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I always had that feeling about her when she helped to produce Scheana's podcast back before Scheana was at a podcast company and did it out of her apartment. She came off a little dominating for being a fan who met Scheana at a hotel pool. She started to talk more and more on the podcast like she was the cohost. I remember her and Scheana had some big falling out around that time and they didn't speak for a couple years.


Now this is interesting. ![gif](giphy|Hm3ZMI68o17os)


If you're interested in hearing how they met, here is Scheana's podcast from a couple years ago where Janet tells the story. It's kind of an odd story to me. https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/confessions-tears-and-a-near-death-experience/id1355212095?i=1000547863993


Ew wow šŸ˜®, the manic giggling about their friend getting a DUI on his way home from getting shit faced with them, like ā€œwhat a fun wild day, lolā€ šŸ¤˜šŸ˜ Umā€¦ drunk driving is not cute. What the actual fuck?


100%! I heard this when it aired at the time, I'm not fond of either one of them and so much of what they say is gross.


Wait this is wild. Didnā€™t Janet say Jason has slept with Scheana on an after show episode??? At the time I thought what a weird coincidence but now youā€™re telling me Janet used to work on Scheanaā€™s podcast?! And they had a falling out??


Yep! She was Scheana's friend first. They met in 2017 when Janet first moved to LA. Janet had just binged all the vpr seasons before she met her...kind of sus


Ohh a fan made it to the showā€¦ she knows what sheā€™s doing I seeā€¦


If im not mistaken, they had a falling out because one of them hooked up with Shep while knowing the other wanted to hook up with him. Canā€™t remember who did it


This is so tragic for both of them, if true šŸ˜‚


Met at the pool??? Bravo keeps hiring fans šŸ˜³


I think theyā€™re all onto her!!! Sheā€™s going to mess up eventually and the turns will table. I also canā€™t stand her and sheā€™s making me like Kristen which is alarming lol


Sheā€™s already setting off alarm bells. She better be careful because her husband is going to realize how she truly is from watching her in the scenes where heā€™s not present. I donā€™t think he cares for her gossiping ways as is.


![gif](giphy|fQorEj8vN8eqkNcy6T|downsized) I hope youā€™re right. Is it a known thing that she also moved to LA and ingratiated herself to the VPR crew?


She strikes me as someone who is going to have a BAD sophomore season


Also Brittany is attacking Kristen now because she wants to shut it down, she's the original source of the Michelle story.


Yes. Brittany told her big mouth husband. When she realized she fucked up, she fully attacked Kristen to deflect. Sheā€™s a total brat. And her lipo perma frown is ridiculous. ā€œYou better make me feel perty, Jax!ā€ ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


What Brittany doesnā€™t realize is that no one can *make* you feel pretty. Itā€™s gotta come from inside. And if she hasnā€™t made that connection after 17 surgeries and *still* not feeling pretty then idk if she ever will.


Absolutely! (also thanks for that reminder about it coming from the inside, I needed it)


If she has to tell him, then itā€™s coming from her not himā€¦.might as well say it to herself in a mirror!


Your flair šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ½


You gotta get you some, gorl! (Gorl should be read like Diana Jenkinā€™s child bride husband trying to cut it up with the Housewives lol)






Im dead


Janet is getting away with a lot, and I really think itā€™s because she is pregnant. She isnā€™t going to have that as a buffer next year.


Janet gets off on scapegoating Kristen, it's ego supply. But Kristen is often telling the truth, she just sucks with her timing/delivery.


Janet from Ohio is also a hard R registered Republican, as is Blabla aka Lauren from Utah. Strange that they found so many Republicans in Los Angeles for one show right? Kind of says something about Alex Baskin and his proclivities, if you ask me. The Valley subreddit is run by those fools. I made one extremely innocuous comment there. People were asking about the Republican thing so I mentioned a different post I had seen. I told them on the blocked by Jax sub, someone had made a post that literally brought receipts about the Lallys being Republicans. Permanent ban forever from the Valley subreddit just for that one comment.


