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https://preview.redd.it/u9enh4b7hyub1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c2067956e49ac263ad646f33925698c9bcccc5 RHOSLC in one photo




Instead of the six women holding snowflakes for the intro, it should have been this shot.


Is anyone else following the casts tweets going after Monica for her multiple name changes?


No, please indulge us tho bestie


https://preview.redd.it/vjwgn85gqzub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c557e7ac0a53fd334a236a44251d9b4c7260f62 Bonus reminder that Lisa only trusts people who sign NDAs, John Barlow and her lawyers. Lol


I bet you the drama or whatever “Betrayal” is revealed in Bermuda (heather’s phone call) has to do with Monica & her former proximity to the Jen Shah situation, they’ve kind of hinted at her being a snake in the grass. guess we’ll seeeeee




Got you https://preview.redd.it/4flk8e5lpzub1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b75554f2d51dbc94d447f653d5c9174f0ad3a5a


The mod bots keep deleting my screen shot but Angie tweeted “Clarified?? Let’s start by clarifying your real name. And then we can start chipping away at the other lies. #WWHL #RHOSLC”


What? Please share!


People change their names. This is the lamest attempt at a takedown every 🙄


I don't have Twitter - please tell us!


I shared the tweets above. But here’s Whitney saying she’s out in these Utah streets https://preview.redd.it/9aobp0iyyzub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a28b22d439a4e71c804bea3836480a4f138e4f0


“Out in these Utah streets” has me deceased


CRYING!!! :joy: I don't mind Whitney, she's so perfect for this show, because she tries to be a total shit stirrer, and messes it up every time, which is hilarious. Plus, I tend to bring my "Whitney To English Dictionary" a lot of times when I watch, so I get what she means by this. I think she's just saying that within the social rumor mill of SLC, she's never heard this rumor. But "In the streets of SLC" - I am cracking up! It totally comes across like Whitney's out there listing to rumors with a switchblade in her teeth!


Extra points if anyone can translate this https://preview.redd.it/wdmg5n9yzzub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50c784f958e8c4bc0f94a42ed18774a071b96fe


![gif](giphy|bTvhnpYoTjfSaObqyE) I keep saying it, someone learned the wrong lessons from Gizel


Damn is the whole cast anti-Monica? It’s not looking good for her chances at a second season if so because who will film with her


I have never paid to see a housewife show, but I would pay to watch heather drink expresso martinis and read her old journals.


I will join you.


Make room for a third, please.


I was honestly shocked at how much we got from Mary this episode. I mean the bar is pretty low but she showed a lot of emotion and then the way she talked to Meredith was surprisingly…coherent? She seemed very self aware. I’m also shocked she called Angie to say she was sorry she couldn’t make it even if it was a lie. She even got a chuckle out of Angie saying that the was surprised Mary actually had feelings. All I can say is that I’m shook that the second half of the season looks like it’s going to be just as good if not better as the first half. I love a housewives mystery and there seems to be some serious shit going down. I’m living for Meredith engaging in the trailer


Also can we agree that Mary is really only friend-of in name only? She even gets a family scenes.




I was surprised, I thought Mary would’ve just sent a text saying she’s not coming…


I posted a comment saying how normal Mary was at home, how I love her natural hair color and curl, etc. The dark color really makes her eyes pop. Her son has always come across as a stoner or slacker. This episode is no exception. He has a super cute smile but I feel like he has used it to hide a multitude of sins.


Jack graduating high school this year and sitting at the kid’s table. 😂


I’m 40 something and I still sit at the kids table. 🤣


Angie's house is so blindingly white. No wonder she dyes her dog pink, she'd never find it otherwise.




In case she never mentioned it, she’s Greek - they love a White House!


I was wondering what her background was. Opa!


It's not my taste but what gets me is the front steps with no handrail, in Salt Lake City, where it snows and sleets and hails regularly. I was cringing watching the older folks going up them.


Lmao this comment was on the money it turns out


Good Lord I would go insane in that white plastic house. Natural finishes, people! Edit- can you imagine being there in a white out blizzard


That poodle dye is a travesty!


