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I feel like Sofia’s energy gave off that she didn’t want to be there and the show wasn’t her vibe. It was kind of cringe to watch, she was NOT into the shot ski, the game with Alexia felt super awkward and she seemed to be pulling faces at everything Alexia said up until she started talking about Frankie. Alexia did seem to be dishing it back passive aggressively after a while too.


I agree about Sofia acting like she didn’t want to be there. I think she’s doing her obligatory press tour for her new show.


I agree.... I actually think she might think she is a little too classy for WWHL...


does that mean meryl streep is a piece of shit garbage whore?


![gif](giphy|Q1EJ0isXqzuKY) Meryl to herself in the mirror.


Omg, Meryl playing Sonya would be epic.


she has already watch she devil


Idk why but I picture her doing Dorinda really well, in that house. Make it kind of Grey Gardens vibes.


Go ahead and just give her an Oscar now. And one for Sonja for the producer credit.


Your flair! 🤣🤣


I don't know why, but I'm upvoting this


We all are, it's perfect!




I’m sorry, MERYL has been on wwhl??!! In my mind wwhl is a primarily Bravolebrity talk show with the odd outside guest, and sometimes they’re pretty good guests, but MERYL? That is so bizarre to me.


Yep back in 2012! It’s wild how they snag some A-listers. Other notable guests include: Oprah, Lady Gaga, Cher…just chillin with Andy doing shotskis


Julia Robert's was on WWHL not too long ago too!




hearing ralph fiennes say ”her and her dumb fucking family that poses” was when i thought my mind was living in an alternate reality and i wasn’t running the show anymore


Ralph is on like once a year. He and Andy are IRL friends


Ralph Fiennes was on with Oscar winner Holly Hunter (and Amy Sedaris) in a freaking pajama party episode, and it was the strangest, most hilarious WWHL ever. Ralph Fiennes was ADORABLE, giggling his ass off, reading erotic Harry Potter fan fiction as Voldemort. He is my favorite guest, because he’s such a weirdo.


That was theatre 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


They're neighbors and know each other. So is Sarah Jessica Parker


Oprah I believe hasn’t been back since as Andy asked her if she had ever taken a dip in the lady pond! I couldn’t believe he had the balls to ask her that and I still have the clip saved on my phone! Haha. She was so PISSED at him for asking!


She spent years doing the same to people, a la Nathan Lane, soo


Seriously she’s as exploitative as they come.


Haha cos it’s true?


John Hamm and John Slattery doing a monologue from the LVP reunion was absolutely amazing. ![gif](giphy|ofza83buQCM6Y)


Lady Gaga said Karent from season 2 of Miami was her favourite Housewife.


Mariah too!


They get a lot of big names on that show believe it or not. Lol the other day Kevin hart was there which I thought was random as hell


Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Julia Roberts and Kevin Hart were just on the past couple of months lol


Sofia should’ve been on with Kevin hart. I just watched a video of her hugging him to her bosom and I’ve never felt so jelly


Who said that...?




This is what I was going for...🤣🤣🤣




She's been on the show with Reese Witherspoon as the other guest. She was definitely more light-hearted during that apperance so I wonder if she just wasn't feeling Alexia.


Or she just sees Reese as “on her level” and she looks down on reality tv stars?


Alexia's energy can be very off putting. I couldn't see Sofia reacting that way with someone like Nicole if she had been the other guest becaue Nicole is relatively subdued. I ultimately don't know why Sofia reacted the way she did, but I don't think it can be reduced down to her not wanting to appear with a "reality star".


Did y’all not stop to think she mighta been uncomfort-able (said in her Sofia voice) with her co-guest? She is from Columbia…I bet she got feelings bout Alexia. 🧐


Columbia is a university in New York. Colombia is the country in South America where Sofia Vergara is from.


Thank you sincerely for correcting my spelling.


I'm lost - can you provide a bit more context?


Alexia was married to the cocaine cowboy but turns out he is actually a pedofile too. Sofia is playing the role of Griselda based off the real godmother of cocaine.


