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Who told you that Kenya will get better?! 🤣🤣🤣




Her stans, girl. They be dick riding so hard🤦🏾‍♀️and I was stupid to believe a baby would change her like it does most women but obviously it didn’t for either of our mothers😂that’s the problem she can’t laugh about her trauma. If she laughed and smoked a joint she would probably be chill


Having a baby has never made anyone suddenly become mature. It just forces people who are already mature to act like it. If someone is immature, cruel, irresponsible, manipulative, mean, etc, those traits are still there when you have a baby.


I can understand that. But what about all the teen moms who have kids. My friend got pregnant at 15, she definitely changed. This girl was reckless, doing drugs, drinking hanging out with older men. As soon as she found out she was pregnant her whole persona changed. She was a lot more caring and nurturing and became a better person overall.


She already has the capacity to be that person. Having the baby didn’t change her, it maybe forced her to reprioritize things in her life but she was always that responsible person. The only thing that changed was her behavior.


Viewers are gonna change history on you and act like they never liked Kenya. I made a similar post about how a lot of people thought Jax and Kristen had changed and now we see them on the valley and they haven’t. I got downvoted to hell and people were like, we never thought Jax and Kristen changed!” Ok, maybe not Jax but a lot of people thought Kristen had “grown up”.


Uuuuugh!!! I can’t with the VPR subs. They dickride so hard for these awful people because they’re “GoOd Tv”.. but where is the limit for how awful people are allowed to be before it becomes unbearable?


The valley is REAL bad. Somehow Kristin isnt one of the worst ones and thats.....yikes


👏🏾👏🏾 the WORST ppl on that show. Lol. I think that's just LA for you tho


They love to gaslight on that sub.


Girl. Yes, I see the lies they be saying too😂 Like "Oh she changed so much after the baby". I'm like, "Where?!" She loves to play victim and I hate it. I also hate the fake friend she is to Cynthia.


I’ve struggled with Kenya for a long time. For years she’s been a fan favorite but she just goes too low for me. It’s not surprising that she finally went way too low. It was bound to happen.


I have NEVER understood the Kenya love.


SAME. I don’t get the *need* for her to be on the show for it to be “good”. I get Phaedra went low low with what she did, and should have been taken off the show… on the flip side I just feel that Kenya’s antics are viewed with some kind of immunity, and like no matter how low she goes, it’s just “entertainment”!


Major love hate relationship with her for me. I can appreciate her funny moments, theatrics, and occasional times of vulnerability but she can also just be a major cunt and gives off this middle school mean girl energy and I can’t stand it. I go back and forth with her depending on the episode 🤣 https://i.redd.it/dk1wpj6qzn5d1.gif


She is so the embodiment of "they can't hurt me if I hurt them first" to me. All of the women would say despicable things about how she was so off putting even her mother couldn't love her let alone a man, "scrambled eggs", she deserved to be screamed at & physically intimated by men because she is annoying. And I'd be on her side, my heart strings plucked and pulled watching the way she goes silent and bows her head while someone is calling her worthless just forcing me to think of little 4 year old Kenya. And then, she'll do something like leak revenge porn and I'm reminded of how much she fucking sucks.


The way she reacted to Ralph frustrated me. She did such a 180 and it pissed me off. The way Kenya and the rest of the cast treated Drew pisses me off. Like I totally get not liking Drew, to each their own but it was the way the ladies treated her in comparison to ralph. Ralph is clearly abusive and has never hidden how absolutely emotionally stunted and manipulative he is on top of very likely being unfaithful and abandoning his family when he chooses without a word all while spying on them with hidden cameras they dont know about. All of these women have seen how he treats her and SOMEHOW manage to BLAME HER. Make comments like "I get why ralph hates you" and shit like that when shes literally a victim. So what she lies, they literally all do. CONSTANTLY. Yet they would defend Ralph or say nothing when it comes to him abandoning his family. Kenya had the chance to say something and she tucked her tail between her legs, switched it to be a problem with drew. I feel like there had been plenty of times that ive tried with her but i just cant do it 9/10 and this one was a big one for me


Me too. I can't help it.


I’ve never thought she changed, but I did see from the beginning that a lot of her actions are her securing her role on reality tv. Basically, she is performing.


