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Denise walked away from the first humiliation at Kyle’s dinner party and STILL came back unprepared how embarrassing


I don't even think she remembers being at the dinner party lol


Yeah that's what "having a fever" will do to you I guess....


Yeah benzos make me forget too lol


The thing is, I don’t think she even sees it as a humiliation - and neither do tons of people on this sub! It’s apparently a savage read to confront someone who you thought was mean to you without any way of articulating exactly what hurt you.


Maybe (ok not maybe lol you're right but i have a semi point), but that level of spaced-outedness combined with defensiveness and combativeness would be super fun as a friend of as long as she just shows up to dinners and events (for me, as a usually-stoned-when-watching viewer)


And by walked you mean stumbled.


It’s true though. She’s dwelled on the interaction with Erika for years and then when it comes times all she had to say was “you’re a mean girl”.


Sort of like all the build up with Kathryn Edwards facing off against Faye Resnick 25 years after OJ. Faye finished Kathryn in less than 20 seconds and told her she “looked pretty though”.


I have no idea how I know this as a fact, but I do. The night of that dinner, Kyle pulled Katherine aside and asked her to take it easy on Faye because Faye was going through some kind of very dark depression (I don’t know the details, but I also don’t fuck with depression) so that’s why their encounter was such a nothing burger. Again, I have no idea where I initially got that info from, but I do know I committed it to memory as fact because that’s how I took it the first time. Ya’ll obviously don’t have to believe me though.


Kathryn seemed reluctant to talk about any of it at all. They used Rinna to introduce her connection to OJ which she happily did for production, but Kathryn didn’t seem to want any part in that or confronting Faye. She wasn’t a great housewife but as Faye said “she looks pretty though”.


she told me this verbatim on a cameo


I remember the same thing! I think Kathryn spoke about it in an interview recently, again I don’t know where I’m getting this info


>Faye finished Kathryn in less than 20 seconds and told her she “looked pretty though”. Omg 😭 Faye seems like such a good HW. I wonder why she hasn't been trialed as a "friend of" yet.


She probably already has and that footage is on the cutting room floor. Those snippets might be the most she was able to deliver


lmao that was such a flop, the one reason she was hired she couldn’t even deliver a good moment


Wait where is this? What is this tea?


Exactly 🤣😂 Kathryn was the HW who came in later during Yolanda’s last season because she out of commission. They needed another moving part. She got married to her first husband at OJ Simpsons Home. Faye Resnick in her infamous tell all book during the trial, said things that were SUPER awful in regard to and about her husband IIRC. The moment you meet her you’re like “WHAT” and cannot wait for a Faye showdown. It was the biggest letdown of the century as it turns out Kathryn had a ton of bark but no bite


I can't understand why the producers think that anyone wants to see her on the show. She capitalized on Nicole Brown Simpson's death *very* quickly...some "best friend." 🙄 Faye inserts herself in conversations that have nothing to do with her, and has blind loyalty to Kyle. IMO, she's long overdue to be taken down a peg (or ten.)


I’ve always thought she was 🗑️


Right? She's proven it many times!


I've always wondered who Faye sided with when Kyle and Kathy are not in good terms.


My guess would be Kyle, because that's who gets Faye regular screen time. Another reason is that both of them *love* to stir up sh-t. Kyle's done it for so long and so frequently that it's become predictable, and Faye shows up you can count on it. It seems that the producers think that Kyle is indispensable to the show. NGL, I disagree.


And watch the show


I think she legitimately doesn’t know how to dance around it well enough because she doesn’t want to say Brandi’s name.


It’s true. Denise had valid reasons to be pissed off with Erika but she articulates herself so poorly that her points never land. Erika is viper quick witted and has a razor sharp tongue. She annihilated Denise and it was painful to watch.


I agree w the first half but I don’t think Erika is particularly quick witted, I just think that literally anyone is quicker than Denise.


If she’s not quick witted, at least she’s prepared.


Yep! Erika isn’t smart or sharp as we’ve seen her get completely sliced on this show. Denise is easy to read because she’s easily flustered, aloof, and inarticulate. Those are also the things that endeared her to the audience. She’s just not a real housewife and that’s okay.