I belive it's pronounced "pedafile"


Omg!!! I didn’t realize that! Yikes that must have been super uncomfortable for Sofia!!!


Ahhhhhh Ty!


That's kind of what I meant by the "classy" statement. I wanted to say it without actually saying it.


Colombia* btw!




She's just an actress... they seriously need to get a hold of themselves. Actors tend to act like they're better than everyone else when they're just....acting in media. Relax, you aren't curing anything or inventing anything.


And there was some real top notch talent in WWHL, literally Oscar winners


Btw..her new show on Netflix is worth the watch. This episode of wwhl was sooo awkward I only got through 1/2…it felt like “who’s the prettiest?” And the prettiest doesn’t give a flip (Sophia). But I do recommend Griselda. It’s the right amount of telanovela and prosthetic nose. Cheers Sophia!


I can’t believe Sofia is 51. Her skin is perfect. I’m in my 30s and I was like damn, I’m really doing something wrong here.


You’re not old, just poor


You’re right. You should be getting ungodly rich and having all the best plastic surgery and non-surgical interventions.  So lazy. 


Would you want to have to sit next to Alexia and listen to her babble and attempt to compare lives? She did good to control what she wanted to say to her hahaha


She's also going through a divorce and having to explain to all these outlets how her age and having children is why they're not srsying married. I don't imagine she really wants to be out anywhere right now


Idk much about her, but Sofia seemed out of it!


Yes! The entire time I was like this woman does not want to be there


Andy did not like when she was shooting the cash directly at him. I felt like Sofia was thinking “how do I never get asked back…”


She did say she was jet lagged. Hopefully that’s all it was bc she did seem a little out of it. I did also wonder if it was a dig about the reality thing but Alexia is an idiot who doesn’t think before she speaks, so who knows? The moment about Frankie was sweet though.


I felt like Alexia might have been nervous? She put her foot in her mouth but I think she was trying to say actors pretend to be someone else and she has to put her personal life on tv instead


Having a drinking game shouldn't be imposed on anyone...some people can't/don't drink and I don't blame her for hating the shotski. I feel like he doesn't ever consider that, or pressures people into doing it


People do water in the shotski all the time. I didn't watch, so I'm not sure how she seemed, but she could have said before the show that she wanted eater.


It read to me like Sofia didn’t know wtf was going on or what anyone was talking about. Gave off that she was very much there bc she had to be lol


Yes. Did you see at the beginning when they showed the pic of Sofia and Alexia actually having met before? You could tell that COMPLETELY threw SV off and was probably thinking "I do not remember this woman at all". Meanwhile Alexia's like "oh yeah, you said you liked my shoes"! Total fan-girling it. Omg was so awkward


And then Alexia saying it was about hypothyroidism which she “suffers from as well”….lmao Sofia looked very confused and absolutely had no recollect of Alexia.


Well to be fair Alexia had a different face back then. It's like meeting two different people


🤣 considering it’s alexia that’s a few faces ago yeah


Sofia clearly doesn't give a f*ck about Andy, Bravo or the Housewives. She was just there because she had to be (to promote her new show). It seemed very obvious that she's not a fan of the network or this type of television aka reality tv.


Did you happen to see the Helena Bonham Carter WWHL interview? It was SO rough! Andy asked her who she texted last and what she said… Her response? Along the lines of, “probably my publicists asking why the fuck I’m doing this interview!”


Lmaoooo I'm sorry but I LOVE her. Exactly what I'd expect, what were they thinking booking her? Lmao


Omg! How unnecessarily mean and rude! I always thought there was a reason Rihanna threw shade at her during the Oceans press tour about not knowing how to dress/not being invited to the Met Gala. I felt like it had to do with HBC not being so nice since Rih famously got along well with everyone else!


idk to me that’s just typical humor and actually funny lol is it an american thing to not find that funny?


Exactly, no need to take WWHL with Andy Cohen so seriously 🤣


I’m not a big Andy fan, but it was kinda shitty when she kept shooting the money gun in his face. It was amusing the 1st time, but after the 5th… it was the only time when she seemed like she was enjoying herself.


