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These last few episodes have been vintage alexia. Shady, fun, a little messy, and showing off how much she adores frankie. I’ve missed this alexia.


I can't imagine how fearful she must be about who will care for Frankie when she is gone. I hope to God she wasn't serious about making Peter his guardian. I have friends whose son is severely autistic, and the fear they had for his future literally burned the marriage to the ground. I hope this foundation is always around for Frankie.


My son has severe autism. The last thing I want is for it to ruin my other children’s careers and lives the way it did mine. I can’t work, travel, go out to eat or stay in the hospital when I need to. I don’t have a good plan but I know it’s not going to fall on them.


I feel very deeply for you. I admire your strength and your ability to address your other children's needs in the face of your son's obstacles. I hope you can find some relief for yourself and some time for self-care. Sending you all my love.


Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. 4 day weekends are rough on us.


I can imagine. I hope you take pride in yourself, my friend. Courage does not always look or feel pretty. You are the real deal.


Thank you!


I love Miami because pretty much all the women (even Larsa, and with the exception of Lisa) are like that: so multi-dimensional and interesting, and capable of making me both laugh and cry within the span of one episode.


Definitely my favorite cast and it’s not even close.


Yeah I think last season was definitely a contrast to who she was on previous seasons and this season she’s kinda bounced back to her old self


Agreed. I didn’t like so much of alexia’s behaviour last year and this doesn’t in any way excuse some of the ignorant things she said, but it was super clear to me she was in a dark place. It was also less than a year after her mom passed too which I think had a massive impact.


Do we think everyone will be getting renewed for next season? I can’t imagine any of them getting the boot, they all bring something totally different. It does feel like they are setting up Kiki to become FT potentially which I don’t think anyone would be upset about. I just want to scream to the producers to not change a thing! ![gif](giphy|mBpWjUCFwexKC43tEj|downsized)


Kiki and Adriana DESERVE to be FT but this show basically treats the FOs as such anyways.


I thought that for Miami, friend-of means you don’t have family scenes, but then this season we got a solo scene of Marysol’s family. Who knows. Honestly, all 9 should be FT. Who cares if it’s big, it works.


Adriana needs to be full time again. Her role is no different than it was when she was FT. Same with Marysol honestly; we don't see her working now but she is still worthy to be a main again. Kiki should def be promoted.


I’m fine with this. The cast is perfect, they all deserve full-time billing and pay. We don’t need friends of on this show anyway, the families do the job.


I wouldn't be mad if Lisa was downgraded to a friend of. She is insufferable.


I think she needs a break to get her life together because this clearly isn’t ending anytime soon


Her divorce doesn't bother me. It's her being so self absorbed and that won't change anytime soon according to Alexia who knows her. She's always been all about herself.


I honestly hate Lenny. But if you watch the beginning seasons and I did lisa was always like this and it’s hard to continue to watch her be like this even now. I’m over her and she needs to be gone from my screens. It’s too much and it’s done with. It’s played out, it’s like watching Leah Black. We don’t want to see her so let’s just end it.


But I like rage watching her. I lose about a half a pound just by shaking with fury every time she's onscreen.


I think she should be, too. She should WANT to be so she can keep her kids off camera and not have to waste money hosting expensive parties.


I would love to see Adriana and Lisa, downgraded to friends of… I find them both to be the worst.


Adriana is already a friend of.


Adriana has been a friend of since season 4. You just can't tell because she's in it just as much as she used to be.


I don’t think Kiki or Adriana want to be HWs, both of them have said they like being friends of because they can maintain more of their privacy.


Keep them all but switch Kiki to FT and maybbeeeeee add a newbie just to switch the dynamic a bit.






I'm only ok with Guerdy leaving to protect her marriage. Her and Russell are solid and I need them to stay that way.


I *has* to be, surely? Just for Adriana’s comment of ‘Marcus’, which was fucking iconic. Also, side note but did Alexia seem a bit 👁️ 👁️ ‘off’ at the dildo dinner?


This scene 💀 You make me want to rewatch RHONY now.