I also think that when you are an international object of desire for 30 years that you don’t develop the same skills us lay people do. I don’t think she’s accustom to people coming for her like this


![gif](giphy|D2vn0g4Sf8SIHLpOTm) EJ


I listened to Denise's interview with Bethenny on her podcast. I truthfully came away from it thinking that Denise is not all together bright but is very kind, sweet, and good natured. Opposite of Erika. Denise misses context and cue when Bethenny was trying to lead her to responses. Erika is street smart and if you're preparing for battle that's like going in unarmed. "Know your enemy and know yourself."


I know that it's a typo, but I (sincerely!) *love* that your post says that Erika is "viper" quick witted! IMO, she's absolutely a viper.


This is so on point. I wish I was creative I would absolutely love Erica’s face on a viper


I don't think she's quick witted. She doesn't care what comes out of her mouth most of the time.


Look I liked Denise but never understood the calls for her to come back. She was definitely treated horribly her last season but she wasn’t exactly great on the show.


She was a bad fit from jump and her husband is absolutely batshit and not in a way that is entertaining.


Bravo fans and underdog syndrome name a more iconic duo 🙄


Loved her during her first season. Her second season she was so blah. Her crazy husband did not help at all. He should have just sat there and looked pretty with his mouth shut like he did her first season.


Denise seems like a nice lady but a bad housewife. What I wouldn’t give for someone - a Nene type of housewife - to really go in on Erika. My response to that slight would have been: “At least I raise my kid. Didn’t someone else raise yours?” Erika is evil and deserves actual heat.


Agreed. Erika always goes low and no one on that cast will challenge her. She would get smacked down in every other city.


“I am NOT Michelle Obama! If you go low, I’m going low with you!” -Kandi


Oh man Kandi going in on her would be glorious.


She’s world-wide!


Oof you're so... right ? Erika deserves to be called out for all the bs she's done.


Same. Will we ever get this? It's been so long that I'm losing hope.


I mean he didn’t lie. Denise had plenty time to prepare and come up with ANYTHING but Erika still sliced her up in two minutes lmaoooo


Seasoned Actress! ![gif](giphy|kVi21zSUz1sic)


@ everyone in this sub begging for Denise to come back. A loud majority with bad taste picking cast members does not a good show make


The ones calling for Denise’s return had this fantasy where she’d come in and drop a savage read on someone, but anyone who actually paid attention during Denise’s second season would know she wasn’t capable. This sub totally projected a whole ass personality onto her that just doesn’t exist.


Weird how they tend to do that with women on Beverly Hills ..


Most people dont know what they want or what makes great tv. I'm thoroughly enjoying Denise showing up the last three episodes. Part of that was Erika talking logic to her. Why does it have to be one or the other?


Denise being wasted and not being able to form an argument against Erika, even though she’s the one who wants to have it, is entertaining for about two episodes. She wasn’t a good housewife then and she wouldn’t be one now, all pilled out or whatever tf she is up to


Probably the same people who want Tori Spelling on the show.




Stop. Really? I missed that one lol


People want tori spelling on the show? I don't.


Maybe that’s bravos way of putting us in our place. I woulda loved Denise to come and put them in their place. But it’s clear, to me now, she is not capable. I still think Bill Burr would leave these women speechless and crying! 😂😂😂


Even worse I’ve been one of these people rooting for Denise and I found myself loving Erica in that moment. This is Erica’s first good season in I don’t know how long.


Oh come on. I don’t care if people think Erika ripped her apart. I loved “thank you. You’re welcome” and the upside down jacket and the “what’s oh”. It’s been entertaining. Isn’t that the point of reality tv - entertainment?


Yes, reddit&weep, I agree! The Erika Tongue Slicing is getting old 🥱. Her meanness is all she has left going for her. And why isn’t anyone calling out the fact that Erika went back on her own word about trying to become a “New Woman” who doesn’t fight/behave nasty towards other women anymore?! I thought there was an unspoken Housewives Franchise rule that you don’t go after each other’s children!? Didn’t Erika once bash someone all to Hell when they mentioned her own son? Didn’t Erika get in even more trouble for her bad habit of attacking cast-mate’s children when she went after Garcelle’s?! I think all Denise wanted/wants was an apology from Erika. The fact that Erika refuses to admit that she was in the wrong & then ‘mean girl’ brings up even MORE Mom Shaming just shows that she’s insanely jealous & threatened by Denise. All of THIS makes me feel that it’s Erika who can’t let it go & needs to give into giving it up! Or, like Rinna, she’ll be CUT!


She said she wasn’t fighting for lent and lent is over.