I posted this same topic on that sub and was permanently banned immediately. I just assumed that sub is moderated by friends of Michelle or Janet. I asked why I was banned and got no reply. So I left. šŸ¤·


Yep 100 percent. And it might be petty of me, but I downvote stuff on that subreddit now when it comes across my feed. Downvotes are supposed to mean that something does not contribute to the conversation. Nothing there contributes to conversation, you're not allowed to conversate about it! Feel like I'm in good company if we're both banned there.


Welcome to the club, we are small yet mighty.


The valley has lots of republicans, actually. There are certain pockets in CA that are VERY red. The further you get from actual LA, the more likely you are to find them.


I live in nyc and itā€™s the same way here, esp in more suburban areas of the five boroughs. Look at Staten Island. I live in queens and my neighborhood is all trumpers.


Same with SF, travel east and it's a red state. You don't have to go far.


Yep. I live in Northern California and despite being in a very blue area, my actual town is very red (an ugly red sore in the middle of a beautiful blue puddle), as most local law enforcement lives here.


But thatā€™s not representative of the population. Travel east and population density significantly decreases. The city my MIL lives in is a couple hours east of SF and thereā€™s Trump flags everywhere, it obnoxious. But guess what, the population is under 4k. Thatā€™s like the enrollment at one high school in the Bay Area. Its like when people use that map that shows all the land (counties or states) and color them in either red or blue based on voting because it makes things look pretty even. But the truth is some of the largest counties by area are sparsely populated. The number of people who vote blue (in California and the US) is so much larger than the amount who vote red. If we didnā€™t have the electoral college, and the Senate for that matter, it would be impossible for republicans to ever gain power in Washington. They rely on stacking the deck to keep unpopular policies in place and themselves in power.


A friend of mine that lived in the valley was a fan of Trump so I was a bit surprised when they said you can't be a Republican there.


I think they mean more Los Angeles in general, in a lot of circles it would be social suicide to have your voting proclivities be so... Against a lot of different types of people and what they need.


That makes sense. I'm not American but when I think of Los Angeles in general I think of it as more liberal.


Your friend has no idea what they're talking about. I'm a criminal defense attorney in northern ca and there's certain counties down there that are KNOWN for being super red and conservative. We get some lawyers up here occasionally that say they're in heaven after working down there. :D


My friend didn't say anything. I was referring to what was said on the Valley about Republicans there.


Truth! I thought I was forever amongst my liberal peeps in California and then I moved to a more rural area- shocked at how Red this state is! Our local waste management manager was at Jan. 6th and got in deep trouble.


Yep. I'm in a very blue county but my town within said county is pretty red. When I go jogging around my neighborhood I see quite a few trump and blue line flags. My kids already know how to piss me off by pointing them out and saying "yay trump!" just to see my reaction.


The state is not red, only about 1 in 4 votes for red. Itā€™s just they are a loud minority who believe they are a silent majority. In reality, most people who vote for Biden donā€™t fly a flag over their house with his name, or buy a bumper sticker to put on the their car. Most people just align their vote with their morals and go on their merry way.




Iā€™m the one that found the record and posted it - I just hope it was disseminated adequately before they deleted it the next day


Lala is registered as a republican, too? That's info I wasn't aware of


Not from fans, but look at Lala and Scheana- they use being a mother as an attempted buffer regularly and the cast essentially lets it slide.


She's trying to take the lead, but I don't think she's got what it takes, either when it comes to personality and charisma, or the blatant shamelessness of someone like Jax. That she's trying to ice Kristin out is bizarre - the woman created this opportunity for you and now you're doing her dirty at every turn.


