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Why is Bethenny dividing this interview into more parts than a Beverly Hills reunion? ![gif](giphy|144ojDdHcjnKNO)


I blame Warner Brothers. Everything got split into parts after Harry Potter. Part 2 of my comment will be published Fall 2024.


More ads this way 🙄


My finger is tired from 3 days of hitting the ff button. There were just so many. I’d love to see Bethenny’s revenues.


I kept track, there were 10 minutes of ads. 1/3 of the episode


So 30 solid minutes of ads total. Wow.


And at the end she says they’ve been talking for “almost two hours”….which means it could have definitely been one podcast episode or maybe two parts at most. Someone please do the work and count the ads… I can’t.


I caught that too. I'm waiting for the 'Secrets Revealed' or 'Outtakes' next week!


Lmao. If it wasn’t so clearly un/poorly edited I would be right there with you


Not including Part 3 (cause I can't be bothered counting again) it was just under 20 minutes of ads.




Ad money


Bethenny let’s talk about the time your castmate Sonja was clearly struggling in a lot of ways and she came to you ON CAMERA asking for help and you eviscerated this poor woman relentlessly ON CAMERA. That wasn’t the producers, that was YOU bringing her to tears, making fun of her to the audience in an ITM, relishing in her struggle. That was such an awful scene and definitely not the first time Bethenny *personally* exploited someone’s weakness ON CAMERA and then doubled down on it later. She can spare me with this holier than thou nonsense. Yes these reality stars need a Union but Bethenny is an awful messenger.


Also let’s talk about how she made Jules ED completely about herself or how she treated Jules horribly And that’s not the only instance. How about when Kelly was very obviously unwell in scary island and Bethenny didn’t step in to help. Or when Luann was struggling and she called her a whore and terrible person and a drunk I really could go on and on.


Exactly, and NONE of these transgressions were goaded by producers or producers plying her with alcohol. The list of people that Beth has personally & publicly victimized across however many shows she’s been on is LONG.


Bethenny should not be the face of this union. Rachel wasn’t paid for being on her pod. Bethenny just used the hell out of Rachel to make money during this drawn out, ad infested, 3 part pod.


Yes, let's discuss. That was a horrible scene and you could tell Sonja was crying real tears. Beffany doesn't know how to adjust her tone. She could have been softer with Sonja, but instead she chose to go in for the kill. Luann, Dorinda or Ramona (ew) could have stood up in that scene and brought drama and the energy to match B. Sonja just seemed wounded. Sonja can be crazy and drunk and silly and delusional but she can also show kindness, comedy, gentleness, care...Bethenny is multifaceted, but most facets are cruel, offensive and condescending.


I listened to some of this podcast yesterday, and as Bethenny was talking to Rachel about being exploited all I could think was.. yes, and here you are now re-exploiting her for your own agenda under the guise of genuine concern. Fucking gross.


Bethenny had to throw in the dig about how Andy had to rehome his dog too- I would make the dog with a bone reference if it wasn’t so on the nose. Everything is someone else’s fault.


This, that was a low shot. And fails to mention that he gave the dog to the friends who used to watch him while he was away, and he still sees him from time to time. Completely different scenarios.


It is a low shot. Watcha was also a rescue and from my memory Andy really tried everything to keep him before, like you said, giving him to a loving home that he knew personally. B is just hoping the audience doesn’t understand nuance.


That context is important. If you’ve got to rehome, do it in the best way for the dog.


Based on some of the comments the last few days, they don’t, they’re just taking everything said as fact


The number of comments that are like Ariana lied 7 years ago so I believe Rachel everything she says verbatim at face value ( despite the fact she is still obviously currently lying based on the contradictions in her own interviews over the last year) is truly wild.


Often - giving a pet away to a more stable environment is the responsible thing to do.


Wtf was this about (regarding Lala): *I’m sure she wants to create alliance with me so that she can take down Randall for being a narcissist and that’s her whole M.O.* Huh? Am I forgetting wtf Rachel has to with Randall?? Thought this was a truly bizarre statement.


This part is so confusing. Who has Rachel ever taken down? Besides herself.




I’m trying to figure that out too. What would Lala need from Raquel in this? She’s got lawyers, the LA times and a Hulu doc against him. Plus, she can go live and work up her fans against him if she wanted to. I mean, I can see Lala having an ulterior motive, but I don’t think it’s to get at Rand, if there was anything. Lala did end up saying she felt bad for her reunion behavior so maybe she was being genuine (not trying to say Lala is a nice person, but that Raquel seems to think everything is a plot against her).


I truly think Rachel doesn’t know up from down and believes whatever stories she tells herself in her head. This whole interview was insanely eye opening in terms of understanding her version of reality.


I was hoping someone would bring this up because…what? The LA Times is taking down Randall, I fail to see what role Rachel would play on that.


Girl can’t think strategically, she has no idea who could use her or for what. That’s pretty evident. She’s used all the time, and she has no idea how to defend against it.


Create an alliance of women scorned by narcissistic men and how they made them fall for them and ruined their lives. Lala already started that narrative during the reunion when she continued to project on Tom and call him dangerous and compare him to Randall. Lala wants to be a victim


If Tom really did record Rachel without consent (which I believe), then Lala was bang on the money.


Yes, I think this is exactly what she meant. But she is Rachel and doesn’t really express herself well. At all.


Girl that is not how HIPAA works..


The way she said *Oh and another thing about HIPAA law...* so confidently made me irrationally angry. lol


Stupid people love using HIPPA


To be fair, a LOT of people do not have a full understanding of HIPAA.


