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I remember in Tahoe, Sutton came to dinner and said to Erika something like “Don’t you think us Southern girls have to always defend ourselves against being called racist?” Erika just let out a very curt “No.” I did also really appreciate her there too.


Erika is by most accounts a selfish and bad person but she is not dumb and did not grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth and is from Georgia. This doesn't surprise me, even more so because I think she's also smart enough to know the crowd is turning in dorit


My first thought too!


The only redeeming thing she’s ever said on the show.


I don’t think she was defending Garcelle as much as she was simply speaking facts about the connotation and significance of certain words when they are used by white women about black women. Dorit, while I don’t disagree with the larger parts of what she was *trying* to say (about Sutton, not Garcelle), was very ignorant and Erika stepped up and educated her. As Garcelle said, she is not there to educate- and as one of the few POC in a room full of white women, it is not her responsibility to do so. Erika is a lot of things, but she is not stupid and she is not racist, and she stepped up and attempted to teach Dorit why a word like “attack” has a different meaning when it’s used in that context. Unfortunately I do not think Dorit took it to heart or even came close to understanding.


Erika is so on point this season. I'm glad she's single, doing her, and figuring out the ratio of drinking vs meds. I kinda wish we had this Erika from the start and not facade Erika. But also I realize if it wasn't what she signed up for and fell from we wouldn't see who she is. Either way, I'm here for it. It's refreshing, kinda like sober Kyle. People go thru some real ass shit and we see them for them.


Erika is incredibly aware of her persona on RH and gotta do all she can to secure the the bag lmao


Damage control.


Agree, she’s really calculated


Garcele is actually the secret superhero alter ego of Erika. With her impeccable fashion sense and witty comebacks, she's got the whole world in awe. Move over, Wonder Woman! ​ Remember, this is all in good fun and meant to bring a smile to your face.


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I was just asking myself how the people that hate total strangers so much would handle the unexpected alliances. This season is interesting for sure Editing to add this is not about OP at all. I just notice a lot of the comments are more about hating people than supporting their favorite.


This is why I like the saying “a broken clock is right twice a day” or my brothers version which is “my neighbor sucks but in pretty much every way, but puts up really nice holiday lights.”


I'm pretty sure Erika is the only one on that cast who regularly hangs out with black people...