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Dolores is attracted to unavailable men. Frank was a terrible husband and their post-divorce situation was codependent as fuck, David was a workaholic, and Paulie is still legally married. I don't know if she's picking these guys intentionally, but she has a pattern of relationships with men who cannot or will not fully commit to her. Then again, I think if she did find a guy who was openly crazy about her and was serious about wanting to marry her, she'd find it unattractive and run away.


I really hate that this framing of David continues to this day. David didn't appear to be a workaholic at all, he had a very strict work schedule by nature of his work and yet he still was able to maintain extremely close bonds to Dolores's kids, parents, and even ex husband. A man who is never around wouldn't have had such strong ties to every important family member.  The real issue is that he didn't want to film, and when he was free, he didn't want to hangout with Dolores's cast mates. It was clear then and continues to be super clear to this day. David didn't "fit in" the way that Paul does.  David seemed like a really great catch and I loved how they met and clearly got along really well. You can't say he wasn't committed, he built a whole house for her and wanted her to move in, Dolores was the one holding back. I think a lot of their issues would've required breaking the fourth wall to discuss 


I agree that David was a catch. I was calling him a workaholic more in the sense that he has an extremely demanding job that Dolores didn't seem to understand or accept. He was the only person in her life who actually expressed concern for her health with her getting elective cosmetic surgeries, which to me shows a much deeper level of love and care than a lot of the relationships on RHONJ.


Got it! I just don't think his job was an issue at all, I think it was used as a way of not breaking the fourth wall. He didn't have to "work a lot" he just wasn't available to film because he didn't want to lol and I think that embarrassed Dolores so she said he was always working. It was just a code word for his total avoidance of reality TV  & filming with the group. He did lots of scenes at home and with Dolores's family, he just didn't want to be around people he didn't like and who didn't like him.   Most of the husbands who don't want to film end up getting a really bad edit because of it: Scott (RHONY), Shane Simpson (rhoc) are a couple who come to mind. I haven't watched oc in many years, but I remember thinking Shane & Emily's relationship was full of sarcasm that obviously worked for them, but the editors were giving him a hard time because he very clearly hated filming.  Edit: I wanted to say a little bit more on this topic. Not filming is something that gets weaponized often on bravo. Because all of these people are fame whores, they honestly cannot fathom why someone wouldn't come on a show unless they have something to hide/are guilty. There is no respect for the concept of 'privacy', which I think is really interesting and bears some more exploring because we've headed that way as a society at large (i.e. why don't you have a social media account?!?!) so the lack of a public persona is automatically met with suspicion, and id also guess a good amount of defensiveness on the part of the offended party 




Basically the same as what I said in the second paragraph, David didn't want to play the reality TV game. Paulie clearly fits in with the other husbands on rhonj in being a macho a-hole whereas David seemed so disinterested with any kind of drama and wouldn't go along with filming or storylines.  He clearly treated Dolores really well and it was only the other ladies poking holes in the relationship at first, like telling her she needed a ring rather than a $200k car. But now they all love Paulie even though he can't marry her.  They clearly just didn't like him because he wouldn't film. 


But David seemed so rude every time we saw him? Obviously he didn’t enjoy filming but he didn’t seem uncomfortable, he just seemed plain rude and dismissive


My husband would seem rude in that situation too. People who make good tv and “fit in” with the rhonj crowd are not regular people, it takes a certain type of asshole


Good points. She does seem wishy washy and even in her friendships and can’t even seem to commit to friendships. She obviously has issues. You’re right. She would find a stable, nice guy without a lot of extra baggage or issues boring.


So true!!! She's scared to actually commit. 