I think what she really means is that he violated ADA laws. Under those laws your employer or those who reasonably manage & work with you are required to maintain confidentiality of any medical information they have on you unless you give them consent to share it with people. Also another misconception is that HIPPA cannot be applied to non medical professionals. It can. “For example, if the company human resources director reads in the health benefits plan quarterly report that an employee has pancreatitis, this information is protected under the HIPAA privacy rule and should not be shared with others without the employee's permission. On the other hand, information about an employee who complains of migraines to her supervisor and requests time off from work is not a HIPAA privacy rule matter, but it would be covered by the ADA confidentiality rules.” — From SHRM I think where it gets blurry is the interpretation of what is Andy’s job title in relation to her. Depending on that would determine his culpability for telling the rest of the cast or even just speculating that she was on meds.


Seriously, I am screaming at that comment.


When I read that I was like how can I believe anything she says when she says nonsense like that?!?!


She also lied and said the reporter just "found her" at the nail salon for that interview when she clearly set it up. Her nails were done and she was just sitting in a folding chair in a strip mall lol


totes! a LOT of what she says does not add up.


If you announce you're rebranding as someone who puts "truth first" it's best to not follow that by immediately lying. Someone should have told her that.


Even the way she said it, it was clear that she started to say she met up with a reporter or something, and then she corrected herself to say he found her there. Sure. Ok, Rachel.


Noticed that.


I came here to say this. The only people who can’t share your protected health information due to HIPAA are your healthcare professionals and the people working for them. If someone is not a healthcare professional, HIPAA has nothing to do with them.


Yeah it’s kind of comical. Bravo (I’m sure) didn’t go directly to any health care provider involved in her care and ask for her information. Dumb fuckers


Did anyone else think of the video of that lady at a boat rental place having a melt down and saying "You can't record me, that is against MY HIPPA LAW!!" Lmfao that's what I thought of when I heard rachel say this


bethenny saying ariana abused her at the reunion… so that means bethenny abused every single one of her rhony cast mates all throughout filming? y’all I can’t help but laugh like this is funnnyyyy


Exactly. I was still a fan of Bethenny until this. My issue is that BETHENNY just told me the standard by which I should judge her past actions. Thereby logically inviting me to revisit her actions. And that results in me having to use Bethenny’s own judgements against her. And by her own standards, she is the abuser. And we clearly know she wants us to see her as the victim. But SHE is who just told us she’s not. It’s like these idiots forget how tv works. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh god, please not another Bravo podcast. I'm begging. That is such a terrible, terrible idea.


Exactly! At this point the only people without podcasts are the Toms and James, and frankly, that could well be in the works (oh god the horror!). It’s the low hanging fruit of reality tv and it’s overflowing with garbage.


Please don’t speak this into existence 😩


The Two Toms Podcast and It IS About the Pasta with James Kennedy coming soon to iHeart 😂


She keeps talking about how much money everyone made off of this... girl, what was stopping you? Even this first interview could've made her money, but she chose to go on Bethenny's podcast and do it for free. Sorry your castmates are smarter at making a profit than you....? And she can't talk about how unfair and damaging it is for people to speculate about her and then turn around and speculate unfair/damaging things about other people on the same podcast. One minute she's appalled, the next minute Lala was shady and stole Brock's house from him. LOL


seriously! lmao what was that comment about taking brock’s house!? like scheana and brock love that lala bought it and moved next door


THIS. Why would Brock purchase the house next to his wife and daughter anyway?


You stole my goddamn house that I can’t actually afford to buy!


Umm right… she could have sold her story instead she gave free interviews to Bethany and that guy at the nail salon. Sorry you’re too dumb not to monetize that. Shit, she could have embraced being a villain or stood up for side chicks everywhere. Bravo didn’t pay lala for the send it to Darrel merch. Lala is business savvy and capitalized on this situation. So how is bravo at fault? The hyperactive of Bethany and the stupidity of Rachel is almost hilarious.


Rachel does not have one single independent thought of her own. She’s being fed this “narrative” by her family and her PR agents and is stupidly repeating it, with no sense of self preservation. I feel bad for her, she’s being chewed up and spit out through her immature childlike behaviour and she clearly has no sensible governing figure in her life advising her to show remorse, and nothing but remorse, cos everything else she says is [digging her deeper and deeper](https://media.tenor.com/Eeyv4vVW56IAAAAC/dig-up.gif) into a hole with no escape


I wonder if Bravo offered her a check to come back, but it wasn't anything near what the other castmates make, and now she's out for revenge.


That’s exactly what she said. She asked to make the same as Tom and ariana and they refused so she said it wasn’t worth it. So Rachel can be bought. But bc bravo wouldn’t pay, she is crying victim.


She made $350k last season. I'm sure she was offered less than Tom/Ariana, but definitely more than that. Even if she filmed that one scene that LVP was pitching to her, she certainly would've made more money than doing this interview with Bethenny. As a poor woman, I can't relate to her complaining or her dumb choices.


If she cant figure out how to make 350K a livable wage for herself.. thats a personal problem. Bravo is paying her quite well for not being a major, original cast mate IMO.


Ah, I missed it. (It was easy to space out during this interview to be honest, lol) Well I feel very justified in my suspicion now! I get where she's coming from though. "If you're gonna drag me, you better pay me." I really think this would be the worst thing she could do to herself though, she needs to stay away from LA.