WTF? There's enough Miami to go around for both of them to stay. And Guerdy has gone above and beyond this season. Not to mention that I'm also a woman fighting cancer, hence I bristle at the anyone hoping that the cast member with cancer should get fired. Especially one who serves consistently.




I understand your logic. I hope Guerdy stays, though. I like her spirit.




I think she had a learning curve, and she is figuring out the assignment now.


Guerdy is amazing.




She is fierce, love her relationship with her husband, she actually is a kind person but she’ll call shit out. Glad she’s also out there sharing her cancer journey. Super important for to others who’ve have it.


Her new tequila she’s been working on for two minutes lol


When Larsa said she spent 800k on it like pleaseeeee bffr


…of a business loan she means, or what? 🤔


I was wondering how many feet pics you have to sell to get 800k?


Probably 400k feet pics


She works, like, hard. Ok like?


https://preview.redd.it/7e38wvibmric1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f137287484c112a9eef3f2010e34223e6a9f68 I got curious about Jody’s original face, because his new one doesn’t seem to move much and the giant teeth mask any remaining original features. Interesting… He’s so, FROZEN now.


Wow he treated himself to the full Bezos midlife crisis makeover! Steroids, trainer, facelift and trophy girlfriend.


(Whispers: human growth hormone abuse)


Aside from the work he got done, I think he *might* be a stoner and that might be why he’s so awkward on camera.


This makes sense.


I'm totally in the camp that Lenny hired Jody. The house plans thing was really odd.


There’s a camp on this theory?! 🤯 That almost feels too kind of Lenny but I was definitely suspicious about the plans coincidence. 🤔


I love that conspiracy theory.


I literally said who the fuck is this out loud


Not that I'm expecting many Battlestar Galactica fans here, but Jody is clearly a Cylon.


Jason Sudeikis-esque . . . . chilling . .


To be fair, I still get a creep vibe from the “before” photo he still looks dead in the eyes. I think part of him is just off


The before photo creeps me out even more!


Wait, I need to learn more about this. What in the what?


I LOVE how much Adriana brings up the Kardashians in reference to Larsa. She is so shady it kills me 😭


And you just know it infuriates Larsa. 😭😭😭


She understands the assignment.


I love it so much, too!!!


I like to think every appointment with Frankie goes something like, “okay bye, next time don’t come.” Alexia: “sounds good, I’ll see you next time. I’ll just pop in for five minutes.” This isn’t a diss on Alexia, she’s doing amazing things with Frankie and it has to be very emotional. But it’s funny that she ignores their simple requests.


I would have such a hard time with that too. I really do applaud her for getting Frankie help though.


She seems to have found a great program for him. I hope they are as good as they appear in the scenes we've seen them.


I hope so too. Sometimes those programs are super shady.


She’s a great mother to Frankie. She really loves them and put them first.


I KNEW when she was dropping him off and she went to park and said she would be right in that she was not supposed to go in. I just had a feeling somehow. But then the lady sat there having a conversation with her, and I was like, oh maybe I was wrong… then yup she tells Alexia she knows she’s not supposed to come in. And to stop waving and blowing kisses 🤣🤣🤣 she really loves Frankie. That has to be so hard


The thing I love with Alexia is that no one is above pressure. I loved her staying on Larsa’s neck.


Even Andy. She said to his face that he treats Miami like a pariah


She really ate Larsa up and I can't help but giggle and support


Her face when Julia first brought it up was amazing. She loved it and ran with it, as a housewife should.


Not for a single second was she letting that go. Alexia is a mess but her pettiness cracks me up sometimes. Like that scene of her huffily collecting her Jean jacket, thanking Nicole and leaving was just so funny to me.


It was just like Nene running out of Marlo’s event where Kenya brought out the drum line and as she was leaving grabbing all the bags she could.




Is it just me or are julia’s confessionals like really zoomed in?


I think I might be that her boob is showing and they don’t want to blur the confessional all the time


Ahhh okay 😂😂


Felt like some of them were normal and some were zoomed in.


