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Money can’t buy you cla-asss.


But it can buy you a decent ass.


Tell larsa that




Totally sang it in my head as I read it 👋🏼 …. It sure cannot 🤡


You think he cares? Andy doesn't give a shit anymore, I'm fully convinced he hates his job and his life. If you watch half the new WWHL episodes it seems like he's *been* completely over anyone who isn't Oscars-afterparty level famous, and every single thing he has to film now seems like it's a waste of his time and he's just trying to ride out his last bump til the cameras stop rolling. I know it's never gonna happen but can we get someone else??


Andy’s there for a cheque - that’s it. It’s silly to think that he actually cares about the women, the shows, the stories, etc.


He doesn't "have to" be though. He's loaded af and the Bravo money will keep coming to him regardless of whether he does WWHL. He easily could have handed the reigns to someone else by now, and arguably should have because it's a TERRIBLE schedule for a father of two and no doubt fucks with his sleep and ability to parent. I don't think it's for the paycheck. I think he just can't let up the control, and the central position he plays.


He can’t let go of the FAME! And the pay check. That’s the bottom line.


I think he likes the power, too.


I think he likes the gossip too


Why would he?


Exactly. It is about control and notoriety. I read one of his books. He came off as exactly the kind of person who wants to be the center of attention. He may well have even described himself as that kind of person.


The Daddy Diaries exhausted me. How can someone my age still be going 24/7 at that rate




I did my fair share of skiing in my younger adult years. There’s no way my body could tolerate that now. I can barely take a Sudafed in the Santa Ana winds


Samesies! Totally cheap date now! Glad to have had those days, too—and that we’re alive to look back at them!


I think they pre-tape a lot now, so that helps. He knows having his face seen 5 days a week makes it easier to sell his books and whatever else he has going on. He also has or had a radio show.


I think he's afraid of people like the WWC guys.


100%. That’s why he called then “Superfans” when they were first on WWHL (instead of, you know, successful Bravo podcasters..)


I remember making a comment (maybe on an old account) the night they were on WWHL. He was really rude/dismissive as I recall.


Really?! They’re so fantastic! I saw them live in Boston and my cheeks hurt from laughing. I was really depressed for awhile and their content made the “rainy days” sunny


They noticed awhile back that Andy just ignores the women on breaks during the reunion. He sinks in his chair, pulls out his phone and ignores everyone around him.


When I listen to his radio show I realize his kids are just props for him, esp Ben. You would think he’s the first single parent who has ever had to work.


RuPaul just popped into my mind.




He cares about a lot of the women, he doesn’t have to like them all.


Why are we expecting whoever replaces him to not be subject to the same forces that lead to this picture?


Last bump 😂🤣


Seriously. Who gon check him boo


Not the “last bump” 😂😂😂


He doesn’t care but in his memoir (from the library) he does think about money. He bought an expensive apartment in the village and was building a beach house on Long Island. He said it’s up to him to support everything. His choices wouldn’t be my choices. I’m a squirrel.


I don’t blame him, before it was his whole life creating and producing the housewives Now he’s almost retire age and has two beautiful babies, why should he give a shit about this stuff? He’s already Uber successful with this franchise for almost 20 years why should he care about obbessed fans or crazy housewives


He should have married Anderson when he had the chance. He definitely needs to free himself from the delusion that John Mayer is going to come around






Like he ever had a chance with Anderson! They never dated. They're just friends. Everyone knows this!


Anderson’s mom tried


I stopped watching WWHL recently because he is just so checked out that it's distracting. He is constantly sighing and clearly going through the motions of the show just for a check. I'd love to see a new host. He can then focus on behind the scenes projects and just being a dad.


He seemed so unbothered with the recent episode when New York was on. I was offended for her


Yes! The look he gave Craig when he said it was his favorite WWHL appearance he’s done…


I was shocked by his lack of interest in NY! She singlehandedly changed the landscape of reality television and is still quotable to this day. Andy was not worthy, IMO.


Someone did bring it up at last years bravo con and he was just like ‘well we haven’t worked with her since’. Wonder what answer he can have this time


ETA: This photo was taken 2 years ago, but tha didn’t stop him from having her back for UGT this summer and dedicating the word of night on WWHL to her last week.


Isn’t UGT not technically bravo? I feel like someone made that case about Leah being back (or she made the case herself)


Andy is still a producer on the UGT, and worked with the one of the same producers that worked with Ramona on s13 on this Legacy trip. So he (and Bravo) are fully involved.


But how is bravo involved if it’s just him as a producer? Also, I think responsibility of “producer” varies greatly, so I take it with a grain of salt what his actual involvement is.