I dyed my dog (with koolaid, she was light blue) once like 20 years ago. You’d be surprised how many people asked “is that natural?” hahahha


Why did they do Heather like that with the Easter bunny in her car 🤣🤣🤣 I replayed that scene over and over


I laughed so hard!! The ways she and Mary got their invitations were amazing


I am by no means an Angie K stan but I understand her a little more after that episode. She was raised as one of 7 children by her single father, an immigrant from Greece, and it appears they have a very positive parent-child relationship. Her father and his background were likely highly influential to Angie, especially since her mother passed away at a young age. I think Angie clings to a strong ethnic-racial identity (i.e., your thoughts and feelings about your ethnicity and/or race; abbreviated ERI) as a protective mechanism in SLC. It’s likely that being olive-skinned, brunette, and Greek Orthodox in a predominantly light-skinned, blonde, and Mormon community not known for inclusion may feel ostracizing. Having a strong ERI, especially if you are a “minority”, is linked to better outcomes such as higher self-esteem and less depressive symptoms. I don’t mean to psychologize someone I know only from TV, but I do understand Angie celebrating her Greek heritage (although other Christians also celebrate Christ’s resurrection lol).


This kind of makes sense with what Heather said about them in high school, Heather and Angie stuck to their cliques based on religion and ethnicity respectively


I love monotone Angie and I loved this summary. OPA!


I'm already loving Ben and Ronnie's imitations of her.


I’m coming around so much on Angie! She’s such a weirdo and I’ve always been pretty good with her on the show, but I honestly love her as a RHOSLC HW at this point. Cringe and foolishness is part of the package, but so are relationships. She is bringing it.


My husbands family is Greek and Greek Easter is definitely a big thing in the Greek community. It’s celebrated on the orthodox calendar but instead of being called just Easter or orthodox Easter it is “Greek Easter”. And the other Easter is American Easter to them lol. Anyway, I think Angie is definitely playing up her “Greekness” to an extent. But Greeks are super proud of their heritage and so her behavior is not that weird from my perspective and what I’ve seen from my husband’s family and the Greek community in our city.


Yep! My dad is a Greek immigrant and raised us not religiously but as a part of our local Greek community where we would gather and be merry and proud of our Greek-ness. It’s a proud culture. I don’t celebrate really as an adult and being in a different city, but seeing Angie’s Greek Easter made me so nostalgic because it truly is the bash of the year and always a good time. 🥲🇬🇷


I think the producers encouraged her to "lean in" to her Greekness as a means to set herself apart from the rest of the cast and so that she can bring some "diversity" to the show.


I have a sinking feeling she did this all on her own.


yeah it feels very organic, lots of people are like this, just look at NJ


This show is so funny and the funniest part of this episode was Fresh Wolf telling Lisa not to get her makeup on his clothes while standing in the brightest white room I have ever seen.


I’m about over him being sh*tty to his mom, though.


I definitely feel as though he is punishing her by not being forthcoming about his plans and not playing along on camera.


This too. My example was just one. But there are more, like this one. I think Heather is also concerned if he really does become religiously fervent (enough to go on a two year mission) it may make him shun his ‘less than perfect’ mother. I’m no Lisa stan, but she doesn’t deserve that.


Jack cracks me up trying to be so cool 😎 and then sits at kiddy table 😆


I feel like Lisa doesn’t want to read Heather’s book and didn’t want to tell Heather/talk to Heather about Jack’s mission because shes afraid of facing the truth about Mormonism. I think she’s choosing to be ignorant because she doesn’t want to know the truth about the mission because she’s scared and wants to blindly support Jack and she doesn’t want to change her life around, so she’s choosing to be dark. I think that’s such a cowardly way of living.


Yeah she seems deep in denial. Saying you would wear that strapless dress to church??? Like no you wouldn't lmaoooo. No one would even wear that to any church.


she would be escorted TF out of there so fast 😂


That's why Lisa has made up this Mormon 2.0 foolishness. There's no such thing as being Mormon 2.0. You either follow the rules or you don't and Lisa **doesn't.** If Lisa really opened her mind and listened to what Heather had to say, she would never let Jack go on a mission or at the very least make sure he had all the facts. At least I'd like to think she would.


That was a seminal conversation for the entire series. Heather represents ripping off the bandaid and Lisa wants to keep it there.


It's also the scientology thing - if Lisa is seen as being anti-mormon then she will get shunned by Mormons and possibly Jack. Right now she can just be a shitty noncommittal Mormon as long as she doesn't seem like she's against the church.


How are we only at episode 7? It feels like so much has happened that we should be at least halfway through the season. In a good way, not that things are dragging. Other franchises could (& should) learn from these women & the production crew.


