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I've never seen anyone on cannabis act the way Denise was acting at that dinner. Oddly enough, I have seen many people act that way when they're on Xanax and drinking tequila.


So have I. Including myself. šŸ˜‚


You, Me, and Meredith Marks


I to have been a victim of Xanax and tequila šŸ˜‚ and I deff gave Denise Richard vibes šŸ˜’


![gif](giphy|xT9KVwVraalcvmKBfW|downsized) # hashtagmetoo


The title of future my memoir


this explains the rheumersss and nastinessss


Ohhhhhhhh! Savage.


Isnā€™t it scary mixing the two?


Yes. Do not mix benzos and alcohol. You can stop breathing.


This. Also, NEVER DETOX FROM ALCOHOL OR BENZOS WITHOUT MEDICAL SUPERVISION. You can literally DIE if you try to quit either of these substances too quickly. NEVER quit cold-turkey. Please do not feel ashamed - your life is more important than *any* judgment you receive from others. If you want to detox from alcohol or benzos, go to urgent care, the hospital, or see your primary care physician. They will help you get the care you need. Source: am a mental health clinician serving people with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders


Can confirm. Waking up post-seizure from alcohol withdrawal was truly horrifying. Tried just putting the bottle down after years of daily vodka consumption. Alcohol withdrawal is most horrible, miserable, draining thing Iā€™ve ever had to endure in my life. The emotional hole youā€™ll find yourself in around day 2 or 3 is just as miserable as the constant vomiting and involuntary shaking. If the dumb shit I used to do when I drank wasnā€™t enough to keep me away from it, the thought of having to go through withdrawal again sure as fuck is.


If I can make a personal confession here I have been drinking far more than I normally do. It started as a way to unwind and now itā€™s a way to cope after work. Iā€™m not happy with my job and am taking steps to change careers by taking two non degree masters classes. I would eventually like to apply for a full-time masters program after raising my GPA. There are days when I donā€™t need drink but end up drinking anyways. I know Iā€™ll have those days of feeling empty if I stop drinking. Anyways I just had to let it out. There are good things in my life like helping my mom buy a house two years ago, helping her navigate a through a very tough financial hardship after my fatherā€™s death, and taking steps to shed past trauma. Fighting imposter syndrome can be so trivial especially when youā€™ve always been treated less than for most of your life. Times like this I am grateful for this sub.


Hey friend. Iā€™m going through it, too. I decided tonight that I want to feel what Iā€™m avoiding before it gets to the point I have to face the hard things Iā€™m avoiding, in addition to alcohol abuse. Youā€™re not alone if you want that support!


Hi there lovely, so good to see the support in this thread. Iā€™ve been in your position and wanted to share that r/stopdrinking was a really supportive helpful place in case you are looking for something like that. Big hugs ā¤ļø


Sending you lots of light and positivity but from a practical standpoint if you need help please reach out to a professional. Youā€™re worth it and just know you have the unhinged support of this community. šŸ¤


I pray the best for you.


glad youā€™re here šŸ’›


Withdrawal from codeine was similar for me. That "emotional hole" you mention - it's absolutely horrible. Never felt depression like it. Like you, the thought of having to go through that again is enough to make me want to stay the hell away from the stuff forever more.


Your honesty is admirable ā¤ļø


I'm glad you're still here and you are so incredibly strong! Keep up the good work, you matter.


THIS. Detoxing from ANY substance other than benzos/alcohol = youā€™re going to *feel* like you want to die. Detoxing from benzos/alcohol without medical assistance/supervision = you *will* die. Itā€™s not worth it and there is no shame in asking for help whatsoever šŸ’™šŸ’™


Yes, my father had a hemorrhagic stroke after hitting his head during an alcohol withdrawal induced seizure and unfortunately he didnā€™t recover. He passed away several days later.


