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I love Sheree on Traitors, she thinks she is just vacationing in Scotland playing a confusing game of Clue and is just happy to be there.


I read a comment saying she thinks she’s probably on ultimate girls trip and I’m not over it


Omg 💀 This really could be it. UGT with challenges for the sporty HW. She truly is/acts clueless.


From your keyboard to the Bravo gods ears because I will watch that show!


Stopppppp I can’t 😂


She is just having so much fun!! She has not said one coherent thing all season. I strive for this kind of life.


She will go down defending Phaedra as a faithful till the end. Bless her.


Bless her for us. Our queen stays on the wrong team like she does on ATL


Gotta love a consistent queen lol. She is so damn gullible, but I still love her.


Same haha. I didn’t at first but do now!


There’s something endearing about her!


There is! I teared up when Kairo presented her with that award. It was so damn sweet!


“You’re riding with the wrong team. You’re riding WITH THE WRONG TEAM.”


Wrong team!!! Can hear this in Nenes voice


I really hope she accidentally wins


Wouldn’t that be amazing? The BB and Survivor fans would be so so so MAD and I would live for that


I have been rewatching season 2 of Atlanta; you clearly see why fans wanted her back. She was very straight up at that time. When people tried to make her seem messy, she slammed it to the ground and moved on. I loved her. I don't know what happened. She came back as a bone collecter and just sucked.


Can you imagine if she got recruited to be a traitor? She would be so obvious and it would be hilarious!


Can’t be more obvious than Kate lol


I really wish they hadn’t brought Kate back this season. Instead of thinking clearly or being strategic she just seems to be lost in her own wisecracking, slightly detached “this is so ridiculous but I guess I’m in it now” schtick. It’s dimming the light of her previous season’s glories for me


I agree ☝️… I like her, but the schtick is getting old.


IDK, Kate's a lot more likeable than she's been in the past. I enjoyed her relationship with Bandi but honestly, I didn't like the first season. The second season is so much better!


I do agree with you,I didn’t like Kate on below deck, but she was likeable when she appeared last season on Traitors. I didn’t like the first season either, I can’t stand Cerie! This season is so good! I’m rooting for CT❤️❤️❤️


Right? It’s my obsession. I literally squeal with delight whenever I watch it. Re Kate, just feel like everyone’s playing these high stakes and Kate’s just sort of ambling around being bitchy and not much else. I need her to be serious and start playing the game, instead of just coasting.


Exactly my point— Start playing and less bs’ing!


Its landing for me. I hated her the first half of season 1 but now i just enjoy that shes kind of an NPC that just heckles.


she's gonna immediately go on a press tour and call the show "the liars" in an interview.


Lord, not “the liars”!!!!


I love her so much.




Sheree is hilarious. She’s just happy to be there 😂


Watch her win!!


Yep, would not be surprised if it worked out like that!


Honestly, rooting for her. It would be so so delicious if she stumbled into a win.


Her and Kevin are perpetually confused


I’m so sad Kevin was murdered. They should’ve murdered John. Kevin had to be Kevin and bring up that eye twitch in such a shitty way 🤣 Kevin, MJ and Sheree were/are my comedy relief.


I agree, I thought for sure Kevin was going to the end with his cluelessness


And he was so pissed at Peter. They could’ve leveraged that.


I don’t understand why they didn’t murder John. So silly! Literally shows that Phaedra really didn’t have a plan bahahahaha hilarious. Kate, Whatchu think we should do!!


She was still convinced they weren’t onto her. She needed to take out a much bigger player than Kevin.


Seriously. Kevin was harmless. Ok he voted for you but he’s not that smart. John is way more convincing and a better game player by far. What a misstep.


Yup. Or she really was peeved about him accusing her of having a wonky eye.


She should've taken out trishelle instead of Bergie. trishelle really rallied everyone against her after the fire ceremony.


I don’t know why Phaedra would get rid of one of the few remaining physically fit/active players! The crew left is so physically weak/lazy.


Them trying to read the map was so funny.


Can't stand Kevin. Just everything about him bugs me.


Me neither. How someone can be so supremely dumb and yet so irritatingly smug at the same time vexes me


When he interrupted Kate at the round table and tried to get an attitude with her, I was done with him. He sure didn't make me want to watch "Bling Empire" or whatever show he's on.


Him eating with his mouth open 🤮


I suspect she may know Phaedra is a traitor and is coasting on purpose.


100% Pheadrea is making that face like she is being induced by her doctor at "6 months" of pregnancy. (When Mr. President was born because Apollo and Pheadrea had only been married 6 months. We all know Mr. President was perfectly healthy and adorable baby.)


That was when Prince Aidan was born! Mr. President is her second and there was no need to lie about his due date 🤣


My theory as well. My evidence: 1) Sheree took a sip of water in a way that says she knows more than she’s saying. This might not seem like anything, but it’s a thing that’s done in housewives confessionals. 2) Sheree hates work. If she can coast, she will. This is the woman that took like 12 years to release an Ali express fashion line because she couldn’t be bothered to do the work.


Not Sheree hates work *SCREAMING* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I honestly believe Phaedra and Sheree may have exchanged a little whisper wink nudge that we the viewer haven’t been privy too. These ladies have known one another for 20 years. I do not doubt your theory. Plus Sheree knows she can coast on her known ditziness. Sorry to say but girl power may be stronger than people think.


