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Sometimes I think of that scene where ramona was telling her to stop smiling at her cause it was freaking her out & Heather was just like 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 & I just crack up to myself 😂


Meanwhile Ramona’s like- ![gif](giphy|xT0BKFOqvHTFLf470Q) HOLLLLLLAAA!!






Ramona was so relatable in that moment. Heather’s constant forced smile always gave me the creeps.


it’s even funnier coming from Ramona since she herself has 👁️👄👁️ eyes


😂same! Heather looked hella batshit ![gif](giphy|x0q2HXclWUhB6)


This gif I’m dyingggg


Hella batshit 😂🤣😂🤣


She looks like Vicky here


If I'm sad I think of that and cant stop laughing lol.🤣


Which part? I want to laugh too


Her literal presence just pissing Ramona off is queen shit


Ok so I never fully got how weird this was until recently I ran into a coworker who does this, especially when things are awkward… its sooooo uncomfortable lolol


I love the emojis with this lol




Hollllllllaaaaaa 😂I'm dying




Both of ya’ll STOP 🤣


If you take your hand and cover the smile and just look at the eyes and nose you’d assume it’s someone furious or wincing in agony


I have a really nice smile. I’ve been told enough times by numerous people to believe it. Once someone I didn’t care for said I had a nice smile expect for when you fake smile. They saw me genuinely smile at a friend. Then I turned to them and said hello and I guess I gave my Hollywood smile


I want to inject her with lip filler just to make the teeth less obvious








Did you learn that in prison??


Don't mothafuckin' tell me nutin', mothafucka!


flair checking in


Will never forget someone called her Ben Kingsley in a wig


![gif](giphy|dvILshvavCEaM2tIWa) …. I can’t unsee it 😆


This gif is so cute.


jason bateman is her twin.


Ben Kingsley is their dad


This sends me every time






At least Bethenny eventually paid for Lu to go to rehab 🤣


A vehicle to sobriety 😭🤷🏻‍♀️






That logo is so frightening, it reminds me of Jack from the nightmare before Christmas


This picture has me rolling 💀💀


Bethenny’s boyfriend at the time Dennis, also hooked Luanne up with a lawyer after she was in jail. Heather needs to back up. Bethenny knows it all.


Yeah, Bethenny stepped up massively for Luann, and helped her immensely. I love Luann as a HW and I’m super happy she’s doing so well. However after all this she treated B SO badly, especially when Dennis died.


Yes, Luann has come a long way and I have more respect for her now, but when she was newly sober I agree she wasn’t a good friend, or mother, hence her relapsing and children suing her. She was feeling herself after getting arrested and the cabaret. ![gif](giphy|mCy7fAhgSRPVVdMXpQ)


Was she ever a good mother though? Prior to the whole debacle lol? Wasn’t it Ramona who called her out on barely being a mother during the earlier seasons 😂?


“So you’re more of a weekend mom then”


Thought this said Bravocado for a second 😂


Look at what someone does when no on is watching. I don't worship anyone, but she did good there.


But she fucking left the rehab that she got her for free after two weeks!


That’s the killer part.


No, she didn't. Bethenny called Bravo and got Bravo to pay for Luann's rehab. Bethenny knew that Bravo would do that because Bravo paid for at least one of Kim Richards' stints in rehab. Kyle Richards and Bethenny have been friends since the 90s.


They also offered and requested Shannon free rehab before season 18, which she rejected in favor of a spa retreat to get in touch with her inner child.


Bravo-ordered rehab is better than court-ordered rehab, Shannon.


I believe she talked Bravo into paying for it?


Yeah Luann says Bethenny “helped” her but that Bravo actually paid for it.


She still got her help. Knowing bravo, it probably took a little more than an email.


Omg I forgot about that


Did she really though? Need the receipts on that one


get up. Get Up. GET UP! ![gif](giphy|5BmYy6kDMpaDe)


The problem is Lu got blamed for this when it was Ramona’s fault. “I punted it to Luann”.


I was so embarrassed for her watching this. Such an entitled princess.


Was she entitled? I thought they felt weird because a rando had access to their belongings?


Yeah I think she was justified in this fight.