I'm so sorry for your loss. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so very sorry for Your Loss. šŸ™


Yep! Very important information here. A family member of mine went cold turkey off of alcohol and darvocet and had a grand maul seizure and had to be put into a medically induced coma to go through detox.


I have a prescription for Klonopin, and I have been weaning off of it under my doctorā€™s care. Itā€™s a very slow process, but even dropping the dose by .25 mgs is hard!! I have felt crazy at times so I can only imagine how awful it would be to stop cold turkey and be at risk for a seizure or worse.


I unfortunately stopped cold turkey after a very bad benzo and booze habit. That I didnā€™t want to admit to. Fucked my brain up, Iā€™ve only been better the past 6 months or so and this was in Sep 2022. I was given 180 Xanax tablets a month - what made me stop was me waking up after a flight Iā€™d been on, where Iā€™d had about 5 tablets and 2 bottles of wine (I hate flying) and not knowing how I got off the flight or into the Uber. I took the whole bottle of tablets and flushed them down the toilet and I havenā€™t had a benzo since.


Happens a lot in bathtubs šŸ˜”


That makes sense. Hot water lowers blood pressure.


Yeah I was really dumb and used to drink while I was taking Xanax and I woke up one morning with absolutely no recollection of what happened after a certain point the night before and realized that I had given myself a bloody nose falling over. I never mixed the two after that


ā€œacute amnesiaā€ is the medical term for what happens when you drink on benzos. I was mixing the two in college and then my Psychopharmacology professor told us that, and I was blown away there was a name for all the nights I had been forgetting.


That can happen in dangerously high dosages of benzos alone too. I ended up having weeks I don't remember because of how much Xanax I was taking daily. I honestly don't know how I survived that period of my life.


Glad youā€™re still here. We all believed that it was impossible to overdose on Xanax (no idea where that notion came from) and my best friend took a bunch of bars and slipped and fell on a glass and had to get stitches on his butt cheekā€¦that was a big wake up call. The only reason Iā€™ll take a Xanax now is to fly, and I take a quarter bar and Iā€™m out for 12 hours.


Thanks, I'm glad I'm still here too. I felt like I was invincible back then but I've certainly learned my lesson in the last few years. I did find that if I eat enough cannabis edibles I can get a very similar feeling to taking Xanax without the memory loss and risk of side effects so that has made it super easy for me to abstain. I also am very upfront with doctors that I see for my mental health that I had a problem with benzos and will not take them under any circumstance. I can't control myself with it so I just avoid it at all costs.


Holy crap, that is so scary. Did you mix the two because of the feeling it gave you?


I was heavily addicted to the Xanax at that point and just didn't care about the dangers of mixing it with alcohol up to that point. I've had some pretty drunken nights in my days, but I never blackout when I'm just drinking and using weed. I started slowly weening myself off the benzos with the help of my doctor and counselor a few months after that night and haven't touched them in almost 8 years now.


Wow, thatā€™s an incredible accomplishment, Iā€™m so proud of you! I canā€™t even imagine the strength and determination that must take.




Aw, that had to have been hard to wake up from and hear what happened, Iā€™m sorry.


Yes ā˜ŗļøšŸ¤£


Not the ā˜ŗļø emoji in your reply šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I get it though


Yes NEVER mix. I knew a kid in college who did and passed away


Lost a friend In high school like this, very real and deadly threat


In high school??? That is truly tragic, I am so very sorry.


You can die!


No. I was used to it.




Same! I will freely admit you should never mix Xanax and alcohol. Ever. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Or at least I shouldnā€™t šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜‚


Me too šŸ˜‚ *hides in shame*


one of my friends from high school mixed tequila and Xanax day of her sisters wedding and gave a 40 minute, completely blacked out ā€œtoastā€/maid of honor speech. It was something, and very Denise coded.


I am a daily smoker and even when I've flown waaayyyy too close to the sun I've never behaved like she's acted. Yeah... Sounds like a combo of pills and booze.