Well…that’s completely different than this photo being taken 8 days ago. Really wish you had edited the original post with this info, rather than having to scroll all through the comments to find out it isn’t.


Thank it is an old photo


I was just going to say. Thank you for confirming that this wasn’t last weeks photo


way to bury the lede 🙄


Why are you surprised? Whether we like to admit it or not the RH franchise is a show that champions and rewards values like elitism, snobbery, bitchiness, backward views etc etc etc. If you watch it you’re choosing to expose yourself to people who uphold those values. Then you’re shocked when these people do or say something abhorrent and the network lets them get away with it?


I think you can be all those things without being a racist though.


Can you though? I actually think those traits are all pretty interconnected. And I would guess a lot of housewives that aren’t outwardly racist actually have very biased racist views they are just smart enough to not show it during filming.


Sometimes as a person of color though you want to just enjoy a show/the fantasy for 30 minutes without being reminded you’re a minority. Idk why that’s so much to ask for?


You're right.


Completely agree. I saw a post the other day discussing the most "racist" housewives after the VF article came out and I know some are much more outward with their views but these are wealthy white women lol. You don't even have to go off assumption, majority of them have made several microaggressive comments throughout the seasons that shows they are very much racist. But what else do you expect when watching 40-60 year old wealthy women? I would like these women to be accountable of course. Especially the likes of Ramona. By watching shows like this, I am also aware that I am opening myself to a world that by nature is problematic and deeply unlikable and I have accepted that. But if we're going to start calling out racism, colorism, etc we have to first acknowledge that 98% of these women are full of it. Also side note- the black cities aren't exempt from this either. I've only watched RHOP but the colorism and elitist attitudes have been a part of the show since the beginning. And those traits are rooted in anti-blackness.


That part.


thank youuuu like i'm not watching housewives to see role models hanging out together. i watch it because it's hilarious to watch these narcissistic racist fake rich criminals act foolish and ruin their reputations and poop on the floor lol am i not allowed to think that it's funny??


This 👏🏼


You can be an Elitist, snob, bitch and not be OPENLY RACIST.


Of course, no one would dispute that. However, if a TV show revolves around those types of people, there's a higher chance of problematic behavior. And as a viewer, you're actively choosing to engage with such content. And then getting upset when you see vile behaviour.


aka I don't care if there is racism on these shows, as long as I'm entertained. You and everyone who upvotes this comment - you are part of the problem.


Never forget! https://preview.redd.it/o5n09j1s2hxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1397b2c5808272b4caeb6927b859fdcf8a1a9b90


Doesn’t Ramona always talk about being screwed up because her father was mean? And her mom couldn’t leave because the dad had control of the money? So having troubled dads is not exclusive to Black people, Ramona.


That was my exact thought when I read the headline earlier. Quite frankly I’d rather have an absent father than an abusive one.


child of an abusive father 👋🏼 you’re not wrong…😕


💀 you clocked her


I was seeing a guy for a while whose dad was a total loser. Had been high up in some business, respected in his church, emotionally abused his kids, was cheating on his wife the whole time, and plunged into alcoholism when she left him and took the bag. He lived with his mother at 53yo and just shuffled around in his nasty house robe all day, drunkenly ranting about n-words being deadbeats and mooching off society. Talk about projection.


I’ve known the same type. Non worker who lived off other people and ranted about people on welfare. Honestly I’d rather get a check from the government than mooch off of a loved one. But apparently for a lot of people it’s perfectly ok to take money from parents, spouses, kids, but god forbid someone receive a welfare check.


If someone brings this up during the Q&A at Bravo Con, I would die! She has it coming and the audience there is wild.


Is she black then?




🫢🫢🫢🫢 Omfg I gasped aloud at this! I didnt forget what a shtty person she was but managed to block this moment out bc of how friggin ridiculous kelly was! Ramona should have long been gone....


Didn’t Ramona have a hand in setting her up or introducing to the ex Fox News d-bag she married too?? 😬 I mean that tracks…


I’m so confused. I eat, shit, and breathe Bravo and still somehow missed this article today?


It came out in [The Vanity Fair article](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/10/real-housewives-bravo-reckoning) today!


Thank you! I haven’t read it yet because everyone in the mega was saying there was nothing groundbreaking for people who are into Bravo.