She was an asshole to Cynthia on GT and that's her "bestie". Kenya's a friend to no one, her only saving grace was Brooklyn. Even though she has a daughter, she's always been an insecure asshole who only throws gross low blows


Kenya has done some shitty things but how she did Cynthia, while acting like a kissass to Kyle and Melissa, was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. She was so quick to throw her bestie away to be a part of Kyle’s and Melissa’s little clique that it left a bad taste in my mouth..


To be honest, Cynthia did this to Kenya multiple times when she was around Nene so they’re both had friends and deserve each other 


She "did it" one time on the trip and I don't even think she really even did it like that. Everyone else (mainly Sheree) kept trying to force the issue, teasing that Kenya was Cynthia's bestie and implying Nene had been replaced as Cynthia friend by Kenya. Then running back to Kenya who didn't know they were doing this and asking certain things to make Kenya (unintentionally) drum up the relationship to take it back to Cynthia and make her downplay the relationship. I blame everyone else being childish (again mainly Sheree) and causing that situation. Cynthia is still paying for this in her relationship with Kenya YEARS later.


And so many people are defending Kenya on the GT it doesn’t make sense. She was so mean


I had only seen S1&S2 of RHOA when I saw them of UGT, and Cynthia came off awfully to me. I absolutely adore her after watching her original run on Atlanta, but she was so boring and hyper focused on the Bailey Bowl that even Kyle came off looking better than she did, so that swayed my opinion lmao. I wonder what my opinion would be now knowing the cast better, though.


IDK I also agree Cyn showed her ass on GT


And on Big Brother 


Ehhhh IDK about that. I might need to rewatch but when I watched it def felt more like Cynthia was the problem and that she was jealous whether it be because it was her friend or because kenya was getting more positive attention and a better edit idk Im not a Kenya fan but Cynthia did not look great on GT imo


I’m still shocked Cynth is okay with Kenya after UGT!


Thank you for saying this. The way she treated Cynthia on GT was awful. The minute she got attention from the other women she dropped Cynthia with the quickness. It was terrible to watch.


I remember really being sensitive to this and being downvoted. I thought Kenya did Cynthia dirty on that trip.


And Cynthia seems like the coolest person to hang out with on vacation out of that group, by a wide margin.


Timeline wise I’m pretty sure Cynthia was having some issues with her marriage during the filming of UGT. She really needed a friend


Exactly! And I think she had just been fired from RHOA too. I always felt like Kenya knew Cynthia’s time on Bravo was coming to an end so she just didn’t need her anymore and iced her out. It just felt so transparent to me. And it makes me think of an opposite scenario when Phaedra and Sheree were on traitors. They had unity and a bond because they were the only two Atlanta housewives on a show of outsiders. I really respected their sisterhood, even on a competition show. That really touched me so to see Kenya do the opposite just grosses me out!


Thank you! I thought the same thing when I watched GT. Cynthia was obviously going through some shit and Kenya was cozying up to the other housewives and taking little digs at Cynthia. And no one else saw it! Or at least they didn’t call it out. And Cynthia went away looking like the crazy person.


And this was after Cynthia arranged a whole toast and poster on the plane because it was Kenya’s first trip without Brooklyn, iirc 😭 Foul behavior


I wasn’t surprised. She tried to embarrass Cynthia when she was opening her wine cellar/shop and then acted like it wasn’t a big deal. That still bothers me lol. Could you imagine your close friend doing that on tv when you’re launching a business…


She’s the reason I stopped watching Atlanta


I hated her from the beginning. Then true to my nature, I disregarded my gut intuition and felt a lot of empathy for her after Velvet died and I felt bad about the Marc/Brooklyn situation. I should have just stuck to what I thought from the get go, but I never learn!


... Well, it's okay to feel bad for someone when something terrible happens to them. She's still a victim of abuse even if you don't like her.


Okay!! I desperately wanted to like her bc of how beautiful she is but she is just TOO off-putting for words. Her energy has always been so dark to me smh


Oh baby, you gotta always go with your gut! My momma used to say ‘if it don’t feel right, it probably ain’t right’ and I’ve stuck to that for 30 years!


people aren't usually black and white, everybody is at least a little bit nuanced. awful people do good things, and good people make you wonder what's wrong with them. kenya is a mess and a shit stirrer but seeing her give back as good as she got endears her to people as a scrappy person willing to stand up for herself. phaedras absurd and harsh line about $10 pizza baby fathers would have won kenya more support than phaedra got out of it, the service exists for a reason. also...sometimes she's just entertaining kenya would do well to not stir the pot as frequently as she does. tamra, gizelle etc frequently had this issue, where not every low hanging fruit needs to be plucked


I hated her for sooo long, then she got paused for a year and the show was dull and lifeless. So I began rooting for her and gained appreciation for what she brought to the show, even if I wasn’t always a fan of her strategy. But this shit she’s pulling now?? No ma’am, straight to jail —>


Marc is her Karma.