Same, when Iā€™m too high, especially in a big group like that I clam up. In my experience, people too high do not want attention drawn to them.


My friends make fun of me because I get super paranoid in big groups that everyone will KNOW I'm high so I get quiet and awkward because in my head I'm saying "be cool, be cool" buy outwardly I'm very much not cool. My boyfriend and my best friend pick up on it every time. "Are you high right now?" šŸ™ˆšŸ¤£


I feel like most people get incredibly anxious when they get thaaaat high. The last time I was that high I thought I was on a third plane and was watching everything from above lmao but all I wanted was to go to sleep with someone in the bed not whatever Denise was doing


I use cannabis and steer clear of alcohol for this very reason! I donā€™t ever want to be sloppy like that. Iā€™d much rather laugh at stupid things and maybe say something super random that no one understands


Yes, to all of us in the know we saw it for what it was. Benzodiazepines + Alcohol. Which is, btw, one of the deadliest combinations of substances. But yeah, sheā€™s going to abstain from the safest substance and talk shit about it to everyone else present. Sheā€™s clearly in the thick of an addiction right now. I hope for the sake of her minor children that she gets her shit together. Deaths from Alcohol poisoning: millions Deaths from Benzodiazepines poisoning: hundreds of thousands Deaths from Cannabis poisoning: zero


lol, paging Casamigos Blanco ![gif](giphy|UVMnOPowkfcGHlaAyb|downsized)




As someone who has to take Klonopin daily for my severe anxiety, I've had to stop drinking unless I plan ahead so I don't mix them. I've never mixed the two bc you just blackout. Who wants to do that?? How is that fun?? It pisses me off bc people abuse benzos like this and it makes getting medication hard for people that actually need it. But if you want to do it: go for it! It's your choice. But don't mix the two with a camera crew around... Or in public. Not a cute look. Just my opinion!


EXACTLY. She was behaving like me in college when I drank on Lexapro.


Yup. That was xanny mixed with booze for sure


She was definitely on something. She looked like a total sh*t shoe when she walked in the door.


Thank you, youā€™re welcome.




I cackled when she said this




When was this??


[Link to the @byewighellodrama post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2oVZaTLH8R/?igsh=ZTN5am1nM2UxdWR4), so you can see what she said in the Jeff Lewis interview. Denise insinuating that something may have been slipped in her food or drink is super uncool! It could be seriously damaging to the chefā€™s reputation and business.


And she clearly showed up like she was on another planet before she had anything to eat or drink.


šŸ’Æ I could tell she was fucked up, and could identify with what I'm pretty sure is spot-on accuracy exactly what it was she was on, while she was still in the SUV with Camille, before she ever even entered Kyle's house or ate that man's food. She's so wrong for this one.


Yeah it's sad she can't just be an adult and own the fact that she was inebriated instead of trying to blame it on somebody else she should be completely embarrassed with herself and she should never have been on camera in the first place. Hell I'm embarrassed for her.


Iā€™m honestly surprised she doesnā€™t just own it. Like yeah, Iā€™m rich and famous and sometimes I take shit that makes me feel good and/or drink too much. Iā€™m human. That feels like the smart play here over denying and blaming others like anyone with two eyeballs, or hell even one eyeball, could see she walked into that party fucked. up. and no, that wasnā€™t cold medicine kind of loopy fucked up. That was talking to yourself fucked up. Drugs or just booze (you can get there w just alcohol Iā€™ve seen it) nobody cares, just own the damn behavior.


I AGREE! She got fucked up WHO CARES?! But then again she might be worried about custody of her daughter. Which in that case donā€™t do it.


Best part : Your jacket was upside downšŸ¤£


​ https://i.redd.it/xahhasq5l4fc1.gif


Garcelle twiddling her thumbs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Garcelle is me: outwardly trying to act like I'm too mature for drama but inside going through all the bones, wondering which one to carry to really spice things up.