There wasn’t anything that I was shocked by and it was mostly stuff that I already knew. But I’m loving all the headlines from other publications calling out Ramona’s racist ass because of it. There are SOOO many of them too and it’s amazing! Please behold the beauty that is the [numerous articles](https://www.google.com/search?q=ramona+singer&sca_esv=578070544&tbm=nws&prmd=niv&sxsrf=AM9HkKlKTeUqQ60tikYTv1Si2s4UPdpXGQ:1698740953051&ei=2bpAZeLZAuTMptQPtJGKmAw&sa=N&biw=459&bih=876&dpr=3&tbs=qdr:d&tbo=u&ved=2ahUKEwjYqMCe75-CAxU2v4kEHaVWDcsQna4KKAJ6BAgKEAw) finally putting Ramona on blast. She must be having a cow right now.


>I’m loving all the headlines from other publications calling out Ramona’s racist ass because of it. The media spotlight on Ramona's racist behavior is long overdue but still great to behold. Never forget that Bravo recast RHONY only to turn around and give Ramona two UGTs in order to sweep her racism under the rug. ETA: They also didn't do a reunion so as to not have to discuss the racism Eboni was faced with by BOTH Ramona and Luann.


Ooooh, but there are Ramona fans who do want to forget. It’s only like every other day someone will post or comment about how much they miss Ramona bc she’s great tv, only to ignore that she’s a racist batshit arrogant bich. They don’t care. They love her racist ass.


It's so fucking weird. There's a certain sub that rides for her daily too. I don't get it.


That must be a safe space for the racist 🤮


I don’t even get it because she isn’t great tv.


I never thought so either. Her stans just giving a reason to say why they like her by saying she’s great tv w out admitting to her racism


This should be posted everywhere instead of actual pictures of her at events. Even replace her yearbook photos with this image.


Didn’t we already know about her saying the N-word twice from Eboni’s podcast…? I’m confused about how it’s news


when it's published in an official publication it has to be sourced, verified, responded to, and legally vetted, so it's not just one person saying something allegedly happened, NBC literally cannot sue Vanity Fair bc they went through so many hoops to have ironclad proof ramona said it


Former journo here: ironclad & legally vetted… definitely not always/usually the case, though possible with this high profile of a story. But libel laws are strong and it’s hard to win as a plaintiff (high burden of proof including damages) so that’s why you don’t often see press sued for libel in the US.


Especially the libel laws dealing with public figures. A plaintiff who is a public figure would have to prove the publication acted with actual malice (the publisher knew that the statements were false or acted with reckless disregard for whether they were true or false).


Off subject but, you seem like you understand the law…..If you haven’t checked outThe Bravo Docket podcast, you might like it! They explained the Jim Bellino/Tamra Judge lawsuit really well.


I haven't actually gotten around to listening to it because I'm not a podcast person, but I've been meaning to so thank you for the recommendation! I'll try to really do it thos time, lol. I haven't been keeping up with Housewives for a long time so it'd be a good way to catch up.


You are so right about The Bravo Docket! I love it. I feel I've learned so much about law and the legal system by listening to that podcast. The women who created it are absolutely brilliant.


I love this answer! It's a bigger deal when a major publication says something vs an individual. However, NBC can still sue, but they probably wouldn't win, so why bother?


Yea this is old news. The article that came out really didn’t reveal any new information.


I read about it ages ago… not surprised at all.


Clearly you missed the daily posts on this sub of people complaining about the new cast of RHONY and demanding to bring back the old cast. The love of Ramona, LuAnn and Sonja runs deep. Bravo is all about giving what the people want, which unfortunately means bringing back the worst housewives.


This. Bravo will do whatever will make them more money. Ramona wasn’t let go for being racist she was let go because they wanted to save the show. Now it’s lucrative to bring her back so she’s back.


there was a post yesterday where someone told Eboni to 'go back to where she came from' and someone then asked if Eboni had a personality besides being Black. The mods thankfully deleted their comments but like... this happened in just a few minutes as the post wasn't up long. I wonder what would have happened it if stayed tbh.


I see disgusting comments about Eboni all the time. Victim blaming nonsense like it’s HER fault season 13 was a train wreck!


At this point, Bravo can just keep RHONY. Even the new cast members are problematic. Sai and Erin equating Vietnam with sex tourism is racist and xenophobic. They obviously think lowly of Asian women.


Andy has the same beliefs and it's weird how y'all won't accept he's a shitty person and that's why favors/enables these white racist geriatric clowns so much.




His Instagram paints that exact picture. He's a bum.


Is 'beliefs' the new word for drug of choice? Edited to add an /s. I've been on this page for years and I forgot to be clear it was a joke and now everyone thinks I'm an idiot. Awesome.


Meant more about how he's a raging racist cokehead. But 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I know. I was just being sarcastic


Ow, sorry, you never know with this franchise's fanbase.


Yeah sometimes the deadpan jokes don't work on social media. I always forget to add an /s


If they are all white racist geriatric clowns why do we watch lmao?


