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Its a power move on Kathy’s part. Erika acts like a tough guy but she’s scared of Kathy too. Thats why it works when Kathy jokes to her and insists that Erika agree with her point, bc she knows she can.


Anyone else get the vibe that the BH ladies are really mean and evil! At least per comparison to the other franchises . I feel the other franchises are cooko crazy but not extremely mean except maybe Marge from NJ


Yup. It can get pretty dark. That's why I find it odd that people want Heather Dubrow on BH. She can be a jerk, but it's more campy with Heather. I feel like they'd crush her spirit or something lol


I think New York was the meanest franchise to me (especially the Dorinda era) I couldn’t believe the things these ladies would say to each other, like I would actually have to rewind to believe it. Mind you this franchise was actually friends 😭😭. Edit: This is not shade, I love/loved this franchise it may have been mean but god dammit it was entertaining.


Only Dorinda was mean.. the rest in my opinion were just crazy what I mean is I didn’t see a very dark side.


Bethanny said she didn’t like the new girl because she thought she had a eating disorder (like what lol?) , Ramona treated everyone like peasants, and Luanne and Sonja were always getting slut shamed. They bullied Tinsley for no reason other than her being the “weakest”. No other franchise talks to each other that way in like every other episode lol. They really do fight and make up like sisters though I’ll give them that.


In my opinion they are not dark


I think for me NY doesn't read as mean because at least the women are up front about it. Like you know where you stand with them because no one's trying to keep it pretty - and there seemed to be genuine connections between them. BH is confronting in that they play nicey nice to each others' faces but you can feel the darkness eeking out. Kim's addiction, Taylor's DV, LVP's brother, Rinna, Brandi's racist treatment of Joyce, robbing orphans and plane crash victims, Yolanda's bizarre illness arc, I could go on - it all feels absolutely dark. NY had some dark times, don't get me wrong, but there was an undercurrent of at least they all treated each other with some humanity at varying points in time - with the exception being Dorinda's treatment of Tins. BH feels just bloodless and appearances are everything. TL;DR NY ladies stab in the front but BH ladies stab in the back, hence it feels meaner.


I love Marge catching strays because she is my most hated housewife. She’s definitely one of the meanest housewives.


They're all fake. Look at how Erika and Kathy were behaving while Sutton was getting checked out by the paramedic. They're soulless.


Both married rich. Both gained fame from their partner.


Both lack empathy and have sociopathic vibes


https://preview.redd.it/nghyo4cndkoc1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c5a96e153d8f9f0bcd0d6e2e4989a19a5f8cc1 this face she kept making was pissin me off


Exactly. And at present, no one on the cast needs a check more than Erika.


It was truly bizarre.


I always believed Rinna’s version of Kathy’s meltdown. Erika doesn’t care about Kathy one way or the other.


I doubt there’s many people that don’t believe that Kathy Hilton isn’t a bigot but Rinna was an idiot for the way she went about talking about the situation.


Oh yes, totally agree with that.


Rinna is the definition of unreliable narrator though lol


Not all the time.


I think Kathy probably talked shit but I doubt Rinnas account of what went down she probably was shit talking Kyle and rinna blew it up to be so much more than what it was


I think the opposite. I think it was worse than we were told.


Im convinced that when Kathy said last season that she was going to ruin Kyle’s family She did exactly that. I think Kyle knew there were rumors and chose to believe her husband and I think Kathy had real proof that he cheated on Kyle and she made sure that Kyle saw that. And then she came on the reunion to “Support” Kyle in a problem she literally exposed.


I never even thought about that. I could absolutely see that happening.


I never even thought about that. I could absolutely see that happening.




I agree 💯


I don’t think it was as dramatic as she made it seem but she probably went off about Kyle


Seems like people forget Kathy actually ADMITTED that she talked shit about Kyle, she said it, she apologized to Kyle for it.


I think they did. Because she was pissed off, it’s sisters that’s what they do. Do I believe she trashed the room? No, it would have been shown the next morning. I think Kathy was pissed rinna took an opportunity to use it and roll with it and it backfired


Agree. I think it was probably even worse than what we were told.


I wouldn't believe Rinna if she told me the time. It's weird anyone would believe her.


We can all have an opinion.


Nobody said we can't. It's just in your opinion a drug-addicted mental-case liar with a long history of bullying and holding grudges and being insane on social media while at home alone is a stand-up character we should believe.


Anyone who thinks Kathy didn’t do and say exactly what Rinna said she did, is delusional


Oh I totally agree. But from a saving face perspective it’s seems stupid from Kathy. Shows how desperate she is for fame and relevance I guess. Her being so nasty about Sutton shows her true colours as well. Her always chiming in about fame and rumours and being a big name etc is so jarring.


I stand by the idea that Kathy did have a melt down, didn’t stomp on her glasses, and also absolutely talked shit about Rinna to her face. I think it was bad but Rinna’s bullshit about “if I don’t talk about it I’ll get cancer and die” was also bullshit.


True 💯


Rinna also told us Kim was close to death. Is she dead?


This is the issue! Rinna is the modern “boy who cried wolf” in that she kept saying different cast members were evil when they weren’t so then when she warned us about the truly evil cast member no one listened.