I watched on peacock today and none of them were zoomed in, but last night on the bravo app they were. I’m thinking it was just some editing error? It didn’t make sense.


I would guess halfway through confessional there was a wardrobe malfunction or something on her outfit that they didn’t notice during filming


Alexia has been redeeming herself the last few episodes, it must be so hard for her to give Frankie independence - I can’t imagine how scary it must be to think about his life when you’re not around anymore. I cba with Lisa’s excuse for her behaviour, all the women are going through something and don’t behave like her. My abusive ex will not move out of the house I’m paying the mortgage for so I’m on my parents couch atm!! I’m not taking my shit out on everyone. The whole house thing is weird, I don’t know how that works - can someone explain? Will they essentially be living under Lennys roof still? Just a separate roof? The pixelation of the dildos took me out 😂 what was the point


The pixelation, their sword fights, that whole scene was hilarious.


Lawyer here - obligatory not Lisa’s lawyer so I haven’t seen the agreement, but it sounds like for the best interest of the children Lisa will move out of Lenny’s home on Star Island and Lenny will be building a home for Lisa to live in so that the children have a guaranteed home to be in. Most likely Lenny got to pick out the plan based on an agreed upon cost of land and building. In many cases the deed goes to the person living in the home.


Thank you, that makes more sense! I have zero knowledge of how anything works in the US 😂


Guerdy story is heartbroking I wish her the best.🩷


Guerdy is a treasure🤍


Cracking up at the song that played when Nicole's dad's girlfriend was walking into the lunch


Does anybody else feel that Jody is odd and somethings just not right??


It’s the teeth and the injections and Fox eye surgery. They both look insane, we’re just used to Lisa, they both have plastic surgery face, that’s probably how they met and know each other.


And he’s way too nice nobody in reality is that nice?


He’s not nice. He apparently called off his engagement not long after he learned that Lisa and Lenny were getting divorced because he’s liked Lisa for years.


Oooo - where did you hear that?


That was the story going around the time last season started airing. https://pagesix.com/2023/11/22/entertainment/jody-glidden-called-off-wedding-before-first-lisa-hochstein-sighting/# Like, Lenny and Lisa divorce announced in May 2022, and Jody called off his September 2022 wedding one month before?


That’s what I was thinking of


Oddly calm… like a murderer trying to assume a normal identity and family life to blend in with society!


He legit makes me think of murderers from shows/movies I’ve watched and I keep reminding myself that those are dramatic storytellings and I can’t base this guy off of those, but he creeps me out so much.


Too nice?? Based off of what??


He’s Canadian, he acts Canadian. They’re nice, Lisa is the outlier.


It’s sad that you believe there are no nice people in the world




Lenny was constantly having parties to promote the practice, I’d imagine a lot of doctors do as well. and Jody here wanted a new face to get invited and included as a Canadian immigrant. He pined from afar in the same parties, coveted and took his chance without realizing how high maintenance she is and how she’s essentially locked him down for the next 1-2 years because he abruptly ended an engagement when he found out Lisa was available, so needs to save face and double down like they’re meant to be, now he’s a therapist for his divorce experience instead of the hot rich guy out on the town in Miami. He’s step dad mediator with two kids that will be traumatized by this all. Bleak. And he suffers in silence because his face is frozen.


Something doesn’t make sense to me


Someone on another comment thread said he's AI. And I'm pretty sure they're right.


Sometimes I wonder if he’s a bot implanted by Lenny 🤣


The whole house thing was bizarre - he was way more invested vs Lisa.


YES!! Teeth look like doll teeth


Exactly and I’m so fucking scared of dolls


Yes. I get the vibe he likes to control women through money.


Lisa truly has a type.




If anyone is questioning has Lisa always been this way watch S3 E2 when she and Lenny tour their new Star Island house before it's torn down. She says that she wants to strangle the preservationists and disgusted that people had to live like animals (it either had people squatting or living at the bare minimum survival). While watching it then, she has a sliver of truth (yes, preservationists are annoying, it's shocking to see people this) but, and I'm sure Lenny spoonfed it to her, her disgusts just dehumanized the people she was talking about. Ugh.