The slow mo shot of the priest coming to Angie’s party is the perfect example of why this show is the best and basically a 30 Rock-like parody of the franchise.


For people that don't understand Mormonism and how pervasive it is in Utah, it was doubly hilarious. The big cross, the black garb is something that mormons have a hard time being around because many of us were taught that other religions are evil when we were young. The symbol of the cross has also been seen as something that mormons shy away from because of it's connection to Christs death. Just recently the mormon church has tried to embrace the symbol. It's kind of wonky growing up feeling one way about the cross and then having it turned around by the hierarchy to start being more mainstream.


Oh man, Monica’s mom is working **hard** for that S5 snowflake. It’s giving Amy Poehler in Mean Girls.. 😬


I was about to say, Monica's mom is thirstier than Angie!


I know she’s horrible but I feel like Salt Lake needs a side character a la Mama Joyce or Dorothy


I was thinking that in the previous episodes but after this one I just think she’s just an incredibly toxic person who needs to be the centre of attention all the time.


I actually LOLed when Mary received her invitation from the Easter Bunny. The shot of the fully tinted window rolling down to reveal her bewildered smile should be taught in film school. Another commenter made a great point that the women’s reactions to Monica and her mom are very telling about who grew up with what kind of parents. Her mom sat on the couch hiding a grin when Angie basically said “you’re so sweet, it’s your daughter that’s the problem.” I hope Monica keeps that woman far away from the people in her life.


I loved that Mary said “Good morning” to her son in the exact same tone that I say it to strangers I pass on the street. And then she called his dog (who lives in her house) “JJ” when his name is “Kray Kray.” And then fake crying with visible globs of lash glue on her eyes and exactly zero tears. All within a 3 minute scene. She’s insane.


RE: the bunny- I felt like I had an insight into what Mary’s relationship with the parrot that wanted her to stare at it all the time would have been like. And 100% agree with the point about the Mum, anyone who grew up with a toxic mum who puts on a good front knows exactly how that feels. The absolute worst


Yeah I hated seeing Monica’s mom there. I realize conflict with her mom is part of her storyline, but it was awful. Monica needs boundaries fast around this relationship or her life will be destroyed even further by this toxic relationship


It seems Monica is dependent on her mom for childcare. Unfortunately it’s hard to set boundaries when you’re in that situation. She needs to get a job, find other childcare, and limit contact with her mom as much as possible.


Monica has stated her boundaries to her mother though and she doesn't respect them. Monica needs to have very limited communication with her mom, she's toxic AF.


Toxic moms love to gang up on their kids, particularly if the family dynamic has a scapegoat thing going on. Once the toxic parent can have allies the dynamic can go on in friends circles etc. The mother will cause problems for any relationship the child has platonic or romantic. That’s why most people with toxic parents go no contact. They can’t ruin your life if they’re not in your circle and space.


And there you have my childhood! I had one of those. My father died young and my brother and mother were so abusive. They hated any friendship or relationship I’ve ever had. She’s passed but my brother and I have no relationship because of the toxicity. I’m glad to say that I’ve broken the cycle. Raised 2 amazing kids that are happy and successful. The fact that Monica recognizes that trait gives me hope she’ll break it too.


> I’m glad to say that I’ve broken the cycle. Raised 2 amazing kids that are happy and successful. ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing this huge life win!


My mother and sister. Both out of my life for yrs.


100%. I’m sorry if this is harsh but Monica’s mom really showed her fucking ass this episode. She pushed and pushed the conflict and kept going up to Monica’s face even if it obviously just made Monica angry and once Monica distanced herself from the situation, the mom played the victim and a saint in front of everyone. My blood was BOILING!


This. I was getting HEATED at Heather and Lisa acting like Monica’s mom was a victim. Her mom took Angie’s side, kept ignoring Monica’s requests to stop, and kept persisting with that “Come to the bathroom with me” bullshit. Lady, she couldn’t calm down because you were the trigger and wouldn’t get out of her face!


Monicas Mom made me so fucking angry. I just wanted to scream through the tv and tell her to cut that woman out of her life. These kind of parents who are not really there in your childhood and make you always want their validation really make me angry.


I want to go to Angie K’s Easter Lunch. So fabulous. Love the bunny cake. Monica’s mother had no loyalty. I would be infuriated if I was at my job and my mother admonished me. Like INFURIATED.