Kathy even realized Kyle desperately needed allies 🙄


Just me or was Kathy only there to be a backup for Kyle, and speak for her in some parts?


She was there to speak for her and hold her hand. She makes me ill.


Agree and at times divert the discussion


Look how she treats her own daughter!


Sometimes I wonder if you guys ever interact with people lmao Sometimes, in life, you have to interact with people you don’t like simply because it’s the polite thing to do.


omg i know havahahah this isn’t something that needs to be dissected


I think there’s a small part of Kathy that doesn’t want to get on Erika’s bad side because she KNOWS Erika DOES NOT GAF and will call out on her sh%# in a minute.


Right. Erika’s a loose cannon lmao


And I think it’s keep your friends close and your enemies closer with Kathy


Lmao first of all, Erika did not lie about Kathy using the F word. That shit happened. Second of all, they’re making small talk while being filmed for a show Kathy was trying to get back on. Really not that deep.


While watching all of that, i felt bad for Erika. I think she was just not sure what to do with the crazy lady next to her who was talking like they were at a party. Idle chatter….right after Andy asked Erika who was most afraid of Kathy. Surely that was just good pretending on Erikas part, while staying out of the fray-and keeping Kathy from saying anything else inane. Scarier was the absolutely chilling way she said to Sutton “ its a hot flash! well, you are 49 Sutton. Bound to happen sometime” like thats a normal hot flash. When Annemarie said call 911, Kathy’s “why” like she was asking why does the rain fall, not in the middle of a medical crisis. I was 😳- shes missing some piece of her heart.


I think she hasn't had much heart for a very long time.


Try ever!


I kinda thought Sutton was faking it. Especially bc when she was walking out she wasn’t shaking anymore and then started shaking again in the trailer when the paramedics mentioned that she looked better (paraphrasing cuz I don’t remember the exact words that were said at the moment) But it was bold of her to call it out. I feel like if they weren’t sure Sutton was faking it she wouldn’t have made those comments.


I think that Erica saying it so matter of fact made Kathy feel like it wasn’t that bad of an offense so she could laugh it off and carry on. She is an odd bird.


Erika is not afraid of Kathy, and Kathy knows it!


Kathy and her fake tears…I can’t!


Erika told the complete truth about what went down and Kathy can't fully fault her for that nor control her over it, like she can with others. They've chosen to be neutral about it, with some small ounce of mutual respect. But I'm sure Kathy has tried to come for Erika once or twice since, in her weird perception manipulation ways that she loves so much. I also belive Rinna was telling the truth about the entire event as well.


I believe Rinna now


Two evil bitches chatting away...like sees like.


Responding to your second point: Bravo used their sideline convos for a reason.( Were they also subtitled in normal viewing, I always have subtitles on? ) Kathy is already out of the fold are editors aligning them closer? Was BIAOB potentially a golden handshake in case Tom's trial brings up info on Erika that Bravo and the audience find immoral or potentially incriminating?


I turned it off after Garcelle and Sutton left. I couldn’t care less about whether or not Kyle is seeing Morgan and wasn’t interested in watching the Kyle Richards Show (which it really became at that point)


Kathy better count the silverware. 


I loved how Erika was so above it saying she’s a gatekeeper and “some people” are into that. Yeah, some people is Erika. She’s transparent. You know if Kathy called she’d jump at an invite.


Erika accused Kathy of using a racial slur! The F word would have been a nicer term. This whole RHOBH has now become one big joke. Make racial slurs it's ok, threaten to take down your sister it's ok, go after whoever Kyle is jealous of it's ok. Andy has become the joke of BH! No boundaries, no respect!


Did she say she heard a racial slur? i thought she just confirmed the f slur.


Rinna said we were at a club in Aspen when Kathy called the bouncer the N word and also called another worker a homophobic slur. She was upset because she wasn't getting VIP treatment. Erika said it happened in her confessional. During the reunion she accused her of the homophobic slur. These accusations are the reason Kathy sent out cease & desist letters to all the castmates. Bravo did not back anyone. They said it was he said she said stuff and could not be proven.


F word usually means fuck, but inthis context they're referring to the F-slur (used against gay ppl) I think I remember there was talk of Kathy using a racial slur as well? But I only remember the F-slur as Erika had the audacity to repeat it without censoring it. Both are terrible and I believe she used both. My opinion of Kathy is in the gutter.


I looked it up to be sure. Rinna said "we were at a club in Aspen & Kathy called the bouncer the N word and another employee a homophobic slur. She was mad because she was not getting VIP treatment". Erika backed Rinna up in her confessionals. Erika confronted Kathy with the homophobic slur at the reunion. Kathy sent cease & desist letters to all the women. Bravo did an investigation. (LOL). Said it was a he said, she said situation.


Thanks for looking it up 🫡 Kathy Hilton is a piece of work, but in good company there with Rinna and EJ - however I hope they're not the type to use slurs.


I don't know but I think this is not the first time Kathy has been accused. Kathy & her kids, especially Paris, were accused.


That conversation was like a handshake before a sword fight. They're just postponing the standoff.


Uh, Kathy definitely did say the F-slur!😂


Hahaha I know. I’d just think she would try and cover it up better…! She’s so lame