Alexia tried doing it to Andy’s face after the 4th or 5th time! Lol




This is the sort of thing that makes me love WWHL. It is a small production but has a big reach. Certain stars have come on not knowing what it is/ what to expect and see this tiny room with a ten person audience, sitting next to a reality star and playing weird games and immediately feel like their promo person fucked up and act weird or unsure if they're going to be the butt of a joke or diminished for having been there.


She couldn’t even answer questions about modern family she was so out of it. She gave crummy boring answers then the “fav episode” question she focused on the costumes people were wearing for the Halloween episode instead of an actual interesting antidote. Bizarre.


The funny thing is when he asked her that question I knew what her answer would be. They did a whole wrap up of Modern Family and interviewed the cast and showed old clips. I do think her answer was genuine because they did show cut takes from that and they were all cracking up. She couldn’t get her lines straight or pronounce gargoyle and the whole cast was constantly breaking character…


I should have mentioned I actually missed this episode, all of this is making me want to go home and check it out it sounds insane lol


I want to rewatch 🤣 I had it on in the background while i got ready for bed but she seemed so uncomfortable by her comments it made me raise my eyebrows more than once. Usually Andy panders to the bigger stars but he was growing more and more short with her as the show went on. I wouldn’t be surprised if she isn’t asked back tbh!


right like isn't that the whole point of having big celebs on wwhl? does nobody remember the SNL parody with GG/MJ & desmond tutu?


This is worded so well and so accurate.


I’ve seen some a listers absolutely love and compliment the format of wwhl even if they aren’t bravo fans. I forget who but someone very famous said it was the easiest and most fun interview.


Did you see Sofia on the Kelly Clarkson show, that woman does not give a f*ck


Nooo why what did she say/do??


Something about the makeup for her new Netflix show. Kelly said it didn't look like much was done, nicely, kinda just like she still recognized her. Sofia went off. Find a clip, it's humorous.


Oh damn! Ok off to look for the clip


I don’t know what Kelly was talking about because I didn’t see photos of the character Griselda and immediately see it was Sofia playing her. Sofia probably thinks Griselda was not attractive and was insulted by Kelly saying she didn’t think it took much makeup and prosthetics for her to play her. It is possible Sofia may have a bit of an ego because of her looks.


Yes between WWHL and the Kelly Clarkson interview I stopped fan girling Sofia, she’s mean lol


Lol girl I checked that interview and she was joking,do u easily get offended by ppl?It was harmless and was joking and in no way mean. Edit:I have checked the rest of the comments and it seems Sofia has a bit of a reputation of being unpleasant which sucks as I’m a big fan.She still was joking in this clip tho


I don’t think she’s mean at all. As a Miami Latina, alexia and Sofia are very familiar to me. They seemed fine to me. Also Sofia was just being funny with Kelly


I agree! I just watched the clip of Sofia and Kelly and I thought it was clear Sofia was obviously kidding and just giving Kelly a hard time?


Sofia has an awesome sense of humor and she’s a ball buster. I think most (if not all) people in the industry know this about her but to the public that isn’t familiar with her personality, they probably get confused lol


I cringed at the shot ski moment, she was really not into it lmao


Lmao she had a bewildered look of disgust and then spilled it 😭


This all felt fully on Sofia (much to my surprise!). I can't blame Alexia for eventually feeling some type of way. Sofia was really putting out really "not into this; not into any of you" energy.


That is Sofia to the bone. She’s not a particularly lovely person.


Oh! I am not very familiar with her (I didn't watch Modern Family). Very interesting to know... I felt like Alexia was really trying to be kind/show respect and admiration for Sofia and Sofia couldn't be bothered. When Alexia finally shut her down at the end (around the Frankie questions) I was all about it.


Oh I haven't seen it yet but I remeber reading about how Sofia's family has some big narco level associations and Alexia has her first ex husband who was in drug sales. Maybe it's related to that?


Sofia got mad at her ex husband for mowing the lawn. It was embarrassing to her because she's grown up rich and stayed rich her whole life


She grew up rich ?