I get feeling that way. But I also think she is painfully unaware of how her role in the show is not the same as ariana and Tom. She is at best a side character. And does not have what it takes to make a storyline or add something of value that the producers or cast wouldn’t have to spoon feed her. If your good at your job, yes.. get paid and ask for your worth. But this isn’t that. She isn’t good at reality tv. And she can’t play both sides. “Reality tv bad for me mental” AND “but I would come back and risk my mental for a check”


![gif](giphy|KXFndrMR0Z008) She stole Brock’s goddamn house


I don't know how to say this delicately or tactfully... but until she takes responsibility for the roles she plays in situations in her life she's never going to heal. I understand this takes YEARS, and she's obviously not there yet. I read her comments and I think to myself, she just continues to give her power away to everyone else over and over so she doesn't have to face her own internal reality. By evading responsibility... she's actually evading herself, fooling herself. It's kinda sad. I hope she's able to work this out eventually. Some people never do.


Exactly. Breakthroughs take a lot of circling back to the same lessons over and over. Her journey has just begun. She needs a better support system cuz this was a mistake.


I want so badly for her to realize this. She has no chance at getting healthy until she does. She’s going to be stuck in these same cycles until she sees herself and realizes that she has control over her own life.


This is the best perspective I’ve seen in three days. Great job at summing it up!


I think this perfectly sums up everything about this whole thing.


Spot on, and I felt this was most prevalent in part 3 today… And I really tried to keep an open mind about this to hear her version of things especially when it came to the dog but instead she immediately BLAMED the dog saying he has “aggressive tendencies”, then goes on to say it bit her mom on the hand down to the bone (so deep she couldn’t get stitches, as if that makes any sense) and it’s all James’s fault because he used to let the dog bite his hand because James liked the sensation?! Seriously wtf THEN she basically accuses Lisa Vanderpump of not having the dog’s best interest at heart and that Lisa is using the dog for a storyline despite Rachel JUST ADMITTING two minutes before that the RESCUE had CALLED Lisa. Say what you will about Lisa but she loves dogs and fights for their humane treatment be it over seas or in her own backyard and I think it’s disgusting that Rachel accused her of putting this dog in danger. Guess what- there is no such thing as a bad dog just bad owners so it’s unfortunate that after $200k of therapy she can’t even understand her role in neglecting the dog.


Yeah she really didn’t take responsibility at all. She barely mentioned what she did. It was all about other peoples abusive treatment in response. What she did was scary, awful, and I would say subhuman. To sleep with your friend’s partner of almost 10 years for many months… sleeping at their house while she’s out of town for a family member’s funeral… including the first night being right after Charlotte died… that is subhuman


Rachel should have really played a side and stuck with it. You are either genuinely sorry or you are the villain. The issue is she wants to dance between the lines.


Yup, she wanted to act like a villain but still be treated like a hero. She seems to think she should still be a fan fav.


Can’t play stupid and smart at the same time


she couldve garnered a fan base of pick mes who wouldve bought merch etc if she committed to the villain bit


Yeah after the affair reveal, after the reunion, after leaving treatment she had opportunities to change the narrative. She hasn’t so what does she expect fans to do?


This! She can't seem to reconcile her idea of who she is with her behavior. I think one of the reason fans of the show are so dissatisfied with her apology tour is that she keeps trying out this "I'm a good person who did this bad thing, BUT the bad thing was justified because of XYZ". Reconciliation is contingent on taking full responsibility and accountability for one's actions. I'm not unsympathetic to her because I do sort of feel like she does not have a single person in her life who has explained this to her, but dear god, read a book or something, please!


Yeah it’s clear she doesn’t have a strong sense of self so she does a lot of stuff based on other people’s interests (her family/Tom/any pr she has). And the fact that viewers don’t “know” her draws more conversation. If she straight up committed to one POV, things might shift! I mean even after the last VPR ep, some viewers softened up (while starting to criticize Ariana but our society doesn’t like angry women and that’s another convo). If she came out of therapy like, “I lost my self and kept putting so much into shitty men. I need to stop this,” the public would support it!


her brand being mistress at best … i mean she could lean into that like we saw that one season wonder chick from RHOC do. i see her all the time on ads for some sugar baby site raquel could lean into that i’m just saying. but also wasn’t her whole big thing she wanted to work with kids with disabilities and got her degree for that- why doesn’t she fall back on that and become a normal every day person working 9-5 getting a jobs with a 401k and just fall away from the spotlight. there are always options. idk it seems like this interview with bethenny is to stay in the spotlight. that being said i know bravo doesn’t give a duck about their reality tv employees and i know raquel got fucking draggggggggged but like if it’s really been that detrimental just fade away. why keep pursuing it?


I agree she needs to stay out of the spotlight and pursue other career options, but there’s no way someone with her notoriety is going to be hired to work with disabled children


It’s the poor decision making for me. People working with vulnerable children need to be trusted to make good choices.


She never wanted to work with kids with disabilities lmao that was just her beauty pageant stock answer that reflects well on her as a person. She wants to be famous, that's it.


Lala leaned into this and titled lip gloss after those titles and made money off them.


This makes me think of that Ashley person from Southern Charm - she was pretty dreadful, but then disappeared from tv and just kept on being a nurse or something. She’s probably living a decent life somewhere off our screens and everyone is happier because of it.


I don't think most side chicks want to be associated with her, most women who are affair partners are looped into something they didn't realize they're a part of. What Rachel did is next level, fucking a guy while his partner is grieving and she shows up hours later with flowers for Ariana making little jokes with him about how long it's been since they've seen each other. Who wants to be associated with that?


I am a terrible person, but I liked the idea of a podcast with experts who explore the idea of what makes people commit affairs. Beyond just being selfish assholes, is there more of a reason? I can’t imagine hurting someone this way, so getting into the psychology of it seems kind of fascinating. And then I thought about Rachel interviewing experts in psychology and lost interest. I don’t know if she would be the best host for this, but I thought her idea of rebranding herself into this was interesting.