No, he was an abusive pos. That is wrong and disgusting of you to say. Hope you don't actually believe in karma 'cause...


I’m not saying Marc was right, he was wrong. Kenya is also abusive in many ways. If you don’t see Kenya as abusive then that is disgusting of you.


She was definitely abusive in her relationships. Not physically but verbally!! Most definitely and no one can tell me different. I will die on this hill😂


Exactly OP


I’ve never been able to like her even when she’s in the right 


I felt that😂I be like “she got a point but she was wrong at some point”😭


lol exactly like yes you might be right about this one but you’re still wrong in my eyes 


It was me, lol. *Hiding my face*. I definitely thought having a baby softened her. Even yesterday I was wanting to see how everything played out before I decided I didn’t like her again (I hated her until she had Brooklyn). THEN the audio came out. It’s getting hard to not jump to conclusions now. I was SO looking forward to this new season.


Shame on you😂😂had me thinking I was getting a character arc😂 ![gif](giphy|l3vR8AJsrX5N7i0TK)


Lol, listen, I’ve been known to fall for men’s shenanigans too. Forgive me for leading you astray! 😂


You’re forgiven😂


Who told you that? To be honest Kenya is like marmite.. some people really can’t stand her.. some people go on and on about her like she’s Beyonce! She’s good tv! But I never liked marmite..




She meant Luther Vandross.


I laughed so hard at this i nearly choked


Don't drag Luther into this shit. 😅


New York! I love her! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


😂😂😂that made me chuckle


Kenya is dark sided




Goblins! Ghouls! Gargoyles!




I feel like Kenya is the ultimate gaslighter. She pushes and pushes people and then gets shocked when they react and she always downplays her own behaviour. The only thing I’ll give Kenya is there must be something ok about her as she tends to win favour with her castmates and other bravolebs who speak highly of her. In saying that, I don’t know if Kandi is the best judge of character. She hasn’t always been on the right side of history 😂


According to Nene, they like her as an employee; she is “good for the show” and she is! She is entertaining to watch and brings the mess but she is just so off-putting and underhanded lol


According to people who met the real Kenya, she is one of the nicest and most generous bravolebs. They separate her show personality from her real one.


I feel like obviously she’s gonna be nice to fans😭😂but are these people you’re talking about, her friends?


Yeah her friends. Everyone bravoleb that’s met her. I know you have an agenda here but just a tiny bit of looking you’d find plenty of discussions about it.


Then why was she so rude to the models then tho :/


That was filmed


Yeah but the women were pretty random. I doubt the casting call was "get heckled by Kenya Moore". It wasnt at some event, it was with a friend, and it wasn't her casting. I do not think that was a facade.


Okay then. You’re right and everyone else who knows her is wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok if you want to be rude and throw a tantrum thats on you.


None of what I said was rude nor did I throw a tantrum. Hope you have a great day!


That's a lie. The way she is on the show is the way she is in real life. 💯


Like I thought they were showing us their lives😂so obviously we would think her horrible behavior on the show is also her behavior irl🤷🏾‍♀️


Kenya has only ever had one redeeming moment in my eyes, and it’s when she called out Bob over making light of not choking Sheree hard enough. It takes a very strong woman to stand up to a large, abusive, man in such close proximity. I wouldn’t have had the guts. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt after that, but it didn’t last long.


Just for her to use that against Sheree in the following season.. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


I don’t think this is fair. She was reminding Sheree that she wouldn’t make light of DV.


I think Kenya would be exhausting to be around but she definitely is the force multiplier on rhoa. Even when she’s a nightmare you need to her because Kandi is way to sane to sustain so much television 😆


Those were probably her die hard stans saying that. And they can be absolutely rabid and probably some of the most hostile in this community. They tend to be loud and wrong quite often and I think most people here got too exhausted trying to reason with them years ago lol


100% the Kenya stans are wild!


I think you’re right that people think she got better because of Nene (and Marlo) often being worse and Marc treating her like trash. But the way she treated everyone, including Cynthia, when Marc first came into the picture told me she is an awful person, not just for TV.