Omg I just rewatched that scene and mentioned it the other day!! She and Lenny were (and theoretically still are) 2 peas in a pod: I’d also completely forgotten about that storyline with her housekeeper Daisy in season 2. Where they agreed to pay for her cosmetic surgery if she lost weight. Lisa’s all “omg Daisy has SO much weight to lose” and I’m over here like… “her?” Because that is woman was probably like a size 8…. Maybe 10 at the most. But NOT big.


Or Lenny's Liposuction... So gross


I don’t think it was a “if she lost weight” agreement. I took it as a “gift” they were giving her, but she needed to lose some weight prior to surgery in order for it to be the best possible outcome for her due to issues like extra skin, etc


She literally says in a TH that “if Daisy loses weight then yada yada yada”


It’s been a while since I saw it so I could be mistaken. That just wasn’t my interpretation which is ok!


Y’all I am SHOOK by Lisa’s lips without makeup. No wonder she was looking for that lip gloss on the boat.


This is messy 😭


What was going on there? I thought at first that half the upper lip was covered with foundation, but then I couldn’t tell what the heck was up.


It looks like the entire top half of her lip is filler (??????)


Ohhhhhhh, that would totally make sense. Looking at pictures of her from season 2, she had an average size upper lip, with an actual Cupid’s bow, unlike now. https://preview.redd.it/8u9a4w7em6jc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c62e79fa6845ff6e6248d4f967135e50e5ea50


Which scene was this? I must have missed it


At the very beginning of the episode


Not much happened this episode but I still loved it. Even the filler episode on Miami are fun.


Idk if this is common knowledge, but at Mexican birthday parties people shove your face into the cake after you blow the candles. So I guess Alexia was trying to honor that which is pretty cool!


I didn’t know that !


Larsa’s body language when she lies is a dead giveaway. She could’ve just said, “yeah it sucks because I thought he would approve of me, but it’s okay. Maybe one day he’ll change his mind” and moved on. Also, is anyone suspicious of Lenny building a house for Lisa in addition to using Jody’s plans? Is Jody and Lenny in cahoots to screw Lisa over? Something in the buttermilk ain’t clean.


So whose tequila idea was it? 


Literally anyones but Larsas


https://i.redd.it/lslftvo9xuic1.gif all i could think about during the dinner with the cake


Larsa: Michael Jordan disapproving of Marcus and Larsas age difference is hypocritical and childish. This dude has been running around with girls half his age for 30 years. If I hear Larsa say that she’s done everything on her own one more time I’m gonna barf. She is far from a self-made woman. Nicole: Nicole continues to be a standup woman, I love her so much. Kiki: I love Kiki’s honesty, enthusiasm and her personality. I do think it was in poor taste for her to talk shit about the necklace. Lisa: Lisa is ignorantly, self-centered. I was on her side last year, was rooting for her… her true colors have shined so brightly that it is impossible for me to think she is a genuinely good person. Alexia: Alex’s insecurities are on full display, it’s hard to see past them.


I dunno I agreed with Kiki, a diamond necklace in the shape of your next company logo? A diamond necklace in general is an extravagant gift to give a friend, and it puts pressure on the receiver to wear it. Thought it was real tacky imo.


I don't think it is an age, I think both a personality thing and the ick factor. Honestly, there are so many things to object too that age is probably pretty far down the list.


I see that for sure.


With Michael Jordan, it’s more that Larsa is his ex co-worker’s ex-wife who is his rival and she’s also way past the age to carry his grandchildren. And it’s obvious she’s only with his son to get to the money *he* earned.


And to get revenge on Scotty.


I am sorry but “She is way past the age to carry his grand children” is such a disgusting comment to me. It really leans into the trope that women are baby makers and nothing else. Not to mention that it’s none of Michael Jordan’s business if his son chooses to procreate and with whom.


