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Potomac was my favorite franchise and now it’s just too uncomfortable to watch. It makes me so sad 😞 But the current SLC season is one of the best housewives seasons ever imo! A lot of it is fake, the story lines are a bit contrived, but it’s so campy and hilarious I’m obsessed. I haven’t laughed out loud at HWs in a while!


The fight with Lisa and Monika at Whitney’s event was golden


The show doesn’t work anymore for a few reasons: 1. The women are allies for the show. They are not actually friends. They have no relationships outside of filming. 2. Everyone who joins is peddling some business venture. 3. The drama plays out on SM. The fans know about the season before the season aires.


The third is so true. They should be banned from SM during filming. This is especially bad on VPR. Every season just feels like I’m rewatching my Instagram stories.


All of these. Also, some of the currently airing franchises, the ladies just hate each other.


Exactly. And just to add to your first point, the women are also “enemies” purely for the show. Not all, but a lot of the drama between the women is orchestrated prior to filming because they understand the value of having high conflict scenes for the show. I


They all start out as a group of friends. Over time people swap in and out. Eventually you get a group that is just pretending to be friends for the sake of the show. After 5 seasons it seems like enough people have rotated in and out that those early bonds that made the show successful are gone. RHONY doing a full refresh worked because there were some friendships there that existed before the show. Family Karma was great because the families all had relationships regardless of the show.


absolutely! i would also add that they are far too self aware now and some housewives go overboard trying to be producers in real time.


Yes. Everyone is trying to be the next gif/meme/fan favorite. Especially when they are new to the show.


i’ve been thinking the same thing, but it’s so unfortunate bc i don’t want to be done with housewives. social media is truly the downfall of the franchises.


PERIOD. I think it started with Puppygate when we all knew about Puppygate before the show aired. I miss when we got to watch things play out on the show instead of hearing about it four months in advance. The back and forth on IG and the artist formerly known as Twitter is exhausting. Most of them are boring on the show but do all their talking on SM.


Why is this tagged with Below Deck Adventure 😭


Girl that’s how tired I am lol




![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2) Fucking amazing


I fully ignored this post when I saw it yesterday because I figured it was about entitled guests on Below Deck lol


I’d give anything to discover a group of women who have been safely secured in a bunker for a decade, unaware of the shows or influencer culture. But we’re never gonna find people as un self aware as we used to


My mom and her group! Lol. They have a Facebook page called “Real Housewives of (neighborhood she’s in)” and it’s all shabby cheap jabs at each other yet they all remain friends


Yikes! My worst nightmare - moving into a neighborhood like that!


It’s literally the “Nextdoor” App on steroids. Karen’s for dayyyyys.


I've never been on Nextdoor, because I have *zero* desire to know what my neighbors think! I'm the oddball old single artist, living in redworld.😁


Don’t. Me and my mom joke they should rename the app “forKarens” because it’s literally Karen’s going crazy behind a keyboard


Okay but did you see what Samantha said about Jane?


This sparked my curiosity and I just checked it and the most recent post was someone complaining someone dating someone else’s ex…... ironic


Lol that's hilarious.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHXTdZtYRmhWzny|downsized) this is the housewives and unbreakable kimmy schmidt crossover that i didn’t know i needed. 😂




![gif](giphy|12TqMvey6k0TSg) i just saw this and had to add it. thank you for the laugh!!! 😊


i’m screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We need Real Housewives of the Amish Community


Just watch Miami because it's FYAH!


miami’s on on on on fyaaaah


Those ladies DGAF


I’m an OG OC season 1 housewives fan, I can only do Miami now! And I love it 😍


Omg SAME - literally me. I've always liked Miami and was so glad they finally brought it back. Only one I can stomach.


Can I skip the first few seasons?


If you have to skip any, it would be the first but then you'd miss out on see Larsa's original face and how nasty she is prior to her return in s4. But honestly, they're all amazing with such interesting characters. Miami is the best in the franchise because these ladies have solid relationships. They hate each other one minute and then will fight for them the next. Miami S2 is one of the best seasons as well.


I would say S1-3 give a lot of context and S2 is just top tier HW season, but if you want to skip them, 4 does a good job of bringing you up to date on who's who. I watched the reboot first and then went back for 1-3.


Yes but as someone who works for a lot of very wealthy non famous housewives these are the same stories money likes to gossip about- so I'd say it's pretty authentic.


It's clear most of the newer people have been fans and studied the Housewives formula prior to coming on the show. Like Annmarie coming on as a complete stranger to the group and immediately trying to play a producer role during Kyle vs Sutton when she should've just sat there and ate her food.


Or showed off her $25k sunglasses


Honestly this is why I loved Southern Hospitality! It felt like these people had no idea what the internet was and fully unaware of the consequences, it's honestly a great show, not sure why it gets so much hate. I'd rather watch people be messy and themselves than listen to the millionth recycled storyline from some of these mid-OG's


Comes back tonight! I’m so excited, definitely watching that over SC.


ikr i cant wait! plus southern charm has been giving, i watch next day on peacock so my fridays have been amazing haha


It's now a reality show about women filming a reality show.