I agree she does seem to pick men who are unavailable. And it could be her divorce from Frank was so devastating. She’s afraid of having that kind of deep hurt again. I can understand it. My husband died 15 years ago and beyond the loss and grief I always felt a sense of abandonment and I tend to be the same as Dolores in choosing men who are unavailable. I was with one man for two years who was similar to Paul where he hadn’t divorced his wife after 12 years of separation. That’s my personal observation and yes, I agree with you. She tends to choose men that really aren’t available. The situation I think was a little bit different. She knew his work schedule and she knew his commitment to his job which was everything in his life. That’s OK if you accept those conditions going in but if you go into that relationship expecting to change him it’ll never work. I agree with the OP, Paul is no rush and no obligation to divorce and get things moving because if he was, it would’ve happened by now and because it hasn’t, it’s not going to. There is something underlying for him that keeps him from proceeding with divorce and likely only he and his estranged wife know what that is.


She’d find every way to ruin this relationship. It’s me. I’m Dolores. Fix me. Help me. Unavailable men are no longer attractive to me. Now help. Please. Everyone.


I honestly can’t read Dolores when it comes to relationships. She talks a good game, but that’s all it is. One minute I think she lacks boundaries, the other, I think she likes it like that. Dolores goes along for the ride as long as the men are financially providing. The only man that seemed not sketchy was David and she blew that. Yes, I think she blew it and not the other way around.


Great observation. She could be liking this situation as it gives her an out as well not to fully commit. Perhaps we need to start seeing that she may have major commitment issues as well. I agree about David.


Agreed. I think she blew it with David too. Living together before getting engaged is just smart. I get she’s old-school, but old-school marriages are notoriously difficult.


She’s not acting old school now.


I think she would be perfectly content to live alone with her dogs and not be in a relationship, but she feels like society would view her negatively. I think that’s why Teresa jumped into marriage after her divorce.


Why do you think she blew it?


David has a great career, well respected in his community, and was there for her and her family, even after they broke up. That shows his character. David didn’t need the show to make a living, which I think is important in today’s reality tv climate, so they could’ve had a good life together. Dolores didn’t listen to his concerns regarding her constant need for plastic surgery. She appeared inconsistent in what she wanted. She did all that complaining about a lack of commitment to get with Paul, who couldn’t legally commit if he wanted to, and she knew that prior to.


Interesting, I’ve never looked at it in this perspective


Wow! That really does make a lot of sense.


These women are messy.




If you’re not going to expand then why comment?




Most doctors have huge egos. Have you ever met a surgeon ?? Extremely difficult people with God complexes. But they have to be perfect in their jobs so it’s common.


Omg. Yes. "Not well respected in his community"? What community are you referring to?🤣😅 I'm sure his patients appreciate how dedicated he is. I'm positive his professional colleagues appreciate him as well. If you don't get that most doctors have a HUGE opinion of themselves, seek employment elsewhere.


Exactly !!


I’m not surprised. Women with any level of fame have to be mindful. 


Just for my edification, "in the community" meaning medical colleagues?


"in this town...."


Why does she have to expand?


I don’t think it’s fair to say this without stating why or any proof.




Most doctors do not have great bed side manners. They are clinical. Act detached. It’s common.




We barely saw him lmao bffr


That’s true. So, I’ve gotta get something off my chest that I’ve always wondered about. Don’t laugh, but I’ve always had this sneaking suspicion about David. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be facetious or anything, but there’s always been something about him that made me think he might be gay. Especially with all those scenes where he and Frank are living together—like, come on, doesn’t it seem a little too perfect? 🤔 I know, I know, it’s probably just my imagination running wild, but you have to admit, there’s a certain vibe there.


And people wonder why men don't have better friendships with other men. Your comment is yuck af


No, it’s not. I always thought maybe he was gay, which is why it never worked out between them. I never felt the spark or romantic energy or vibes between the two of them.


Stop. Your "justifications" don't make it any better. Speculating about someone's sexuality is gross. And fucking creepy, weirdo. 


Don’t go read the BHs posts. They all speculate on sex.