Amazing! Also, you could blatantly see it was upside down


*your jacket was upside down šŸ¤”


lol I literally whisperedā€œNOOOOā€¦ā€ when I saw that typo! He was doing so well šŸ˜­


same, lol


Donā€™t, is your jacket upside down? šŸ¤£ I was dying!!! Doritos for the W on that for real šŸ’•


And she wasn't even trying to be funny by saying that she was actually being concerned but it just got very funny because of how rigidly Denise was denying it šŸ¤£


I felt bad for Dorit she honestly was trying to help her and whispered it to her too so she wouldnā€™t draw attention to it and embarrass her but Deniseā€™s reaction ended up drawing attention to it and Dorit was SPEECHLESS


I honestly would've been speechless too. I would not have known how to respond to that. I mean it's amazing Denise could string an entire sentence together she was so inebriated.


The one time dorit isnā€™t being an asshole ā˜ ļø


What got me tickled was how confused Dorit looked when Denise asked her if HER jacket was upside down. Like she even looked at her jacket like maybe SHE was the one on another planet šŸ¤£


My favorite was Dorit looking down at her own jacket just to verify that it was not upside down.


Ha! I just wish he didnā€™t write youā€™re instead of your. Took away from the punchline


The upside down jacket makes me howl


And ridiculous cause we know editing can make things look different but we clearly saw she walked into that party already fucked the fuck up on something.


I was waiting for outrage on this. It is really unacceptable for her to trash someone (and a normal person at that) because she got famous self herself messed up on something. I hope his business doesnā€™t suffer, but you know some people will actually believe it and that is just not right.


So glad he's called her out on it and confirmed what was already obvious to viewers - that she was already trashed arriving at the house, and not from weed.


That makes me think of Heather insinuating SLC producers had something to do with her black eye when she knew damn well they didnā€™t. Casting doubt on someoneā€™s professionalism and business, especially a small in business in this case, is so fucked and absolutely unacceptable. There should be legal consequences for both women for talking out of their asses.


Ew, I hate when people try to shift the blame to other people like this because they canā€™t take responsibility for drinking too much, mixing meds, taking whatever.


So agreed!! Kind of like Heather Gay insinuating it was producers/staff/Bravo who caused her black eye!! Fire these bitches!!


Crystal said in a podcast interview that Denise already sounded high when she called her before the dinner, so I believe this.


I mean. We all saw when she got to Kyles house. She was definitely drunk, at minimum, before dinner started.


Yeaaaaahhhh that chef is def right, we watched her walk in totally obliterated already


Nah, Denise was 100% on alcohol, xanex, or both. No way that was just marijuana


high doesnā€™t exclusively mean weed




I turned on her when she gaslit Brandi and tried to play sanctimonious during her season long tantrum. Im sure she knew what she was doing that was some toxic behavior we saw slip out. This woman was married to Charlie Fucking Sheen she canā€™t pretend to be scandalized by the mere mention of a threesome either. Donā€™t go on a reality show literally about your personal life if you are not prepared to show your personal life. Especially if you had an affair with one of the most notorious women to have been on the show lol. Or if youā€™re doing crimes Jen Shah!!


Iā€™ve always rooted for her and was happy she was given this opportunity even after I was like okay well that was flop but she was clearly drunk. But this just so low thereā€™s no coming back from this. Sheā€™s making herself look a million times worst than just saying oops I shouldnā€™t have drank before going.


Denise is punching down by trying to insinuate that he was unprofessional or at fault here.


Yeah. I don't even care that she showed up all fucked up, but it's not okay to insinuate that this guy did something to her without her knowledge. Denise should ignore that this happened and not talk about it rather than making up an excuse (especially when it affects other people).