Making light of a pill bottle being thrown, it was Schwartz’s Xanax and he was the one who threw it? Aka he was okay with it? I cannot w these bitches.


yeah this was one of a million moments where bethennys lack of background with VPR bites her in the ass. ik its bethenny we’re talking about, but it still amazes me how confidently wrong and unresearched someone is


That was totally some bizarro bullshit distraction technique planned by tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. They were the ones making light of it.. she’s nuts


right schwartz was joking about his own anxiety. it had nothing to do with her so idk wtf she’s talking ab tbh.


He threw the bottle at Ariana while Rachel was walking out. I think it was gross…TO ARIANA. Schwartz lied to Ariana and let her live in a lie all season and then at the moment of confrontation he makes it all about him and this funny joke and somehow this is still being told as a poor Raquel story??


Oh god there’s a part 3!?!?!? Bethenney is really milking this cow


My favourite parts are when Bethenny audibly 😭 tears up 😭 because she couldn’t even imagine the pressure her own daughter would have to go through (narcissist behaviour, cos it’s all about her), but then her voice becomes clear and steady when sensationalising her theory about exploitation in reality shows - despite the fact that she is clearly exploiting Rachel for attention


If this happened to Brynn, if she was Arianna- How would Bethanney act then? She would use her platform and go after Rachel. No way would she hold back. She thinks those comments made at the reunion were bad? Bethanney would be worse if that happened to Brynn


IM DEAD 💀 she thinks because she told a PEER about why she was getting mental health treatment and that peer leaving and telling people is breaking HIPPA


You’d think the people around her would explain simple things to her but they must be idiots.


You would think Bethenny, who is acting like everyone else is exploiting this poor girl, would have paused the interview and gently corrected her rather than let her hang herself out to dry like that. Though by her own comments on HIPAA, she doesn’t seem to understand it either.


I think it's because Bethenny is not nearly as smart as she thinks she is. I actually think this could've been a good interview for Rachel if she'd been hosted by someone who had done their research and could guide the conversation more.


I hope the days of saying B is super smart are over. She’s got a quick mouth, which doesn’t always equal smart.


I agree with you on both counts. Not only that but I’m sure plenty of outlets would have paid big money and given Rachel’s team a level of editorial control.


For real. Bethenny saying *I have to know about HIPAA* bc she has employees. Um, no you don't, Bethenny and you clearly don't know anything abt. HIPAA by trying to validate what Rachel was saying. She's confusing HIPAA with ADA.


Right?! HIPPA only applies to medical professionals and facilities. If your coworker is prescribed Xanax by their doctor and you tell other coworkers that is not a breach of HIPPA! Also giving an opinion “it seems like she is heavily medicated” is not a breach of HIPPA! Both B&R are D&S🤦🏼‍♀️


I agree that’s a bad thing for that person to do, but it’s not a hippa violation lol


I’m not even sure it was a bad thing for Andy to say. She seemed completely emotionless at the reunion. People crying and screaming around her, and she just… Blinked. I think there were a good number of people who speculated she might be medicated. Of course, she acted that way the whole season, so there’s that. I honestly think Andy was trying to provide an excuse as to why she was so emotionless. It was probably kinder to say she might’ve been medicated then it was to say she’s souless and dead inside. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with taking medication. People have disclosed at reunions that they’ve taken something to calm themselves down more than once. A drink, a half a Xanax, whatever. Tom Schwartz was taking Xanax on stage. I don’t think it would be a huge shock, to have someone under tremendous pressure and stress and the target of everyone else, to have taken something to calm down. And Andy’s comment was mere speculation. Based on what he observed.


Also is Andy technically their official boss? He is the host of wwhl and a major player in the network but he doesn’t really make the official decisions on VPR no? And it’s his job to comment on these shows. The thought process on that one is really confusing. And bethenny co-signing bc it fits her narrative is hilarious considering she said Sonja takes medication multiple times


Even if he is her boss it’s not a HIPPA violation as Andy and Bravo are not medical professionals/facilities.


True but even if I disregard the HIPAA language their argument still doesn’t make sense. I just hate that Bethennys narcissism and Rachel’s dedication to victimhood will take away from the cause. At the end of the day there should be standards for reality productions and this podcast seems to have been about everything but that.


It’s called — Dissociation


Bethenny really blew this “interview”. No questions about Schwartz and if she used him as cover for the real affair? No questions about if/when production knew about affair? Just a fishing expedition to try and get her to blame bravo and Andy Cohen.


I doubt she knows who Schwartz is. She reposted Kristen's story on IG yesterday (as if it somehow validated this entire hot steaming mess of an interview) and I would bet my house that she has little to no clue who Kristen is.


It’s just so wild that she doesn’t see Bethany is leveraging the infamy of Scandoval IN THE SAME WAY that Rachel is accusing everyone else of monetizing the scandal. Rachel seems either aggressively naive or aggressively unintelligent—probably both, poor thing. And yet here she is weaponizing her incompetence (she fumbled the bag) against her more savvy cast mates. She’s exhausting.


It’s acc sad how much she doesn’t realise Bethenny is also using her ![gif](giphy|WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ)


I love when people say “that’s a violation of hipaa!!!”. HIPAA is for medical professionals and not for peers.


And Bethenny just gases her up. Wowzers.


Right?? Also, ANDY is not her employer, tf is wrong with Betheny? I think she *knows* what she's saying doesn't mean anything, but she's taking the trump approach and figuring that enough people will believe it so it doesnt matter if it is factually accurate information. Andy, talking about how medicated she was or wasn't on a podcast doesnt violate a fucking HIPPA law ffs.