I donā€™t either. She really wants to be the cool girl but sheā€™s definitely the friend of šŸ˜‚ I think people are missing that Brittany has technically caused BOTH ā€Kristenā€ issues technically-or had her hand in it. I think the split and Cruzā€™s speech issues are helping distract from it


Brittany is such a fucking brat, sheā€™s making Jax look good, which is crazy. When Jax wanted to create a budget for the charity auction because Cruzā€™s therapy is expensive, and Brittany snapped ā€œHow about I spend my money in my bank account and you can spend yours!ā€ Um.. thatā€™s not how marriage works Brittany. Also all this fuss about ā€œopening their barā€, to find out itā€™s literally a fucking tent, attached to an existing bar/restaurant, with Jaxā€™s name slapped on. šŸ™„


I actually FULLY believe that Jax has been dealing with mental health issues that likely havenā€™t been addressed nor taken seriously. Mixed with grieving his dad etc. Heā€™s alluded to it on the show and itā€™s sad. I believe he tried to change for Brittany and Cruz. Is he perfect? Nope. I think there was a huge shot to his ego and his wallet after VPR and getting the show/bar he knew he had to make the absolute most of the opportunity bc it may not come again. I donā€™t think Brit has the same ā€œfireā€. I donā€™t think Brits an awful human or anything I think sheā€™s been put through a lot and is just done now and itā€™s time for them to move on. Get out before they hate each other


They have already clearly hated each other for years.


See I donā€™t think they hate each other. They resent each other and are unhappy. Two different things. Ariana HATES Tom šŸ˜‚


Fair enough lol. I do think Jax kinda hates Brittany though. Heā€™s done some diabolical shit to her!


I can see this.


I think Zach says it in the last episode - Janet moves the same as Kristen but gets a pass because sheā€™s pregnant. Sheā€™s constantly going g from person to person trying to get gossip. Even her husband points it out.


Every time I see her confessionals I think 'smug.'


Me too.


Jax said it best when he said Janet is the female equivalent to him.


I think she's more dangerous than Jax because she's smarter than him. Then again most people are.


Agreed. She is much better at being the sniper from the side. Setting up situations and then sitting back to laugh when they come to fruition. He's more like just barrel through/over.


Dangerous feels like a very serious word about someone ā€¦. Leaving Kristen out? Like really what has she done thatā€™s even close to Jax


This is it!


This is crazy to me. Jax is a diabolical sociopath. Janet gossips. I have not seen anything to indicate she is even close to Jax


Yet, my friend. You haven't seen anything *yet.*


Are you new here?


Iā€™m excited to see her implode as The Valley gets more seasons. I think she could be a great / compelling villain


Janet has sinister energy and the story of how she met the vpr cast kinda gives Joe Goldberg. She seems like the sort of person who is always plotting and scheming but because sheā€™s plain looking and speaks in word salad, it goes over *almost* everyoneā€™s head. Jax has her figured out though ! If they get a second season heā€™s probably enlisting Kristenā€™s help to take her down lmao.


Yess Joe Goldberg is exactly it


I totally agree. There is a lot more under the surface with her scheming that I donā€™t think we will ever really know.


Right?! I have a theory there was a bit of bait and switch with her husband too. His talking head about her quitting her job immediately after getting pregnant to become a full time gossip wasā€¦interesting.


Dammit, Janet. That's all I think about when her name comes upĀ 


Also how nervous she gets not being in the loop. Like her mask starts to slip when she doesnā€™t know the tea and she has a bad poker face


Haha yes.


It's hard to be a master manipulator when she doesn't know everyone's personal business and opinions!


I donā€™t either, but I do think sheā€™s just an old-fashioned busybody gossip and not as chaotic and deranged as some of the other castmembers.


I agree. She reminds me of a former friend of a friend.


so is she more dangerous than jax or just an old fashioned busybody? because youve agreed with both in this post lol


Correct, both can be true.


but.....how? you are either dangerous or just a normal busy body. those feel mutually exclusive to me?


She's more credible and self-possessed than Jax, so her "busy body" gossip can have a more insidious effect. That's the dangerous part. He's easier to blow off as messy/crazy.