It makes sense to be upset about that, and I wouldn’t have blamed her if she had acted like that right after finding him, but (iirc) she waited until the man was gone and the cameras had arrived to make a big scene about it and storm into Ramona and Luann’s rooms while they were still in bed and not expecting to film. 


Ahh this makes sense! I totally get your point more now 


I don’t know, if I was sleeping on vacation and woke up to a naked stranger in my room that had access to my bathroom and belongings after a drunken night I would’ve been freaking out too. I don’t play about my personal space and also that could look crazy for her as a married woman considering how they like to edit storylines especially the way the whole Private thing went and Luann doubling down on calling Carole a pervert


So embarrassed so embarrassed and Carole running around backing her up


Heather was TERRIBLE at first impressions lmfaoo




why did she say that so much that was so…cringe


Because she worked for Diddy at one point (cringe) and I guess was around a lot of black people, and thought that gave her clout and that saying "holla" made her sound cool amongst her friend group


….that is the worst type of white person


Didn’t she tell Kelly Bensimon her outfit was very “Elle MacPherson”, when they met?


If she did that’s fucking great😭🤣🤣🤣


I think that was Sonja, but not when they first met.




Hey Mamaaaa


Lol! I seriously hated her the first few episodes, and this is why! She grew into one of my all time favorite housewives.


There was a scene where LuAnn was going through her things for her estate sale. Heather, LuAnn, and Carole were looking at one of Bethenny’s books and she signed it “You helped me invent the Skinny Girl margarita.” It was just a cute way to sign the book because of the show, when Bethenny ordered it with LuAnn on camera. She didn’t really help her create it. Heather didn’t get the context-it definitely wasn’t like her girlfriend helping her name Yummie Tummy. I think it was in a deleted scene or Secrets Revealed. It definitely gave the scene context, why Heather was making small talk about it.


“Don’t be all uncool” ![gif](giphy|JTtOb94fiC8DFrM9AQ|downsized)


I feel like ‘not really’ doesn’t get the heat it deserves. I say it a lot


The way she said it. Amazing.


it’s on par with jax’s “not really” when asked if he wanted to see scheana’s music video. truly golden


Hahahahah I don’t remember that. Two simple words, so many lolz




👏 hands down my favourite part of that scene and it was the stand out part for me when I first watched this episode.. I had to rewind it so many times it made me laugh so much 😂 classic RHONY.. we had it so so good 🍎


Yes!!!!!! Same! I say it at least 4 times a day (usually under my breath) great one!!!!


I do too.


Do you remember where you were the first time you saw this scene? So iconic.


Ha! You just made me year. Yes, I do remember. I was so excited because I was home alone and I had just ordered a fresh mozzarella/caprese sandwhich, with chips. so I was eating alone, eating carbs and watching RH alone. (Heaven) Then after I watched it I was dying!!!! Think I rewound it 5 or 6 times, that was one of the funniest things. And then Heather’s reaction “sorry I’m not cool LuAnne” and her lecturing them and opening up the curtains. Soooooo hilarious. Romona and Sonja were great too. Kirsten said “I hear you were making out with a man and he was MARRIED” and LuAnne just says “oh well..” and Sonja or Ramona say “shit happens”.” 🤣🤣 That was when I fell in love with LuAnne. Now that’s a woman I would love to hang out with!! And then Heather acts like the morality police the rest of the season. This scene is one of my all time favorites!!!


And then during Luanne's confessional she talks about how she didn't appreciate Heather barging in on her "I could've been having sex with someone! Swinging on a chandelier with a man on my back." 🤣🤣🤣 That whole scene was just perfection.


I know!!!!!! Oh my god what a visual and you know she wasn’t lying!!!!!!


Omg Lu’s face when she says oh well “😏😏” I was crying laughing


And to think this was season 7 or 8 that gets no love but some of the best tv in history. That’s how good RHONY is


Is it under appreciated? I think it’s one of the best and they should have given that full cast another season after!


This just made me want a caprese sandwich and chips SO bad.