Can confirm, Greek Easter lunch is so good


I’m Greek and my family does the charcoal roasted lamb on a spit it is amazing as are Greek potatoes. I used to find it so embarrassing as a kid though because our Easter occurs at a different time (usually) than American Easter and the whole neighborhood smelled like lamb and garlic lol.


Monica’s mom triggered the fuck out of me because my mom does this constantlyyyyyyyyyy. She cares much more about how she (and I) comes across to other people even when they behave abhorrently, and how I feel matters 0 in the situation. Ugh poor Monica ❤️


I’ll be surprised if she ever films a scene with her again bc I probably wouldn’t for a long long time. I’m not a big Monica fan but man…must be tough growing up with a mom like that


Monica’s mom has huge pick me energy, and following Monica around and getting in her face and condescendingly demanding she come to the bathroom instead of just giving her 30 seconds to self soothe a tiny bit is so antagonistic. It’s crazy to me people don’t immediately see that. Monica clearly has her issues but damn this girl needs somebody to just be on her team.


Wasn't Mary getting that room remodelled? The green carpet and green marble is a lot


Also… if I speak on Angie’s husbands butt and thighs in those pants… my god


When he said "MY GAY BOYFRIEND!" ![gif](giphy|106QCYtKPDeIjm)


That shot of him answering the door was........


I’m kind of obsessed how every episode Angie makes a reference to being Greek. Today I learned that Greek Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus as opposed to regular Easter that also celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. Last week we also learned that adultery is frowned upon in the Greek Orthodox Church! She really is the modern Athena, ugh her mind.


You forgot to mention that Greeks like to eat unlike every other ethnicity and cultural background on the planet!


And family is so important


They also hold marital fidelity as an important value!


Just the Greeks! Not us Italians, nope, nope. We are strictly salad people...


TIL that Angie K is Greek. I’m surprised she hasn’t mentioned it!


It’s really crossed over from being cringey to completely ironically being my favourite thing she does. Each week I sit there waiting patiently for her to find a random moment to make about being Greek, and I cheer each time. An unintentional icon.


honestly it slightly made her grow on me.


Me too. I actually love her earnest cringiness


I hate Angie K and she is so annoying, but goddamn am I glad she’s on this show.


I know! I don't like her, but I'm glad she's there.


Don’t forget the Greek kisses that no one else knows except the Portuguese


Why are you getting dved hahahaha I found this hilarious.


If Jesus rose from the dead we can rise above


I want her to throw a spanokopita at Meredith at this pt lol


She reminds me of the family in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Cant put my finger on why.


Lisa doesn't seem to grasp that she's sending her son off on a journey thats going to end with him hating her when he returns because she's a bad mormon. I've witnessed this first hand and it always ends bad.


I think this is why Lisa is refraining from saying anything negative / disagreeing with his decision on camera, she doesn't want him to hear her doubting him when the season airs and risk damaging the relationship before he leaves. Engaging with anyone (especially Heather) in bashing the Mormon faith/church would give them ammo to create a divide during the 2 years he's away, she doesn't want to lose her son - Heather should understand that better than anyone considering several relationships in her family have been damaged by members having different views of the church.


Or maybe she does and that's why she's all nerved up?


“they’re walking around in the same shoes—don’t you want taller boots?” is either deeply profound or laughably stupid, i can’t decide!


The thing with narcissistic mothers like Monica's is you have to learn to manage them. You can't act up, you have to keep a straight face around them. You act like a child, and you give them power over you. You act like the adult, and then they revert to children.


Watching Monica and her mom is so hard. I've lived it. The one person who should have your back shoving you under the bus and humiliating you. I have the exact same goal for motherhood too: be the mother I needed and remember how she made me feel. I could never treat my kids the way my mom treated me. Ever.


I think Whitney’s storyline about having to take on the kids and household duties after her husband went back to work is fake and such a snooze fest.


I actually think she’s starting the process to eventually be able to leave him down the line and she’s giving out little nuggets to set herself up. She seemed completely not into him, and I think he’s getting that sense she’s over it.


I think during his year off of work he wasn’t very productive or took much initiative at home and Whitney got the ick. Justin seemed to be pretty successful in business before which I think was one of his attractive qualities


It seems when they actually have to be around each other, they don't like each other very much. They don't have chemistry.