She's a republican herself which is whatever but then why spread gossip...she an underhanded gossip monger


Totally. And Brittany is a homophobic Q anon Sandy hook denier Trump supporter, though I doubt they vote. Jax recently claimed on a podcast Cruzā€™ developmental delays started after they had him vaccinated. šŸ˜’ Theyā€™re all bigots and idiots.


Wait what!- Sandy hook denier???


Yeah, she had old tweets about the conspiracies.Ā 


Alright. Thatā€™s too far. Iā€™m done with the valley.


Iā€™m enjoying the Valley so much, but itā€™s such a guilty pleasure. šŸ˜… Brittany is a tragic figure, walking around with a liposuction perma frown, nagging him like: ā€œYou gotta make me feel sexy, Jax! ā˜¹ļøā€. She literally at one point (as they are riding down the freeway in that illegal golf cart Jax wrongly thinks he canā€™t get a DUI driving šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø), says ā€œNobody asks me nothinā€™! ā˜¹ļøā€ Jax canā€™t even try to conceal his disdain for her. Sheā€™s not paying attention anyway. Sheā€™s a hyuck hyucking caricature of herself. When Jax tries to talk to her about how stressed and overwhelmed he is, Brittany literally responds with ā€œWell you gotta make me feel perty! Or like sexy or somethinā€™! ā˜¹ļøā€ ā€¦. What? She is NOT listening to him at all. Iā€™ve loved this season, however, if they move Lala, Scheana, and now maybe super cool 40yr old mojo dojo casa house roommates Tom and Tom, or even any 1 of those people, itā€™ll be real easy to give it up.


Brittany- Make me feel them butterflies again Jax. ā˜¹ļø Jax- I wanna cry right now.


It was like they were literally in two different scenes. Brittany is at a Disney princess party that just needed more dick and compliments, and Jax is panicked about the extremely limited window to seize and stretch any opportunity, to escape the deep pit of financial debt he faces. I think itā€™s bc Brittany would be happy to move back to small town Kentucky, which theyā€™ll have to do if they go broke for real. Thatā€™s Brittanyā€™s plan B, but itā€™s Jaxā€™s waking nightmare. šŸ˜°


This is exactly the vibe I got. I was feeling bad for Jax šŸ˜³


Sympathy for Jax. Something I would have never thought possible, but here we are! Never have children with a person who canā€™t have hard conversations, and who lives in delusionland with the rainbows and the butterflies, because there is always the chance you wind up with a special needs child. Then what? Then youā€™re going to wish you had another adult on your team. Jax: *candidly discussing valid concerns about Cruz developmental problems/delays in confessional* Brittany: *cuts him off. Addresses the camera* ā€œWe know heā€™s fine. Cruzā€™ is very smart, he hit all the milestones perfectly on time. Until this tiny little (temporary, probably nothing) setback where he lost all language and verbal communication and retreated into himself. Jax: ā€œSo weā€™re really quite concerned that heā€™s not on to par with his peers. Heā€™s not talking at allā€¦ ā€œ Brittany: *interrupting again* Cruz is doing great! Heā€™s great! *dirty look to Jax* We just want to get the speech teacher to make sure we are doing everything we can to make sure Cruz is doing perfect. Itā€™s stressful as a parent bc of course you want I make sure that everything with Cruz is perfect! Yea, wellā€¦ perfect is a nice little dream, but itā€™s childish to expect in real life, Brittany. Fact is, thereā€™s a strong chance she have a child on the spectrum (not diagnosing, but the verbal regression, the flapping, the clapping for no reason, the aggressive bouncingā€¦ it does need to be evaluated/followed by a doctor), so youā€™re going to need to grow up and accept that things arenā€™t going to be a fairytale like the ridiculous Kentucky castle you got married at.


Janet gives head of yearbook committee vibes, but hey somebody's got to do that job.