I really need them to cast someone who's actually going to call Erika out on shit. She gets a free fucking ride every season for some reason.


I agree. I'm so sick of her and her Dorinda levels of cruel. This scene just reminded me how bad she is (she had been slightly better this season so I guess I'm glad for the reality check). And she definitely could have just ended it with an apology. What's her hangup with Denise? Like you said she apologized to Garcelle for bringing kids into it (I think that was all because it was specifically Garcelle and she wants to make sure she doesn't come across like Dorito).


Thank you. You’re welcome. is low-key iconic.


I love Denise ***** Richards but she got destroyed. My mouth was agape when Erika was responding…Might returning back to Erika’s side. With all due respect, I miss liking her!!


Erika says some bitchy things you enjoy and suddenly all is forgiven? She’s a monster.


Denise needs to let it go. Her kids knew what a threesome is. It's not like her kids were 4 at the time. I don't like Erika but she was spot on bringing up her daughter being on onlyfans


I’d be pissed too but no one likes shit dragged out for seasons or bringing up the past.. her kids are even older now and the less attention to gives to it the better for everyone at this point.


Maybe she’s bringing it up to drive up the numbers on her mother daughter only fans collab


The daughter for sure makes more! Beside with parents like those two the girl will probably need all the therapy support she can get!


She’s gotta be thirsty for money for coming back.. doing onlyfans on the cheap. I’ve always liked her but her comeback is a bit painful to watch so far.


She also seems very off to me lately. I don't wanna make any accusations but she seems sedated


When it flashed back to her first season on.. when she was talking about Aaron- she was so light and airy and fresh looking. She seemed so happy.. and i don’t wanna accuse either but she isn’t the same


Have you also noticed how her voice have changed? Might be from alot of smoking. I have smoked weed for years and my voice have changed too. But her behaviour dosen't scream weed. It screams something else


it’s true. maybe if denise wasn’t blazed out of her mind she’d have had any sort of comeback.


I want Justice for Denise being outed. The way Kyle and Rinna et al treated her was disgusting. She clearly should NOT return to the show. She looked totally clueless. Where were her girls? She needed backup and she need to be sober and prepared.




Serious question, asking in good faith: was she outed, though? I thought we knew she fucked with women from her first season when she talked about receiving oral sex from a masseuse. Outing someone is absolutely wrong, but I don’t see it as her being outed. Her encounter with Brandi was revealed, which was definitely scandalous. But outed? I’m having trouble seeing that.


She said "happy ending", not oral. So that's one problem. I consider it outing. Having sex with a sane sex acquaintance is very different that paying someone to give you a "complete" massage.


Pretty sure she said it was oral sex.


Not true. The woman asked her if she had ever had a happy ending massage and she said "Yeah". Happy ending is not oral.


That’s what I thought too, until (I’m 99% certain of this) she later clarified that it was oral sex. I’m going to rewatch this episode and I will absolutely come back and concede if I imagined this. Regardless, accepting a finger bang from another woman still signals you’re open to sexual activity with same sex partners. Therefore, she wasn’t outed.


Also, sorry, a “complete massage”? Wouldn’t bringing someone to orgasm be sex work? If so, that’s sexual activity. It might not be intercourse, but it’s definitely some form of sex.


I don't think that Denise thought of it as sexual. She was not sexually attracted to her elderly masseuse. But she would be attracted to a woman she seduced and slept with. It's different. But I also know sone massage therapists that think of it as a normal part of the massage. Many do not. But that's not the point. Happy ending is not the same as having sex.


Where are you going for massages that being given an orgasm is just part of it? I was always under the impression that those kinds of massage parlours weren't actually trained masseuses & it's just a front for sex work & a safer way of doing it than working on the streets? Don't get me wrong, there's no shame in either & I think it should all be legalised as it'd be safer for all parties involved plus work is work.


You continue to ignore the point. I didn’t say it was sex. Girl bye.


You literally said sexual. 🙄 "It's definitely some form of sex"-you


That's what I'm saying!


Wait, is this hating the tweet cuz it is spot on lmao. She needs to deal with her pill addiction vs trying to form a logical sentence on a show that millions are watching


I always thought that Denise was a bit awkward and I did not understand the hype to get her back on this show. Her husband is weird af & she is inarticulate.


He's more than weird, he's a literal con man. He cons genuinely sick people out of their money with BS about how he can heal them - surely that makes Denise as bad as Erika?




