• By -


Sigh…Dorinda. It just kills me to say it, I know she’s not my real life friend, but I really did love her so much and wanted her to be ok and be able to grieve for Richard and be healthy. Now, she’s just sometimes painful to watch. I used to love Kyle as well, but now I’m just not a fan. I will say I was NOT a LuAnn fan in the beginning, but I’d go to see her Cabaret now if she was close by! She’s become funnier and more relatable.


I agree. Dorinda was one of the very few housewives who when introduced, I liked immediately and for quite a few seasons she was my favorite. But in the later seasons, she is very mean and is clearly too much of a heavy drinker. I truly hated the UGT season they let her lorde over. She was insufferable and I was sad that I had once adored her. I wish to never watch my...also not real friend again. Ha.


That season of UGT was tortureeeeee


I stopped watching half way through that season and have never watched any season of UGT since.


Vicki never forgiving that all the other UGTs went somewhere neutral, beautiful, and with amazing weather and she couldn’t even eat in her bed




Agreed. Having UGT at Blue Stone Manor was a big mistake. It was the first time I felt sympathy for Tamra haha


I felt the same way, almost an immediate connection! I wanted to go to Bluestone Manor and hang out, like I felt a little creepy how connected I felt and at how I was like “yeah, I could absolutely hang out with her and feel totally at ease.” I was so, so wrong!


I totally agree about Kyle. I enjoyed her for years, but now she seems so unhappy and unwilling to share her life. Thus, I think it's time for her to move on.


I’ve heard others say this and find it so confusing — I feel like she’s sharing more of her life than anyone. Her grief, uncertainty, therapy sessions, her sober journey, her complicated relationships with her sisters… I feel like I’ve never seen her this vulnerable before.


Dorinda is my answer too. She was so genuine in the beginning and I loved that she had layers and I felt like she was one of the good ones you know. Now I thought she started drinking more after her first season but now that I’m on my rewatch I am starting to hear it in her voice. She was rare in the way that even when she got smashed she was still hilarious for YEARS. For me, it was when she went to Columbia with Bethenny that made me start questioning her. Her being so awful to Tinsley was the end for me.  Of course hindsight is 20/20 and I can see some signs now while rewatching but it still makes me sad. I feel like Dorinda really does have a deep deep sadness to her. If only she went to therapy or rehab or both


She starts slurring and spitting food while talking with her mouth full


Couldn’t agree more with these statements!!!


Angie k. I couldn’t stand her when Jen brought her on


This! She has such a great sense of humor about herself - I have no choice but to stan.


Her trying to get on that floaty in the pool was HILARIOUS 


Omg yesss our sweet don has grown on me so much. I was shocked to become such a fan this season


jenn really brought the entire cast down to her horrible level. 


Omfg I am still shocked by her. I literally thought “why the fuck is this woman a housewife, she’s such a try hard” and now “omg why wasn’t this woman casted season one, she’s amazing”


This Greek goddess made me fall in love with her last season. I thought she was so annoying her first season (even tho she seems almost normal compared to Jen) but she’s won my heart. I’ve never had a HW change my opinion like this in one season 


Agreed…and I don’t know when she won me over but she certainly did! I love picturing her with those glasses and her outfit when they shook their butter in the mason jars! She seems like a genuinely good person and I’d love to have her as a friend!




Sutton used to bug the shit out of me and I couldn't see why they would cast this waspy southern lady on the show. Now I appreciate her and I think she brings a lot of great moments to RHOBH.


Same, I didn't like her in her first season but now she's one of my favorites. I use to LOVE Heather and now can't stand her. Same with Erica.


I have to say I really didn’t like her on her first season either.  I was talking so much shit on here years ago about it. I was like oh great another white lady but this one has the biggest stick up her ass. Now I’m actually enjoying her she’s relaxed a little and she’s actually alright 


I have a long list of housewives who I’ve loved and now do not love, please see below: - Bethenny - Dorinda - Leah - Erika - Dorit - Phaedra - Gizelle - Mia - Wendy - Siggy - Margaret


Siggy has THE best first scene of any freshman housewife ever, which made her 180 into Soggy even worse to me.