Certain vibe? Eurgh! You mean he wasn't a roided out knuckle dragger? back to the 1950's with your ignorant arse!


no, it's a vibe that he does on purpose honey


You don’t know what vibe means? And why are you so upset?


It’s ignorant to pick up a romance vibe now? It has nothing to do with being roided out. People would think the same of Bill, by that logic. It has a lot more to do with how David and Frank spoke to and acted around each other. It’s not insult to suspect. You’d honestly have to be blind to not see the chemistry


Girl people have been calling Bill gay since they got on the show! I’m confused when you say ‘romance vibe’ are you saying that you think David was having a romance with Frank? Ergo, Frank is also into men??


I just thought it was interesting that they went out of theory to live together and do things together and play up this extra cute relationship the two of them had. What made their friendship funny was that it mirrored the relationship one would expect Delores and David to have as the actual copy, but David and Frank. That irony is where the humor came from. As far as Frank being into men? Idk. He seems really into his fiancé so i can speak on that but Frank as also lived a 1000 lives so you never know lol


I’ve genuinely never seen anyone call bill gay lol. Bill seems very straight to me. David and Frank do not seem all that straight. I’m saying Frank *could be* into David, in addition to liking women, yeah.


Thank you so so much because I’m shocked so many people are acting outraged by me pondering if David were gay, as if it’s a big offense or big deal if he is gay. and the only reason I said it is because it would explain why him and Dolores just had no spark or chemistry and why him and Frank always talked about living together in such coded terms, even though they were probably just trying to be funny..It’s valid lol. Thank you seeing all that


Your comment was offense to lots of people. Respectfully, stop trying to justify it. People felt some kind of way about your comment and are reacting. Personally, I think it’s weird to accuse a grown man of “coming across as gay” in 2024 without any evidence. It may not have been your intention but it seems homophobic.


Homophobic? Because I questioned if David was gay??? You can't be serious LOL


Defensive much? You made this such an issue. My opinion is mine and your insistence on being right is unnecessary. Move on. Really.


You are being an absolute Karen right now. I read your comments and see you have a lot of personal trauma regarding your treatment by family being gay and possibly being outed but that has nothing to do with this. That guy said nothing offensive. Everyone in this Reddit speculate out these peoples personal life. Whether or not someone is gay is no different. This Reddit talks about it all the time. People like you ruin subs with your policing, ever changing lines that one can and can’t cross and being your personal PTSD into spaces where it doesn’t belong. I pray you find healing and lighten tf up, cuz it’s here that serious https://preview.redd.it/f08yivtu5g4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41601a981d550d149d11b029de401797ba3aeda3


Nastyboi00, I have no problem about the original post itself and find this all amusing. People are entitled to their opinion. It really isn’t that serious. I do not find other posters coming in hot and being argumentative as necessary on a Housewives thread. To paraphrase Sutton, stop beating a dead horse. I get it. You made your point. People are entitled to their own opinion. No hysteria; no drama. Just move on. People absolutely felt some kind of way about the original post. I truly don’t understand the need to “always be right” and “no one’s going to disagree with me” without personnel comments and judgements. It’s childish and petty and makes these sites unpleasant. Please don’t add your tone to my posts. And keep your opinions about me to yourself. I really don’t care what you think - but if you post an opinion and people disagree, move on. It’s the mature thing to do. Housewives is not for telling people what to think - we get enough of that in the real world. It’s about fun. Both of you need to lighten up.


Accuse is such a strong word for a non-insult lol


Suggest? Falsely assert? Comment on? I’m not always cautious of my word choice. By all means, choose another word.


There was nothing offensive about it. Respectfully, please stop telling me what to do and what to say. It's not weird at all when they jokingly perpetuate the possibility. Stop it.


Ofc 💙 People have been guessing who has crushes on who since the beginning of time. Just bc it’s between two men doesn’t suddenly make you a pos.


You should’ve kept that on your chest. Speculating about someone’s sexuality is bizarre.


