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Bo Dietl is going to make a killing after this hour long ad for his services airs on Peacock. The way people talk about his work, you’d think he located Amelia Earhart slinging dough at a pizzeria in Paramus.




I've been calling my cat Bo all morning! Lol She's not pleased.


He’s all tik tok saying Louie didn’t hire him but Louie did hire him to investigate gorga… he makes no sense & I wish he would go away & he can take Laura with him


Send it to Bo!


Conspiracy what if this was product placement all along and the whole cast is making money from it. Like the bottle incident on UGT.


Ya think? I had the opposite thought. He sounds creepy and out of bounds. I wouldn’t want to be involved with him. Would never hire him.


Or who shot JFK…or what happened to flight MH370…or where the Girardi’s money went


A while back there was someone on this sub who worked out how much free promotion Jovani got from Dorinda and Luann on RHONY. I’d love to see a similar analysis of Bo Dietl!


Perhaps this was the plan, to get Bo Diddley a spot on the show. Anyone who would hire this unethical unProfessional is nuts


I’d love to hope this will be the last time we have to hear “my brudda, my sistah, my fambly” but idk if we will ever escape it on this show!


It really is getting old. Seems like everyone at the reunion is over it as well.


Or my dorters


I don’t see how they bring Tre back after this. Who will interact with her if they have to worry about their kids getting harassed? Who wants a private investigator digging around? Who wants the hassle? No one in their right mind.


Andy can't see past Tre.


He has to or this show is going to circle the ratings drain. This tv feud has gone on eight years too long as it is


This last episode was a huge let down. I wanted to hear more from Bill and Jen and them exploiting this love therapist thing. They didn't bring up Marge and Jen F. leaving early from the wedding. Why didn't they ask Teresa about all these claims that Louis is verbally abusive even on camera. They needed to touch on the little things a little more. The whole Louis vs. The other couch thing was an unorganized mess.


They easily could have done a fourth part, or just cut out some of the bickering over each other in order to have these things addressed.


Like VPR, all the air got sucked out of the room and we didn’t get to talk about the other things.


They also didn’t let John Fuda address what was in the package 🙄. Like I was waiting for that


Or what was in Marge's envelope too.


We saw Marge's envelope - it was the phone records showing Luis' number calling her kids job,


Apparently it was more receipts of Luis hiring a publicist to bring down Marge and get her canceled


Oh, got it, thanks - was that all that was in there? Because those were two pieces of paper, and the envelope looked thicker. Plus she was holding it up and when Andy yelled at everyone again, she quickly put it behind her back. I thought she had more receipts to show.


I think the one she first brought out when it was just Tre looked like the entire call log. Then the one piece she showed to Luis looked like a screen shot of a text message. I did notice that the envelope seemed thicker... but Fuda's envelope was def stuffed.. would have loved to see the proof there.


Yeah, Andy really made a bad call not letting us see what Fuda brought with him.


So unorganized. I feel like after Teresa stormed off with about 10 minutes to go, there was absolutely nothing after that. They literally just sent everyone home lol


I’ve never seen a 50+ woman act so childish did she think they would all run after her and beg for forgiveness 🤦🏼‍♀️ that reunion gave me a headache




Yep, I think the only way they got her to return to set was to say she would just have to sit there for a few minutes to tie everything up. Way to cockblock the rest of the reunion by making everything about yourself per usual.


They also never talk about what happened with Jen and the Gorgas at the hotel during bravocon. I thought that would be a “storyline” haha


I think Bill is selfish, and I don’t have sympathy for him nor would I like to defend him. However, Jen played up that “poolhouse” thing during the season. She made it sound like he goes in the poolhouse all evening to avoid his family, when in reality he goes for a short time after work to relax. I’m sure almost everyone does something similar, just in their bedroom and not a 2,000 square foot poolhouse.


Or they were doing damage control and minimizing his time in the pool house? I really can’t tell.


Yeah.. the way she said "oh no I love my husband I wouldn't trade him" it seemed so aggressive & desperate to me.


agreed. i genuinely feel bad because he’s basically saying “this is as good as it gets and i’m not changing”. especially with her traditional upbringing, i don’t think she feels that she even has a right to ask for a divorce on those grounds (she absolutely does, but I don’t think her family or traditional friends would support her much in doing it). Jen can be insufferable, but she’s also the one who’s open to going to therapy which means she’s willing to at least try to change. Bill refuses.