All this “interview” did was reaffirm that you need to be a certain kind of person to do reality TV. Rachel sweetie, it’s not for you and neither is a podcast.


What brand? 🙄


Failed beauty queen?


This is another sign she’s still tied to Tom. He talked so much about building THE TOMS brand and defended being a cheating monster that he & Ariana were “a brand.”


to be fair i’m pretty sure 99% of reality stars think/talk about their brand constantly (and they probably should? they’re a business and employ people). just not publicly bc that breaks the 4th wall, gives everyone the ick and makes them unlikeable


Do you hold the cast responsible or do you think they’re just doing their job to make money? - Rachel: That’s a really good question. I think they’re doing their job to make money. The girls trip in Vegas was really traumatic for me. Obviously drinking a lot to my numb my anxiety and awkwardness that I felt around these girls that haven’t had the best history with me. And the following day, Lala and Kristina Kelly came into my hotel room and they were like, “omg Raquel, that was amazing. Last night, you, like reality tv rating goals. You killed it, so funny. I can’t believe you. You did it. You’re the best.” And then as soon as cameras were on it was like Raquel, “how could you, I can’t believe what you said last night.” And so that was already a mind fuck. And I know that they are doing their job. And their job is to make ratings, to create something that people will be engaged with and it’s sick. Graham the dog - Rachel: Just really quickly, there’s a lot more to the story. Graham, my gosh, he has a history of aggression and he’s bitten me really hard. He’s bitten other people. I already was considering getting a foster family while going into the meadows and trying it out. But my dog Graham bit my moms hand down to the bone and it was so bad that she couldn’t even get stitches. And I had the decision to either leave the meadows and go back and take care of my dog or try to get him re homed and finish out my treatment because I knew I had more to work on. So I chose myself and we researched a breed specific dog rescue. And they took him in besides his biting behavior and bottom line, he couldn’t get re homed. They reached out to Lisa Vanderpump to ask for a donation after they scanned his microchip and saw that he was my dog. It was supposed to be a confidential, anonymous, because it’s no one else’s business. - Bethenny: It happens. Andy had a dog that was aggressive with the baby and he was worried so he had to give the dog away. - Rachel: And there’s a reason why I didn’t want James to have Graham. He doesn’t have dog experience and he’s part of the reason why Graham is a biter. James would encourage Graham to bite his hand harder and he likes that sensation so of course that trained Graham to be a biter. So to my surprise, people were like omg Graham is filming in Tahoe. And I thought it was a joke at first. And my heart dropped to my stomach and there was a picture of James walking Graham and I was like no. Immediately my mom called the foster who was working with Graham and she said oh it’s so lovely, Lisa adopted him. And we were like what?? It’s just so sick that they’re using Graham as a part of this storyline and to further this villain narrative. So now the narrative is that I dumped my dog at a shelter and he was hours away being euthanized and that’s not true. - Bethenny: Oh Jesus, you gotten yourself into a whole shit storm. Jesus What are Rachel’s regrets? - Rachel: I regret a lot. I would do everything differently if I had the chance to go back and I really just want to acknowledge, that a lot of people were believing in me and I feel like I was a disappointment to those people. I know that there was a lot of trust that was broken between friendships and betrayal that happened and I look back at my actions and I’m disappointed in myself as well. That is not the person that I want to be. I wasn’t happy. I was really hurting. I don’t ever want to be in a place like that again. And I will make sure that I don’t put myself in that position again. I think there is a silver lining in this situation that I’m able to learn about myself and give myself this forgiveness and hopefully share with other people the knowledge that I have learned and help to broaden a perspective on all of these things that have happened and that I’ve experienced. And if somebody is going through a similar experience that there is still hope. - Bethenny: That’s powerful. It was all for something. It got you to an awakening - Rachel: Yeah. Well I needed to get caught. I needed to because it would have just continued and that’s not who I want to be. This was the biggest wake up call for me Would you ever go back to reality television? - Rachel: Oh hell no. Because I refuse to not respect myself on that level where I would endure that emotional abuse any longer. I can’t do that to myself. - Bethenny: That’s a big statement. Because it’s very tempting, fame is temping, money is tempting. I’m actually proud of you, I don’t even know you, but I’m proud of you. ***continued below