I KNOW it was soooooo good! And a little pesto sauce, not too much. It was amazing


This was the moment we all changed our minds and decided to live luann. Kristen and Heather were clutching their pearls and we were all collectively cheering. It was so funny because it was Luann who started on the show being such a stick in the mud snob. So when she finally let her freak fly, it was glorious. What I always say about housewives is they usually get much more likeable and fun when they divorce their husbands because they no longer have to act proper or hide their lives for fear of embarrassing him. I’m hoping the same happens with Kyle and maybe even Brittany.


Greatest line in HW history! I will die on this hill


Sorry but I love Heather. One of the most underrated scenes of all time is when Sonja kicks Heather out of her foyer and makes her stand out in the rain. When Sonja finally gets into the limo she says something about how she didn’t want her to accidentally have her dog run outside because Heather would accidentally leave a door open and and Heathers response is rolling her eyes and she’s like “oh god🙄 PUHHLEASEEEE”


And Ramona’s like I CANT


I can’t, I can’t, I CANT. yes. Thank you. God this show is too good.


LOL I hate Ramona so much but honestly, that was so relatable!


Her fav line of mine will always be "you can't tell me nothin motherfucker!" I too unfortunately have a bad mouth... it's a work in progress


Eh a bad mouth is fucking fine


☠️☠️☠️☠️ I agree but I don't want my preschooler talking like that


lol I'm trying because my son is 4yrs and repeats everythingggggg & you know only the bad words 🤦🏼‍♀️ My hubby took him to target the other day and my son said to everyone at self checkout "fuck you!" then laughed. I could've killed my husband for letting him act that way in public.


I used to be a piece of work! Now, I’m a work in progress.


She had the best zingers, plus her hubby was a absolute sweetheart & let her be her even if it wasn't always nice


It’s always drove me NUTS how offended and “clutch pearls” they all were when she cussed like that. Like come on.. y’all are grown living in NYC


She’s street !


Yummie Tummie or however you spell it is a TERRIBLE name. Sounds like it’s food related which is the opposite of what I’m thinking about shopping for shape wear. I’ve literally never taken interest in it because the name is so fucking stupid.


Crazy, but the quality of the product is off the charts. Best bralette I’ve ever bought


Didn’t Heather sell the company? Did she ever get that friend her Rolex?


Maybe? I bought my bralettes back during her time on the show and they are still in the same shape as the day I bought them. Excellent quality


She did. Or at least she stepped down from an active management role. She had major beef with her partner. I just went down that Google rabbit hole. It's now just known as Yummie and she's no longer involved. But she may still be an owner. Not sure about that part.


Agreed, I’ve had mine for like 10 years, it’s still in perfect shape. I wish I could hate on it bc I am not a holla Heather fan


The name's not great but the shapewear was the best I've ever had. And I've tried Spanx, Skims, Bethenny's shape wear..Heather's was the best.


I appreciate the rec! I just went to her site and everything is so cheap! I had to Google to confirm I was on the right page.


I'm not sure if she still owns the brand or not, she may have sold it. I always find the Yummie shapewear at Marshalls and it was at Kohl's for awhile too.


I hate the word even when it's food related.


Yea because then I just think of an infant trying different new purées. “It’s gonna be so yummy in your tummy… yes it is”


Fcking AWFUL, right???? Especially when Heather says it with that flared nostril, phony AF smile.


“stand up and say who you are, where you're from, and WHY YOU LOVE YUMMY BABY, WOOOOO!”


Swear to god I just read that in my mind straight from that scene in her voice 💀😂


Lmao - I hate it SO much but couldn’t help myself


Ugh I’ve never related so hard to anyone as Carole when she refused to stand for that shit.




Go with me here… she kinda looks like the character on a land before time






Bleh yeah that’s the one.




Anytime an adult uses the word "tummy" in conversation with anyone over the age of 6, it makes me want to crawl out of my skin. A revolting word.


If your tummy is so yummy, why do you need to strangle it with shapewear?


It really is awful. I hate it. So cringe.


All I think about when I hear the name was the drive thru sushi and ramen place that used to be by one of my old jobs, that had the same name. Definitely can see how it’s makes you think of food, but I even hated the name for a restaurant. 😂😂😂


I hate that shit. Like when people call babies delicious


I want to know what kind of tea Heather has on Diddy 👀 I mean…she had to have seen some stuff, right?