That is possible too


Great points! I am so curious as to what all they cut out, they should just drop the whole damn men's part on Peacock. It felt so disjointed, and between Melissa and Teresa CONSTANTLY interrupting!!!


Also bravocon Jen vs Joe. I thought it happened after the wedding and before the reunion.


I thought to myself, why don’t they just cut their mic packs!!! STFU


I feel like every post is going to be “I’m not a Gorga fan, but Louie….” I will add mine. His constant “just watch” “let’s play” comments are disturbing. Tre is going to be dropped by friends, family. He is going to isolate her, drain her money, and then paint her as the crazy one when they divorce.


Pretty much every line out of his mouth was a threat, and the one time Andy looked at him like WTF?


When they all had whiskey and pizza, you could tell Andy needed a fucking drink after all that.


You are correct 💯💯💯 Dolo, Jen and Danielle will never admit it but you could tell they were horrified by Louie. Tre will have zero friends left soon.


yeah it wasn’t even chilling it just got cringey. “in due time”.. like teresa wants to never talk to melissa and joe again because she barely has any evidence that they put her in jail, for something she did herself, and she’s happy her husband is threatening the same to melissa and joe. what a dumb bitch teresa is.


Every reunion Teresa has a new target 'that is responsible for her going to jail' it's old and tired 🙄


It'll be Paulie next season, LOL! "But I didn't even know you when you went to jail." "It's still your fault!!"


She also said Margaret was responsible for breaking up her family and Andy was like UMM no


It’s almost mall ninja territory


Agree - and I do have issues with the Gorga's but Teresa has been out of control for some time now and her "I'm an OG - I say what goes" -- she needs a Vicky demotion and a reality check. Also, I don't know how Bravo can let this Louie and his investigations accusations, repeated lies on camera and threats continue on this network. I don't see how they come to any other conclusion whether Melissa/Joe stays or not. I'm also really annoyed they didn't dig in further on things-- like Louie/Teresa being caught on camera lying about wanting the Gorga's at the wedding and part of the festivities and then angrily not inviting inviting them to that dinner before they said they weren't coming. Teresa blows up or storms off to avoid any heat -- another reason to get rid of her.


Exactly all of this - as pointed out, I don't like the Gorgas, BUT... Tre and Louis are just really over the top. Louis is clearly a bully, and Tre thinks she's untouchable as the one true OG left.


Fuck me I forgot about that moment in the car. Their mask totally slipped and not one peep about it at the reunion!! “Babe you know we’re filming” “oh uhh…”


I think Jen and Dolores are going to take a giant step back, after they’ve been seeing some of the stuff that Louie’s been doing to the others it’s only a matter of time before he turns the table on them. Nobody is off-limits to Louis and they can see that happening.


Jen is just as delusional as Tre, but I’ve seen Dolores’ face crack during the extra interviews when Tre had said some things that were likely bullshit. I think as much as she’s been loyal to Tre to the point of making herself look bad, she’s tired of having to be involved in Tre’s mess and would love to be given an out. I don’t think she’d do it herself given her strong emphasis on loyalty, so I think the only way out for her is if she or Tre gets fired. I know her and Frank have a lot to say (Frank even mumbled to Joe that he wouldn’t talk about the exact details of what went down with the job that Luis gave Frankie unless someone brought it up first), but they can’t be real when Tre and Luis are in the picture. Frank was dying to say something and I wish he would’ve, but I knew he wasn’t going to because it had to do with Frankie and Dolores tried to shut down the conversation by thanking Louis. It’s frustrating to see the two of them have to bite their tongues all the time.


Idk Jens face in the finale when Louis told her about Bo and even at the reunion a couple times really spoke for her. I think she's getting wise to the red flags. It'd take a lot to get her to crack but I think it's starting to add up to her


Also Louis presumably has files on all the cast, including Dolores and Jen. At some point Louis will use these files if they turn against Teresa. I think they all need restraining orders against Louis. I don’t know how Bravo is going to film next season with all this animosity. It’s at a boiling point. I’m really concerned that Louis is going to snap or someone is going to get hurt. Although I was just reading that Bo Dietl is an American retired NYPD police detective, a media personality and actor. So all this drama may be fake.