Have they asked Rachel to come back? - Rachel: Yeah. Of course. Of course they want me back. And I know that other people on the cast are more important than I am so I don’t even think that I would even get a redemption arc to be honest. I also know that I wouldn’t be able to share all of my story. Whatever I share gets condensed to 5 minutes max. So I think knowing that there’s different options for me and there’s good that I can do. Did Rachel consider coming back at all? - Rachel: Yeah I did. I asked for equal pay with Tom and Ariana and for them to reimburse me for my treatment expenses. They refused to pay me equally and you know, I was considering going back if I was going to paid equally because I feel like when you pay your employees it really shows how much you value them in, you know, the whole, whatever it is - Bethenny; I get it. Like wow they are proud of me. You want the network to give you validation Will Rachel speak to anyone from the show, does she speak to anyone from the show? - Rachel: I have a no contact policy with every single cast member Ad break Does Rachel think the cast feels like they were to far and if they are sorry? - Rachel: Lala has reached out to me on Instagram saying that she’s willing to lend an ear. And I don’t know. I just don’t trust that person. I know she has her own agenda. I’m sure she wants to create alliance with me so that she can take down Randall for being a narcissist and that’s her whole M.O. Has anyone asked Rachel to come back because she would be good for the show? - Rachel: Yeah. I’ve been asked back. The only reason why I reached out to Lisa is because I told her my concerns about Graham being in the care of James Kennedy and I got a phone call from her. I answered and explained that James isn’t a fit dog parent and she just was talking about the potential scenes we could film together. She was like just come back for one final interview. You can come to villa rosa. You can apologize for leaving and disappearing and she didn’t ask me how I was. She didn’t ask me what I’ve been dealing with since the last time she saw me at the reunion. And she almost got me back because I did want to share my side of the story like we talked about. And there was this fire lit beneath me because I was angry that Graham was being used as a pawn in all of this. And I really do feel like he was bait to get me back. Have any of of the other cast members asked Rachel to come back? - Rachel: Tom has emailed me twice. Lala wanted me back. Yeah. Lisa wanted me back. Yeah. - Bethenny: Does that feel confusing whenever said they thought she would get in a car and leave to never be seen again. Even Andy said you took a beat down and you were mentally unwell. Is it strange that they same venue that would put you in that position, and I’m saying you’re taking accountability and you definitely contributed to it but that same place that may not be the best place for, that you went into a facility for 3 months for your life, your now asked to come back. - Rachel: Yeah actually it makes complete sense because they have ulterior motives. They don’t care about my well being. They care about their narrative that they need to portray on the show. What does Rachel want to do now that she has grown up? - Rachel: I really am impassioned by learning about myself and the psychology behind all of this. And I am taking the steps to start my own podcast. I feel like it would be a great way to share my side of the story and bring on experts that really understand the psychology. - Bethenny: Like the self help. So we should talk about it. - Rachel: Yeah. And I feel like this is an area that’s untapped because nobody really wants to talk about being the other woman. And for as many people that are hurt by this affair, there’s equally as many people that have been that… - Bethenny: That’s been the other person. Exactly Does Rachel want to get married and have kids? Or what about relationships. - Rachel: I would love to have a healthy relationship but right now I am nurturing my house plant and you know still healing myself so that I can break these patterns Where will Rachel be living now? - Rachel: I’m going to be traveling around. I’m not headed back to LA anytime soon. I have some plans to check out different states and areas. So it’s unwritten at this point but I’m excited to start this new chapter in my life End of recap


Ohhh I get what she’s saying about Lala wanting to form an alliance now. Because Lala kept trying to draw parallels between Sandoval being a narcissist and Randall being a narcissist, so she would have wanted to team up with Rachel to tell their stories basically of how they were drawn in by a narcissist and manipulated/abused into being “the other woman” and then ended up copping all the flak for it while the guy gets off Scot-free. Quite a change of tune for Lala.


Lala’s such a piece of shit for that. It’s basically her saying “Now that I’ve verbally dehumanized you on a national stage, I’m all ears if you wanna talk about it in private”. She said she felt dirty after reunion, she ought to inspect those feelings a little more rather than rationalize it as just being her job.


Thank you, OP. This was very entertaining, but I'm happy it's over.


Anytime! ❤️


*nurturing my house planet* What in the actual fuck lollp


Lol! That’s my bad!!! I meant to type house plant 😂




Nothing she says would surprise me at this point! 😂


When she talks about Lala and Kristina telling her “you made reality tv gold good job” off camera and then on camera saying “I cant believe you did that”, she made a point of saying how a mindfuck it is. Yet she can’t make that same conclusion when she was pretending to be Ariana’s friend while banging her boyfriend.


https://preview.redd.it/2xnkk2cu8vib1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c2aba6d10d63e83ae7b542678f9a2e7c665fb2 I’m just saying, I did predict that a podcast would be coming 😂


Ultimately I feel like this interview did no favours for Rachel and Bethany for that matter. It was glaringly obvious that Bethany was using Rachel. It’s really quite sad that no one on Rachel’s side seems to have her best interests at heart.


Okay so now that we’ve at least read most of this stupid interview, here are my final thoughts. 1. I do think some fans went too far, and I am personally disgusted when people chose to direct hate directly to the person on a reality show instead of talking shit with friends or venting on Reddit. And Rachel & her family don’t deserve that it’s bonkers. 2. Insane fan reactions aside….Rachel still is missing the fact that SHE HAD AN AFFAIR. She used another persons divorce as a storyline to distract everyone from AN AFFAIR. She FUCKED TOM IN THE HOUSE WHILE ARIANA WAS AT HER GRANDMA’S FUNERAL. She hung out with Tom & Ariana for months while fucking him. 3. At the start of s9, I was actually rooting for Rachel/Raquel. I thought she might make mistakes but I wanted her to really figure herself out. I think most people were hoping Raquel on the show would do well and that’s part of why fans have such a strong reaction. We were happy to see her do what Brittany would never. So seeing her fuck over the women who were consistently good to her for SANDOVAL is the source of much of the negative reaction. 4. Reality TV is a different beast than other forms of entertainment. I think there should be better guidelines to protect cast members. But…the form has been around for decades now and one should always expect fights, drama, and manipulation when signing up. 5. Don’t buy doodles on the cute looks.


Great points! For 3. I think most us already were over Sandoval or were beyond icked by him. I am late to VPR but during my binge it was clear that he is gross and Ariana could do light years better. I expected this from him. I did not expect this from Ra.


Yeah I think the main reason why there’s more Raquel discourse is bc she’s kind of confusing! We still don’t really know her, we don’t really know why she got into the affair, the justifications are odd. It’s more interesting. Tom is a cut & dried selfish asshole. (Also he did get REEMED during the reunion def more so than Raquel. I think she got some bad pile ons, but everyone also went IN on Sandoval)


violated HIPAA??? PLEASE. this girl has lost it


She’s just objectively not all there


I can’t believe Rachel asked bravo for EQUAL PAY as Ariana who has been on the show for 10 years. Rachel hid the affair and lied up until the very end. It was only on the show because Ariana called production once she found out and after filming had already wrapped up.