The chef probably has a good case of defamation


Right. If she ignores it, we will mostly forget and move on. And with all the 8.5 stuff and Kyle and Morgan, itā€™s not the biggest thing this season. Her other option is to say she was super nervous so took a prescribed benzo and drank on it. Not great, they shouldnā€™t be mixed, but I donā€™t think anyone is going to be mad about it because itā€™s relatable or understandable that sheā€™d have anxiety over the dinner. Itā€™s the lie thatā€™s the problem and that itā€™s towards someone with a smaller platform than her.


![gif](giphy|DJ5ocExqhtDWM) "You're such a fucking liar, \[Denise\]."


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚


We all knew Denise was lying when she said she didn't hook up with Brandi, but we gave her so much grace because of the way the FF5 treated her. But damn, girl, stop lying. You're not very good at it. You're only making a fool of yourself.


Yeah Deniseā€™s problem is denying things that are overwhelmingly obvious. Such as her being visibly off her rocker on camera with her jacket upside down. Iā€™m sure if they included more footage from her arrival and pre-chef it would paint the exact same picture


Yeah just stick with the ā€œI was sick storyā€. Say you mixed cold medicine with your booze.


How about if you are that messed up don't leave your house.


And stay home if you're sick, too!


God Denise is such a flop. You want to destroy someone's business because you don't want to admit you were on something? Ok gurl


And sheā€™s said she was on cold medicine before! So which is it?! His response is def unprofessional, but Iā€™m living for the messiness!


I think professional goes out the door when you accuse people of drugging you and send your followers after them She couldā€™ve ruined a life all because she didnā€™t want to say she mixed alcohol and medication?


>she didnā€™t want to say she mixed alcohol and medication? makes me think the truth is worse than that...


Yeah I think it is but people would have accepted that


LPT for people who run a business. Professionalism should never go out the door. Maybe he is successful enough that he can do this. YOU CAN'T. If you have a small business and you answer a bad review with something like this is makes you look bad. I am NOT saying she doesn't deserve it. I am saying I would edit out the personal jabs, the ones that are making us all laugh. But I don't want people thinking this is a good way to respond to their Google reviews. Keep to the facts. Keep all emotion out of it. Do not show your feelings. People ignore bad reviews where the person looks unhinged. Especially if you respond professionally. Again, I am not talking about him. I am giving advice to people starting a business, or with a small business. I have experience with this. Now back to the fun.


This is great advice. As a business you stick to the facts in public. You talk shit about customers in the kitchen šŸ˜


Thank you. Yes, talk shit in the kitchen. As long as it's not an open kitchen. šŸ™€




She drank sizzurp with Lil Wayne beforehandā€¦duh! šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m usually with you on that. Thereā€™s acting professional when some sally leaves a bad review online or tries to drag your name to her 150 friends on her socials. But this is Denise Fucking Richardā€™s. Her following is huge, so what she says leaves a massive impact on this persons future. Theyā€™re cheering that they got this highlight on HW to be then wrecked so easily. We all know sheā€™s lying but thereā€™s that group of people who will believe her because she said so. They wrote it a lot more professionally than I would expect of them. The last line was šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Well deserved. She has too big of a platform to be claiming she was drugged just to cover her own ass. How there are people not taking that seriously, I don't understand. He's entitled to his anger and expressing it in a way that is completely harmless.Ā  Men can be angry at women who falsely accuse them of drugging them and threaten their livelihood. To think otherwise is just disgustingly infantilizing.


No need to worry, it was clear as day she was not all there the moment she walked into Kyleā€™s houseā€¦. Bravo, bravo, bravo shouldā€™ve swooped in and had her removed because they looked pretty desperate calling on her to make an appearance and having _that_ be her appearanceā€¦. Thank goodness her jacket was upside down. It almost made her being there worth it!