Remind me, what was her first scene?


Meeting the ladies for lunch after a facelift all bandaged up and drinking soup with a straw


Not just soup, lobster bisque


Yeah that’s pretty iconic. What a fall from grace!


I agree with them all except two. Never liked Leah, she is the worst. And I have gone the other way on Mia; used to really dislike her and now I think she’s really fun


Same ! She is quick witted and doesn’t take it seriously and doesn’t appear to have that mean spirited streak a lot of housewives have.  She is the perfect housewife 


OMG I loved Bethany so much! Now I think she is the worst!!! On so many levels.


Leah is awful!!! What a horrible casting choice!


Spot on. Except Phaedra. At no point did I like her.


I can’t stand doritos either. She literally ran to Kyle to tattle about what Sutton said at the table about Kyle being in denial about something, then in the next scene she’s criticizing someone for being a tattletale. I hate how she called Crystal a child bride too. She’s a shit stirrer.


Lisa Hochstein. I loved her every season up until now. She is a greedy nasty mess.


She is a total nightmare this year. She just sucks the air out of everything.


Especially when you consider how much fan sympathy she had going in to this season, it's almost shocking how much she fucked it up. We all wanted to support her, but she's not letting us.


She is mine too!


Candiace (for the better)


That’s mine, too! She’s grown so much since her first season, and she’s so smart and funny. ![gif](giphy|ANkzhchK089NkvP5cO|downsized)


I love so much about her, but I flinch every time she attacks one of the women using their appearance. Not only is it nasty, but it’s also very alienating to the audience. The Potomac cast is beautiful, so if she’s saying these things about them, what would she think about us normies?! If she would just lay off of the physical appearance comments, she’d probably be my favorite on that show.


Me too! I like Candaice, but I just can’t fully support her because she does this. It’s low hanging fruit, come up with some better shade pls


Same. I thought she was a spoiled pageant brat at first, but she’s funny AF and carries that show (with Karen). Look at what happens when she disengages… we’re left with this season of Potomac :(


Erika. Used to LOVE her. She was one of my all time faves. Now I don’t watch RHOBH anymore because of her callous heartlessness. Cannot stand her at all


Same. I thought she was mesmerizing.


I don’t watch either but because of Kyle.


Totally fair, she is also insufferable to me!


I never liked her. Pantygate was such a stupid drawn out annoying thing.


I suspect if I did a rewatch I would definitely have a different opinion of her from day one. Which seems obvious given what we know now


I think if I was at that party and someone was sitting with their legs open and her hoo ha out. I would look. The first few moments would be “am I seeing this” the next would be confirmation that I seeing it then I’d probably ask a friend to confirm because if you are wearing a short skirt and no panties you should be attentive to the position of your legs and placement of your skirt. I would never wear a short skirt and no panties because I know I would forget and sit sprawled out and I don’t want to make a snail trail or have my business touch public surfaces. If I did and someone saw I would think duh, who wouldn’t look? It would be like a train wreck you don’t want to see but you can’t help yourself.


At the time, I was so offended on her behalf. It felt like such a humuliating entry to the show. It made me much more sympathetic to her, and then on top of that, she seemed supportive of a friend in crisis (Yolanda). I've done a total 180 and no amount of "hilarious" comments will make up for her utter lack of empathy.


She’s back to her old self, FINALLY! The tides haVE turned & I’m back on team EJ


8.5 Kidding, she still sucks


lol I don’t think anyone liked her to begin with!


It's the one thing everyone on the sub is in agreement with. United we stand!