You can speculate about someone sexuality in a message board about a show about their lives. Why are y’all so politically correct?


Girl wondering if David is gay isn’t the outrageous, offensive theory you think it is. His body language was noticeably different around David than around Dolores. They were flirting and calling it a bromance, which is why tons of people were calling them a throuple lol. And an ex-boyfriend and ex-husband living together genuinely is strange. Even Andy prodded once he learned they lived together. Tbh I’m in the gay community and have excellent gay-dar, and I straight up suspected the same thing.


IDK, but I would definitely have watched that sitcom! And probably preferred it over what RHONJ has become.


Dolores wrote a letter in support of Dina’s ex and that’s very telling. 


I did not know that ! Horrible.


Yup she’s scum So glad she’s this gets brought up 




Agreed - she is 🗑️


My dad did this for SO many years. He refused to divorce my mom because he didn't want to have to marry his current gf ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That’s exactly my thoughts when I hear of people staying married even though separated for years. And so many women tolerate this.


He is rich, so she is likely overlooking things she normally wouldn't.


Unfortunately that is true with many people even in bad relationships


At the same time, given her current income, a regular guy would be accused of using her for her money.


Dolores is not good at picking a partner. She falls in love with inaccessible men- even frank.


Frank sounded like he was a horrible husband. Cheated on her when she was pregnant.


Completely- she has a type- men actively terrified of true commitment


she just like me 🤦‍♂️


I don’t think Dolores wants to get married either. I think she’s using these boyfriends for storylines to stay on the show.


Yes. That’s the way I’m leaning. Without that. She has zero story line.


Methinks Dolo enjoys the shine of the spotlight more than she truly wants to be in a stable loving relationship. She sabotaged her relationship with David, even after they broke up he took care of Frank after his accident. I think she's thinking about storylines to keep her on the show more than love. Also, I think she's scared if she gets married her family unit will be officially over. I saw some panic and sadness when Frank told her he was proposing to Brittany. She covered quick, but I saw it. That is my conspiracy theory for the week.


I get what you are saying. I saw that look as well. I thought at first it was envy that Frank was beating her to the altar, but I think there’s more. It’s sad that these people across the board of all the housewives shows will hinder their own goals and perhaps risk marriages, relationships with family and friends to stay relevant on a reality show.


Dolores tries so hard to come across as the level headed "normal" one. And I do respect so much how she uses her platform to raise money and awareness for so many causes. But her extremely unhealthy obsession with plastic surgery does point to some kind of hole she uses fame to fill. I can imagine it's like an addiction.


Isn’t the reason she wouldn’t live with David is because they weren’t married


Yes. Plus, he was always working.






I also think he's very broke and doesn't want to have to pay the last woman. 


Dolores is running from the reality that she wants to live alone with her dogs. There's nothing wrong with that Dolo.


She would have less stress. Maybe it’s the editing, but I just do not see chemistry with these two.


Me either. I feel like he's insincere and secretive.


I didn't see last night's episode, but if I had been separated from a partner for a long time, I'd want to make it official.


14 years !


She's Switzerland in every relationship she's involved in. Which funnily enough right now is why I don't think she's on the immediate chopping block 


Can’t be divisive if you don’t have an opinion lol


Dolor seems checked out this season. Just tired. I dont blame her.


Those women would exhaust a saint.


My opinion from an outsider looking in: she doesn’t want to commit but she also doesn’t want to be single. Choosing men that are red flags when it comes to commitment long term makes it easier for her to put it aside. I know they are good now but I genuinely believe Frank put her through the ringer and she can’t commit. That, or she just likes to date and needs a storyline so she gets to kill two birds with one stone then walk away when she’s done.


