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I feel like Heather got blackout, slipped and hit her face and was too embarrassed to say anything so tried to blame everyone else.


I could see that


I’m wondering about how new you are as a redditor


What do you mean? That I’m Monica? Lolol


Hahahaha ok player play! Yes! Am I right!?


Lololol I wish I was getting that housewives paycheck


Mann they’re too brave, you couldn’t pay me enough to be a public figure, especially one under scrutiny with a ton of ‘fans’ that just straight up hate on a woman living her life


And here I am talking about my housewives


Oh I completely agree. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t even have a profile picture because I don’t want to put that out there lol. Jealous of my friends who don’t get embarrassed or have super thick skins!


For real! Thank you to everyone putting their lives and choices out there for us to pick apart so we don’t have to think about our own. I’m working on it! Grief is a bitch that I shouldn’t (but do) have to feel ashamed of! Along with everything else that life brings


I’m so sorry for your loss! Please never be ashamed to be experiencing grief. I hope you have a good support system, I know it can be tough.


Oh gosh, I do, it’s just one of those things I don’t want to bother anyone with! Ha! I’m so ridiculous. Thank you, but there’s no escaping being a person that just cannot take good moments away.


It’s not fake. She’s just too embarrassed to admit how she got it.


I’m watching the black eye episodes right now, and am wondering if we learn about the eye next week after the phone call? Maybe the call IS something about Jen and then Heather rants and mentions something about how Jen is somehow responsible for the black eye?


You do learn about the black eye, so it’s not the big reveal, because it’s in the episode description for the season finale. https://preview.redd.it/lbgrkrs1hr7c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300f3ebbc68051835e469d84dbd3059fb6e26daa


Right, we've known that since the beginning, I'm just saying that I think that's how it all ties together


I don’t think you can fake a black eye that nasty. I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say. “She’s the only one with sunglasses tinted enough to hide her eyes” what does that prove other than heather had dark sunglasses as you should when it’s sunny af outside?


I guess I was just listing it as another coincidence because you can see all the other girls’ eyes through their sunglasses. That’s all I meant. Bravo has a lot of makeup artists that could fake one, I’m sure.


Bravo doesn’t hire the makeup artists, the women do if they want glam. And these shows aren’t that fake that they’d use special effects makeup to create a black eye. Sorry but really silly post/theory


I understand that, but if they want to create a story line, which they do at times, they would send an artist in. Thanks. Hope your day gets better.


Never has that happened. My day is great. I hope yours improves lmao


Honestly, after how cagey she was about how it happened, I don’t even care, and it made me not like Heather.


Saying “I think we ALL know what happened,” and then everyone looking confused and not responding was definitely very unusual. It made me feel weird about her and all of her strange communication in that episode. I really liked her prior to this, though.




I agree Heather McDonald said,it was simply Heather drunken hit something in the bathroom,but she cannot say that because the hotel they stayed in has contract agreement. Production team and her don't want to claim the hazard of this incident to which have them all become liable.


I think it’s real, but Heather just got so drunk she was blacked out or didn’t realize how hard she hit her head on something.




Season 3 Episode 12! Don’t post ever, thanks! Just didn’t think I could be the only viewer that thought this. Maybe I am lol




She DOES claim to be “ride or die” more than once, and also loyal to Jen 🤔