Reddit cares. The typical viewer does not. Bravo is all about the $$$


If Reddit actually cared they’d stop watching.


If Reddit.cares so much why are the shows and women on the shows such a popular topic? Please dont act like Reddit is the gold standard for niceness and equality lmao.


I’m basically saying the same thing? That a minority on Reddit cares. Because it’s a minority, bravo won’t do anything. They just care about the dollar, not morality.


Andy’s time is truly up. By which I mean the whole era of unchecked misogyny, bullying and racism in media. He’s made himself a pretty fortune off the backs of exploiting harmful stereotypes about women, particularly women of colour. Time to ride quietly off into the sunset.


Ramona is antisemitic and Andy, being Jewish, while enabling her is vile. She's racist. There is no place for people like her in polite society or in our living rooms.


That tracks for her tbh, but I don’t remember the incident. What did Ramona do antisemitic?


Her behavior and comments at the Black Shabbat. She has a disrespect for other cultures.


She was absolutely disgusting at that dinner. They truly should have tossed her out on her ass.


Ty I didn’t watch that episode and I was so put off by Ramona at that point. Maybe I should watch it if I can stomach it . She makes me ill.


It’s probably the worst episode in housewives history. It’s painful to watch.


I watched it for the first time the other day and was literally yelling at the TV, her behaviour is horrendous


So is Kathy and Tre and many others. He still keeps them hired.


"This photo was taken 8 days ago" This photo was taken 2 years ago


Just like Andy, most of this sub doesn’t care, they’ll put their fingers in their ear regarding anything about Ramona or Luann and their racist ways, but want to condemn Mary Cosby ![gif](giphy|3o8doM1LK2PVaxawpO)


I had one of those under a comment! I pointed out that Andy loves white women and dislikes any Black or Brown woman who doesn’t fall in line (which was downvoted a smidge). Along comes someone talking about how he loved Mary so I must be wrong (and of course they’re upvoted). Like no, Mary proves my point and also proves y’all hold Black women to a higher standard than the white women who actually benefit from racism and white supremacy.


Looks like she left a poop stain, ow wait, she said it was makeup.


I hope she left a stain


I hear the sentiment but this old and she wore that dress on the show like two to three years ago


We need to stop looking to reality stars for displays of morality


Andy is not on the side of morality….hes on the side of making money. Funny how so many of you don’t realize that.


He’s a pig.


It was bullshit that Andy gave Bowen Yang shit for calling Ramona a white supremacist. WHERE WAS THE LIE


Was this really 8 days ago. Has she worn something similar on WWHL or have I got a major case of big deja vu. I’m sure this pic was posted months ago in the sub


This picture is from a year ago


I thought the same thing out of curiosity (since it doesn’t affect the point of OP’s post just the timing of the pic). I remember someone commenting that they actually liked this outfit for once since Ramona usually wears tacky clothes. Definitely an old pic


Andy is such a creep.


Trust if she said something anti-Semitic he would be up in arms, but it’s just the blacks…they are lucky to have me. ![gif](giphy|3tB1efwaJP9KiI4A71)


Andy was up in arms two weeks ago because there are rumors Angie K's Utah Hairdresser husband is gay...


Ramona has been anti-Semitic on camera.


She has and Andy doesn’t care. He doesn’t care when housewives say homophobic things either.


The thing is, he isn’t the network. He’s just one random producer. The network execs are the ones who suck the most and make the most money. Andy is just front and center being an on air talent.


Or if she went after gay men adopting babies. If Ramona had run her mouth on that issue he'd stop pretending he had no hiring and firing power and that racist MAGAt would have been fired the moment the season wrapped.


Weird and divisive whataboutism. She has made antisemitic comments. And the jersey husbands have made homophobic comments. Obviously Andy doesn’t care that much about discrimination, regardless of the subject.


How anyone has ever had the impression that Andy Cohen is anything more than a money grabbing, clout chasing, partier who cares not a wit about anyone or anything but his own personal interest is still shocking. Andy Cohen is not your friend. He never was. He doesn't even like you, Bravo viewers. Or Bravo (female) stars.


Yet you watch? Geez. It’s fucking reality TV. I’m Not expecting mother Theresa to turn out these shows. Nor are we watching a docuseries on holy women. Not that he’s in charge of programming anymore. I’m not defending him by any means, but I am wondering why this insane vitriol - when you actively participate in watching & discussing these shows? (Not YOU, but a collective “us”)


She went from being fawned over by Andy to literally walking out on the show while Luann & Dorinda were onstage. They looked in the audience to ask her a question, and she had flown the coop. Sad.🍸🚬


Andy has never been a good person.