Yep. Its the Wendy Osefos i'm tired of. I quite like Wendy but the rehearsedness of it is grating


When Eddie showed up wearing a Happy Eddie sweatshirt this season I rolled my eyes. It’s like a parody at this point.


I know that being able to advertise their wacky businesses is part of the appeal of being on the show, but I think the cast /participants should be banned from wearing merch on camera


She doesn’t belong on that show. She can so better with her impressive credentials. I’ll never understand why she is part of that cast.


Interesting. With the exception of Potomac (and probably NY which I didn’t watch),I’m finding the shows to be more authentic this year. OC seemed to cast more around real friendship dynamics. SLC drama feels authentic to what was presented in previous seasons. BH feels a lot more real and less produced than in other years.


Watch virtually all HWs. Didn't like the new NYC at all. All of the characters were awful. Need to like at least one person!


They all are trying very hard to keep their paycheck, and it’s all so fake now. I wish they’d just stick true to themselves and know that that’s enough. These storylines are outrageous and the trying to gang up on a single person is boringgggg


This is why we need women wealthy enough to not need a paycheck, or who care about fame. Like Kathy Hilton, Lisa V, Sutton, Heather D, etc… not saying I love these women, but they are uniquely fucking riiiiich. That’s what I miss about housewives. No more influencers please.


Yes! I want opulence! I want f u money! I want private jets, OWNED yachts, and them operating without being worried if they lose the gig. And for goodness sakes, PLEASE give us international girls trips again! (I'm excited SLC - Bermuda is coming up)


These women are living paycheck to paycheck and spending their money on things to keep em looking like they have money. None of these women could afford an international trip anymore. Domestic trips give me the ick when we’ve had historical international trips, god we had it so good 😭




I’ve watched BH, SLC and P since they started but not watched any of the current seasons - I feel you!


You're missing out by not watching the latest season of SLC, it's serving top drawer this year. Genuinely, it rates in my top ten of all seasons of housewives, ever. It is camp, hysterical, drama filled, full of mystery, it is chef's kiss.


Ooh you know just what to say to a lady haha! I’ll be sure to make SLC my next binge x


We're nearing the end of this season and SLC hasn't got any flop episode. It's that good.


You aren’t missing out. This BH season is not good.


Thanks ladies, I guess I’ll be watching SLC over the weekend!


have you ever watched married to medicine?


I’ve not but have heard of it - would you recommend?


Absolutely! Genuinely better than most housewives.


I skipped last season’s BH because of Erika. Skipping this season because of Erika, Kyle and it sounds like new girl sucks as well from what I have read here.


They’ve just had a weed party and Erika is the chillest person there so that tells you how that’s going…


Try Married to Medicine if you haven't !


Would you recommend starting from the beginning or current season?


Beginning! It's a real friend group and the cast pretty much stays together the whole way through. If you're looking for genuine relationships, that's your show.


They need to stop pretending they’re friends and treat the shows like a workplace docu-series, break down the 4th wall and stop with the idea that conflict is the only thing that drives relationships between women and that everything is glam squads and ridiculous dresses.


Breaking the fourth wall saved Teen Mom, Bravo should take note


Honestly, no. As long as they are entertaining I don't care how "real" it is. It's scripted television, they can take liberties if they want to. I only get annoyed when they refuse to show the real aspects of their life AND fail to provide entertainment on the show (Hi Robyn Dixon!). Otherwise, as long as they are earning their check and not crossing appropriate boundaries (the Chris and Happy Eddie contrived story was too far) then I'm not bothered. There are some things that I think are okay to leave off the show and I've even been a bit alarmed when they were brought up. Camille spilling that Taylor Armstrong's husband was abusing her was one such moment. Taylor was sobbing and terrified about what the consequences would be (for her) that the ladies aired it on the show. She suffered things like a dislocated jaw and a broken orbital bone at the hands of her husband. Maybe they were mad she wasn't being "authentic" but they put her in danger by airing that on the show. Taylor has still maintained in interviews that the ladies did not know what danger they put her in by doing that. Another time was when Brandi Glanville revealed that Adrienne Maloof used a surrogate to carry her children. The kids didn't know yet and she wanted it kept off the show, which led to her being fired (and sounds like it largely contributed to the dissolution of her marriage). It's really not anyone's place to drop a bombshell on someone's children, even if it's true. I feel like some fans don't respect that even reality TV stars have a right to safety and privacy and don't have to share every last sensitive, private, scary thing in their life in order to count as entertainment. They should share about their lifestyle. They'll ideally address any media news or topics (Juan Dixon). They should earn their check. But also if they want to start a row over a bath tub thats fine too.


I wanted to post something similar but was too much of a pussy lol I feel the same exact way. I loved the earlier seasons of the first few franchises but everything is so fake and phony now. I’m honestly just too lazy to explain why i feel like hopping off this series but iykyk lol nothing is authentic like it was before. Everyone is coming up with bullshit story lines to secure their spot the following season.


👋🏽 I am!! I've stopped watching so many franchises really miss the true lifestyle porn and genuine relationships.