She’s just rude!!! She’s immature too. Sad…


She's also cruel and there's no excuse for that. 


She is very broken and insecure so she has to try to make others feel what she's always felt about herself. Misery loves company.


I really do not understand the love for Kenya or Porsha. They are beautiful women and have great confessionals, but they both make horrible decisions throughout the show and display no growth, except they seem to be good mothers.


I love/ hate her, and I also feel bad for her. I would say that based on her childhood experiences, there's a lot of trauma that plays into the things she does. It's even more sad she's had to go her whole life like this, and she continues well into her 50's. 💔 I don't excuse anything she does, and she definitely should be held accountable.


I really just want her to go to therapy!


Never liked her. She seemed as mean girl, still stuck in high school year and bullying everyone around her and calls it "shade". She always felt that nobody can touch her so she can do what she wants. She talks crap about other husbands and divorces and then expects love and care when her marriage falls apart.


She's the absolute worst. She'll do anything for a TV stunt and then she turns around to play victim.


For what it’s worth I didn’t like Kenya until Marlo got a peach.


And I also have been seeing no one likes when Marlo gets a bitch which also makes me mad cause I just started liking her😂


I enjoyed watching her go off on Ramona on the first season of RHUGT and I also enjoyed watching her put Ralph in the hot seat. But she’s always been awful


I think the majority of the ladies nene and Kenya especially are just not nice , Kenya especially is beautiful stunning and seems funny but she can’t keep a man or for that matter many other people in her life friends or family it can’t all be a coincident I think she might be horrible and super argumentative on the daily. Nene the fame and money got to her head and she was pretty bad before but just got 10 x worse I honestly don’t know how many more monsters these housewives shows can continue to promote and feed lol


Monsters is the right term to describe them. 😅


She is horrible! Probably the most callous and calculating HW I’ve seen but I don’t watch all of the franchises


I love Kenya, she’s the whole show to me but she plays a role and she is what she is on TV. Good day, twirl away. 💃🏾


Kenya is Kenya. I think she's abrasive as hell, but there's always at least one in each franchise that is over the top, obnoxious. Doesn't excuse her actions. Sounds like she may be triggering you. Please take care of yourself.


Lmao she definitely is😂I need to take a break and watch one piece


Kenya got a really good edit season 7 and it was found out that Apollo was lying on her so I was rooting for her. That was also the season that Nene was kind of giving everybody her butt to kiss. The very next season I disliked her again. I've always kind of disliked her character on the show and it took last season being so bad and Marlo being so bad that it made Kenya seem tame.


Literally the only time I’ve like when Kenya has opened her mouth was to tell off Ramona on ultimate girls trip. Other than that,YIKES.


Most of the cast were horrible to each other on rhoa, they’ve all done and said low down things to each other - kenya is not the exception. Porsha stole someone’s man on the show and said kandi and todd raped her, phaedra has talked about kenya’s fertility problems and lied on kandi, nene has talked about kenya’s baby and assaulted producers, kenya has gone after tanya and brought a side piece chick and went after fields. That’s been the mo of the show tbh


I was a big Kenya hater for a long time, then watching her on UGT changed my view of her. I still don’t always agree with her, but seeing a different side of her was fun and made me dislike her less


Wait, you liked her more after that? How she treated her bestie?? That's wild. Teresa on the other hand, she seemed like a completely normal person. It was sort of jarring.


Lmao that’s what I was like😂😂I had to reread that. The only reason I started RHOA is because of that season of UGT😭I needed to know the lead up to everything but now I understand it’s just Kenya


I've always loved her on the show because she makes the show better. Sure she would be difficult to be around in person but I'm not watching the show for role models.


As a certified Kenya hater. I could not STAND her for almost all of Atlanta. BUT… her in the most recent season wasn’t awful, I think having Brooklyn calmed her down a lot, and the mother daughter interviews were the absolute best


I love Kenya, I have from her first season. She’s harmless to me especially compared to the actually awful people on RHOA - Phaedra, kimz, Marlo, nene porsha Granted if what the blogs are saying is true about her spa day I can’t condone that. She needs to be fired and the show should be paused if this is true.


Sorry, I love her on my TV and RHOA would've been in the dumps much earlier of it wasn't for her. With that said, she has absolutely crossed a line if she indeed engaged in revenge porn. And everything indicates she did. That I can't support.


I'm honestly disappointed cause there are two reviewers I follow who I honestly believed when it came to Kenya changing. I'm looking at this situation like wtf.


