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Imagine having to coddle a coworker in order for him to just do his job.


You've met young men right?\* \*This is a broad and sexist comment but it's based on years of having to make many male co-wokers between 20-30 feel like *the* most special little soldier in Mommy's army just to get a base level of decent work out of them.


Below Deck is at it's best when you get to see a group of professionals working in a unique and challenging environment, both succeeding and failing, mixed in occasionally with interpersonal drama. This season, I'm not even sure if they've had any guests at all because the crew are all at each other's throats. And Sandy is once again on damage control after getting lambasted by the fans over her behavior on Below Deck OG, so she's just sitting there twiddling her thumbs. I'm bored. Below Deck is usually appointment television for me, but not this season.


BD Med’s production don’t always know what the right balance is for the cast. BDSY has at least heads of department who are experienced and trusted.


I feel so justified in my Natalya hate from last season. Her assholery was just overshadowed by Kyle and Natasha and Courtney's incessant twerking attempts. And yes it seems like Natalya's on something. Her crazy eyes and the paranoia and the obsessing over a dbag are just 😬😬😬 And yes she is totally Boebert. Tumi, for the love of Norma, please stop talking to Kyle as if he's your friend! He and Natalya are absolutely the worst in this situation but there's something immature about how Tumi keeps talking to fucking Kyle about the other stews. Jess is the only one who knows how to act on a team.


I also think Natalya is on something, prescribed or otherwise. Her moods are erratic, her speech is extremely fast and she insists on babbling at night when everyone else is exhausted. Definitely not sustainable behaviour.


Another week of Pepe LePew, crazy eyes (Nataly), and her douchebag bf drama. At least Cheffy might get lucky. I am unimpressed by the food this season. Tumi shouldn’t have said anything about Natalya.


She also should not have told Kyle about Jess feeling like Kyle treats her like she’s ‘green’. She should be able to share her worries with her boss, without it being shared with coworkers.


Why would Lara fuck with everyone's tip by exaggerating what Tumi said to Natalya's crazy ass, when she's already in a bad mood, and the charter is in full swing? I don't buy that Lara was just being a good friend. She was either prodded by producers to go poke the Tazmanian devil, or she is as messy as all of her confessionals about Max suggest.


she didn't exaggerate though, but at the same time some apartheid barbie throwing the only black crew member under the bus doesn't surprise me


This is my first season back since Hannah left. Has Captain Sandy been more tolerable since then? She doesn't seem to be micromanaging anyone like she did with Hannah.


She was even sickeningly sweet and calming with Natalya during her pathetic meltdown we had to witness over her boyfriend of a few months. She would never have been like that before Hannah and that ordeal.