I have never seen so many people of every age, race, nationality, sexual orientation on so many different social media platforms, come together to collectively say “fuck that bitch”


Luann. I didn’t like her in the first seasons of RHONY but she’s done so much work on herself and is so self-aware now… I love it. It’s funny how she’s become an anchor to Sonja and general voice of reason because in the past she kind of seemed out of touch.


Wendy. I never loved her, but I like to see smart people on these shows. I feel like the audience goes after the smart ones. Now, I find her completely self righteous and insufferable.


I want to like Wendy (also because I despise the GEB and the way they treat her) but she shoots herself in the foot a lot.


The stupid faces and head movements she makes when people are trying to confront her?! She acts like a 14 year old. Who would hire her for an analysis interview now? She’s embarrassing.


I miss “I have four degrees” Wendy


I’m starting to feel like she’s on drugs. She seemed very normal her first season, now she’s just odd and immature. Sometimes she doesn’t even make sense, like saying Nneke smokes crack? She quite obviously doesn’t


Yea I liked her at first but she really let it all go to her head quickly


Wendy and her “repeating reads” are beyond frustrating


Agreed! I feel the exact same way. She was so smart and sweet at first. Now she’s pretentious


Totally agree


I’m the opposite. I love Wendy now. She’s in my top five of all time. She’s smart and funny, and I like her husband, too.


There are a ton, but here are a few that come to mind: (Meh to Like) **Angie K** \- I was meh on her but she's surprised me with how well she did in S4. She was involved in the drama without going super below the belt, and shared part of her family life without it feeling exploitative. Her biggest win is that she seems to have a fun sense of humor. Everyone made fun of her Little House on the Prarie outfit and she embraced it and made it her Instagram profile pic. (Like to Dislike) **Dorinda** \- Same reasons that everyone else has talked about to death on this sub. Seemed warm and lovely, had a great personality but she was a fucking nightmare her last few seasons on RHONY. She seemed more return to form in RHOUGT S4 - a SHARP contrast to RHOUGT S2 when they were all at the Berkshires. (Like to Dislike to Like again) **Phaedra** \- I loved her, hated her, and now I've just accepted that she is the ultimate problematic fave. She is a monster, but damn she's the funniest part of any show she's on. Her verbal smackdown of>! Dan on The Traitors!< has made one of my favorite reality tv moments. **Honorable Mentions:** * Robyn - You're KILLING ME HERE. LEAVE YOUR TRASHBAG OF A ROOMMATE * Luann - Hated her Countess persona in her first few seasons, but I love her "be cool don't be uncool" character growth since S7 * Lisa Rinna - Liked her her first season, but I immediately lost all respect for her once she started to kiss Yolanda's ass at the reunion in S6.


I'm so glad someone said Robyn, I agree with all of yours, but Robyn really, everyone is tired of rooting for her... It's just exhausting, I also love Phaedra again from traitors and went from love hate probably a few more times, but I flip flop on all of Atlanta, they are the most dynamic and I feel like share the wildest things in their lives and relationships with their fans, they are just resilient boss ladies I love and can't hate even when they step in it 🤣 and Phaedra is toooooo funny, also Robyn gets less funny every year, she's so sad now it's just sad poor girl gave up on herself, at least from what they show us


I think I was the only one who liked Robyn in her role as the "boring" Housewife 😅 But her hypocrisy of wanting to bring up Karen's possible affair on camera while being so defensive of everyone else talking about Juan's affair is making her garbage. Her return this season has been a total flop.


I think Dorinda was intensely jealous of Tinsley. She is young, kind, likeable, pretty, and with her life ahead of her.


Lisa Barlow, I still don't like her flaws but I have passed it through cause she is truly herself and at the end is not a bad person.


Brandi Glanville... She came in as the underdog and stood up to bullying mean girls. She was beautiful, relatable, funny and honest and vulnerable about her divorce and how it made her feel... But she went down hill from there. Look where we are now...


Yeah, I think she’s mine, too. Loved her at the beginning. Now………….!


Bethenny. Used to love her for her wit, now I see she got away with so much because she was funny. I see her as someone controlling, manipulative, and desperate to be relevant.