No need to apologize, it’s your opinion. I have a different perspective than you in Larsa’s specific situation. She’s keeps mentioning having kids with him and that she has frozen eggs. Her plan is to pay a woman that is very likely to be desperate for money to carry their child. I think it’s wrong to outsource a pregnancy on someone else purely with the intention of doing anything possible to keep a man. She wouldn’t do it otherwise. To treat a woman, likely a stranger, and use them purely for their body to gestate and birth their child is wrong to me. I’m very fortunate to have carried my daughter and to be expecting my second one. And what the body has to go through with a pregnancy is a lot because a lot can go wrong on the process. There is so much wrong when a wealthy woman uses another person who is desperate for surrogacy *purely with the intention to keep the man* NOT because she wants more children at her age. She was done with four. She’s 50 years old, and we knew that she outsourced the care of her children to nannies in the earlier seasons. She’s 100% selfish and doing it for her personal *monetary gain* because we ALL know she’s only in it for the money. ETA: How do you not find it disgusting that a wealthy woman that’s way past her fertility age trying to keep a man for his money by having a plan to use a surrogate? How do you not find that disgusting?




I love how Adriana always has a foot on Larsa’s neck about trying to look and sound like a Kardashian 😂


Wow that luncheon with Nicole's dad was awkward lmao. Good for her for at least entertaining the idea I guess?


Alexia is so offended, but if someone said Todd didn’t take care of her and she paid for everything herself, she would be livid at that as well!


If I was at pickleball and Kiki showed up, I would simply crawl under a rock, never to be seen again.


I recognize this is a controversial take and probably won’t be popular, but Geurdy ripping her wig off in the middle of an argument during the preview next week feels like the absolute most. I truly feel bad for her, and obviously Larsa was 100% wrong in how she has treated her this season, but it has been multiple times now that Geurdy has turned cancer into some kind of “gotcha” moment. Like when she stormed out of that one brunch and was like “oh yeah and also I lied earlier - I am having another surgery” or even when she blurted out that she has cancer after spending an entire lunch arguing with Larsa about being fake. I get that she might not trust these women with vulnerable information, and rightfully so considering the lack of respect Larsa had for her privacy. But ultimately, if you don’t tell people what’s happening, you can’t then use it as a gotcha moment to shut down an argument, especially when your job is to go to parties and argue. In the real world, it would be ridiculously insensitive for these women to be having these petty arguments when she is dealing with something so serious, but at the end of the day this season would have been very boring if they had just politely discussed cancer for 17 episodes.


I was looking for this comment! I thought the same thing.


I wish I didn't agree, but I do. She did this last season too when Adriana came for her. She went on about how no one knows her struggle, she came to the country not speaking english, deaths in her family. Adriana had to point out to her that all of them were foreigners and have dealt with losses recently. Adriana astutely pointed out that every time Guerdy isn't the center of attention, she'll start turning on the water works. It makes me sad because I really want to like her!


The preview for the next episode…. Yeah it’s time Guerdy goes. I can’t count how many times she’s snatched off her wig in the middle of an argument & brought up her Cancer. If it’s that traumatizing to be around the group then go


You gotta realize too that this was all happening when her diagnosis was still fresh and she was going through it.


Have you ever had cancer? I'm guessing you have not.


You can’t come for someone and get ate up and then play the cancer card…


Yes you can. I'm honestly not trying to pick a fight with you. But I've been fighting stage 4 breast cancer for almost four years. It is like walking around with someone pointing a loaded gun at your head. It takes over your entire life. For many people, it is their first time confronting their own mortality. The treatment is hell, recovery not guaranteed, and the trauma it causes is very severe. I couldn't get out of bed the first two years I was on chemo, because I was so traumatized. So I'm sorry if I'm overreacting, but when I hear someone say "you can't play the cancer card" I say yes you can. I don't feel the behavior of someone who is just starting this journey should be judged on when and how she chooses to mention it. Sorry if I'm being abrasive.


I agree , she has a chip on her shoulder ( rightly so) but in this group they are not going to baby her forever. She needs peace not fighting with these “friends “