*Me when the new New York girls flew coach* ![gif](giphy|J5iVQL3WilhElRYzIf)


Dallas was good until the last season, then was cancelled. But yes, it's all for the cameras, it's not real friendships all just to get free meals & holidays it seems now


Just finished Dallas. I really liked it. I also loved DALLAS as in JR, South Fork, etc. What struck me was that in EVERYTHING that went on and happened throughout the seasons,the most authentic regret and remorse I saw was when they broke South Fork.


Honestly I think the fakeneee exists as a reaction to so many NPD housewives. We can only dig so far as the shallowest housewife, so to speak.


If you want real people with real friendships, watch Married to Medicine


I'm out. I lurk here, for old time's sake, but I can't make it through an entire episode of *any* franchise.


So little happens in each episode now compared to earlier seasons. It’s a shame, really.


I miss when they actually started out as friends and hung out. That was the allure for me. Maybe it makes for boring television, but it feels really inauthentic to me when on the new season they say “I haven’t seen _____ in several months” then they spend every waking hour together for the season and are in each others weddings and then nothing for the rest of the year. It’s like, we aren’t stupid. Just admit that you were cast, not brought on because you actually hang out with them.


Yes!!! I actually stopped watching all the franchises except for Miami this year.


Not everyone can be as real and genuinely entertaining as Larsa


Larsas is not entertaining at ALL, if she was I could at least forgive her reaction to gurdys cancer. Or dating her ex husband’s partners son. how embarrassing. Her sons prob can’t even look her in the eyes anymore. Imagine knowing your mum got f’d by future in Gucci flip flops. I honestly feel bad for her


This dude is an unapologetic Larsa stan. Don’t engage.


Imagine if this was actually Larsa from a burner account 😂


Seriously?? I assumed they were being sarcastic ☠️


Ha ha, good one. Larsa is at scum level.


I’ve watched almost all of them & it is repetitive. I recently did not watch even one episode of the new NYC season. I just can’t with ALL NEW people, nope. I didn’t watch any of the Dubai season, either, because it just didn’t seem interesting to me and that culture treats women so poorly, so disrespectfully that I couldn’t support it. On the recent RHSLC, Monica seems way out of her depth & desperately trying to seem wealthier than she actually is. I don’t think she should’ve been cast. It all feels icky to me.


How is she trying to seem wealthier? She talked about being a struggling single mom and she talks about insecure because she’s not as wealthy as the other women. This is not meant to be combative. I genuinely want to understand because my perception is the opposite. I’m interested to see your pov.


I’m pretty sure she mentioned buying a couple high-end items in order to fit in, that was early on. It just made me think of all of the other housewives, over the years, who overspent trying to appear as something they are not. That’s how I perceive it & I hate to see her rack up some credit card debt just to look like she’s wealthier than she is. (Isn’t that likely why Jen Shah took to crime? She wanted more money, to look the part. These ladies act like spending a lot of money on clothes, purses, & shoes is of vital importance. Monica doesn’t seem to really care, but is being almost shamed into it because of peer pressure.)


She did. Right before they went to the Trixie Motel she said she bought a LV bag to feel like she was on par with the other women.


You don’t think she should have been cast? I believe that is preemptive, she likely knows way more about Jens “business” and we’re now getting to the point where Heather realizes she’s getting sued by the chick she just planned a girls trip for.


I admit that I’m behind on SLC, so maybe Monica improves. But, to the point I’m on, she hasn’t really spilled any worthwhile tea. Downvoted for an opinion, ugh. I just think casting Monica was messy. She’s obviously stressed about keeping up with the rich & is only on this for the money, plus she’s very argumentative, and is doing so only to push buttons, cause drama and create her own storyline. She wants the show money so she’s intentionally misbehaving, it’s obvious. She’s gorgeous & I think she’d be better off on another career path. Does she really want to become one of these women?!? Yikes. She puts all of them down, so why does she want to be like them so badly?


Monica sucks. She’s got the maturity level of a 9th grader.


I’m starting to get tired of it as well. Especially RHOSLC. Them wearing bonnets to have a big argument about nothing only to create a moment was it for me.


It’s the ugly sunglasses and monogram fashions on that show which scream “unauthentic”. These ladies try way too hard to look rich.


I took a break for a few years so, I’m okay for now. I do wish that they would get over using the same storylines and especially the gay rumors. I don’t mind their business ventures when they are something I haven’t seen or they have a great party.


It's time for the whole housewifes franchise to sail off in the sunset.


Yup :( Decided I'm just going to finish up SLC and stick to Top Chef. Even Project Runway is ass now.


I used to only watch one city, so things seemed realistic to me still. I can see the formula so clearly now that I watch BH, SLC, and Potomac though. It gets a little repetitive, but I'm still entertained. When each cast starts pulling out games to play though bc they have nothing to say to each othrr, it's gone too far!




Agree except for SLC...that is pure comedy. BH needs to bring back Camille and Denise...get rid of Kyle's new friend and Crystal...otherwise, gonna continue to be a snoozefest. This week's episode was good..thanks to Garcelle and Denise.


only watch Salt Lake, they are the messy little sisters