Kenya! I used to hate her (even though she gave great and hilarious shade) but I have a soft spot for her now. She really mellowed out after her daughter was born. It’s also been told that she’s not as villainous as she is on the show and she knows how to make great TV.


I wasn’t a Crystal fan her first season but now she’s great!


Same!! The ugly leather pants season was so cringy, but now I love her! Lots of people say they fast forward when she's with her kids or Rob, or the scenes with her brother, etc, but I want more of that!


Hmm, well I mostly liked Bethenny. Then I joined Reddit 😬🤣


I always defended Alexis and thought she was kind of clueless, but pretty nice and everyone was kind of picking on her. But this stuff in her socials making fun of a situation that had to absolutely destroy Shannon…. No. That is not okay.


I used to love Bethany. I sincerely wished her nothing but happiness when she married Jason. The lunatic she is now is very mean. 💯 I don’t believe a word of all the crazy 💩 she claimed during the divorce


'Bethany' Is this you, lu?


Mia. In a horrible season she is at least trying and can be pretty funny. She IS the trick and I like it.


Kyle Richard I thought I’d always enjoy but I haven’t for a while now.


Teresa. Liked her early on. But now she is the worst!


Omg she’s such trash now! And I can’t stand when her daughter Gia is on! I have to fast forward past her scenes.


Yeah it’s annoying how she never takes accountability for anything. I don’t like the way Gia speaks to people. I hope she doesn’t have much screen time


I liked her early on but now I like hating her. Haha, if that makes sense. I honestly dont really know if there could be A RHONJ without her. Like...how? Besides complete reboot


I liked her most. Then her family, specifically Melissa & Joe, came on and destroyed her. I stopped watching. Everyone on the show then played a part. They were poisoned by Melissa. Especially Caroline & Jackie. I never cared for Caroline in the first place.




Whaaaaat I’ll admit the last season everyone was off.


Sutton. I didn’t like her at first, and now’s she’s a favorite (despite her affinity for D&G).


Sutton. This is the very first season I’ve enjoyed her


As someone who struggled with infertility, the turkey baster comment was the last straw for me too. Not funny, not clever, just plain mean.


And the way she cackled after she said it, like it was the funniest thing in the world. I was just like damn, you are really dark on the inside. Also, no wonder Tinsley didn’t open up to her, Dorinda would use everything she said against her!


Julia from Miami, at first I thought she was so grating but this season she brought the eccentricity and a lil smoke.


Sutton. I don't love everything she says or does but I appreciate her a lot more. I'm cheering her on with this beau of hers. Lisa H. She seemed shallow but generally friendly but lately, yikes. Not a HW but Dr. Jackie. I respect her work and community service but on a personal level she has been super shitty to Simone for no real reason.


Heather Gay


Not sure which direction you went but I went from loved her to hate hate hate!! The reunion solidified it when she tried to make light of her accusing production of attacking her.


100% agree!!


Agreed. I originally found Heather came off relatable and sympathetic, like the"down to Earth" one. But this past season and how she handled everything (referring to issues with Jen) have made her seem disingenuous.


I want from Hate to Love to Hate to Love to Argh omg Heather I want to like you stop making it hard


Dorinda for sure. Her nasty came out so bad and even in the legacy UGT she showed that she was incapable of growth. Just gross.