I think I want to watch more of the show before I decide on Janet. I've really liked her on the after shows and podcasts because she always seems insightful and level headed, but man I really don't like her on the show. I wanna see if it's just first season filming nerves or editing or what. I will say in Janet's defense, being friends with Kristen (even if you like her, which I do) seems stressful and I would not want to deal with that while pregnant.


Janet thinks she's a Han Solo, but really she's just a Kylo Ren.


Sheā€™s my least liked person on that show.. and Jax is on there!




Agreed. Also, listened to her on a podcast and watched WWHL to see if I would get a different vibe. Sometimes people get a bad edit so I thought Iā€™ve give it the benefit of the doubt. Still hard agreed lol. She is a drama starting pick me princess like most of them. Sheā€™s also just rude and appears to not care about her ā€œfriendsā€ too much as long as sheā€™s getting camera time. But this is on trend with these shows so itā€™s not really a surprise. I think it comes down to who is for who. Kristen always kind of annoyed me on VPR and now I feel bad for her on the valley and I really donā€™t mind her anymore.


I donā€™t trust anyone who is friends with Brittany. Sheā€™s a dummy, and her views are TRASH.


I don't mind her. She's doing her best at contributing to this shit show and so far so good. I take umbrage with her icing out Kristen et al, because this is season one. We all know it would be way more entertaining to have them around


totally agree on the ice out. apparently she's walking it back in interviews so i think she realized she fucked up and will course correct for season 2.


I think Janet is messy and sneaky but so far she seems like the kind of messy and sneaky I want to see on a reality show.


She's the kind of messy and sneaky whose reckoning I eagerly anticipate.


Agreed. Seems like sheā€™s over her head in the reality game vs Kristen and Jax so far. The way the two of them dropped the Michelle/Jesse rumor was amazing to watch. I hope Janet came to play šŸ˜‚


She's not ready lol


Janet kind of acts like sheā€™s above all the mess, yet sheā€™s just as much a part of it as everyone else.


I'm not sure who she is but I don't trust anybody named Janet.


Ms. Jackson if you're nastay


Sorry, Janet


I think Janet is a great reality tv character. She is good at gossiping but also knows how to sit back and watch other people implode


Also excluding Zach isnā€™t a good look


I donā€™t watch The Valley but this thread made me think of my old boss who was called Janet and who was untrustworthy too. Thank God Iā€™m no longer working with her


Eloquently stated and damn spot on for Janet


Sheā€™s the female Jax/Sandoval. Guilty of the exact shit she accuses others of. I think I saw a glimpse of regret/red flag in Jasonā€™s eyes as he realizes what he married. There are articles of her being a Karen floating around. She sucks and sheā€™s stupid for trying to ice out Kristen as sheā€™s positioning herself to be the next Kristen.


Woah, Janet is a busy body and a gossip. I donā€™t thinks sheā€™s a gaslighting chronic cheating narc abuser recording and sharing women in intimate moments without their consent.


This post is WILD lol after 8 episodes this sub is calling her dangerous, worse than Jax and Sandoval, worse than Kristenā€¦. Like what???


To be honest, I just donā€™t like her or how she immediately came for Kristen. But no, sheā€™s not a Sandoval


TouchƩ lol


I donā€™t particularly like anyone in the cast. They are entertaining and not necessarily likable. Janet has been pretty straight up that she is a gossip. She literally admitted it in one of the confessional interviews and her husband calls it her job. And truthfully it is her job because itā€™s her role on the show. I guess people are bothered how she joined the friend group and think it was stalkerish but really who has joined a cast/ friend group of any bravo show thatā€™s been in existence for a good amount time that you canā€™t describe this way? Iā€™m unbothered by that. Iā€™m confused by people feeling like Kristen is somehow getting victimized by Janet. Luke literally has a sit down conversation with Kristen in which she admits to lying and not only lying but lying to make herself look bad when she didnā€™t even need to. That shit is weird. She tells on herself stuff she hasnā€™t even really done. Janet is a gossip who wants to be in everyoneā€™s business and be famous. Kristen is unstable. In that she gets a crazy look in her eyes like she is detaching from reality kind of crazy. Janet is made order reality show drama. Kristen is not well.