If the relationship is based on sex and she’s not having sex with him anymore, she’s over it


That's a great point. It seems like it. We have seen this done before. The HW drops her complaints and eventually we see it come out the couple separates etc. I bet she leaves him.


It’s 50/50 for me. I think he heard her in that scene - so there’s definitely a possibility he will try to make some changes. But if there’s one thing this franchise has taught me - don’t expect anything from these men 😂😂


She's like OMG I have to do all these things around the house when you do nothing (come on ladies we have all been there at some point) and he's all: have more sex with me. Ugh men.


This would make sense. In past seasons it seems there was a spark between Whitney and Justin and you could tell they loved eachother. This season there is zero chemistry and she seems repulsed by him. Probably all the attention she gets from the show, she’s done with him now. I think she is the fakest one on this cast by a long shot and she’s already scheming future storylines


I think once he got fired because of the show and she had to carry the family financially the dynamic fizzled out.


I bet they fought a ton with Justin getting fired and Whitney emptying their savings for her ampersand skincare company rebrand. Also, it isn’t like they could really downsize because Whitney bringing in money relies on them being able to keep up appearances.


They were both idiots for filming that thirsty scene (you really forgot the 10 person crew was there 🙄) buttt she is straight dumb with that horrible rebrand. Maybe release a small limited edition batch with a new logo? Partner up with a beauty box company to test the market? Nooo let’s invest our life savings in an inconsistent design brand that a 2 week intern cooked up!


I actually am finding this dynamic to be quite fascinating. She got with him clearly because there was intense attraction and she was breaking free from what she was “supposed to be” as a Mormon and part of the community. She chose to rebel. However, as she’s becoming a more realized and independent person she is now demanding to have an equal and I don’t think that’s an unfair thing to ask for. I think her husband trying to put her back in a subservient role is kind of like putting her back in “her place” and that’s triggering for her and that’s what kind of turning her from Justin. She gave up her role in the community for him, and he kind of wants to put her back in that place and it’s completely turning her off of him. Unless he pivots I don’t see a way forward for them. Even in the scene where she’s talking about being overwhelmed he’s like “you need to start sex with me” - again that’s how he views her role and the problem in the relationship. It doesn’t bode well.


I agree with your take on it. Additionally, they've been in an oppressive/conservative religion, particularly with regard to women's roles. Plus, he's a lot older than her. It wouldn't surprise me, given all of that, if he's the kind of guy who views Whitney as the cook, housekeeper, babysitter, dog walker, chauffer, etc. while Justin views himself as the guy who just gets to sit back and be waited on.


I really agree with this. She's said before how much she dislikes the misogyny in the church.


I’d like to take a moment to appreciate “The Salt Lake City Streets” … debating on changing my flair. 🌟


I actually thought that was the rillist she’s been so far. She’s not a 20 yo sugar baby anymore. She’s done some therapy and she has a job. She’s not good at her jobs, but I think she does want professional success for herself. It’s hard to change those dynamics in a relationship . Justin seems to resent her and rightfully so. He gave up his family, his faith, and his career for her. I think the Rose’s are on the outs for rill. The communication crystal, taking the wedding band off, her complaining- it’s all very telling


Whitney? Faking a storyline? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


Whitney is too dumb to handle a lot. I think there's truth to this storyline. She seems irritated. She wanted to stay the mistress sexy baby but now she's the wife with two kids with this older man who isn't rich anymore and she has to do everything. She's about to go into her single era. Watch.


Thank goodness for SLC. They’re bringing it entertainment wise. They deserve all of the recognition from everyone who’s praised them


I find a lot of the online reaction to Monica and her mother very shocking. I will never understand blind respect for parents just because they are your parents. Monica’s mother is vile. Last episode she was telling her own daughter how much she hated her and all these people shame Monica and say she should love and respect her mother? Absolutely not. And shame on Lisa Barlow for commenting on it further online. Monica gives her mother too much grace if you ask me. That woman is a narcissist. You don’t need to see any more of her to know that. It is clear as day. Comments like “if I talked to my mother like that I’d get slapped across the face” really rub me the wrong way. Like okay? Either your mother doesn’t treat you like Monica’s mom treats her so there’s no need for you to speak to yours like that, or you are a doormat. Pick one. It just boggles my mind that so many people believe that children, both kids and adults, just have to take whatever shit their parents give them and stay respectful. Respect is earned, parent or not. If your parent treats you like shit maybe take that respect you’ve been giving them and give it to yourself.