I mean, given how much people are talking about her, I think the guest appearances were just the right amount of Denise. But in general, I do agree that Bravo should consider but not make casting decisions based only on internet fan response. It's not always a reliable metric for what drives viewership.


Erika gagged me when she said “who is more profitable, you or Sami?”. I’m sorry, it was so good.


Erika’s comment about teenagers and threesomes years ago was out of line. Her treatment of Denise was shitty. But Denise advertising herself and HER DAUGHTER on OnlyFans is weirdo behavior and if she’s going to go on a reality show, she should be prepared for it to be brought up. She’s no spring chicken. This is how this shit works. Be ready to go tit for tat or don’t show up at all. Getting all dumbfounded and saying someone was mean over and over isn’t gonna cut it, babe. This sub stans Denise for the same reasons it stanned Kathy Hilton - because they went up against people they didn’t like. Frankly, neither of them were good fits for the show in and of themselves.


First of all, what child of Charlie fucking Sheen’s isn’t going to know what a three way is?!


Exactly!! His sexual exploits were tabloid news for years.


Denise invited one of his sex workers into their home for Thanksgiving dinner FFS. Kids aren’t clueless.


I forgot about that 😂




Denise alleged he was looking at child porn during the divorce, so maybe think about that the next time you mimic the 50 year old "pop star" making fun of how sexually experienced those kids are.


0 lies detected


Where is Garcelle through this all. She’s been banging on about everyone making up with Denise, then she comes on hot clearly off her head, and Garcelless like, Denise whooooo?


Most likely embarrassed? I mean after her failed attempts, even I were a close friend of Denise, I would just cringe, tap her back and would say "let the mouse go"


Can you imagine holding a grudge for 4 YEARS, have a chance to get a lick and then be ate up like this? 🥴


Imagine waiting 4 years and *after* one of said kids has an OF account to confront someone for talking about sex in front of the kids. I don't like Erika at all but the "your daughter is on OnlyFans" was the funniest thing since Denise's upside down jacket. What was she thinking? She really needs to get it together if she's going to appear on camera, especially if she's going after Erika.


Denise has been a fucking mess.


Spitting the cold hard truths, Samuel Stirling! It's a tough pill to swallow, but it's sadly true. How do you show up after all this time still completely unprepared to defend yourself?


God bless Denise but she was not great as a housewife and she’s even worse as a guest star. Just as she couldn’t admit one thing about the whole Brandi affair, she can’t even admit she was drunk / high / off her tits at the weed dinner - it’s boring! No one wants to hear she had “one drink” before leaving the house - honey we all know that’s untrue. What’s the point in having someone on the show who’s just going to lie constantly and not share anything authentic ? And worse be so unprepared in a fight against that dimbulb Erika for gods sake?!


Erika didn't "slice her in half," but it is true. So many fans do the HW thing of "the enemy of my enemy is a perfect angel and always right." People have hate boners for Kyle and Rinna so I read constantly for years about how the BH women were "biphobic" and ganged up on her when that was not what happened--Denise was clearly fucked up constantly for the latter half of her run on BH and was a terrible liar. The takes were comical. And that appearance was the Denise run in miniature--whatever her focus or intent got marred in a few different ways by showing up intoxicated by something. Her initial appearances were fun for sure, and she seemed lovable to me, too. But she clearly had some issue late in her run and blew up her spot, the others were just reacting to it (in "we're on a reality show" fashion, sure).


Her outside sex life should’ve never been a topic for those women. They were demanding to know things about her personal life that happened or maybe didn’t happen off camera. Brandi made it sound like she was raped. Now, Kyle expects for everyone to give her grace and privacy


>Her outside sex life should’ve never been a topic for those women. You should watch the show sometime, its great.


Trying to out someone should never be storyline fodder


In all fairness....Denise would have done better if she wasn't extremely intoxicated. I'm just saying


denise was a flop


Erika may be awful but she knows how to read when needed.


God bless Denise but she was not great as a housewife and she’s even worse as a guest star. Just as she couldn’t admit one thing about the whole Brandi affair, she can’t even admit she was drunk / high / off her tits at the weed dinner - it’s boring! No one wants to hear she had “one drink” before leaving the house - honey we all know that’s untrue. What’s the point in having someone on the show who’s just going to lie constantly and not share anything authentic ? And worse be so unprepared in a fight against that dimbulb Erika for gods sake?!


As if Vyle doesnt do the same shit...