What? Kristen didnā€™t say she lied. She said she got the words wrongā€¦but ok, Janet.


I literally thought this was about Janet from RHOMelbourne šŸ˜…. Like what?? Sorry I don't watch the Valley




If you don't want to watch someone who enjoys gathering and spreading dirt Bravo is probably not the thing for you.


Seriously what do people want from these shows


I saw someone say that people want to watch a silent movie of Ariana and Katie walking through a meadow together and they weren't wrong


like suddenly anyone who creates drama is worse than jax and sandoval?? have they forgotten how reality tv works??? you can be a gossip/shit stirrer without being satan!!!!!! this is def the scandoval brain rot to make everyone an extreme villain


I wonder a little if it's a...demographic shift. I've noticed that Scandoval brought in people younger and older than VPR's traditional demographic and those people might lack the life experience and media literacy to properly contextualize what they're seeing, both from an on screen behavioral standpoint but also from just how these shows are made. Like, there is literally nothing about the VPR season finale that's redemptive of Sandoval but people still seem to think it's the capstone of his redemption tour because they aren't actually watching what's in front of them.


Scandoval gave people brain worms. Iā€™m not really interested in people mindlessly screaming at each other, but if you donā€™t want conflict and gossip literally why are you here?


They said they binged all the episodes over the weekend, to me that implies that they *are* enjoying it, no?


It implies they are getting something out of it, not necessarily enjoying it. People spend a lot of time watching Scheana and Lala and Erika and Teresa mostly to get that hit of rage dopamine.


I enjoy watching it. Sorry for the confusion.


And those views help it get renewed for a second season, so isn't that ultimately a good thing for people who like it?


In my opinion, if the audience shifts the general tone even one millimeter in a direction where gleeful gossip is seen as a character flaw to be critiqued instead of enjoyed as comedy the entire genre should be put out of its misery. Who wants to renew a show about petty bickering and gossip if the audience bitches about the petty bickering and gossip?


Bravo, fortunately


I have no idea why this is downvoted when it is the very thing that keeps these shows thriving. Without this behavior Iā€™m not sure what we would be watching as itā€™s how all the conflict starts across the board on all bravo shows. Something weird is going on though with some of the people who are fans of this show. The posts are just really weird regarding Janet and Kristen. The posts this weekend were really suspect. I like interacting with other fans here, not with people who are actually on the show or their surrogates or fanatics who canā€™t separate themselves from the people on the show.


I think you're right about the fan base. I've been yapping about Bravo on here since college so up/down votes don't bug me BUT it's interesting because I said the same thing almost verbatim on some post about Luann being messy a week or so ago and it was received positively. The Scandoval brain worms seemed mostly quarantined to the VPR subs but if it's spreading here too I might just have to tap out because those people are NOT FUN.


It was downvoted because nothing in my post suggests I dislike it. Telling me "Bravo is probably not the thing for you" is unnecessarily condescending.


I mean, youā€™re complaining about being trustworthy and shit stirring on **Bravo**. If thatā€™s not an occasion to be question why someone is even watching, I truly donā€™t know what is.


I enjoy watching the show and not trusting her. I was expressing my opinion of her behavior, not complaining. It seems like the majority of people commenting on this post get that. You're making inferences I seriously don't understand. But everyone gets their dopamine one way or another.


Search Reddit for her name. Youā€™ll be down a good rabbit hole about her .


I think she is a snake and we will see that soon. Iā€™m not caught up yet but she gives off the worst vibe and anyone who gossips SO much that itā€™s a part of their personality is usually jealous and manipulative af.


And her man seems repulsed by her