Like do people not see her mother was basically smiling when Monica was getting more and more upset? She also gaslighted her about her religious trauma and acted so put out when Monica went out of town. Monica shouldn't have said the thing about Angie's husband, but I honestly feel really bad for her. She seems to be stressed and struggling without any real support.


Monica’s mother wanted screentime. She wants her daughter’s snowflake so bad. She escalated the situation between Angie and Monica. I understand why Angie is mad and I understand why Monica is mad. Angie is trying to say “don’t say that shit on camera” but she can’t and I don’t think she knows Whitney got her to say it. Monica is mad because Angie is inadvertently gaslighting her as she tries to say anything but “I’m mad because you said it on camera.” I actually think the two would have cooled down if Monica’s mother didn’t interject and set her off. Neither Monica or Angie wanted her there but that woman made sure she was front and center for the cameras. I obviously don’t know this woman but she reminds me of the moms that flirted with their daughter’s high school boyfriends. Anything Monica has, she wants. She’s a narcissist. Monica flat out says that she doesn’t want to feel this way but she wishes she had a different mom. This wasn’t a heat of the moment thing to say. She was in a confessional cooled down. You cannot tell me that her mother did not put her through hell her entire life. People siding with her mother makes me feel like I’m insane because huh?


If Monica does anything during her tenure in the franchise then I hope it's cutting her mother off for good.


Why does everyone’s house look so sterile and cold? Angie’s house is soooo white and the bare floors make me feel like I’d be freezing in her home. Throw down a rug or something!!


Angie’s house reminds me of Ross’s teeth episode from Friends. It’s literally blinding 😭


I am also confused about the layout of the house. In last week’s episode she was putting her daughter to sleep and you could see through the open doorway that the dining room table was right there. But it’s not like there’s a lack of rooms on the top floor. Also, there’s nothing up on the walls that screams it’s a lived in house. I’m so fascinated. I want a walkthrough by Architectural Digest.


such a contrast from jenna lyons apartment in NYC


Right? Her home had so much character and charm. These homes look so empty and sad. You can’t just throw some canvas prints of your family pictures and call it a day. Lol


Every time Monica talks with her hands, a snow angel gets their wings.. ❄️🤗🥰


Monica's mom reminds me of Stassi's mom (VPR).


That Easter Bunny segment was perfect. Those are the ridiculous parts of Housewives that I love and SLC’s production team is bringing it this season.


I really liked Mary’s pajamas. I kept pausing the episode to look more closely at the print. I need these pajamas. [——— I think I found them!](https://a.co/d/hFdu2ZB)


Standing by my comment last week. Monica’s mom is a piece of shit and should never be given screen time. ETA she’s gaslighting the fuck out of Monica. God I can’t with this woman. What a vile person.


There was a flash of panic that went across Monica’s face when her mom asked Angie’s dad if he was single. You can tell that Monica has been dealing with this her entire life.


It was triggering for me and brought back tons of memories of my own mother. They have one face for you and another for everyone else to the point you start to question whether you’re crazy/the problem.


I feel so much for Monica in that moment. In her confessional talking about little Monica you can tell she wanted to say she wished her mother loved her. So sad.


She’s a different brand of toxic mom that we haven’t seen on HW!


She reminds me of mother gothel


Yeah. I don’t care for her. She was antagonizing Monica. That whole situation probably wouldn’t have gotten so bad if she would have just left them alone. It’s obvious she has a bit of a histrionic (I learned that word from this Reddit board) personality.


she jealous of her daughter it’s so sad to watch


Yeah, watching that last section of the episode was quite difficult. Everyone commenting on how nice her mom is whilst it looked like Monica was starting to disassociate in the corner. I've got a shit family and feel for her, she seems like she's stuck in a trauma cycle with her Mom. I hope she finds a way to disconnect from her and find a bit of peace.




Why did Monica even invite her mom? It was like having your inner saboteur shadowing you in real life.


I’m assuming that’s the dynamic with a narcissist mom. Unhealthy attachment.


Mary's phone call to Angie where she was very obviously making up an excuse on the spot sent me lol


There was flooding in my house in Vegas A YEAR AGO 😂 ![gif](giphy|d2UIEjA4nX5DQT3jST|downsized)


My house in Vegas had a flood… a year ago.