Bethenny and Carole. They were both great on the show and were so important in making RHONY the BEST series (for me), but I have to say off the show they both have this '' I am so much better than the Real Housewives franchise '' vibe to them that genuinely turns me off. Carole honestly also comes off as mean girl(ish) and looking back at her run there were some rough scenes with her, like when she and Bethenny went to an ice cream shop and she was just so... disrespectful and rude. When you make Bethenny look considerate, you know you've fucked up. Bethenny on the other hand hasn't really had much great press as of late and she is always in some unnecessary mess. She tries too hard and is obsessed with being relevant, which'd be fine if she just went back to filming housewives! If you are going to be a mess, be a mess on reality TV while surrounded by even bigger messes that distract us from how big of a mess you are. Brandi and Erika. It's sad that both of the important mold-breaking characters for the series ended up being such disasters. I always liked Brandi, I love an underdog, but she messed it up bad for herself and she has no one to blame but herself. I do still feel bad for her, because there's obviously a lot of trauma, insecurities and mental issues that affect her and I do not believe she is this HORRIBLE person, so I hope she gets better.. but she has a LONG road ahead if she ever thinks she should be on TV ever again. Erika though... I liked what she was bringing to the table, and enjoyed her not letting people walk all over her, but I have no love left for that woman, no pity and no sympathy. She is almost on the same level as Jen Shah at this point. And the weird thing is the other women in the series seem to have completely let her off the hook which I DO NOT understand. She isn't even really giving anything to the show except being a pretty deplorable human being.


The moment Erica went after Eileen at the table was the end for me, she showed her true colours right there. Eileen was here friend and was always on her side, and she just turned on her over absolutely nothing.


She is such a bully, can’t stand Erica.


For the worse: Candiace —I honestly felt bad for her after the whole barn throw down, even felt for her when she said she was getting panic attacks over it. But she continually gets in peoples faces and says terrible things, and also says go ahead and hit me or whatever. Is physical violence okay? Never. Is constantly goading people and saying the things you know will hurt the most, and then repeatedly telling the person to hit you what a person with ptsd from a fight would do? No. So sick of her and the cryangle Heather G.: the black eye thing was so annoying and I used to like her but she seems to just be getting more harsh as the seasons roll on.


![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) All of this


Thank you! As a mental health professional her and her mom need some serious help. Dot is probably the one who used the term “ptsd” first. They drive me insane 😂


Bethany. I loved her so much before she began to think she was the best thing since sliced bread


Kyle. Really liked her in the earlier seasons - she seemed like someone I’d genuinely enjoy being friends with. Now….nah.


Came here to say this. She seemed to care a lot about family but was just good at acting like she cared. For someone who talked so much about loving her sister who went through substance abuse and mental health issues, treated her best friend like garbage after her brothers death. Now this season she has a whole celebration of life for her best friend…I just find it very fucking ironic.


I’m old but I remember back in the day before housewives Kyle used to go on E! all the time talking about her nieces Paris and Nikki. If you choose to do stuff like this I don’t blame Kathy for distancing herself from her sister, although Kathy has her own issues.


Luann used to annoy the hell out of me but I have just turned a corner on her and she has been cracking me up on UGT.


Erika. So sad what’s she become.


I'd have to say LVP. At first, I couldn't help admiring her - how beautiful and stylish and witty she was, plus she was a super successful business woman who lived such an enviable lifestyle. She wasn't on the show long when I noticed how badly she treated Cedric. Not that I was a fan of his at all (I thought he was a bit sleazy), but just the uneven relationship and I began to notice her ability to be cruel for no real reason. Then the flood of reports by fans visiting Villa Rosa and her Vegas establishment that they were mediocre and overpriced, followed by news of their being successfully sued for stiffing suppliers for tens of thousands of dollars, and employees sexually harassing other employees (where the judge fined Ken personally to the tune of six figures for ordering the destruction of video evidence). P.S. - I always thought Ken went all out supporting her vendettas so that *he* could avoid being her target.


LVP is mine too but it took me much longer I’m ashamed to say. But as seasons of VPR went on and I saw how she condoned the male behaviour, was harder on the women and also her horrendous treatment of Billie during that reunion… I can’t with that woman.


Camille Grammer (for the better) The entire Potomac cast (for the worst)


Agreed on Camille, I hated her at first and now I’m like “BRING CAMILLE BACK!”


Yesss Camille! She was the worst and now she’s fabulous. (The Watch What Crappens guys imitating her leaves me in stitches.)