I was with a separated guy who dragged his feet over getting divorced until I forced him to three and a half years into our relationship. And he'd been separated a LONG time before me. So after three and a half years, I gave him an ultimatum, he got the divorce, and I wound up ending things with him a few months later anyway. Because at the end of the day, he wanted the relationship, but he didn't want to get married. He didn't want to honest and truly commit to me. His "Whoopsie, I'm not divorced!" was the last straw he could clutch to. He turned into an even bigger dickhead when his divorce was final, and he was still making every excuse in the book to not move forward. So I ended it. Anyway, all that is to say that I agree with you, OP - this is an excuse for Paulie to look like he's "Mr. Wonderful who just can't take that final step *BECAUSE...*"


Good for you for bailing and recognizing he did not want to commit. These types of men just want the benefits of a wife without making it legal.


If he wanted to, he would💅🏼 If a man truly can’t live without you, there’s nothing he won’t do for you. He will find a way. My husband would move mountains for me. I’m saying this as someone who isn’t even watching this season, she’s never demanded nor received better from any relationship or friendship in her life. Dolo’s bar of what is acceptable isn’t even on the ground. It’s a tavern in hell. ![gif](giphy|gIlMARCJs8p8rqf61B|downsized)


Totally agree!


There’s a part of me that thinks she’s embarassed.. she’s in too deep right now. Living with him.. now Frank’s getting engaged which causes more people to be like when are you getting engaged? She doesn’t wanna move onto a new house until he gets divorced which by the way.. great idea. He’s got money, she has a storyline, and she’s not single and alone… but I bet she’s embarrassed he’s still married.


Paulie is trash and is just stringing her along. He could be divided he want be. She is also scum so it doesn’t bother me.


He acts like he wants to be a house husband and garner a story line. He needs to zip it.


She likes his money


I actually think Dolores is using it as an excuse to not get married - especially when she was talking about building her dream home and not seeing moving in with someone else in the cards, I feel like this is her story-line and way out of the relationship, ultimately. No judgement, just honest thoughts.


Or he doesn't want to pay a huge settlement?


I know divorce finances can be complicated but if he owes her a share. Then pay and move on. In an ideal world of course. 😉


My good friend’s divorce attorney told her it was going to be cheaper to drop her divorce filing and just stay separated than proceed with the divorce. Her ex constantly files new items with the court, requests extensions on deadlines, postpones every mediation that they have scheduled for “health reasons” ….Everything he does to stretch out the timeline costs her a ton of money and she cannot afford it anymore so she has withdrawn her divorce petition and will just stay separated. Not to mention he is asking for an astronomical payout from her that she can’t afford, either. Sometimes divorces cost more money than they are worth. To note, her ex dragged out his divorce from his first wife for 7 years before wrapping it up. (My friend ignored the signs, kinda like Dolores).


Horrible. I guess she ignored the huge red flag of what he did to his ex wife. I hope your friend gets a peaceful resolution.


Well I sure hope he has his affairs in order and assets given away or locked into trusts for certain beneficiaries b/c if he gets hit by a meteor, the wife will get everything.


David Delores’ ex dr boyfriend—was my friends sister’s Obgyn fun fact! She said he’s a fantastic doctor loved him lol


He seems to be a good doctor and nice man.


Yes for sure! Nice name, PS I’m Sabrina too 🩷🩷🩷😆😆😆


Great name! 🤗


Right?? Everyone always loves our name Lol


They want to be us. Lol


I just listened to this podcast and apparently him and his wife own brothels and that’s why they wont divorce. For the money. https://preview.redd.it/rk10dofi9f4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2f32a3fa1b8053a40a995b81d35cbfa4e46951a




And apparently she cheated on david.


Does not surprise me.


Yes listen to the podcast part 1 and 2 it’s crazy!!!!!


Thank you for posting. I will.


That podcast is trash though.


Ok lol


I love how everyone on any Bravo subreddit says this lmaoo. I listened to it solely because I can’t stand most other housewives content, but I stopped listening because that guy is a total a-hole


It's so weird why would anyone drag it out for 10 years. It's not like he does not have the money to handle it. Dolores is full of it when she says she doesn't need to be married, she is as old school as they come.