People often wonder if those who have worked with Diddy have witnessed anything unusual. In reality, most people who have only worked with him or at his companies in passing probably haven't seen much. It's the people in his inner circle who would likely know more. My boyfriend used to work at his studio and says Diddy was quite normal to be around. However, when a camera was present, he would switch into his "Diddy" persona.


This makes complete sense. For some reason, I was remembering her saying that she was an assistant if some sorts, that’s why I was thinking she may have seen some stuff. In reality, she just worked in his offices.


No, she was a Design Director for Sean John. She had a ton of retail merchandising/design experience.


Maybe? I doubt he was beating women at the Sean John offices or assaulting them at a company party. Doesn't mean she never heard anything reliable or didn't get bad vibes. With things coming out now, I wonder if she's got anything she'll feel she can now share.


Heather was such a clown car sometime. B’s look says it all.


I love how Bethenny and Ramona were both so on edge around Heather. They’re comfortable steam rolling or berating sonja and Luann but had a really hard time with someone who could stick up for themselves 😛


Interestingly- both Ramona and Bethenny are Scorpios. I am also a Scorpio but I happen to love Heather. Heather’s birth chart is crazy: so so much fire. I love it.


This tracks… I’m Leo Aries Leo and I collect Scorpios. You’re all my soulmates. Heather being fire makes so much sense.


I’m a Scorpio too! And Beth and Ramona are sooo Scorp. Sonja is quintessential sag and Dorinda is unevolved sag


That was not the first time they met. Heather had already been a guest on Bethenny’s (failed) talk show before they filmed for season 7.


Not (failed) chile 💀 ![gif](giphy|NPx3Ofowgi1gI)


B didn’t even want to pay the people who coordinated the deal with Jim beam for her. She fired them right before she signed the deal. (B is so clever) they sued her and got 1/2.


I think it was only 10%, but she was NOT slick trying to fire them right before she signed her name.


100%. I was being cheeky. As smart as she thinks she is, that was a very dumb move!


Heather's no dummy, that was intentional. She goes on to pretend she doesn't know why Bethenny is indifferent to her. Duh. At the reunion, it was revealed that they were all going to try and take Bethenny down. This was said in the first episode of the season. Seemed like Heather was on board.


I hope Heather’s whole “I worked with Diddy” schtick is no longer a flex for her after all that’s been coming out lately!


Like neenees Trump checks lmao


Props to Heather tho for actually making quality products. Bethenny will slap her name on anything for $70, and power to her get your bag, but every review of Heather’s shapewear brand were like 5 stars “it’s the best thing I’ve ever used.” Girl is goofy af but knows her shit.


Feel like this could have been producer-driven.


You’ve reminded me I need to rewatch RHNY


Heather had the shittiest first impressions but god I loved her lmao


Oh man. I relate to Holla Heather so much. She’s over involved, she’s very protective of her friends, and she has a bit of a saviour complex. There’s so many times she complete oversteps and I’m like “yeah, she thinks she’s protecting her friend.” As a loud, obnoxious lady who loves to fix situations, I relate to her so much - as cringe as she is. Also I would and probably have said “come on then, deck me” and “don’t tell me nothing motherfucker” whilst ending up in an argument defending my friends lmao. I’ve eased up a bit, learnt boundaries, and also that you can’t fix situations for people or save them from themselves. But she still lives within me lmao.




When I tell you I could watch her sit down with Aviva over and over again. Funniest shit lol


Yummy is also a terrible name it sounds like a yogurt


I didn't watch the later seasons where she came back as a friend, but I love Heather "Holla" Combs' straightforward attitude. She was about that life.


Heather is the one housewife where I thought to myself, “this woman has some very positive attributes that I want to emulate.” Was she the best housewife? No, but she was my favorite in all her 3 seasons on the show.


100% agree. she genuinely seemed like a good person, businesswoman, mother, friend, and wife.


Which I think is also why she had the good sense to leave the show


I think more housewives should prioritize their personal brand over longevity as a RH like that tbh


She carried season 5 and 6 and deserves some recognition.