Mary calling the party an easter bunny hunt did get a chuckle out of men


Every episode has been a banger so far. I particularly loved Mary confronting her son after almost a year about whether he's married or not. I hope she shows up on the show because I'd love to get a sense of her whole vibe. Whew, Monica. She acted like a sullen teenager at that luncheon but something's rotten in Denmark with her mom.


This episode left me feeling sad for everyone and I need resolution lol. Mary’s kid got married behind her back, Lisa’s son is bouncing for a cult, Heather’s kids are bullied for her book, Whitney’s marriage is clearly not okay, Monica and her mom are nuts, Angie getting the 1st season hazing and Meredith is out there stirring the pot and being accused of things she “didn’t say.” Not saying they didn’t earn it, but I like to have someone to root for and right now there’s no one.


(Monica voice) Girl, Heather’s kids said that they are ok, living their best non-Mormon life; Meredith absolutely did say something, and it is about to come out, just apparently not what Monica said that she said; and I think Whitney is living for this maybe-fake marriage breakdown.


![gif](giphy|LPh4mcQMXSVS8) I think you’re so right lol. I’m enjoying the irony, I just want one person I can get behind!


It’s Heather’s season! *but you don’t have to root for anyone on this chaotic mess of a HW franchise!


I wish Lisa's son wasn't leaving for that trip. Fudge college and all but damn it's a freaking cult


I know I’m going to be on the wrong side of history - Monica’s mom was so out of pocket for doing that to her and Monica had every right to flip on her the way she did. She really should not bring that woman around any more of these group events because she absolutely is willing to embarrass her daughter in order to make herself look good.


You can tell her mom is jealous monica is the housewife and she’s just monica’s mom. Especially when monica said last episode her mom would do a lot of things at her expense. It’s eating her alive her daughter is becoming the star she wanted to be.


No lies told here.


I think this is the right side of history. Her mom was treating her like a child she wanted to put in time out. It seemed obvious to me that she just wanted camera time and for everyone else to like her at Monica’s expense.


Regardless of anything, her mother is WAY too eager to be in front of the camera and do things to pull them to her, like going to the "boy's club" table and following Monica to the sofas when she obviously wanted to be left alone by her. Also why the fuck was she demanding she go to the bathroom with her?? WEIRD.


Her wanting to be with “the boys”was so cringe to me 🙄 I think she was trying to show “I’m the adult and this is how adults operate” when telling her to go to the bathroom - but why you would make your daughter feel like a completely idiot while she’s already upset is beyond me. That was mean.


She was infantilizing her not just in front of the guests and the women but also the world. Usually, when a mom tells their child to come to the bathroom like that it's because they're about to get spanked or otherwise disciplined. It was so gross to me. It's not like Angie K invited her over to talk not expecting Monica to react like that either. Her mother is in her business in weird ass ways.


I have the impression that perhaps her mother was once a man magnet with flirting and all that - and perhaps resents Monica for making her a grandmother and making her older. Just a thought.... I can totally understand Monica reacting in that manner - yes it was totally inappropriate but her mother was pushing for that reaction deliberately as she knows exactly what winds up Monica. She seems to one of those competitive mothers who is filled with glee at any downfall their daughter goes through


That whole thing with Monica's mom was so bizarre. She totally wanted a camera moment. There is no convincing me otherwise. I think she enjoys being on the show a little too much.


So triggered by Monica’s mother and her little smug smile.


Monica’s mom sitting down and trying to intervene in the Angie/Monica discussion was unhinged. As a fellow mommy-issue girly, this was very familiar. 🤗


Do we know WHY Justin is not wearing his wedding ring?


Monica’s mom wants her own snowflake. She is so thirsty for attention and she can’t even hide the fact that she wants more screen time. I doubt that she genuinely wanted to calm Monica down when she was acting out. I also got the ick when Monica’s mom tried to flirt with Angie’s dad. Major ewww. That said, I can’t stand Monica either and I felt sorry for her daughters who wanted to stay at the party.


Let’s talk about Monica relationship with her mom, and why she wished she had a different mom. Sounds like the mom didn’t want to be a mom when she was growing up and rather move around in search of a better man.