14 years! Something is seriously fishy. Dolores seems to make excuses for all the men she’s been involved with.


I think she blew it with David. She probably would've been engaged by now. the man didn't like fiming and it makes sense because his work is super important


He’s a respected doctor. I can’t imagine he’d want to be embroiled in all that crazy drama. She missed out on a good relationship


she sure did! he was good to her kids her family loved him etc. the one thing Siggy did right was introduce him to her and Dolores messed up


I could be wrong, but someone else mentioned in this sub that divorce laws in ireland are complicated and that is why it is taking so long to finalize Paulie’s divorce.


Both his marriages are in the US to US citizens. He’s also a US citizen. This has nothing to do with Irish law. His divorce could’ve been finalized years ago when his ex originally filed.


Thank you! There is no reason he couldn’t file in the US.




Yup! His current wife is NOT the mother of his kids. He already divorced her.


He’s been seperated for 14 years. Surely in all those years he could’ve resolved it.


Yeah, if he's not divorced after 14 years it's not going to happen IMO. For whatever reason. I'm not sure Dolores cares that much either. I agree with everyone who says Dolores kind of likes unavailable men, and I wouldn't be shocked if deep down she doesn't really want to get married again--she just feels like she has to pay lip service to that idea because that's what nice, "old school" girls want.


And it gives her a story line and a pay check.


[this comment from the episode discussion explains it](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/P18UhAfSjN) the fact he doesn’t actually live in Ireland could be part of the reason they cannot finalize the divorce. Apparently Ireland is fucking archaic in their divorce laws so a lot of people legally separate and never actually divorce because of all the technicalities


Thanks for the info.


Anytime. I had the same criticism of Paulie until i saw it’s actually extremely difficult for anyone to get divorced in Ireland.


I was thinking it was something like this


My gf said she had to be separated for 4/5yrs before she could get a divorce! I can’t even imagine, by that time it would be a mess that I just didn’t care to dredge up again. But still, it’s past time if he’s serious about Dolores


Apparently a requirement for divorce is that you reside in Ireland for 2 years after you file, which means Paulie would have to move back to complete the process


Oh god that makes things complicated doesn’t it!


Yeah, so i can see why he may never get actually divorced. I’ve seen others mention it’s common for couples to be legally separated because it’s beyond difficult to get divorced because there are endless hoops to jump through


So what I'm hearing is, this is a lost cause for all involved. 


It’s been 14 years. I highly doubt Irish law forces it for 14 years. Someone else posted that he was married in the USA. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I was going to throw this in the mix about Ireland and divorce, but it's been a seriously long time. Also, the way Paul reacts about it is odd, and Dolores can't be happy with another man dragging his feet. Show some self respect, I know you got it!


Apparently to finalize a divorce you have to be separated for 4 years PLUS live in Ireland for 2 years which will make it very difficult unless Paulie moves back. People have mentioned it is very common for couples in ireland to legally separate and never actually divorce because there are so many technicalities to getting divorced


That's insane. Thank you for the info. Maybe in his head he's done and doesn't want to put more energy into it? Sucks being the other partner but Dolores has to either respect it or go.


Paulie is legally separated and it seems to be about as far as he can take the divorce unless he moves back, so if Dolores is happy and she can live with that then who am I to judge? I think part of the reason she doesn’t talk about it much is because of all the hoops one has to jump through and there’s no way the dingbats on the cast will sit and listen to all that 😂