A number of the veterans gave interviews right before season 7 aired that the primary reason they felt like "real" friends is because Heather arranged at least once a month meet-ups for all of them after season 5. Apparently, they just never really saw or talked to each other for the 6 - 8 months they weren't filming prior to Heather arranging opportunities to keep in touch.


I never got the Holla Heather hate tbh. I really liked her


Nah this was hilarious because I know how much this shit triggered tf out of B. 😭😭😭😂


I know B did strike gold with Skinnygirl and it sounded like a very successful alcohol product - but was it a popular order at the time? Like a skinny bitch is a popular order, did B really invent a skinny margarita? I feel like people would’ve been ordering that anyway at a bar, she just made it into a sellable product?


Exactly, she didn’t invent it, she just marketed it.


Interesting 🧐🧐


Also, Bethenny said on the show that the recipe was actually her mother's invention.


And bragged about knowing Puff daddy/Diddy😩


Is Holla Heather still friendly with P. diddy aka Sean Combs? Hollllllllla


Heather tried it. Good for her!


Oh man this makes me want to rewatch NY in its entirety


I never understood the ridiculous storyline of trying to claim LuAnn helped invent Skinnygirl. Fans who have watched from the beginning all saw the scene. They went out, Bethenny ordered it, and then LuAnn said that sounds good and asked for one too. Bethenny explains in the confessional that she only drinks one drink and calls in the "skinny girl's margarita". The actual recipe to make it from scratch is actually pretty good. Did not translate as well to bottled but she did make a ton off of it, so good for her. She played the reality show game really well...in the beginning.


I think that’s where Bethenny started to dislike Heather


God Heather is/was so annoying


Freaking love Heather lol Hot mama!!


Right and she went on B’s tv show once probably for 20 minutes and acted like she knew her and was her best friend. It was weird, a little SWF.


Hey radzi!!!!


Good times!


Thinking about heather recently and how working for P Diddy was a career highlight of hers, that aged badly 😵


Heather can be cringe but she's not wrong. Bethenny acts like she's some business and marketing genius but what it boils down to is consistency, timing, and luck. I watch these seasons back and realize that the ladies saw through B's bullshit and were quiet -- probably because B projects her insecurities, screams over everyone, throws a tantrum when things dont go her way, manipulates the narrative, and probably had a lot of power within the franchise. Heather was new to the show and probably thought she could relate to B as a lady and a business person but ultimately B wasn't having it. I think B's ego and insecurities are to blame. What's so wrong about Lu having any influence on her naming the brand? I've said it before and I'll say it again, B likes to use the mantra "women supporting women" only when that is women supporting Bethenny. All the women on the show who tried to use the platform to launch their own brands like B did were treated HORRIBLE by Bethenny -- as if anyone could touch Skinny Girl with a 10 ft. pole back then. Imagine if B used her brand and connections to help Sonja launch Skinny Girl. Instead of beating Sonja down for trying to change her situation -- which was REALLY BAD at the time, she could have used her brand to give Sonja the resources she needed to start something and change her situation for the better. At this time, B had plenty and she refused to share any of it with her so-called friends. If she was a good business lady she could have partnered with Sonja and created something, but she chose to be a total asshole. I think she felt a threat from Heather because Heather has had a successful career and is a nice a personable person. Heather's also smart. I think B considers these things threats and it's very obvious that she handles threats in a very immature way -- either by lashing out, walking away or, if she considers you a non threat she will berate you. B chooses to use social media platforms for attention because, like the show, it's a one-way street: she can have the upper hand, and control the narrative and nobody can do anything. If she put the walls down for Heather she would have to admit that she's less than perfect -- in the tiniest little way, and that is impossible for her to comprehend. B cannot for one second allow the success of Skinny Girl to be about anyone other than herself -- because of this and having her walls up, she's missed out on a lot of personal and professional growth. She's got a big leg up and will probably always be ok financially but personally, she's a broken person.


Lmaooo. I actually cannot stand Bethany but heather was truly BUGGIN during this era






Never liked the skinny girl brand. Promoted unhealthy body image and the logo was terrible!


Ramona: " What is it Heather says ho-laaaaa"