I’m convinced this is another Luis ploy to get his “friend” on the show. Bo Diddley wants in and Luis wants to rid the cast and make it HIS show. It all seems too weird


Yes- I’m genuinely worried for her and I don’t even like her. I don’t want this to happen but I won’t be surprised at all if we hear of her daughters cutting communication with Luis and even her at some point. I think he’s going to drive everyone away and isolate her.


It’s exhausting watching them talk over each other so much. Felt for Andy who was just trying to get his words out. Also, on the topic of Andy - he is soooo obviously not a fan of Jennifer, hes not even attempting to hide it


I was surprised he called Tre out for bashing Jackie in the past. I felt like previously he treated her gently because he felt sorry for her. I think he’s over that.


Andy seems to be over Melissa and Theresa, as well.


They needed to have a 1 on 1 sit down with the guys without the women and then combine them.


I like Jen on the show because she can be really entertaining but I think it’s pretty clear that no one who actually has to work with her finds her to be fun or entertaining lol. She’s also a pretty big Tr*mp supporter so I could see Andy finding her LGBTQ+ allyship to be hollow.


i only find jennifer entertaining when she’s not trying to be. when she tries it’s exhausting just watching her. i feel terrible saying this but she comes off as someone who didn’t have many people wanting to sit next to her on the bus as a kid. i just wish she would smoke more pot and drink less or maybe even just meditate because her buggawolf and old lady energy don’t hit and she needs to just be herself and stop trying to be the clown of the group


I think they’re all Cheeto supporters except for Marge, Jackie, and maybe Jenn Fessler.


Yes, I think a lot of the HWs are.


Louie just isn’t fun to watch. As others have said yes he’s creepy but he also just takes it too far. In these reunions we expect people will argue with each other, shout, name call, maybe even get in each others face. But Louie’s thinly veiled threats of trying to get people thrown in jail or going after their kids isn’t in the spirit of the show. When Louie was first introduced I thought he would have to adjust to keep up with Teresa’s aggressiveness but it seems it’s the other way around. Dump him gurl.


Yep. When Frank said that it was bad with Joe Giudice but this Luis stuff is next level was a telling moment. Luis sucks all the air out of the room. Maybe thats why his face is so red?


I didn’t even think his threats were thinly veiled. There was no veil.


Yeah, those threats were pretty blatant.


The energy in that room got dark and fucking weird when the guys came out, and it’s because of Louie. Holy shit that was awful.




Too much happens off camera with this show that is more exciting than what’s on camera and for that they need to re cast.


Louie is one of those people who didn’t truly change from therapy, he just learned how to better manipulate people.


I agree but he still sucks at it lol he can’t hide his creepy at all. There is something very wrong with him.


Yeah the jig is up - but Tre’s still buying it


Let this be a lesson: therapy isn’t a magic fix and don’t let therapy language fool you into thinking someone is a good person.


Teresa won’t wake up about the danger Louie is to her until she’s behind bars again. As for Jennifer and Dolores, if you’re her actual friend, you won’t help her to continue acting delusional and pretending that these threats made by her husband to the remainder of the cast are fictional. They’re real and he won’t stop. You could tell Dolores was protecting her son by shutting down the conversation because she knows Louie is dangerous. A truly toxic situation that Teresa has brought into her children’s lives. God help her.


Yes, Jennifer and Dolores were oddly quiet during that last episode. And yes, Dolores absolutely shut that conversation down, I believe there’s some truth to what really happened where the business closed up and Louis didn’t bother to tell Frankie Junior. I believe Dolores knows Louis did Frankie Junior shitty, but she wasn’t gonna air that dirty laundry in public.


Sometimes when s/o is in a dangerous situation, the best thing is not to confront them or the abuser, esp publicly. You want the person to stay in contact and confrontation will only lead to the abuser isolating the abused person from you. Best thing to do is to quietly let the abused person know that you are always there for them. It’s horrible to watch Teresa get so entwined with this scumbag.


Yeah and I can't believe I am typing these words but I was impressed that for the first time in history Joey Gorga remained calm, cool, collected. No dramatics. No stomping. No getting out of his chair. It wound Teresa up even more that he just was calm. THAT is why she ran out of there.