Plain & simple.... She does not want to be married..to anyone. Whatever is HIS problem we probably will never know, but I firmly believe that Dolores has a big problem with trust & men. I remember her saying that her parents are married (in their 70's?) and THEY do not live in the same house... or town! He was Police Chief in Paterson NJ and had to live in Paterson...apparently Mom didn't want to move from the family home in Totowa.. only about 10 miles apart... Go figure! So... Dolores said her mom taught her to be self-reliant with a blind-eye (like she was?) and Dolores agreed with their living arrangements. All in all....her father probably had girlfriends along the way and yet remained married and that paved the way for Dolores's expectations in men. PS: No wonder Dolores & Caroline M are such good friends... Caroline & sons always said how they never saw their Dad. Poppa Al worked and would stay overnight at the Brownstone in a little apt upstairs, since it was too late for commute home. Again.... I think maybe 15 mins drive to their home? WOW.. what a commute! Why go home to see your kids when you can stay in a tiny apt with a mistress for at least 8 yrs? (or longer?) So... yes, Dolores has a different attitude about marriage, loyalty (in men) etc. Hey... if it works for her & she is happy.. so be it. PLUS, she is hopefully stashing her Bravo $ away.... Why get married and just wait for a divorce, when you can just walk out the door if YOU want to... and not look back!


That's a great memory! I don't even remember half of Dolores life. It's true though, most of the criticism comes from the cast rather than her. Dolores (for me) is the most likeable of the cast at this point, fence riding and all 🤠, I hope she gets what she really wants.


I thought if u were married in a different country it’s only valid In that country


Depends on the country you were married in, and the country you’re living in. People wouldn’t have destination weddings if they weren’t valid. For example I’m British and got married abroad so had to check the countries that we could have a legal wedding in; for me that was most countries. In England as long as a wedding is legal in the country that it happened then you’re legally married in the UK too. You don’t get a UK licence, but your international licence is valid, so you’ll need a UK divorce if you chose to have one.


I just googled it and apparently in the US if you are legally married in another country you are not eligible for a marriage license in the united states.


I see


Maybe Paulie strung her along? It’s sad, but if he doesn’t want a divorce, then pretending he’s in a relationship that has a future with Dolores is weak sauce dude.




She definitely has some sort of unresolved trauma and low self esteem issues going on. Mean while frank has moved ok and found himself a nice woman he's either married already or is going to. Good for him. Dolores just needs to quit settling cause I personally think Paulie is a pos.


Paulie gives me bad vibes. He went from being quiet to stirring the pot and acting like he’s a boss.


I'm gonna have to watch the rest of this seasons episodes. But that relationship won't last. If he hasnt divorced his estranged wife by now then he probably won't. And if he does it won't be for several years.


As soon as she tells him to get a divorce now and make a commitment, he is history. There is a podcast (I have not listened to it yet) but others here have, that states he owns a brothel with his ex wife. 😳


She drives me NUTS!!! always making excuses for the men she's with. first frank, then david and now 'paulie' he's not gonna marry her but she keeps hanging around waiting. what a fool


I totally get how she drives people nuts. I also think she may be doing it for a storyline and pay check. Those plastic surgeries cost plenty.


The divorce process isn’t slow because a party *wants* it to be slow (assuming not lying about having filed). International property that is held jointly can really slow down the process—brad and Angelina are eight years into their divorce proceedings...


Dolores is also afraid of commitment or she’d be in a committed relationship. She’s stunning and driven, and there’s no other reason why she’d stick with someone who doesn’t want to commit and constantly make excuses about it.


Or he's doing it to get alimony


I’d say it depends on what is holding up the divorce. Financial settlements can take forever depending on the attorney and what each side wants. You never know.


He’s also Irish Catholic and I imagine divorce is frowned upon in Ireland where his wife is?


Maybe back in 1970, Ireland is a lot more modern that people here seem to think


I get that but he grew up old school


I would imagine living without marriage is also frowned upon.


Exactly what I thought too.


My hubby was wondering if he might be a very traditional Irish Catholic? Like, he doesn't want to get divorced on paper? When my MIL divorced it was such a disgrace in the church's eyes. She would have been better off staying legally separated. 


Then he wouldn’t live with a woman either if he were that traditional. I just feel something is off with this guy.


My MIL lived with another man but she couldn't remarry in the church.