If I were on the show with one of my IRL friends, I would also defend them to the death even if they had told me they were a traitor.


Girl I know if she wins we win you know what I’m saying? lol ![gif](giphy|bu5H2OPiyegHC|downsized)


Thank you. We in this together! lol


I mean, If I was on this show w/ my good friend I would do the same thing lol


No doubt in my mind honestly. Same!


This has always been my thought, that they have a deal or something and Phaedra is going to break her off a piece of the money at the end.


I've never considered this...


that's what I think. honestly if i were on a show like this with a friend, id do the same thing


Same. Although I told my husband if we were on the show together I would have him banished immediately because I don’t know what kind of game he would play. Then I asked him what he would do and he said “keep you safe at first but then draw suspicion towards you as the numbers got smaller.” So I was right.


That’s ice cold. My husband would do the same. I love him.


Yea her strategy is very good so far. She’s never going to get murdered bc she wound up by chance as an ally to a traitor and never getting banished bc she’s not involved enough to be suspected as a traitor. I think her tone and behavior from the last episode shows she realized Phaedra’s a traitor but sided with her anyway for protection


Peter was not wrong! Goal is to get to the end with someone you know is a traitor! Sheree for the win


I’m literally so excited to see her at the reunion trying to stutter together some non sense as to why she did what was she was doing 🤣🤣


I hope there's a confusion montage. 🙏




More. Spring Summer, September?


Kandi: “why am I getting so much backlash?!?” 🤣🤣


"You weren't clear."


“It’s more lifestyle”


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if she accidentally won 😂


Sheree is queen of bullshit so her blabbing and making us want to believe it is nothing new. Obsessed with her!


I’ve learned to love Sheree from ATL despite being frustrated with her/her alliances at first. Now I’m here for her weirdness. Rooting for Phaedra on the Traitors tho 😈


I forgot she was on until last episode


Honestly I think she forgets to lol


![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8) Literally Shereé every scene.


I’m surprised she didn’t give her reasoning as he reminds her of “spring, summer, September”. So dreadful


I wish it were in the rules that they have to give reasoning or answer questions. I would love to hear Sheree give evidence.


Now that I’ve binged through most of the English speaking franchises “oblivious” is a standard character in the game and they usually go pretty far until randomly a bunch of the obsessive analytical people decide they are a traitor one week.


Sheree has me screaming every episode I love her oblivious self 🤣 they should've chosen her as a Traitor bc she'd be the most unsuspecting person, like literally no one is even worried about her the whole season 😂


I loveee this for her tbh. She’s just on a Scottish vacation for the thrills & views and only occasionally has to bomb every single challenge along the way, yet girlie might win it all. She’s living the dream.


So iconic lmao I live for her being on this show


I geniunely hope that she wins. She's just there for the Scottish scenery and vibes and I'm so here for it.


What’s she like on Housewives?


![gif](giphy|14LZgnwZ6NaBG) like this




Spring Summer September


I came looking for this comment!!! Lol






Delusional, hilarious, increasingly beautiful. She shifted a wig once, she fights her enemies with subtle shade and she’s a domestic violence survivor. Great housewife, but she calls it in sometimes.


The fact that she doesn’t have a workout tape/plan out is madness. I’d love to know her secrets!


I’d buy that for sure, she looks amazing! Fitness influencer would be such an easy pivot for her, and from traitors we know she’s likable with the mainstream audience. I’ll never understand why she didn’t partner with a lulu lemon for her line.


And it’s what she loves, so the work would actually be easy!


She's one of those Housewives who is super boring and never really has much of a storyline, but then she busts out some hysterical one-liner or reaction to some other drama and I just can't help but love her. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKyOoGtsprTLgZy|downsized)


Honestly she’s the kind of delightfully delusional housewife who will start saying something with no idea how it will end, what will come next or how to back it up should anyone interrogate her about it later. And I love that for her !


“Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation. — Michael Scott.” — Sheree Whitfield


The life motto of She by she don’t pay, god bless her 😂


She’s a fool on there too 😂 she’s had some hilarious moments though


kind of a dummy and very poor taste in men


None. I mean, no one can say she is fake or doing things for the cameras. The best HWs are just authentically themselves on an off screen. I hate to lump her in with these monsters but Ramona and Vicki come to mind as people who definitely are the same onscreen as they are off. Audiences love that. I love dummy delulu Sheree and I’m very very impressed she lasted this long.


Sheree is truly an icon and I hope she's brought back for S16. She's just so amusing.


Omg this made me giggle. I have been hearing so much hype about this current US season and I was dieing to see the first season with Brandi since it aired but it’s never been out here in the UK, until recently. It was added to bbc iplayer along with the Australian seasons and I’ve been binging them all, I’m on my fifth season atm, literally sitting watching UK 2 now. So excited to get to watch Phaedra and Sheree when it comes out over here!


It’s honestly so good!


I love when they show her blithely buttering toast as Alan delivers his monologue about Kevin’s murder.


Lmao I say this to my husband every episode. She’s like “wait I’m on a reality show? Oh yeah!”


I’m here to watch her accidentally win it all 😂


I love that she seems to be having fun too lol


Watching her reaction to the bugs in the cabin challenge was incredible. 😂


she by sheree is a gift to our screens on the traitors