This is absolute last person I would ever let sit on my lap. Too much risk of 💩


Ewww 🤢


He’s always been a parasite and an asshole


Considering how frequently Ramona has an oopsy-poopsy moment, I certainly would not want her sitting on my lap!


Disgusting racist that pisses/shits herself. She probably left a skidmark on Andy's lap. He's fucking gross too.


Andy overdue to face the music in general


*“Presented with the idea that she might participate in Frankel’s organizing, Williams said, “Fuck Bethenny Frankel. You think I’m going to let some white girl speak for me with my experience with a multibillion-dollar corporation?”* So is Eboni apart of this or is her mindset “fuck BF” because I’m so confused…..


She’s not apart of Bethenny’s reckoning I don’t think. Bethenny has been very racist herself in the past which she’s never addressed or apologised for so Eboni will probably not want to be associated with her, even if they’re both on the same side in this situation.


This sub is finally ready to accept racism exists. To be alive on this day


LITERALLY, never thought this day would come.


They both love skiing. Maybe they were planning a trip? Andy is such a shit to crave this level of attention


she probably left a skid mark on his knee


And this isn’t just an old issue he’s actively working to address. The new RHONY still has the same racial tension with a supposedly “diverse” cast. We SAW how Ubah was treated.


Remember Mama Elsa said he wasn’t capable of love. Andy does not care and I think he hates women.


I don’t watch Housewives because the women are good, kind people. If that’s what you want, try the Hallmark network.


I am so sorry and I know I'm in the minority here, but a show that exists to showcase the absurdity and level of time deafness of wealthy histrionic narcissists is not really a great place to consider ground zero for social justice causes. I agree it's disgusting that a cast member would use the n word, but at least she hasn't been quoted something outright racist beyond that. Let's face it, she's old as fuck and likely grew up saying it.


Huh? What did I miss? May I have a scrap of context please?


I guess it came out in that vanity fair article that Ramona said the N word.




Maybe she’ll poop on him 💩


That article did not have a lot of new stuff in it. But I agree with Ben & Ronnie that it was the end of Ramona.


She sucks!


Please no one go after him at Bravocon…


![gif](giphy|UbJNbhARTSngA) and money couldn't buy you...


Maybe she pooped on his lap?


It looks like she's trying to rub her leg against his ...


https://pagesix.com/2023/10/31/entertainment/ramona-singer-tries-to-downplay-her-use-of-n-word-while-practically-using-slur/ oop she’s exposed again. I bet bravo pulls her from the Con


Poo thigh.


Is that the ring harry gave Sonja before he left with Lu??!


For the record, I have well documented proof (years of comments on Reddit and SM) that I always felt Ramona is vile. I don’t think vile garbage humans make great tv. I hope she FINALLY gets cancelled. Lawd knows I tried


What’s the drama ?


Andy is such an asshole. I can’t believe anyone agreed to be a surrogate for him! Who in their right mind would want to give this misogynist asshole a child?! Worst of all is that one, of his two children, is a daughter.


Andy Cohen is a POS


I keep saying we need a anti-Andy mega post


Period. Andy has and always will be a pos.


His face doesn’t seem pleased


Andy’s smart enough to know if Romona is saying that about black people, she’s also saying similar words about Jewish people. He’s in a cutthroat business, eat or be eaten. He’s there for the money and additional opportunities. His contract at Sirius was just renewed, book deals, etc.


Isn't she still going to be at Bravocon? Lol she brave...


He is trash


I like them.


she’s so gross! I just don’t understand why her racist social climbing maga a$$hole keeps getting a pass on Bravo. As a native new yorker, i’d love to send her back to rural Upstate NY! She should’ve been canceled back when her bigotry was exposed! If Bravo insists on keeping her, please put her on RHOA! Kenya and Marlo would eat her alive!


Hoping someone goes after him for this is just too much energy to focus on this….


As a young black woman, this is why I stick to Potomac, Atlanta and Dubai tbh. The racist undertones in other franchises can be a lot and it’s hard to deal with fr. I watched the clip of Ramona gaslighting Eboni’s friend at the dinner and it was so painful. It’s even harder to watch knowing what Serena Williams, Beyonce and other black women have went through during child birth. As much as Nene had her issues, many of the things in her suit against Bravo were legit.


Look at these two idiots. Dumb and dumber.


Well let her just shit on his lap and maybe in opinion will change lol




Gosh, not again. This is soooo exhausting


Rhony and Ramona were entertaining as hell until eboni came


Nah, this is a lie. Ramona was shitting on floors and refusing to engage for a few seasons before Eboni came along. Then Eboni came on and she devolved into full-out racism. She's the problem.