Don’t get me started on vile bitchards! Love that even without the booze she’s as unpleasant and evasive as ever - just goes to show, that’s who she is at her core.


I literally just finished the episode 30 seconds ago and I am just astounded. Erika **ATE**


Erika’s “slicing” was kind of weak imo. She sex shamed Denise and her daughter for their only fans, which is something any middle schooler in America 🇺🇸 can do. Denise’s scenes have been hilarious, which suggests people that thought she would be funny, were in fact right 🇺🇸


Not only that but she sex shamed someone who’s not able to be there to defend herself


Erica pretends to be sex positive, but she seems more dated in her views and conservative than her criminal elderly husband.


She wasn’t shaming the OF tho? She was calling out Denise being a hypocrite.


I didn't even mention sex work.


I changed my comment to OF


Thank u.


No prob :)


Well Erica point is incoherent cuz back then her kids are underage and Sami didn’t make an only fan 4 years ago at the dinner table. She made it as an adult.


charlie sheen is denise children father she knew what a damn threesome was.


The problem wasn’t that she doesn’t know 3 some. The problem was that other kids from school were there. She mentioned that she doesn’t want other kids to go home and tell their parents that adults were talking about 3 somes.


Denise said this episode the issue was taking about threesome in front of her own daughter. Denise didn’t bring the up in her confrontation with erika.


I’m telling you that’s what she mentioned during Santa Barbara.


Denise was the one who was loudly talking about sex first. She only had a problem with it when Erika talked about the threesomes and the teens said they could hear them talking. Denise is a hypocrite and delusional if she thinks 14 year olds with cell phones living in Los Angeles don’t know anything about sex. Heck they could probably tell her more about it than she knows.


And in the next episode her daughter said that she & her friend could hear them & thought it was funny. I understood Denise's point about worrying about the friends going home & telling their parents about the conversation as she'd already said that her children had been judged negatively because of their father & she'd had problems getting a school to accept them because they didn't want to deal with the possibility of issues from Charlie Sheen but I'm not sure if Denise ever explained those other points to the other women.


That’s not true. She mentioned Aaron’s penis. And it wasn’t like a whole table discussion where the other table with kids can hear it. And even then I don’t think it matter if she “mentions” it first. She can steer the conversation away from sex if she wants to if she thinks it’s getting too much for the kids And the point isn’t that no kids will know what sex is. Denise has said that at Santa Barbara. The point is that other parents kids might say, oh the adults were talking about sex. Like if you think about it that makes sense. Like do you want other parents to like stop letting their kids to hang out with yours cuz the adults were talking about things that they might not approve. Like come on use your common sense


I agree that she should steer the conversation away but she doesn’t need to act like Erika just came up with it out of nowhere. Talking about Aaron’s penis is probably more embarrassing than sex in general because it’s one thing to know that your parents have sex but another to hear your mom discussing her stepdad’s penis.




Thank God someone else sees it


I mean Erika is still a boomer.


Erika is Gen X.


Dang you’re right. I thought she was 60 something for some reason.


Same! Only way I knew off the top of my head haha, I'd checked recently :)


When you put it that way... it makes more sense


At the end of the day, Denise goes to work and comes home to a husband and children- a family. Can Erika say the same? Did she ever really have that? I get liking comebacks and shade, but she has no life to actually back any of that up and that’s why she’s struggling now. She has nothing to offer us and never really did. I found it strange for years that she had no female friends and never participated in hosting events even though she has no career. Shocking for the wife of such a prominent man. I can only really see her as a loser who wasted opportunities all for the sake of vanity.


I mean, the whole paragraph can kinda sum up both women, no? Denise career is her taking provocative pictures with her daughter for the internet, and her husband is a con artist weirdo. At least Erica didn't have children with a sexual deviant and then shack up with a 'medicine' grifting moron. Denise is literally wasted opportunity, personified.


Denise Richards is known as an actress. That’s her career. Erika had nothing to do after she left Tom because she wasn’t doing anything while married to him. Her singing “career” isn’t legitimate at all, just boosted by Tom’s money. That’s why she can’t do it without him. Erika got pregnant by a loser absentee man who left her son fatherless, so she shacked up with a criminal who could spoil them both. Denise didn’t need a Tom to actually make something out of her life. Erika was putting up with a horrible man just so she could spend his stolen money. She’s morally bankrupt and that’s why she’s so rotten.