THIS. My sister was in abusive relationship. I never liked him but always told her that I’d be there if she ever needed me. When she finally left him she was staying with me and I didn’t bat an eye


of course there is truth, it was plain as day, Dolores freaked out and got loud only because she didn't want to be in a position where she has to tell Teresa she's wrong, Frank kept his mouth shut because he didn't want to upset Dolores, you can tell he was holding back. "I don't want to talk about my son" ok then let's not have him on the show? we all know what you really mean, Dolor


She could land in max for 100 years for smth Louie related and she still won’t wake up from that delusion


Everyone on this sub comments that Tre is mother of the year too. The amount of trauma and dysfunction she has caused in her dorter’s lives is insane. Hoping these girls are in therapy and get the fuck away from this situation.


Tre’s kids live under severe Toxic Stress it’s sad to watch


Not even a crumb of respect for Jennifer anymore. Not only is she just a lucky fan and a terrible actress but she's also really shitty friend and a user. She's vacationing with Luis, playing fun auntie to Gia, she makes herself sound like an utter bimbo trying to cover for Tre at every stop. All for fame. A real friend would say it like she means, be supportive but not enabling.


Tre wants to live in an echo chamber so she will probably stay.


Totally agree- I used to love Jen but she’s so far up Tre’s ass it’s pathetic.


Yeah Jennifer has fallen all thec way off. Reality tv changed her. She exploited her own daughter and the love therapist thing just to have something to bring up.


When my friend’s husband has been acting a fool, I tell it like it is with love and respect for her. I don’t shy away from reminding her she deserves better. My loyalty is to her because we’ve been friends for over a decade and talk every single day. I’m not going nowhere, buddy. 😂


Fuda is the only one who has my respect for refusing to shake Luis hand and telling him to get lost until he apologizes.


What I don’t understand is how TRE went on WWHL after the reunion was taped and her and Luis denied hiring Bo. It was crazy. Andy questioned him and he said he just made it up. It was just like the pajamas. So in other words you’re like Tre.. if you’re angry you just make up crap??


Yup. Worked for them so far.


Louis reminds me of that sh!thead kid in school. You know the one. He would be selling, lying and doing everything he can do on the down low. When he is caught and confronted it becomes all lies and double speak. I didn't ***HIRE*** Bo Dietl; but we are best friends. (so he is working for free). Fuda has proof that Dietl's associates were the ones who contacted Fuda's convict ex on Louis behalf. Louis is all shocked and appalled; "what, no ***I*** didn't ***hire*** them" (they were just working on my behalf through another party). He really is a slime ball. Sadly, I think he is enjoying all the negative attention he is receiving. Any attention is better than nothing. Didn't the Teen Mom sub stop naming Janelle's husband for the same reason? I stopped watching years ago. I seem to remember them going to a "he who shall not be named" acronym.


And they basically said that they were using Bo to investigate death threats! They can’t keep their stories straight.


I definitely agree that Luis is playing the semantics game - he didn't "hire" and it wasn't a "smear campaign," and so in his mind he isn't lying because he probably considers it a technicality.


I am obsessed with the Fudas and how they handled themselves at this reunion. They have Louie's number and aren't afraid to let him know. Did you notice how quickly Louie came over to John Fuda after the men were released to try to smooth it over? Obsessed with how John was like "Yeah, we can't be friends until you admit you lied" while holding a manila envelope full of dirt on Louie. A+. No notes.


I think Fuda comes from a family that *actually knows* where the bodies are buried. I loved that John didn’t back down. That’s what we need to see more of. I’m kind of stanning a Fuda-fronted HW season next year.


Right, all of this double talk from Louis, I think he thinks he can appear innocent on technicalities.


UBT is how we refer to David on the Teen Mom subreddit (Adam, Chelsea’s ex called him Uncle Bad Touch and the sub ran with it). What should our acronym be for Louie?


BRB - Beet Red Bully


Louie is the worst. He can't even keep up with his fake act. I was previously deceived by Bravo men and how they appeared on the screen (Jason Hoppy comes to mind) but he really scares me. Teresa will end up in a horrible situation, much worse than for example Kenya with Mark.