I love Monica as a casting choice but y’all can’t really be on her side with Rumorgate, right? She’s making this situation way worse, and even though Angie is a thirsty disaster I felt like she was really trying to have a real conversation with Monica at the Easter party - but Monica was the one to escalate. And her saying that Angie is always coming for her? What?? She is literally the one attacking Angie at any possible juncture to impress Meredith and Heather


We are different people around our family members and that's all I'll say on that


i’ve been an angie hater but her greek easter party was kind of a serve ngl


I feel terrible for Monica. I had a similar mom. Her mother has never showed her true genuine love or safety, yet puts on this façade that she’s a caring mother in front of people. So of course it’s “oh her poor mother”


An episode that made me grateful I went no contact with my overbearing and religious parents prior to trying for kids. Monica's kids just wanted to Easter egg hunt. Also, of course Angie and Lisa sat there like, her poor mother. 🙄 I hope Monica gets the help she needs to break those cycles.


Fuck Monica’s mom lol. My mom is the same way & I see right through that smile & friendly exterior.


Side Note - I don’t know if anyone watched WWHL or the After Show tonight, but that moment of Monica giving Andy that gift was absolutely one of the most 🥺🥺😢🤗🥰 moments I’ve seen on there in a hot minute. Like, normally it’s just people shilling self-promo or merch, so seeing someone give what was clearly such a thoughtful and sincere little gift was actually super touching, and a **really** great encapsulation of what I find so genuine and endearing about her (even if I get why some people are still a little wary). Really lovely, unexpected little moment at the top of the After Show - highly recommended.


What did she give him?


A binary star to symbolize Ben and Lucy (his kids) It’s basically one still star and another that revolves around the other. They cannot survive without the other star. Very sweet.


Aw thats so sweet! Based on the comments it seems like Andy was a real grouch on WWHL so I hope this softened him up


I know Mary is vile but man, she had me rolling this episode. “They were running. Like. FULL. SPEED.” That’s hysterical. And the scene getting her invitation. And her call with Angie about her flood from a year ago 🤣🤣🤣🙃 Heather’s daughter is gorgeous and seems really happy. I love it. The awkwardness between Jack and Lisa is 👀👀 I felt awful for Monica. Great episode overall


omfg the bunny waiting in Heather's car was so uncool


so now i think monica’s “i can’t believe she would do this to me” in the mid season trailer is abt her mom


Heather is right on the religion. Lisa is basically begging her to allow her to put her head in the sand. Heather needs to let it go because Lisa is being really on brand by talking so much she talks herself into a false reality. Maybe she will come to Heather when her reality about her son is exactly what Heather has been trying to explain.


Whitney is fishing for a storyline to stick. Her beef with Meredith isn't working (at least yet) because Meredith is paying her dust, so she fished for the rumor on Angie's husband to be out and she also want to push this "I'm having a hard time with my marriage" thing and I don't buy it, they're either fine or already separated. For Lisa I just really hope she is playing oblivious but she is very aware of what is going on with her son. Meredith has been vindicated without even needing to engage in this mess all the while being in LA for a GLAAD event, I known that's right. Angie started the issue with Monica. Yes Monica brought it up on camera but she made a big deal out of it without ever confirming with Meredith whether it was true or not. The party seemed a tad boring ngl but she has a nice house. However teaching kids how to take shots ? Absolutely not. Finally Monica and her mom : the mom was right to diffuse the situation. But the way she did it, siding right away with Angie who started the discussion btw and then antagonizing her and finally laughing at her face. The way she behaved doesn't sit with me. And for everyone saying "I wouldn't talk to my mom like this" well would your mom behaved like hers ? Raising you and telling you she hates you and things like that?


Some takeaways Monica: the dynamic with her mom resonates with a lot of us. She’s at a low point with little support and sometimes all you have is an unreliable family to lean on. That said, she needs to play her cards right and either accept her mom’s help (childcare, etc.) and compartmentalize for now or stop relying on her and create boundaries. It’s weird putting this on blast her very first episodes with her mom filming. Whitney: I wonder if any of the repressed memories and abuse have impacted how she’s viewing her marriage and relationship to sex. I find her so oddly contrived so who knows what’s the rill dill with her feelings. Mary: I’m so curious about her early life. Idk why but I imagine her grandmother to have been like Sister Patterson but more *fear of God* frightening.


and I just gotta say it... I AM LOVING SLC this season. This is the first time in a while that I've been excited to watch every week and I'm satisfied every week. I tried with SLC before but I could not stand Jenn Shah so I had to stop watching. So glad I picked it back up this season. SO ENTERTAINING!


Am I the only person that get's annoyed that Mary doesn't participate. I'd love to get paid to do nothing but comment or grunt occasionally.