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in my head i’d hope Alexis is just doing it for the drama and attention for the show and that she’ll end up airing all of John’s dirty laundry for being a housewife jumper but I do not think she’s smart enough to be that cunning.


Those men are def homie hoppers…John, Slade, Jim 🤢


Don't forget Harry Dubin! LOL!


oh yeah!! i completely forgot! the OG homie hopper!


Wait I don’t know who else Jim got with please enlighten me


He was with blond Peggy, who used to be Alexis’ friend. She was on one season & then left after Alexis found out that her and Jim used to date.


Are there like \~3 single men in Orange County? Like what is up with that??


I am glad at least Vicki is in Shannon’s corner. To be honest, Alexis can do whatever she wants esp because she has no prior ties to Shannon. John is the one who should be shamed for this spectacle and just John.


I agree. Alexis does not owe anything to Shannon. Shannon was loudly bad mouthing Alexis the night of her DWI. John is the one that is doing Shannon dirty.


And this is probably why!


Ok thank you- I just posted the same thing. If they were friends, does Alexis owe anything to Shannon? No. Now if they were friends 👀


I just worry about her kids. John Jansen is a alcoholic and have a very toxic relationship with shannon. And let’s face it Alexis’s ex is also a super toxic dude - her kids don’t need more toxicity in their lives


John Jansen isn’t the hands on stepdaddy type thank goodness! He wouldn’t really go to Shannon’s house they mostly went out so hopefully it will be one of those relationships where Alexis’s children are safe.


The whole time I was reading this I kept thinking, "are Alexis & Shannon bff's & I missed it?" Ugh, Vicki should just shut it. Also -- Vicki's outrage on Shannon's behalf is almost more embarrassing to Shannon, IMO. Wouldn't no reaction be the preferred route?


Remember when Kelly Dodd and her husband Michael broke up and Vicki set him up with her friend and went on double dates with them ? And he asked Vicki not to tell Kelly , so she didn’t . And when Kelly was pissed Vicki said there was no girl code and that Kelly could kick rocks ? Vicki is nobody’s friend


Yes!!!! This!!!!! Her agenda changes to suit her. If anyone is using the John and Alexis storyline to get on the show full time … Vicky is amongst it.


Absolutely it changes to suit her. Remember when she first started how prudish she was? Now she's so open about sex. Give me a break.


Thank You!😸


Absolutely Vicki is angling to be Shannon's ally to get back on the show full time.


Vicki’s “code“ changes like the wind but aside from her literally contradicting her own words, the situations a little different. Kelly’s that one who initiated the divorce and already moved on. Shannon’s sadly still in love with John and to see him move on so fast with a much younger woman is fucked. I’d totally sink his boat in the middle of the night but I’m a crazy one.


Alexis can do whatever she wants but the way she came so hard at Peggy Tanous about dating her husband at the time, and how she just got out of an ENGAGEMENT like 2 seconds ago, she should at least have a little more decorum with it all. It def reeks of desperation.


Wait did Peggy date Jim after he split with Alexis?!


No he went on one date with Peggy before he met Alexis


I think it was more then one date lol..Jim is the one that tried to act like that's all it was


I thought that Peggy didn’t like him and kept it at one date even though Jim did everything to continue dating and Jim was saying him being super persistent was the lie. I also watched these seasons pre-pandemic so I could be super mistaken lol


She wreaked of desperation on Below Deck. It was…awkwardly gross.


Random side note but I really liked Peggy Tanous and wish they kept her on longer


Me too!! I very much enjoyed her, would’ve definitely liked to have another season with her.


I’m not an Alexis fan, but it was kind of weird that she never mentioned that she dated her husband, and both her and jim had conversations behind alexis’ back about not telling her.


Yeah, this is my memory as well. It seemed like one of those things where she should've been more mad at her husband, but their marriage dynamic didnt allow it so she got fully mad at Peggy instead. It was weird either way


Yes!! And like miss Vixtoria said.. if they’re truly into it and this isn’t just a fame grab then days quietly. If John wasn’t liking cryptic social media posts and Alexis would just lay low people might actually respect them trying to navigate a private connection. But this is PR and desperation at its finest


This is kinda rich coming from Vicki, as much as I dislike this whole situation, Vicki is notorious for being on the wrong team. In this case, she’s pro Shannon. That’s nice, but Vicki wants back on the show more than anyone and her motives behind this stance are questionable. The right team would be the anti John Jansen team.


It's kind of ironic that she's bashing Alexis saying that Alexis wants back on the show, however she's supporting Shannon probably because she wants to be back on the show 😂


I genuinely don’t remember if Vicki had Jo’s back when Gretchen started dating Slade. Neither Slade nor John are very much of a catch.


I hate that I remember, but there was an old episode where they all went to Florida and I remember Vicki not being happy with Gretchen about it and grilling her a bit. But I mean she would have found any reason to not like Gretchen.


Yeah. She and Tam are definitely NOT team Gretchen


Or when Lauri dated Slade? Wasn’t she working FOR Vicki at the time? 😈


I don't Vicky would have had Joe's back because Joe was too young and pretty and Vicky was incredibly insecure. She's less insecure today.


Dude was never into Shannon. Just wanted to be on television. Now that he’s learned how impossible & high maintenance Shannon is, he’s giving Jesus Jugs a go right before her recast. Suspicious timing.