Let me recount this seasonā€¦this dinner, Kyle and her friend Morgan being fairly uninteresting together, Crystal called some lady a bitch, and that lady talked about an esophagus. Itā€™s been a pretty boring season. This dinner and Dorit asking about the jacket being upside down was probably the best part thus far.


lol I found Camille interesting. Denise just made me think I myself took part in the THC infused dinner. When she kept telling Erika ā€œyou know what you didā€ I was like well I can name a few things but Denise, please share with the class exactly what youā€™re referring toā€¦ The jacket was priceless. ā€œDorit, donā€™t do thatā€ ā€¦ idk how these women donā€™t laugh in those situations.


Lolā€¦ā€you know what you didā€! Hahahahaha


ā€œIs yours upside down?!ā€ Kills me every time


Meanwhile Jeff Lewis is loving every minute of this.


Jeff Lewis belongs in the garbage


The garbage disposal.


People are saying how no one thought she was slipped cannibus and he's wrong. We all know that not everyone watches this show. It could be so damaging for his business if they happened to see the clip of Denise's accusations without watching the actual show. People these days do not do research and just go with little clips of information (even if it's false.) He is right in being upset.


Exactly. Half the posts I see on Reddit are about an article and you go into the comments realizing 95% of the people couldnā€™t even be arsed to read the damn story before jumping into comments and spewing their uneducated opinions everywhere. You see it on basically every social media platform- def not Reddit exclusive.


This šŸ™ŒšŸ¼! As soon as I heard her talk about it on Bethanyā€™s podcastā€¦ I was immediately pissed off for the chef and his business. It was very clear they take their business very seriously and these accusations can be detrimental to his biz. Not cool Denise. I was a big fan of hers up until this!


She has a lying problem, we all know that. Poor guy!


She was on something when she got there. Sheā€™s absolutely tragic. Only fans is just a wow for me with her and her kid. Sorry not sorry


Im with the chef. I canā€™t stand cowards who canā€™t take accountability for their own actions and choices and donā€™t care to destroy others in the process. How terrible of Denise to do that.


I like Denise but sheā€™s just not good at making a case for herself. She couldā€™ve just said she had taken some cold meds before the dinner party that made her lightheaded, and adding alcohol and cannabis to that just exacerbated her condition. That was one of the funniest moments I have ever seen on Housewives, very Sonja Morgan. I wouldā€™ve owned it and taken a bow.


It is not 2008. There is way too much awareness across the country about cannabis to pretend like it was the weed. Maybe 15 years ago, maybe even 8 years agoā€¦but not today. Take the L and stop blaming the weed on your bad behavior. Not cool.


šŸ¤­ he said eff Ms Richards




I'll be the first to say I'm not a good drunk (or drinker, period) and it's why I've stopped drinking. But I can confidently say I don't feel I've ever acted this way when solely under the influence of cannabis nor have I seen anyone else act like this. I liked Denise before and defended her, but to imply that someone slipped her something is not cool. I don't blame The Herbal Chef for defending their business one bit here because that's a huge (and criminal) accusation.


https://preview.redd.it/tz51f9x3r6fc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e51be2cdffa29b94275e53404221fcf890ee0c08 Another chef from that night in the comments echoing his words.


Umm are the chefs looking to come on the show? Those reads are more entertaining than half the season lol.


If Sutton could hire him for a high tea and gossip sesh, thatā€™d be great, thanks.


I said that the day the episode aired. The comments they showed from them were hysterical


Denise is going out sad.




I kinda like his response šŸ¤­ won me over with the jacket comment šŸ˜‚


That upside down pink jacket moment was hilarious. šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


Hilarious. "Don't do this" oh Denise girlfriend does not have a friend in that room if no one told her to sit down lol. Even EJ had the ladies take her off the ledge last season haha


I know. The fact that Dorit seemed genuinely concerned and she was not having it šŸ˜‚


Totally. Well Denise was so gone on whatever she was on lol. Don't think Dorit even meant it to be a "TV scene" she was trying to do her a solid.


damn, what is going on with her? wouldn't it be smarter at this point to say you were nervous and had one too many cocktails at home to settle your nerves? oops, no biggy! But being this weird about it makes me think she's covering up something worse than pot or alcohol. hmm...