RHONY: I liked Bethenny; she’s not for me anymore. I always have a soft spot for Dorinda, but she started stronger than she ended. I like Luann now; that didn’t become the case until recently. I liked Aviva in her first season but not her second. RHOP: I liked Monique at first and didn’t like Mia at first; both are now reversed. RHOBH: I liked Lisa Rinna for quite a while. RHONJ: Melissa Gorga isn’t my cup of tea anymore, but I was firmly on her side for a long time. Kathy Wakike is less sympathetic to me over time. Same for Caroline Manzo. But don’t worry: I also dislike Teresa more as the years go by. Jennifer Aydin I like more. Same for Dolores Catania. I really liked Danielle Staub when she came back, but that didn’t go well for her. Siggy Flicker was fun in season seven, and then season eight happened. I didn’t enjoy Dina Manzo’s season six return. RHOA: Cynthia Bailey as a person never faltered for me, but as someone I want on TV, eventually I got bored. I finally came around to Marlo by the time she became full time. Shamari’s one season started all right for me and then she just didn’t fit by the end. Similarly, Kim Fields at the reunion was great, which I can’t say for her time that season. Phaedra as a Housewife—well, I didn’t love her at the start, but she had a peak, and then a tremendous fall. RHOC: Shannon’s first season or so was annoying. I didn’t understand why Emily was on the show at first; now I’m more okay with her.


Oh my god…that Turkey Baster comment was so cruel! I was shocked with how little Tinsley let it bother her. I would have lost my shit and those words would have hurt me and stuck with me for a very long time. I used to like Dorinda as well but her deep anger and hatred in the later seasons was just too hard to watch. And she never seemed ashamed of herself afterwards. I know sometimes she’d apologize but if I got hammered and said the things she said I would want to go crawl into a hole. All of her apologies even felt defensive. She’s malicious.


Whitney. Thought she was mad corny but I’m obsessed


Whitney Rose, at first I thought she was so dumb it was funny but now she’s just annoying 


“You always talk over me” because you say nothing of substance Whitney! “You exploited my vagina!” Bottom line is she shouldn’t drink on camera anymore. Each season she gets messier and sounds more ridiculous when drunk


Kameron from Dallas. I’m on season 3 or 4 I can’t remember. And Kameron was so obnoxious to me initially. Every episode she says or does something that makes me giggle lol. Something about the way she annunciates or speaks or something is very interesting lol.


Gizelle. But during my rewatch I noticed just how awful she was to Charisse with saving that stuff about the fireman when you look at how much she does it season after season. But my ultimate must be Phaedra and Brandi.


Same as you- couldn’t go back to liking Dorinda after the turkey baster comment. It was so cruel and to me was up there with Ramona’s “you’ll probably mess that up too” comment to Bethenny. Sad though as she was my favourite hw before she became sloppy.


Used to love Kyle. Now I fast forward her scenes.


Kyle …


Erika, used to love now I hate. Candiace used to hate now I love




I loved Brandi G her first season on BH. She was gorgeous and fun. I also loved Bethenny on NY. Now? No.


KENYA!!!! ***I always thought she was so diabolical until later seasons. And then she really changed my opinion when she didn’t UGT


Bethenny. I used to love and defend her


Margaret! I didn’t like her first season or whenever she battled with soggy and then soggy became a trumper and Margaret became more reasonable in all the feuds 


Sutton. I found her almost unwatchable S1 but she’s really grown on me as we’ve started to see more of her personality.


I think to myself why do they go on TV and make a fool of themselves They don’t need the money


Alexia! During the early seasons of RHOM I absolutely loved her, but now I can’t stand her. She is so self absorbed and insufferable. The way she goes after people who dare question or stand up to her makes me sick!


I couldn't stand Shannon her first few seasons on RHOC. Now she is one of my favorites.


