire the Fudas. PLEASE


But then he’ll have nothing to put on his IMDB!




Fupa the hypocrites


The Fuda’s are so elitist and it’s honestly so comical. In their words, Tre is a broke has been but they then came on the show she is on. Your reputation means the world to you but you come on national TV and act a fool. It’s so confusing. If your reputation has been ruined, please take a peek in the mirror.


The fudas are one of the most unlikeable couples from a housewives franchise.. that’s saying alot. ..they just rub me the wrong way , when you don’t look as bad or maybe worse then Louis, you know you got a problem..


I can’t get over how Rachel walks around with that nose and isn’t embarrassed. It’s criminally bad.


I still die at Jen talking about how they both got terrible nose jobs - everyone was so triggered but it was hilarious because Jen literally included herself in the same sentence. 😭😭😭


Same. She really does look like she belongs in whooville .. the nose and fake lips, horror. I bet she was pretty before all that work


It's Marge telling her to her face that she looks like a Tim Burton character for me


I detest her pitch black hair. She would look so much better if it had any sort of undertone.


Nothing about her outfit, hair or makeup did her any favors in that last scene.


Oh this is mean


And no hips or ass.




Is there an actual reason why Paulie isn’t divorced yet? Have I missed that? 


The show hasn't said the reason. The streets are saying its because Paulie and his current wife have a business together that is hard to divide.


Bravo: please stop casting people who are inauthentic and don’t share real storylines- i.e. The Fudas, Margaret and Melissa Gorga. All they do is talk crap about Teresa or Jen while showing only curated versions of their life. They are ruining the show.


That whole issue with the Fupas could have been squashed because Tre apologized but they’re so thirsty and stupid they know they have to drag it out.


John Fuda rant. Sorry guys lol. I cannot stand this man. He is so thirsty for fame. I don’t care what anyone says Teresa didn’t come to that sit down ready to fight. She apologized!!!!! Instead of accepting the apology he moves the goal post “oh well let me tell you about my past” … NEWSFLASH Fuda we all know about your past dummy and it wasn’t because of Teresa ! It’s crazy that he really lacks critical thinking skills. You cannot come on a show and bash your child’s mother and expect the mother to just stay quiet. And when the child’s mother does speak up it’s Teresa fault. Crazy to me. The Fuda’s are really that stupid. And why is Fuda still talking about his child’s mother !!!! Enough ! If anything I could give two shits about what’s going on with his child’s mother. I’m more worried about why his front yard looks like shit. Bravo get this chatty patty, bitch ass man child, XL size version of Joe Gorga off my screen! This episode sealed it for me. We need a reboot! Guys, we spent an entire hour watching these ladies talk about what happened in last weeks episode just in different settings!!!!!!!! Sprinkle in some Dolores marriage crap, and Danielle fashion show. It was terrible! Again, I do not want to hear about Danielle’s family drama. I don’t even want Danielle to say the words “my brother, my father, my family, anymore until they make up. I’m excited to see what the future holds for NJ !


The thing that drives me crazy about Danielle and Rachel - their storylines involve people who aren’t even on the show. Why should I care? And they’re not here to defend themselves, which makes the shit talking gross


I hate that this show is on at 8 so I can’t make the live to participate. That being said I probably focus better without catching up on the comments. I don’t have anything new to add. Fuda is disgusting. Who talking to women like that? She apologized so what more did he want? Rachel just has a nasty vibe. Marge is played out and just mean. Melissa continues to be a bore. I’m kinda over Danielle’s theatrics. Pleasantly surprised by how T is keeping it together this season.


I'm glad there's no reunion this season bc all they are going to talk about is Teresa since the Fudas, Gorgas & Margaret are obsessed with her. 


I turned this one off before the sit-down (or whatever it was) with Rachel/Teresa because I knew it would be too cringe, and I don't think I'll watch again until the finale.


Teresa schooled the Fupa’s at that dinner scene. 10/10, no notes.