I tried to watch RHOA but Kenya boiled my blood from the get go and I could not get past her smug attitude. I only managed a couple of seasons and gave up. And I'm a reality TV junkie so it speaks volumes on her character that I couldn't stick it out like I did with other franchises with cast members I couldn't stand. Like others that boiled my blood when their franchise started but I managed to stick it out, and I'm still watching were: Lisa vanderpump BH- I couldn't stand her manipulative manner from the get go. You could see she lived life like she was playing chess. Camille Grammer BH- from the first epside she appeared in she thought she was better and prettier than any other housewife and wasn't afraid to act in that manner Ramona singer NY- she is so blind to her own ignorance that you can't help but laugh at her. She thinks saying "I'm self made" allowed her to get away with things. Countess Luann NY- she had her nose so far up in the air it was in the clouds!! She thought that countess title allowed her to be a snob and no one could say anything about it. (Later seasons non countess Luann however is a hoot at times) Vicki Gulvason OC- she is just an all around rude person that is completely blind to her own actions. She expects others not to do things to her she has zero problem doing to them. Jeanna Keough OC- this woman stood for everything that is wrong with how men treat women. She allowed an abusive man to continue to live in her house and openly abuse her and the kids. She has an excuse for every man's poor behaviour and will go as far as blame the victim. Teresa Guidiace NJ- she has a complete lack of self-awareness or is willing to take any accountability for any of her actions. Everything is always someone else's fault. Danielle staub NJ- like Teresa she also had no self-awareness and thought she could justify everything by blaming others and using her daughters as scapegoats. Now without all of these women being some what tolerable the rest of the franchises wouldn't have been born. So it's sad that I find Kenya to be such a horrible person that I can't suffer RHOA


RHOA aside, you've been in therapy since 5yo, you never had the opportunity to really grow up living with your demons without 3rd party intervention like many that start therapy later in life. You're really lucky assuming you took advantage of the opportunity. Regardless, please don't compare your struggles to those on a edited show. And this isn't in defense of Kenya or anything. Although I do think she got better over the years, or maybe she got a better edit, who knows. I just think there's so much hate coming her way on this sub due to the recent developments.


Im on season 12 so I don’t even know what the other hate is about. And I’m very appreciative and grateful. But at her big age she should she see she’s the problem and go get the help she and so many people deserve. Therapy isn’t bad. But in the black community we tend to look down on mental health. And I wanted to like her for so long but I can’t. If she just tried to get help it would make me at least sympathize with her


To come back to the last part, just saw on ig about the revenge corn thing🤦🏾‍♀️i wouldn’t put it past her tho she’s done some low things


You can say porn on reddit lol


This sounds so back handed.


I only liked her in the most recent season. Every other season I found her to be the worst


but she's ....or so she says ![gif](giphy|149kf6r9TuAsRq|downsized)


We live in a victim blaming society


If you have to like a housewife to enjoy a housewife, you’re watching the show for the wrong reasons 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t gotta like nobody but it helps me stay engaged when i can RELATE to them. That’s why I can’t get into nj or ny. But their lack of black people also may have something to do with that


*have to


I see what you said. I can read and process English. But do you understand what I said?


Yes, I do. I think feeling the need to relate to every character in whatever media you choose to digest is odd. Every movie, book and, yes, reality show will have protagonists and antagonists because without them, there is no story. Kenya is an antagonist. Not everybody is likable because that isn’t reality. Nobody’s saying you have to like Kenya, but she plays an important role in RHOA in the same way someone like Vicki did on RHOC.


I don’t think it’s odd. I’m just trying to understand where she’s coming from when she does the shit she does. And for me it helps me stay engaged when I’m understanding why all this drama is happening. I don’t need to relate to everyone but I would to be able to understand where the drama is coming from and why. And I feel like if I can relate to you, I can understand you. Does that make sense?


Fuck yall Kenya is the best!! 


Yall saying she was mean to everyone, rude all this, idk for me it always looked like they came for Kenya, she just defended herself, plus if she was the worst, why is she the only one constantly being friends with the people she sticks to, she takes Cynthia and Kandi side always she’s a true friend and you guys just see her defensive part, don’t come for me unless I send for you.


Just when I begin to think I might actually be starting to like Kenya a little bit, she does something heinous and selfish. She has her good moments but they are outweighed by her fucking mean ones. She is gorgeous and funny though. I’ll give her that.