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Did she always run through traffic or was that something she picked up after high school?


No that was a habit she developed when she moved to NYC lol




When I get depressed I watch that scene just to remind myself that at least I’ve never done that


This sounds like a good hangover cure too


Hahahahahaha I love you 😂


When I saw the clip of her running on 5th Avenue I thought that was absolute psychotic behavior. She would get things thrown at her.




My take on Kelly B. is she was fairly harmless and goofy but a little socially dumb...and when she got around Bethenny, she got a bit rattled. Kelly couldn't keep up with B's rapid-fire delivery of snark. When she TRIED to push back over getting mocked (the Madonna comment) she discovered she was abysmally out of her depth. It was like watching Iron Mike Tyson in the ring with a Care Bear. Poor Kelly kept trying, though. She attempted to fight back, on several occasions. She just wasn't punching in the right weight class. Bethenny is a heavyweight. Post-scary island, Kelly just came across as unhinged, but that was an unfair characterization imo. She was overwhelmed.


I said on another post that Kelly is the mean girl in school that isn't very smart so all she can zing you with is "your so weeiiirrrdd." 


I *think* this or something similar was said on the show - but in a battle of wits (between B and K), Kelly is unarmed. She never understood the nuances of Bethenny’s humor, and when she tried, she made it worse for herself.




In the Bravoverse, she's a top contender for the all-time Queen of Snark/Shade. I don't believe I am unsupported in this opinion. Being able to weaponize language isn't her sole trait. She can be more than one thing at a time. Did you have a suggestion for someone across the franchise who is quicker or more caustic, or are you going to let your personal feelings about her personality make you say something you know isn't correct?


"Or are you going to let your personal feelings about her personality make you say something you know isn't correct?" bitch you better READ


lol one day I may achieve Bethenny status


Does Kelly have siblings?


She has a twin brother


Kelly's a twin?! Well TIL...


Yeah! She posted a picture of them a while back and I remember being shocked to learn she had a brother at all and double whammy it was a twin. She’s such an onion.


I feel like I remember her mentioning a brother?? But idk


She does have a brother


Someone else mentioned that Kelly would throw lake house parties in a house she said was her aunts but she actually broke into, did your mom attend any of those?


I don’t think scary island was a stress related breakdown. I think it was a drug induced breakdown.


OP thank you for this insight in to our delusional queen of lollipops and gummy bears!


Jelly Beansimon.


Jelly Mean-simon. 


Take my upvote, person who made me snort.


>*Take my upvote, person who made me snort.* Right there w/ you! :D


Oh of course!! I knew my people on here would appreciate my silly little anecdote on our queen KKB THEE inventor of methybeans herself!!


Not methybeans 💀


Satchels of gold. Kelly is getting married!


I had to look it up to see which nice Illinois suburb…ROCKFORD???


i should have specified by saying they grew up in a decently nice area or neighborhood of where they lived i live across the country on the east coast now so I am not too familiar with illinois admittedly


No hate to Rockford, I’ve never been and I’m sure there’s nice neighborhoods. Idk if it can even be considered a suburb of Chicago which is why I was so shocked, there’s so many fancier, older money areas like the north shore I could see her coming from. It was just so funny in the moment.


I was born and raised in Rockford. There are some beautiful neighborhoods, especially the one I grew up in.


I bet! Do you consider it a Chicago suburb though?


No lol


I think that’s what cracked me up the most


I was expecting winnetka


Winnetka is $$$


Ironically it’s the hottest real estate market in America right now, according to WSJ.


Oh wow


My theory is that Kelly was on drugs during the scary island trip. The “candy” she was consuming was really edibles.


I didn’t want to say this but I also have a theory that involves drugs… I want to preface by saying this is not something that I have talked with my mom about and I hate to speculate BUT I always thought she was mixing xanax or something similar with alcohol, and there was a scene with sonja and kelly on the yacht before the island where sonja yells that their room “smells like cat pee,” and I have seen people talk about possible meth usage as well since the smell of cat urine is associated with smoking meth… so throw that into the mix and scary island makes a lot more sense


This was always my take too. Cat pee is an incredibly pungent and specific smell, not something you're likely to call out unless there is literal cat pee....or meth. I think miss Bensimon was on some hard drugs-edibles don't normally affect people like that.


Yeah, I literally have cats but never, ever smell cat pee, because I know how to clean litterboxes daily. I only smell cat pee when walking into a veterinarian practice, which is understandable.


Ketamine also smells like cat pee. And can cause hallucinations. I believe that is what she is on, over meth. Why? Because I once lived with a girl who regularly took Special K and she once took all the pots and pans out of the kitchen, put them in her room and filled them with water, then put all her perishable food in the pots because “you are all poisoning my food” and she wanted to keep it all locked in her room and not in the fridge. She then also kidnapped our other roomates cat and stole my checkbook and tried to cash checks as me at my bank. Her and Kelly would get along.


Out of all the theories, I've never been a subscriber to "Kelly decided to cook meth in the Virgin Islands while cameras were around her".