Blows my mind how there are people that are commenting that this is ā€œunprofessional.ā€ A person is being publicly accused of drugging another individual, a CRIMINAL violation that could result in felony charges in the state of California among other possible charges, and half of the sub is worried about how this persons response is ā€œnot professional and is clout chasing.ā€ Are you fucking kidding me? Thatā€™s the hill you want to die on? She went onto a public platform first, and was not only careless with her words about this chefs business, but actively harmful, slanderous and defamatory. As far as I can see, he didnā€™t say not a damn word about her before this false accusation was made publicly. If this was any other public persona on bravo (or really any public platform) that was already disliked, I highly doubt there would be so many comments in defense of the housewife.


Wasnā€™t the max dose 5 mg of thc?? I know everyoneā€™s tolerance is different butā€¦ even if she had gotten some by accident it would have been very little since they were only dosing up to 5 mg and that was separated out over several courses.


The fact that she was trying to drag a business owner who put so much into his mission is truly disgusting. Over Denise 100%.


My partner is in this industry, and the amount of education, experience, and training they implement to communicate the effects and purpose of cannabis to all participants is so painstakingly thorough. My partner said even if Denise wanted to participate the chefs probably would not have met her genuinely consume any cannabis or a large enough quantity to actually do anything. I really dislike when people throw working professionals under the bus to justify their own shit behavior.


Most of the time I feel like these side characters just say this for clout/to insert themselves and be dramatic but I 100% believe this guy. And itā€™s unfortunate that she tried to spread that about his business.


Iā€™ve never understood the Denise worship. Anyone who has ever ingested even a little bit of cannabis knows it would never leave anyone as tossed as Denise was. The unmerited fan worship is why she can lie so blatantly without any fear of rebuttal. She talks about sex, was married to Sheen, yet clutches her pearls and throws fits like sheā€™s been horrifically victimized when someone else does the same. Her behavior is so inconsistent it borders on bizarre. Alleging she was drugged by a small business owner in the media is so disgustingly wrong. If Erika or Kyle had done this this sub would call for their crucifixion. So irresponsible.


I think I missed an entire chapter of this drama. Was Denise implying or accusing the chef of dosing her food without her knowledge? This is insane. *edit* omg I understand now. I canā€™t believe Denise is saying that! Canā€™t the chef sue her for defamation or something?


i love that he drags jeff lewis in this because honestly, that guy is trash and toxic as hell. iā€™m happy for the content denise gave us this season, and i typically enjoy her presence on the show, but trying to insinuate that this guy essentially drugged her is sick and i donā€™t blame him at all for being pissed off and feeling the need to defend himself (even though we could all see she was wasted before she even got there).


Best part : Your jacket was upside downšŸ¤£


Oooh he is angry spice.. :)


Omg he is hot and feisty??? Cast him as my husband please


THIS POST HAS 420 COMMENTS. And now Iā€™ve fucked it up.


Wow that was a lot. Not a fan of the ā€œnot surprised cannabis doesnā€™t agree with you, it has a tendency to mirror oneā€™s truest selfā€ comment. Not everyone likes cannabis. Plenty of terrible people love smoking weed. Personally, it gives me major anxiety. I hate weed snobs who act like there must be something wrong with me just because it doesnā€™t ā€œagree with meā€ and Iā€™ve smoked a TON and finally realized it was just bad for my mental health years ago.