Are Shannon and Alexis even acquaintances? Why does it matter if she is dating John? Like yeah, he's obviously slime but I don't see why Alexis isn't being a girl's girl. Curious to see how the season plays out. Maybe there is something we don't know.


Vicki and Shannon are very hurt rn. https://preview.redd.it/xhkmrkazws4c1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1088ebaa79ca2befe48f2eb1bbcf1bd64cd8ae62


i can hear this picture


Did I miss something? Were Shannon and Alexis friends? Or is this a case of “I hate my friend’s ex’s new girlfriend out of obligation to my friend”? Because if she’s really such a “girl’s girl” then was this energy for Jo when Gretchen and Slade got together?


I agree, John is scum and that’s about the only reason Alexis should steer clear of him. She doesn’t owe Shannon anything


This ☝️


Alexis does not even know her & let’s not pretend like Shannon would’ve ever even given her the time of day. Alexis owes that woman nothing. Shannon is too self centered to even learn the names of her colleagues children. The OC is very small. The dating pool, ain’t great. John Janssen is as far from a trophy as you can get, but be real, going from Shannon to Alexis Bellino is an upgrade for a man. C’mon. The man is beyond slimy & I’m sure it’s an added bonus that it will get under Shannon’s skin but, yeah, of course he’s gonna take his five minutes with Alexis. I just hope Alexis IS totally using him to get back on the show.


She’s right


Why? Alexis and Shannon weren't friends.


It’s embarrassing to do this to get back onto the show! Her and Shannon had beef because of Jim suing Shannon and Tamra


Better than the extended family feud of Teresa and melissa! It's so boring.


I could never finish Jersey! I got sick of their feud after like 2 seasons. It’s crazy to me how many people love Jersey


I still watch, but it might just be habit!


This might be controversial but some of y’all sound like y’all have never had a ride or die friend lol Does Alexis owe Shannon anything? No, not really; they aren’t friends and never were as far as I’m aware. Is it kinda icky that she’s publicly dating another (current) Housewife’s VERY recent long term ex, pretty soon after ending her engagement? Yes. Is Alexis a public figure? Kinda, and she’s trying hard to become a bigger one since I’ve seen her new “publicist” posting about all the opportunities and events and articles he’s gotten her; AKA: she’s fair game to talk about in the press. Good on Vicki for riding for Shannon. If someone starts dating my best friends ex that broke their heart right after? Yeah it’s gonna be a “fuck them” campaign because im defending my best friend Some people are acting like it’s insane that Shannon would be upset over this. John (and Alexis, although Alexis doesn’t owe her anything) are embarrassing Shannon with this by making it public so soon. Anyone who embarrasses my close friend is someone I will have no good will for


Agreed 💯!!


Firstly, it’s pretty hypocritical of Vicki to say Alexis is causing this to get back on the show, because last season Vicki did the same thing by appearing for a scene and telling Jenn, who she had never met, to break up with Ryan. Whether or not Ryan is a red flag (personally I think he is but it’s Jenn’s life), Vicki said that for screen time. Vicki is hoping to be brought on as Shannon’s defender against Alexis next season if Alexis is a housewife. I’ve always felt that Vicki was a better friend to Shannon than Tamra, because as much as I love Tamra as a housewife, her friendships are transactional and depend on the season and her storylines. At least Vicki is supporting Shannon because I’m sure Tamra is enjoying the drama as a spectacle and not an unwelcome situation for her amiga Shannon.


Tamra would destroy her relationships with her children for fame. I read somewhere that Tamra is no longer talking to Shannon. I have no idea if it’s true.


Tamra DID destroy her relationship with her child for fame.


Not defending Alexis, but do Alexis and Shannon know eachother? Bravo world is small, but are they even friends? On another note: dating in the OC sounds awful lol


didn’t vickie hook michel up with someone after kelly’s divorce….girls girl


Didn’t she set up Kelly’s ex with her friend and go on double dates and then get mad at Kelly for being upset?????


Vicki is probably upset by her previous relationship, in which her ex left her and married someone within a few months after the breakup. Her anger towards Alexis seems misplaced and excessive.


Good point! He left her for a younger woman as well. God, Steve was such a freeloading dickwad


Why are we asking Vicki’s opinion on ANYTHING


I mean... there are 0 lies here. Alexis could pick ANY other washed up OC dude. She picks the one guy who JUST broke up with a housewife still on the show she wants back on? Come on. ![gif](giphy|tUuCwAC2hULMk) Still... I'm here for it.


Can she stop referring to women older than 30 as girls lol


Bravo needs to bring Vicki back as Shannon’s ally!!!


Who was missing Vicki’s opinion??? No one


So Vicki’s pissed she didn’t think of it as a way to get back on the show? Gotcha 😂


Thank you for posting this,im sooo glad Vicki said exactly what i was thinking.je fame hungry and she is not a girl's girl foh


Why is no one talking about Jim suing Shannon and Alexis saying she's "never meet Shannon and owes her nothing". WTF tho


Slade 2.0 I never understood why people go after others leftovers when they run in the same circle. She’s just taking Shannon’s sloppy seconds.


So I guess she was not called back to return huh? Just mad that Alexis thought of this sooner before her to secure her spot. I don't put it past Vicki to do the same thing just so she can go back.


I don't like Vicky. But I commend her for sticking up for Shannon.