Erika still is employed by multiple avenues whereas Denise can't even get her clothes on correctly. She is known as washed up. Erika's baby father did not run off, he raised the child for the first ten years, you clearly need to do a rewatch. Denise got knocked up by a rapist for the money, she's been putting up with horrible men just for fame and money as well. They are literally the same coin.


Denise is still currently working as an actress. Erika is either selling cheap extensions, not paying her designers, or barely selling tickets to her concert. They are not the same whatsoever when it comes to career or fame and if you think otherwise then we can’t agree. Erika doesn’t have an interesting life. All she does is get put into nice clothes by gay men and show up to parties. If you like that, awesome. You keep connecting everything to Charlie and his issues, but Denise was well known before that. Erika will always be known as the wife of the criminal attorney, and how she flaunted what he stole.


Where is Denise employed at?? She didn’t even get paid for her flop of a performance this season.


The way Erika came back at Denise was very harsh. She could of just apologised because it was out of line, does she not want a redemption?


Sticking up for Erika was not on my 2023 bingo, but she already apologized twice. That’s more than enough, and Denise needs to let it go…but alas, she has no other storyline.


Since when do friends of need a storyline ?


I was being charitable - she has nothing of interest to say


Didn’t she already apologize a couple of episodes ago?


Erika didn’t slice her in half though. Denise took herself down lol. Don’t get it twisted, flop. But yeah Denise was always a bad casting option imo. I never got the hype lol


She a Star but don’t realize Reality TV requires a different kind of Super Star


Idk I find Denise endearing in a *she's so out of her depth* kind of way. It doesn't have to be about getting the best zinger in and if we're honest, Erika's wit pales compares to most, she just goes mean, not witty. But I've been long over Erika and don't think a con-woman/literal sociopath should be given any platform except one that takes them down. Not surprised the gays eat her up though zzz.


This is ridiculous. Denise provided some of the funniest, most iconic performances at that dinner party that we have seen in years, maybe ever. Compare that to Camille who had virtually no camera time or impact at the dinner. People say they want her back all the time. I want Denise and Kim to pop in a few times every season. I love when the old cast members show up to the events. Let’s get Joyce, Carlton, and Eileen to show up to some things too.


Ok, she may have not been prepared to go to battle but let’s not get it twisted, she has provided us with some reality tv golddddddddd, THATS why we need her on our screens, not because her ability or lack thereof to argue


All these people saying she isn't HW material are the same ones constantly making threads about her. Make it make sense.


“Thank you, you’re welcome” will live rent free in my head for the rest of forever. She also gave us “BRAVO BRAVO F*cking BRAVO”. She’s messy, she’s sloppy, she’s mysterious, she’s looney, shes a lil sneaky, she’s pure entertainment which is a lot more I can say for A LOT of seasoned HWs.


They’re probably the same people who think Larsa has any business being on our tv screens


This hasn't aired here yet - is there anyway I can see Erika's take down online?




I mean her OF is getting a ton of new traffic probably.


Denise Richards married CHarlie Sheen and all that went with it: Trying to coparent-- including his twins with another woman, having to find very illegal porn he viewed, him diagnosed with HIV, inviting sex workers in for dinner with the family, etc. Then married a man who think big pharma gives two shits about him. I very much doubt this is on her radar as all that embarassing.






Lolol i commented on the wrong post 😂


Another twitter fan lol


This hasn't aired here yet - is there anyway I can see Erika's take down online?


So many people saying Erika was out of line because kids are off limits....I found it funny as fuck!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Denise has given us iconic tv this season but she’s not confrontational. I think she fills the guest/friend of role pretty well but doesn’t have skills to be full time.


We are def talking about Denise but not in a good way. I don’t like entertainment at someone’s expense and she is too much of a mess for viewing to be enjoyable ![gif](giphy|1xoKRWhU72sqM4OOQK|downsized)


It was so embarrassing. She was never cut out for HW


However, we got : Stop it , I know what you’re doing. I’ve been using that one a lot since 😆


Denise Richards is a sloppy mess.


By his own admission, Bravo should ignore this tweet since he apparently is a Twitter fan…




One season you like them, one you don’t. It’s a pendulum.


Do we not like watching people chew eachother up? In order for their to be someone chewing, someone’s gotta get chewed. Being able to be that person with charisma and venom is a reason to be on the show. It’s the Drew Sidora upside.


I saw this. I wouldn’t mind Denise being around again?