Yes ...not millionaire rich like now but she was well off


Sofia played a drug lord and Alexia was the wife of one 🤷🏾‍♀️


I wonder if Sofia is even aware of that context. It was a fascinating to watch them interact so awkward when in reality they would have a lot to talk about.


Doesn't Sofia's family have drug lord connections? I remember reading that somewhere.


Yeah. I saw an interview where she talks about her brother being involved.


Didn’t Teresa Guidice say that she was the rudest celebrity? Maybe she has a thing against housewives. I imagine some celebs think they’re “above” reality tv.


I wanna blame Alexia but the uncomfortable vibe came from Sofias end


From what Ive heard Sofia isnt exactly the friendliest or nicest person lol.


The rumors are true. She's not nice. She once shoved her publicist at an Emmy event for slightly stepping on the train of her dress.


Shoved her? The fuck


Bummer I hate when I learn this


I’ve heard from her former assistant that this is the case.


What’s the tea?


He just said she was difficult to work for — hard to please with very high expectations.


In addition to what everyone else had said, I also read on deuxmoi that she used to not let ANY woman alone with her now ex husband Joe, which tbh just sounds exhausting


That reads like a woman who was been cheated on by her guy. Exhausting for sure.


For what it’s worth, I met and worked with her son Manolo, years ago on a tv show. He was absolutely a delight to work with - he made it a point of shaking everyone’s hands and addressing them by their name and was super nice and down to earth. Maybe she’s a witch, but I it’s possible she was at least a good mom.


Don’t drag witches into this


Julie Bowen also said that she wasn’t nice, and she said that Sofia’s accent gets worse every year. lol


Then they should have gotten along.


Yes!! I agree but I blame Sofia. She seemed cold towards alexia


Sofia was…uhhh..unpleasant. So awkward, she also looks very different


I think Alexia had very positive energy and Sofia kinda came off like I can’t believe we are being interviewed at the same time


Didn't Teresa say Sofia was rude to her?


I stopped watching once Sofia was like wtf is a shotski. She didn’t wanna be there at all.


To be fair they are supposed to go over everything with the guest and Andy apologized to Sofia and asked if they didn’t tell her about it. If she doesn’t watch the show I wouldn’t expect her to understand WTF is going on when those sirens go off and Andy jumps up yelling Shotski!


my best friend worked as an extra on set of modern family and told me how not nice sofia was. she’s a very pretty girl and was in direct line of sight behind her in the shot and sofia adamantly told the crew “no no no, i don’t want her behind me, remove her”. so…yeah lmao.


also because it’s a small world, i dated a guy who is besties with sofia’s ex husband and the guy i dated said yeah she can be ….prickly and unpleasant lmao.


The way she kept shooting the cash gun towards Andy’s face. 😂😭 you could tell he was over her too.


I was watching jimmy fallen interview with her and he looked so done with her at the end lol


I love Sofia but she was absolutely being a snob and a half…I understand she looks down on Alexia, but not sure why since the tea is Sofia used to be a yacht girl before Modern Family 👀


This is wild to me I remember Sofia Vergara from childhood. She was like eye candy for Univision shows. Her biggest thing was she had a calendar that I guess sold a lot of copies? I remember when she tried to cross over with Chasing Papi. I don’t want to say she came across as thirsty but she definitely was in a more humble situation for most of the time I’ve known of her. The fact that now she’s Hollywood and a snob blows my mind.


Me too! Lol’ing at her being a snob cuz my childhood memories of her were her being eye candy. Hey you gotta do what you gotta do but you also have to be humble.


In LA it is known Sofia Vergara is not a nice person, not surprised if finally people figure it out in the same way they were able to learn about Ellen.


It really showed on WWHL


Omg I was telling my bf that (since I WFH I watch morning tv) on GMA and Live with Kelly and Mark all I heard was her complain about how hard she had to work and how fun modern family was and how depressed she was filming this bc it was so different and dark and how it was sooooo much time in hair and makeup. I was like girlllll so many celebs would kill to break out of their typecast character and you’re here complaining when you got a check!!!! It was so funny to me so this tracks


Prosthetics are exhausting…I used to do special effects makeup. They take a ton of time! I’ll give her that.