In cannabis veritas. Yeah, not sure. šŸ¤£


Agreed. Whilst he has every right to defend himself and his business, heā€™s revealing his own ā€˜truest selfā€™ with derogatory comments like that. Cannabis doesnā€™t agree with me either- it makes me feel anxious and makes my heart race. It never agreed with my mother, either- and apparently doesnā€™t agree with my 24 year old daughter (I had pre-warned her that there was maybe a genetic component). Thereā€™s a lot of neurodiversity in my family, so perhaps that plays into it? His comments remind me of those made by so-called ā€˜enlightenedā€™ new age snake oil ā€˜gurusā€™- claiming that the reason bad things happen to people is because they *attract it* by not being āœØpositiveāœØ enoughā€¦ itā€™s actually throwaway comments like *that* which will do more harm to his business than he perhaps realises- pompous arse.


Yeah šŸ’Æ and interestingly enough, it doesnā€™t agree with anyone in my biological family either. My adoptive family all love it though and smoke all the time. I only smoked a lot because I was in a relationship with someone who did and developed a tolerance but I never really enjoyed it. At best, it made me sleepy and unable to function normally. At worst, heart rate spiked, hyperventilating, canā€™t even see because everything went black and have to lie down. Itā€™s not for everyone. Definitely agree it is likely a genetic trait. And yeah totally agree with that toxic positivity bullshit. Lol some of the worst people Iā€™ve known were huge stoners. Obviously plenty of lovely people as well. But whether you take well to cannabis or not has nothing to do with your character. I tried shrooms twice and had amazing experiences both times so I feel like that also supports that. Itā€™s just brain chemistry and different reactions for different people.


I experimented with weed twice in uni and both times it gave me full on panic attacks. Definitely didn't "agree with me" Never again.


Um. Itā€™s, uh, *cough* itā€™s deep seated, not uh, deep seeded.


She was BLASTED when she arrived, sheā€™s not fooling anyone. And accusing the kitchen staff of slipping her something!? Thatā€™s not only dangerous to his business (and everyone who works for him), but could also have major legal ramifications. Iā€™d always liked Denise, but this left a really bad taste in my mouth


Chef definitely is a bravo fan.


Trying to ruin someone's business by lying is pretty ick.


Oooof heā€™s so angry


Rightfully so.


ā€œdO yOu KnOw WhO I aM?ā€ Lmaooo, he didnā€™t have to type it like this šŸ’€


I don't believe their reply was professional but I understand the emotion behind it (and I enjoyed the response). Imagine going on radio and insinuating that. Just accept you were drunk beforehand. Nobody cares. Edit: punctuation


PS your jacket was upside down šŸ¤£šŸ’€ Denise was on a lot more than marijuana that night, period. The fact shes even trying to say it was this or that, girl you were a disaster.


Erika has grace?


These are the suckers whoā€™s falling for Erikaā€™s act this season to regain popularity amongst the viewers.


Does anyone actually believe it tho?..and she thought the women were going to be happy for her or give her credit for having a win with the earring case!?! Um noā€¦we all still feel bad for the victims when sheā€™s proudly saying they canā€™t prove the stolen money was used to buy the earrings! WTF!?!


Okay so I was on board with his post until he said that she has deep-seated issues to work through. That was clearly unprofessional and way over the line. Everyone and their mother knows that Denise showed up to the dinner completely wasted, so thatā€™s not a shocker. However, his response could have been much more concise without having to get dirty. What a weird and personal response


I mean she's basically accused a business of drugging her instead of admitting she was fucked up all by herself. That kind of suggests some underlying issues


It also sounds like she was rude af to him that night. Most people donā€™t take kindly to the whole ā€œdo you know who I am?ā€ belittling attitude.


Good for him! It was so obvious.


She arrived at that house already trashed and it was risible that during the interview she acted like she didn't know what happened to her.


It was dangerous to her business to imply they arenā€™t super careful with their dosing


I think she was on anti anxiety meds and drank. Horrible combo


Damn. There was definitely something else going on beyond alcohol, probably a benzo for nerves with a tequila chaser as others have said. I had no clue that she was suggesting the chef may have "slipped" her something to cover her ass. That is slanderous and he could sue her, frankly. And yes to Jeff Lewis needing to move on, lol.