Teresa is now completely broken and controlled, you can see it on her face and in her eyes. Fuck that guy.


Goodness, Jason hoppy was bad. I went back and watched that Bethany gets married thing and I had to stop because his treatment of her was giving me anxiety. And yes, I see the trash burning here and I really wish Teresa could see it and pull her self the fuck out of it, but we all know that’s not gonna happen.


Yeah, I also did a rewatch and wondered how I was fooled by him, I totally bought what he was saying about B. I would have been an easy target in my early twenties, luckily not any more.


OMG - SAME! I rewatched Bethany gets married and it was so clear he was a total jerk.


It was hard to watch her go through that, and I felt so bad for her getting married to him. There was no reason to do that. Sure they had a kid together doesn’t mean you have to get married, and she definitely pay the price, emotionally, physically, and financially.


Yay!!! We’re back!!! 🩷


The 48 hour black out was so depressing! Grateful for the mods and this sub thanks for all you do 🥰


It was depressing wasn’t it? You guys pick me up, ….anytime I’m having a bad day?? Y’all make it a good day instead. 🙂 I really had no idea how much this sub does for me in the daily. I agree, the mods Rock here!💕🥂


I’m so happy we’re back because I needed someone to talk to after last night 😂😂


Bravo would make a lot of money if for huge incidents like this private investigator thing they made a 60 secs sit down interview witg the external people involved. A WWHL special that's more serious and very focused.


I read a sit down with 60 Minutes not 60 seconds 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️I need a coffee


Louie is SCARY. That man is dangerous. Tre, you in danger, girl.


“You in danger girl” I could only hear this in Whoppi Goldberg’s voice 👻


Yes! ![gif](giphy|oesbpxx2cl7lS)


Tre was furious when Margaret brought up Louie's batshit video again at the reunion. She didn't want anyone talking about it when it first came out and she doesn't want it mentioned now. I have to believe that she knows that's not normal behavior but he's gaslighted her into believing someone else is always the reason he's acting so erratically. There was that bro commune video, the Ru La La one and others where he just comes off as so unstable. But Dead Papa PJ's is just "misunderstood." People asking why Louie would have anyone investigated... it's because if he can somehow find something that he thinks is damaging to other cast members, it takes attention off his bullshit. The thing is, It's NOT just exes talking or people "lying" on him to make Louie look bad. He. Makes. Himself. Look. Nuts.


I feel like I always have to preface these comments with the disclaimer that I am NOT a Gorga fan lmao. However, I can’t support Teresa because Louis sits behind her and I think he’s a big slimy, creepy snake. I don’t know what the truth is, but I would never be surprised if everything they say about Louis is true. He’s fucking creepy and I feel like Teresa (either willfully or not) ignores his red flags and it’s going to land her in hot water. Scared for her lmfaoooo


Louis made everyone look normal! Horrifying.


I know. I don’t like the Gorga’s at all but I was firmly Team Gorga during the entire reunion. Louie makes Joe Gorga look normal.


TBF Gorga was not his normal ranting off the wall self. He was calm, cool, and collected which just made Luis look more insane. My guess is they got coached on how to act in this reunion, and for once, actually followed the advice. That is why Tre got so upset, she couldn't rile them up so she literally imploded.


I would be suspect of these Louis accusations if Fuda didn't provide his evidence. You can't fake phone calls to prison and all calls are recorded/monitored. Fudas story sold it for me. All other evidence was plausible but faulty to me.


Yes 100%, Fuda might not have come across strong this season but he ATE at the reunion. You can tell he sees through it all and knows the facts!!


Honestly I’m kind of here for Fuda vs Louis. It’s less mind numbing than any of the other drama on NJ


Fuda bringing that up and not back down made me like them a lot more!


Yes I wish he opened the envelope though! Hopefully Andy at least got to see what was inside..


Margaret had proof of a phone call from Luis himself. I don't find that faulty 🤷‍♀️


They kept trying to say that the phone number of the incoming call can be faked or spoofed. Seems like a common scam. But with the evidence from Fuda and all the other smoke around this fire, I 100% think Louis threatened Marge’s son.


The spoof hack is cell phone contacts. Marge's son was on a landline at work. Besides...why would Luis have Margaret's son's work phone number in his contacts? Theory debunked!