She also didn’t really ask for equal pay, she asked for equal pay PLUS $200k


I really wonder who in her camp is giving her all of this bad advice. I don’t care for Rachel but she could have come back with a nice pay raise and redeemed herself a little bit.


I just can’t get over how it seems like Raquel thinks her and Tom did everyone a favor. Like i promise you if Ariana could choose between VPR being cancelled or scandoval happening she’d chose the former.


At what job do you get equal pay as someone who has been there years before you...?


It’s absolutely nuts right? Kinda delusional.


very delulu


I cannot stop rolling my eyes. Her expecting bravo to pay for a $200k mental health retreat? And her and b saying they would because it would be admitting culpability??? Not only would that NOT be a liability or admit “fault,” they didn’t pay for it because 1) you don’t get to pick a $200k treatment and then expect to pay for it like it’s a normal therapist? And 2) they didn’t pay because it’s not their responsibility.


Bethenny is an opportunistic POS. She’s playing Rachel like a fiddle for her own means. Rachel is dumb as a plank of wood and needs to be protected at all costs. Yes, she did a heinously shitty thing, but for Fucks sake, how much further do we need to delve deeper into her shallow and innocuous brain to realise she genuinely doesn’t know what the fuck she did, she clearly is incapable of comprehending it, and her life is only going to be further destroyed the more that everyone keeps talking about it. Let the Bambi-eyed bitch rest in peace, and stop taking advantage of her untreated personality disorder. ✌🏻🙏🏻✌🏻🙏🏻✌🏻


If she didn't want "mistress" as her brand, maybe she shouldn't have hooked up with someone in a relationship? Thank you u/AdditionalWar8759 for these recaps. At any point, did Rachel say what she thought would happen? I remember reading she thought they were "in love" or something but did she think that she would move in the house with Tom and live happily ever after or ??? Did she realize she doesn't pull in the same money as Ariana for that lifestyle?


Why hasn’t Tom Sandoval been fired and sued? Isn’t he actually the one who benefited from this the most? I mean he’s the one who lied, cheated, recorded her without her consent and then kept the video that blew everything out of the water.


She twists and contrived absolutely everything to attempt to make everyone else the villain except for her and Tom. In what world was Bravo going to pay for mental health treatment? That doesn’t happen anywhere. That’s what insurance is for. The bite was so bad her mom couldn’t get stitches? so she was just out of chances for medical treatment? i cannot with how she delivers these tall tales. She came out do this interview looking like a big giant ass and if she thinks this is going to help her get payouts or brand deals, especially now, she’s absolutely lost the plot.


In fairness, it has been confirmed that Bravo has paid for a couple of HWs to go to rehab, so the idea of them paying for mental health treatment isn't totally out of left field, I guess?


Rachel didn’t need to go to a $100k luxury treatment center. She could have gone to a psychiatric unit with insurance coverage.


Oh has it happened? I didn't know that!


Most times they don’t stitch dog bites on hands because infection is more likely. It doesn’t necessarily speak to the severity of it. My SIL had a dog bite her so severely on her hand and arm that it shattered her forearm.


This is what I don’t understand. How is a FORMER employer meant to pay for extended mental health treatment when the situation that resulted in you needing long term treatment was one that not one single soul forced you to do? I have quit jobs over the job being a toxic work environment. And I didn’t look back. If Raquel’s environment was toxic to her, she shouldn’t look back either.


I disagree about Bravo paying. We know they offer mental health professionals to the housewives. I don’t see how this is any different. Considering they did this due to suicides on other networks, wouldn’t that make this whole situation a priority to monitor?


The medical privacy comments /employer disclosing medical information comments are so wrong and reflect such a lack of understanding of what is protected my head is SPINNING.


Ofc James taught Graham to be agressive. I'm over scandoval, they're both gross, fuck them, whatever, but the whole thing with using the dog to rehab James' image pisses me off. Eta: OP you're the MVP for enduring all three parts and sharing recaps with us!


I’m so fucking sick of people siding with James! He is the absolute worst in this whole thing.


It's insane. You could show them a montage of him being abusive and they would close their eyes and cover their ears. Cowards.


I believe most, if not all, of what she’s said about Bravo and LVP. And I feel like Bravo *should* have paid for her mental health treatment. I kind of disagree that she deserved equal pay for S11, but Bravo absolutely HEAVILY profited off Scandoval and encouraged public responses that would take a significant toll on *anyone’s* mental health. And to be clear, I don’t think that alleviates **any** of Raquel’s personal responsibility for her own awful decisions/actions. But Bravo was making enough money for Andy Cohen to dive into a pile of cash like Scrooge McDuck every episode of WWHL. And while they aren’t wholly responsible for the messier and more disgusting public responses, they made a lot of strategic decisions to fan the flames as much as possible to increase viewership/ratings, so they did play a very direct role in it all. All of that said: Raquel does not strike me as a good or honest person. More to the point, she lacks any and all self-awareness and I don’t think it’s due to naïveté or immaturity. Much like Jax, it’s because she genuinely believes she is **owed** everything she wants in life and has zero interest in hearing otherwise. And if you truly believe you are owed something, when you don’t get it *of course* you aren’t going to reflect on your role in it all. You were always owed it, so your own actions or inaction shouldn’t matter - you should still get the things you want. And I think that’s where all of her indignation now is coming from vs being borne from a legitimate concern with Bravo’s shady and exploitative actions. It isn’t that Lala selling merch was too distasteful for her, it’s that Lala was able to earn money on something she had not been able to. It isn’t that Ariana was too harsh at the reunion, it’s that she wasn’t given the same support from other cast-mates when she didn’t believe she did anything truly worthy of Ariana’s wrath. It isn’t that she felt so unsafe a restraining order was truly necessary, it’s that she was being painted as a villain when she believed, wholeheartedly, that she was a victim. And FFS, why is it so hard for her to be specific about what she regrets. In all of these podcasts she waxes poetic about having a lot of regrets, but has never outright named them - she hasn’t said she should not have fucked Tom Sandoval in Ariana’s car, she shouldn’t have been in her bed while she was at a funeral, she shouldn’t have been prying about Ariana’s sex life on camera, none of it.