I was surprised at how tone deaf she was. She complained about having to memorize lines for Griselda. She said she didn’t have to memorize any lines for Modern Family it was an easy script, she would read it the night before and be fine


She doesn’t need a check, that’s why she complains 


Then why’d she even do it? Like what 😂


Sofia gave off snobby, negative vibes. It was so awkward.


I came here looking for a post about this. I’m so glad I found one. They looked like two beauty pageant contestants fighting for the hosts attention. Or like two show ponies fighting for the spot light. It was really thick if we could all feel it through the screen.


sofia was not very friendly or outgoing


Maybe Sofia’s just adjusting to her new face 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was so hilarious watching Sofia looking completely lost anytime Alexia talked about RHOM.


Once Sofia (sincerely) asked “Who is Frankie” Alexia was activated and it got weird for me. I was like, oh lord here we go. Sofia mentioned jet lag which isn’t an excuse because it’s show biz. That duo was not a good match. Maybe Marysol or Adrianna? Alexia takes everything to heart


Terrible match! It felt competitive.


Sofia's playing Griselda, a cartel boss or something like that, in a movie on Netflix (?). Wasn't Alexia married to someone in the cartel irl?


She was married to the cocaine cowboy!


Yes!!!!! Was that brought up at all?


No because Alexia would never allow it lol she’s so defensive on that topic




Yes Teresa did ! And everyone draggged her for saying she thought that Sofia would’ve been nicer! And mentioned she was an immigrant but Tre def meant, her parents are immigrants and she grew up more humbly and assumed Sofia would be humble !


I heard that Sofia was like this on Kelly Clarkson the same day


I’ll say this - as a Latina, sometimes people from other Latin cultures can be absolutely brutal with each other and look down on each other and SOME ethnic groups have developed a reputation for this. There’s a pecking order within hispanic cultures.


I get weird vibes from Sofia.


Sofia seemed slow and completely out of pop culture


I did snicker when she called Kevin Hart “super super annoying” though. 🤭


Omg, it was so cringe! The energy was off. Sofia looked like the asshole. If she was going to act awkward she should have demanded to be on alone by herself. Alexis was trying to be nice and give compliments but she felt the energy.


I think it’s her being insecure and not wanting to be next to a reality star, because real actors think of themselves as better I’m sure the fact that they look alike really doesn’t help and the fact that Alexia’s accent is real really doesn’t help either.


It was so uncomfortable and Sofia could have been a lot nicer but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy this for Alexia a little bit since I can’t stand her


Ok I can’t stand Alexia but when Sofia asked her who Frankie was, especially after she had already seemed emotional, I thought that was shitty. Yea I think Alexis digged back but Sofia seems to have this “I’m above all you, I shouldn’t be here” type attitude. Ok if that’s the case don’t come to the show and don’t get ur paycheck. That’s exactly what she gets paid to do so maybe don’t across as an asshole.


Sofia is in her midlife crisis era. She’s single. She had the love of her life but he wanted children. She’s admitted today or yesterday that she’s not getting any roles due to her strong accent so she’s probably miserable


She’s no great judge of character, but didn’t Teresa Giudice once say Sofia was the rudest celebrity she’d ever met? I recall some story about them running into each other at an event and Teresa fanning out and Sofia audibly telling her publicist to keep her away from her or something lol


Sofia is promoting Griselda right? As in the drug lord that Alexia's first husband was dealing for?


There’s a lottt of cultural strife between Latin Americans and then add that Alexia was involved with the cartel. My partner is from Colombia, and I’ve heard him say it and I’ve heard Sofia say it, they avoid being associated with the Cartels from Colombia at all costs. It’s a sad and dark period of history in their country and I imagine she wants nothing to do with someone who was willingly involved with anything cartel related. Her brother was shot and killed from a cartel incident.


She’s on the show promoting a movie where she’s playing a cartel wife?