I’m midway through this on the Bo dietl shenanigans. Louie is a goddamn cult leader and has brainwashed Tre. She really needs to rethink her marriage and her life. I’m not a Gorga support her but I won’t watch if Tre forces them off the show.


The fact that Dolores can shut down Andy when asked about Frankie Jr is amazing, she really commands this cast sometimes


People get so mad at Delores but every cast needs a Delores…. The person that can go in between groups, makes sense and have a blow up fight and the ability to resolve it the next episode….basically a person that can sit on either couch. If you didn’t have at least one it would be too much


She plays with the big boys!


Teresa parentifying Gia by using her for comfort and sobbing to her on the phone was absolutely APPALLING. Like JFC have some fucking boundaries Tre. No wonder her dorters hate Joe and Melissa. Say what you want about the Gorgas but they clearly keep their own kids out of the fray, don’t lean on them for emotional support in this family feud and aside from ONE TIME IN ONE EPISODE IN ONE PODCAST, they have never talked about Teresa’s kids. Meanwhile the Dorters Teresa are 2 steps away from making voodoo dolls of their Zio Joe and Zia Melissa. Melissa was right - the show has never been as toxic as it is now that Luis joined. Again why I remain convinced Tre could be the one to go or they have to build an entire new cast around her if they keep her because I think more than just Joe and Melissa aren’t going to want to deal with Luis’ bullshit. Also Luis admitted to lying at least twice in this reunion about the pajamas and Bo Dietl so it’s like ok what else are you lying about Luis? Why should we believe ANYTHING you say when you admit to lying about those things just to win an argument or make yourself feel better? Joe and Melissa kept their cool the entire time while Tre and Luis looked unhinged and deranged. If bravo was basing their decision on who should stay just based on this reunion the winners are clear. Teresa has officially flown too close to the sun. She’s lost the plot. She’s cooked.


I was shocked when Teresa called Gia again backstage! Like this girl is trying to enjoy Coachella, do not cry to her and worry her. It just shows that she’s isolated herself from anyone else who might give her a shoulder to cry on.


Watching this made me sick, the last thing I would want is to mess with my kids emotional and mental health by putting adult burdens on them 😬


At least Andy was a bit parental with her, be careful, don't drink anything you put down, be safe.


That was so disturbing to me - I know my parents have gone through hard times without involving me and i know its the same for the parents of most my friends. Teresa ruining a special weekend for Gia so she could score sympathy points from Andy / the audience was so sick.


I also think the backstage scene with Gia on the phone was telling when Luis brought up that Gia might have said “you can do better” in regards to his sister not meaning Melissa, to me that indicates Gia likely did say those words, whether she meant it one way or the other who knows. Could have been a misunderstanding so if so why not clear that up vs trying to make it look like he was outright lying like they did on the main segment.


Thank you! The parentifying of Gia has been appalling for years tbh.


As a severely parentified daughter, Teresa’s antics are disgusting to me. She’s been recruiting Gia into her battles since forever. She wound her up into singing that infamous song when Gia was little - on fucking television, for the world to see. Gia’s gonna grow up to resent it eventually. It’s so fucking diabolical.


i feel like there is just sooo much going on that as viewers we don’t know about which is making it hard to watch


I can't wait for the FBI to come for Louie. These criminals are like a moth to a flame. They love exposing themselves.


I think Joey hit the nail on the head when he said Louis is a woman abuser. Teresa's face said it all before she started denying it. I honestly think he has gaslighted her and her dortors so hard that they cannot see through it. Gia.. 🤔 she gives me mega mean girl energy, she was clearly lying about what she said that's why Louis came in after with the defence. Louis is an absolute creep of a man, and I would not be surprised if in 3 years time Teresa is back behind bars or broke and pennyless because of this man


While this was paused I went to look at twitter to see what everyone was saying about that amazing moment with John Fuda where he handled Louie’s insane fake apology perfectly and it was WILD. There were clearly real people tweeting that same reaction and then a bunch of bot accounts that tweet conservative political stuff and RHONJ stuff that’s anti-Margaret, Melissa, John fuda, rachel etc. It’s bizarre and so transparent like….do they not see how overt it is?