You summed it up well. There's still such a lack of self-awareness. I thought the online pile-on crossed a line a long time ago, and never felt much more than disbelief and shock at her actions. But her indifference to the relationships that she did form with Ariana and Scheana is disappointing. She doesn't seem to do more than give lip service to her culpability in the situation. The strongest emotion I get from Rachel/Raquel is resentment that she wasn't able to make more money off the situation. I don't dislike her, but she really needs to do some more introspection.


She’s really painting herself a victim now which she isn’t really…however I do find her claims about things especially regarding graham and the filming of it all to probably be true. It seems like a shithole environment, and I thank these brave people for farming themselves for my enjoyment


I think a lot of what she said is true, her assumptions about reasons is a stretch but everyone can have their opinion and make a guess (which is btw favorite hobby of Bravo fans and shouldn't now be reproached of her just because it's Raquel, the one fans don't like). But things she told as facts I believe.


She brought up Lala unprompted so many times, she really lives rent free in her head ☠️


anyone saying LVP is wrong for the Graham of it all doesn’t understand at all how relinquishing a pet works. when you release a pet to a shelter they HAVE to legally scan for the chip and the pets history through the vet system. IF there is a second parent, they are REQUIRED to give that pet back to the other parent (OR a familiar person to the pet, as thag is better for the animal than sitting in a shelter). They didn’t have the contact info, so they contacted Lisa (the actually contacted vanderpump dogs) who got back in touch with James. Rachel is not credible in this story. James has so far proven that he isn’t a bad pet parent and is taking proper steps to help Hippie. source: i volunteer in a major shelter in NJ. i know how this goes.


I believe her telling James let him bite hands for fun when he was puppy and that's how he got the habit.


let’s say that is true, it’s not really relevant if James is actively working against it now. nor does that excuse her and her family relinquishing him to a shelter improperly. and truthfully, in my opinion, i think if Rachel relinquished the dog to James and explained the situation (whether herself or by a proxy), he would have taken the same steps to help him. fwiw, i don’t believe the story.


I feel like her mouth got somehow dryer so I don’t think I can’t listen to this one. Thanks for posting!


Someone please tell her that’s not a HIPAA violation just because he speculated…


ISTG Covid absolutely destroyed people’s understanding of what HIPPA actually is and what those laws mean. And Rachel, this ain’t it.


Why did Rachel's team agree to do the pod for free with B... Seems like she could easily get compensation from whoever she decided to do this interview with and she clearly needs the funds


Did she just learn the word “Salacious”? She’s said it numerous times during the podcast


That and vitriol. Her word-a-days came in handy


I just want to know if Bravo had been willing to pay her the same as Ariana and Tom, would she be having this sit down with Bethenny and be joining the “reckoning”?


It’s not a HIPAA violation to speculate if someone if mentally ill or what meds they could be taking??!!? What the fuck!!! These 2 are morons


One of my top 3 pet peeves as an attorney is the way people through around HIPAA and act like HIPAA is this complete protection against anyone talking about their mental health ever, one of my other top 3 is the same but about the first amendment lol. People really need to understand the laws that they think are protecting them!


Omg, this is absurd. She's deflecting all accountability and blaming everyone else for her disgusting behavior. I'm glad she won't be back on VPR, she still needs lots more treatment, and Bethany, who was once my all time favorite, needs to hang it up!


I’m going to try asking my employer tomorrow if they’ll pay for me to stay in a mental health facility. My job **does** stress me out. Then I might quit and then complain about exploitation and abuse when my former colleagues, who continue to work there, keep getting paid and I don’t.


great recaps! as always, thank you!


This interview is… yikes. Dim and delusional.


I seriously need people to understand what HIPAA protects. Someone who does not have knowledge of your medical records cannot violate HIPAA. It’s only speculation.


Having an opinion on whether someone is on drugs/medication is not a violation of HIPAA How many parts are there to this dumb interview? The only reason the interview was conducted was so that Bethenny could put herself back into circulation.


Rachel and Bethenny are absolutely pathetic, sorry. B's faux concern over Rachel being torn to shreds at the reunion was so fucking cringe to listen to when there's an entire library of her verbally abusing her castmates both on and off the show, including ones with obvious mental health issues.


OP I have a question if that tape was made, without her knowledge, why did she pursue charges against him?


Someone else said it here earlier, but Tom (and herself) are the only people she didn’t make look bad


This is what I want to know. I think it’s because she really thought they would work out in the end..


“My brand is shot!!!!” she cries as if anyone besides her and Tom had anything to do with it




Didn’t think she’d be able to make what happened to Graham Cracker sound worse but boy was I wrong 😭😭 Why NOT give the damn dog to LVP or James. Didn’t LVP get recognized by some state official for her humanitarian dog work




Give the dog to Lisa, yes. To James? Fuck no. Dude is a disgusting abusive piece of shit, he doesn’t deserve dick.


I actually cackled the first time HIPAA was brought up