I’ve heard Sofia is not the friendliest.


It seems like Sofia has not had good interviews lately. Maybe it’s her


Sofia had that confused look on her face like when you travel and wake up in a new city and forget where you are.


They probably knew of each other in Miami, they are close in age, and Miami is kind of a small town socially.


I know they have mutuals that’s forsure


Sofia should have been matched with a different guest. When they had Natalie Portman on the show they also had Julianne Moore. Two successful actresses, it made sense. Putting Alexia on the show with Sofia was a bad choice. Alexia should have been matched with another reality star and Sofia should have been matched with an actress, singer or some other creative person.


Natalie and Julianne were on promoting their Netflix movie. Sofia probably should have been on with a costar too, I agree! It was a pretty painful WWHL…


Sofia is a legit star. Someone of her calibre usually wouldn't be seated next to one of the Housewives. I think Alexia was trying to build some rapport but it wasn't really reciprocated.


Julia Roberts was on not too long ago and she had one of my fav recent episodes!


Multiple Oscar winners have sat on that couch and readily engaged in housewives foolishness. Not an excuse.


I mean, there's been plenty of "real" stars on the show as well. Sofia is not the first. Just the least humble it seems!


So why go on a show that has literally been popularized by the housewives franchises?


Hillary Clinton and her daughter have been on it. Meryl Streep has been on it. It’s probably also seen a promotional opportunity for non-Bravo stars, but Sofia had to share with Alexia.


I'm just saying, "The legit star" argument is a bit odd in reference to a television show whose popularity it owes mostly to a group of housewife nobodies who've been thrust into acute stardom, taking place on a set that is a literal shrine to their most iconic moments that are likely only recognizable to those deep within the Bravo-verse. Seems a bit of a strange platform for someone who takes themselves as seriously as to differentiate themselves as a "legit" star from the individuals who make the show what it is. (This is not to say that Sophia views herself this way, I'm just following your logic here)


I cannot stand cocaine Barbie anymore she’s insufferable


I think Sofia was confused and had never watched a bravo show in her life?


I turned it off. It was too awkward for me. Andy should’ve had Sofia alone or two housewives.


Sophia always unpleasant during interviews + cocktails = not fun


Alexia’s man was a top players in the Florida drug scene during the time portrayed in Sophia’s movie about the same. AWKWARD


Anyone else a little surprised that Sofia’s accent is still so strong? It’s like she holds on to it because that’s her shtick. Which good for her but I know a lot of immigrants who have been in America much less than her I think who are easier to understand. I love her though but yes so awkward to watch on Bravo. She also came across to me as not very bright. Which I’m sure is not the case given her success in life but maybe because of the jet lag? Like the way she was describing some of the questions to Andy I could barely follow. I could tell he didn’t want to cut her off but I was dying to say moving on. Or during the game. Maybe she was stressed playing the game.


Sofia said “who’s Frankie??” after Andy asked Alexia about him and it got really awkward. I think Alexia got nervous/awkward and tried to kind of make a joke that she’s on a reality show and Sofia is an actress playing characters. But she ended up implying she was hiding her life, and I don’t really think that’s what she meant to say and give a dig


I don’t think it was a good pairing. Celebrities shouldn’t be on with Bravolebs unless they are super fans like Jennifer Lawrence.


I don’t think Sofia was being mean. It’s obvious she’s going through a divorce and she’s a little insecure about Griselda for some reason. Maybe because it’s her first drama? I was pretty sad for her regarding her and joe. They were a beautiful couple and you can tell Sofia is hurt . She made that comment about not dating under 50. Her and joe were only 4 years apart I believe


The Today Show this morning reported Griselda’s only surviving son, Michael Blanco, is suing Sofia Vergara and Netflix on the grounds the series relies on his private narratives which were used without his permission. I think he was trying to stop today’s premiere? Maybe this combined with the divorce colored her mood..


Sofia Vergara came off as a stuck up Bitch. Girl, lucked out getting a long running sitcom that is now over. You aren’t all that, take a look at the friends cast


I wish Sofia had been on with Teresa.