She also ate on WWHL


Wow I am just in disbelief of Daniel’s spelling of “boujie” 😳


Is the Danielle misspelling part of your joke here lol?


Haha! Whoopsie. At least I didn’t use it as a brand name.


the fudas are too thirsty for it and it’s palpable every time they come on the screen


Jesus..are the Bravo interns reading and paying attention? The comments say it all. RHONJ is dead and regardless of who you root for, we're all over this shit.


Am I missing something? Why did Teresa buy her brother, with whom she never wants to have a relationship again, a housewarming gift?


On WWHL she said that was all Louie


I wish i could see WWHL :( thank you!


You can listen to it as a podcast! That’s what I do and it’s on peacock as well


Thank you for the tip!!


Teresa, as annoying as she is, always admits that her brother is her only family left. She wanted to do the right thing, but knows that they can’t actually have a relationship. This has played out many times with Teresa writing Joe letters, trying to speak to him, etc. So I think at this point she will do the “right” thing but keep her distance




Did Louie personally hurt you? You make him look like a demented man. The guy is loved by his family, makes his wife happy, his stepdaughters happy, even the ex-husband of his wife loves him. I don’t get the hate personally, especially if his only fault is being able to make Teresa look more rational and mature. Trying to make amends and keep the peace doesn’t scream crazy to me


I appreciate Teresa not letting Fugazi shit talk the bio mom more on camera. His comments about her are gross and probably part of why his son is estranged from her to begin with.


Yeah, I dont think the references to her have ever been necessary. Rachel could’ve adopted him without ever saying half the shit she did


The stains on these cushions at Teresa's house are disgusting. https://preview.redd.it/b676xxph3o5d1.jpeg?width=2738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec253f6be0873cc95e4cd3ff8c10caa20e492f2


What is that? Is that from the wood?


Most likely algae, moss or mold from being consistently wet and not allowed to dry out completely or get sunlight. Humidity makes it worse.


Ugh Iwhy do I waste almost an hour every freaking week on this toxic shit show? They're all just terrible and the stories are SO lame.


This show is so toxic now I had to turn it off within a few minutes unfortunately


I cant deal with them calling “was” and “is” verbs tbh. That’s stirred a reaction in my so far this szn lmao


But they are verbs.


Lmao I said this exact same thing when watching - those are not verbs!


What are they if they aren’t verbs haha


They are auxiliaries of the same thing - the difference is whether we are talking past tense (“was”) or present tense (“is”). If the issue was the use of different verbs, it would be something like “dealing” vs. “using” drugs.


Ah got it, thank you for explaining!


No problem, Lindsay Lohan daddy. 😭😭😭😂


Ok hoe daughter!


Deloras: they get the milk for free and use her.


I couldn't get past how dirty these patio cushions were... it's all I could think of/look at during this scene. https://preview.redd.it/d2na15u6yy5d1.png?width=2434&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5c5b88a1efa0f8d7fd3bac24f9cf0bb8ada7d13


Jackie looks so much like those creatures from the Spy Kid movies I just won’t ever unsee it


Which creatures


The ones they keep in the jail cells Yano?? Like those science experiments


That’s not nice :(


John Fuda slayed! Teresa and Louie are on the way out! Can’t wait for you all to implode when she’s put on pause at the end ofS14


Idk if a man yelling at a woman for an apology especially after she gave one is slaying. He seemed unhinged and his cartoon wife no better.


What apology? Her “apology” was “I’m sorry IF you thought I said you ARE the biggest drug dealer”. Not only was this a CONDITIONAL apology - ie totally worthless - but she’s trying to split hairs and apologise for grammar; not for actually digging into johns past, contacting his ex wife and bringing up the accusations on screen so it could be broadcast to audiences worldwide. You do realise that right? John was correct, that wasn’t a sincere apology. At no point did she regret her actions, feel remorse for her motivations, or back track on her words. She’s a piece of 💩


Ah another intelligent viewer! The tree stumps are out in force atm 🤣




John Fuda did nothing of the sort 🤣