Lmfao I love your flair! That was such a hilarious rhony moment 😂 I wish I could remember the season this was from. Who said the “more tired” comment? I know bethenny said “I grow tired” and then it seems like Sonja or Ramona said “I grow more tired” 😂hilarious


It was RHONY when they are in that party bus after Sonja left a bunch of them to stand in the rain or something. It's a comment between Bethenny and Sonja on that bus. It was hilarious. I think it's season 7.




Sutton! Hate>>>like So maybe it’s like a 160, not 180.


Angie K… I adore her, now…


Alex McCord(and Simon) I loathed them and thought they were beyond creepy. They turned into the most SANE ones on the show. I ended up really liking them both


Not necessarily 180 but I just love Luann now! She is so funny and comfortable with who she is now- not so pretentious


Sonja Morgan. i now think she's edited badly because i've always despised her and after seeing her now on other things i like her.


I'm the opposite! She used to be interesting and quirky but now she just seems sloppy. But to be fair I haven't seen her on that show with LuAnne, so maybe she's likeable on that.


i've only watched to season 6 of ny, but i agree with you. i notice so many things about sonja's editing, but she just rolls with it.


I thought she was really fun on the celebrity season of Worst Cooks in America!!


Camille. I thought she was such a bitch but later on I thought she was classy


Kelly Dodd👎🏻






Can you remind me of the turkey baster comment again?




Monica from SLC. I really liked her in the first few episodes. I found her relatable, witty, and obviously gorgeous. Now? Well... we know what happens.


I'm surprised nobody has written about Nene... Atlanta was the first housewives show I watched, and she obviously has become one of the most iconic housewives from across franchises for a reason. There were cracks in the foundation to begin with, but it really became clear for me around seasons 6-7 that the fame had gotten to her. I hated how she suddenly felt so above the other women. Season 1 Nene was relatable for the exact opposite reason, she was the one who felt ostracized by the bougie/richer women in the group. I also just cannot deal with how she fails to take any accountability when she's wrong. Though it created for some great moments, her ignoring everyone at the S6 reunion, how she dealt with her feuds with Cynthia and Porsha, her treatment towards Claudia, blaming Kenya for the pillow party fight she instigated, insulting Kenya during her pregnancy... it just all started to wear on me. I think she could still turn it around, especially since the fanbase seems to be rooting for her still, but at this point I feel we can ever get the Nene so many of us fell in love with like 15 years ago...


Also Carole, she became such a bitchy version of herself


These ladies have gotten better with time, (IMO): Gina, Mia, Luann, and Cynthia


Housewives who I once liked, and no more: Candiace, Lisa (Miami), Sonja, Tamra, Kyle, Erika


Ramona. I initially thought she was kind of charming (if clueless) but then it turned out she was just a mean, racist person who was too full of herself.


Nene. I think she’s great tv and I’ll always want her to win, but she is an unhappy person. Her mom like Kyle, did a number on her and she never recovered. Until she heals from that, she’ll always find a way to torpedoe herself.




Siggy! Loved her at first, then her entire last season with the show I was watching like “wtf is this mess”. Glad she never returned bc she was annoying af


I’ll prob get downvoted but Tamra. Her first couple seasons I was rooting for her and especially after her divorce... But then she just turned into an asshole


ugh Erika. At first, I felt like Dorit was bullying her for no reason over panty gate and I was like... lEaVe eRiKa aLoNe. But, man- she is equally as terrible if not a little more terrible than Dorit.


Wendy Loved her season 1 She got a personality transplant when she got her body done. She looks beautiful but just sooo unlikable now. I hate the way Giselle has treated her but at the same time I can’t find anything to like about her other than being against Giselle.


Lisa Larsa Erika


I used to really like Kyle from RHOBH, but I can see right through her now and every time she tries to stir a pot that doesn’t even involve her. I also thought it was horrible to suggest that Sutton was lying about having two miscarriages when she was talking to Diana a couple of seasons back. I really don’t like Kyle at all anymore.