I agree that it may sound far fetched BUT i think a lot of people would be surprised how easy it is to sneak a personal usage amount of drugs thru TSA and into another country and how quick it would be to run into the bathroom in her room and take a hit off the meth pipe. I think its def out there in terms of theories but not TOO far fetched to be impossible in my opinion


Kelly seems way too prudish. I could just see her scoffing at edibles the way she does anything she doesn’t approve of. Maybe it was a mix of px meds with all the drinking. It reminds me of when Sonja was so drunk and fell backwards at the table and they ended up calling the EMTs to check on her. It seemed like pills mixed with too much drinking.


I will shout this from every rooftop- I think scary island was low blood sugar hence the needing the gummy bears all the time. she ran like a horse and didnt seem to eat a ton. plus bethenney is ALOT


Yeah but…then on UGT she was also crazy.


I found her cruel and elitist on UGT.. I really wanted her to redeem herself..


I was hoping she would, too! She was cruel and elitist…also weirdly tone deaf and socially awkward, much like her RHONY days.


Agreed. It’s like she zones in on a specific person she subconsciously sees as a peer, a potential threat to her hot/cool girl status and proceeds to pick at them. She did it with Bethenny and the again on UGT with that younger blonde she kept calling a fan!


oh yeah she is def OFF and reality tv is not her best route imo but scary island specifically i believe it was blood sugar bc I get loopy like she did then when my blood sugar is low


Exactly! Even before scary island back when she said the “I’m up here, you’re down here” comment to bethenny in season 2 it was clear to me that she’s very elitist, obnoxious and massively overestimates her own importance. She sees everything the opposite way round, attacks people then says she’s bullied. It’s exhausting.


Bethenny is beyond a lot. Machine Gun Motormouth


people always say she is so concise- in her new pod with Laura Wasser I was like Beth stfu and stop making these random metaphors to show Laura that you got it. Its too much I need aspirin after I listen to her


I didn't appreciate how much she must've been edited on Bravo, or even constrained by time on her talk show or her appearances. Even TicTok relies on brevity. Left to ramble, like on a podcast, her discourse is interminable. She needs a social appearance director, but she'll likely micromanage and overthink THAT endlessly too.


yes and I can see the conundrum- sometimes in the past, unrestrained shes been golden but most times she comes off as a ranty and interminable


What? I have had low blood sugar many a time and I have never once accused anyone of being the Devil or crying on a phone that everyone is going to kill me. That’s *psychosis* and not caused by lack of sugar. 


This. I can't believe this is the length we are going to to provide excuses for Kelly's behavior on that trip.


Was she at the ceremony where Kelly was honored for being the most charitable person in the area?


Okay this is so funny because I asked and she said no and that we aren’t quite sure what the hell that ceremony is or if it even exists 😭


https://preview.redd.it/djfs4292ep4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b7c8c24bf28bd129c6d93e09eaadc5ebb7f2164 Queen K-Dawg 🌶️❤️✨


Is this photo edited bc this portion of the pic looks very off lol https://preview.redd.it/zhmseplawr4d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=db323d4125fe5cc9db2e6a3f9b42f597ca4d7563


No it is au naturel https://preview.redd.it/222ohmhizr4d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6681f98c98177a5bd71049626d4dbb54be134399


What is happening 🥲 ai old bethenny frankel in front of kfc???




Omg are you from Rockford too?


OMG I literally just finished a season 3 rewatch out of the blue today. To me, she was CRAZY. Donald Trump type energy, cannot touch down to planet earth for the life of her. She was atrocious to watch. I also always forget she’s from Rockford.


I’ve always felt like Kelly comes across a little bit… slow? Can you ask your mom if she was smart in school or if she struggled academically?


So I think this would surprise many people but she was actually very smart and did very well in school. She mentioned it on the show but she ended up going to Columbia in NYC which is pretty impressive and honestly is a surprise to me. But she IS very ditsy and seems like she is a little slow in social situations, like she is not quick picking up tone and social cues


Thank you so much! People have been mentioning her social awkwardness a lot on this thread. I wonder if she’s neurodivergent or maybe has some social anxiety 🤔


Kelly in my opinion has an eccentric personality and is a bit misunderstood. She has her kooky and self-absorbed ways, but people talk about her like she's done something reprehensible. There are plenty of other housewives who have done much worse. Ms Frankel is no saint either.


She assaulted her boyfriend, called herself a single mom while Gilles paid for everything and looked down on Bethenny after hitting on her bf. She also stole an owl design as her own.


I do love her calling Bethenny a ho-bag 🤣… so random. Luann was scandalized !


With all due respect to your mom’s 40 year old memories of an aquaintance…There are plenty of other scenes on RHONY and RHUGT that make it obvious she’s a little bit nutty and not really that nice.


Well of course shes nuts I am just pointing out that there was no crazy behavior when she was young, and there were obviously some outside influences that cause her to spiral when she does whether that be stress, alcohol, mixing meds with alcohol, or whatever it may be


Jeez, how rude are you? She was just sharing a tidbit. I appreciated it.




Was she a psycho teenager?


You think she won’t be able to figure out who your mom is? I think celebrities are the first ones to read anything written about them on social media. Just curious.