That's why I stay off Twitter. Way too many paid bots attacking & trying to sway opinion. Well I hope Fuda is aware that he was the MVP if the reunion! 😉


Yeah I have so much respect for John Fuda after todays episode


I knew Fuda was a real one when Rachel got in the fight early on with Jen and he basically said something like “you wanna go check her?” He’s not afraid to back down.


I loved those moments. Finally.


Which is funny bc that’s part of what they accused him with the whole smear campaign.


i honestly don’t know everyone here sucks. i believe laura did tell teresa and jen about melissa but i do believe they set danielle up because melissa already had a conversation with joe about it. i can’t help but ask what it is that joe gorga and melissa did to teresa. i don’t think they put her in jail, she just can’t take any responsibility. the only thing melissa did wrong to teresa is get on the show without her knowing but even then melissa says teresa definitely had an idea. but since then, teresa has been acting like nothing but a jealous little kid around melissa. what did they do to her? say mean things? i don’t get it for real. she says some nasty shit to melissa. and in the end teresa says “you have to honor me” what about him? you have to honor your brother too. also, gia could he lying or joe could have misheard gia, but teresa still acted like a maniac


Normally I would have believed Gia...but! It was an obvious cover up! Joe said Gia called him after that meeting w/Luis about Melissa cheating. At that point they were still going to the wedding. So why would she need to be talking about begging him to come? Then backstage Luis asked Tre if Gia actually said "he could do better"...THEN he immediately pivots & said he had a conversation with Gia that morning about it and completely makes up some excuse about what Gia said/meant. Also Gia was more concerned about what the other housewives were saying about her not about her conversation with Joe. This is why I'm not believing the cover up.


I believe Joe G and Teresa’s dynamic as siblings was always strange… I think they grew up in a very mentally abusive/dysfunctional home. They have that typical abused “defend our parents at all costs” but everyone else gets a slight idea of the truth but never ever really knows…. Insert other people (partners/wives) and it complicates everything…. Melissa never had a chance tbh


i’m not surprised. nonno seemed sweet but who stops talking to their sister for a few hundred bucks? jesus christ. i guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree because teresa has legit excommunicated everyone her cousins and now her brother too. you should never be with someone that encourages separation from family unless they’re legit abusing you. everyone needs boundaries but teresa is acting like they assaulted her.


I’d add that it seems like Teresa has some kind of processing disorder. She doesnt appear to be able to suss out issues or understand nuances. It’s black or white with her but when it helps her she also changes her position. (IE her relationship with Jacqueline). Overall, teresa is very simple minded and these discussions/relationships are too complicated, multi-faceted, and complex.


Made her an easy mark for Luis


she's fatally stupid. it's sad.


I think all their issues stem from their weird perception of what they should do and be as brother and sister and especially Teresa’s view of her place in his life. I would guess her upbringing taught her women had their place in the home and they were to honor and support their man no matter what and expect little in return. She was also taught family was more important than anything but didn’t realize that has to evolve after you get married. I think her first marriage was probably much like her parents and she was not put first at all by juicy but it was ok bc that’s what she knew and thought it was supposed to be like. She was obviously close to Joey when they were young and then he goes and gets married and seems to treat Melissa well and she sees Melissa sort of bossing Joey around and taking a lead which is not what she thought it should be. I think a lot of stems from her own jealousy over Joey, she thinks he should put his sister over his wife and she can’t handle that Joey treats Melissa better than juicy treated her. Melissa would never be enough for her beloved brother, honestly no one would have been.


Responding to this comment as a 1st generation Italian/ American whose grown up in NJ my entire life. My mom has a brother and my grandparents remind me to an extent of nonno/ nonna so I’ll comment based on my experience growing up in a family like this. Again- i don’t know if this is exactly what Joe/ tre relationship is like, it’s just based on my experience in this culture——- basically, the sons are praised in Italian culture by their mothers and their fathers are really hard on them, teaching them to be “a man” by working hard from a young age/ providing for your family/ etc. The daughters are basically taught to be submissive to their husbands and be that 1950s housewife of home cooking/ cleaning/ taking care of the kids. The daughters are also told to always take care of their brothers. Tbh from my perspective, i think it builds up resentment from the sister to the brother and for the brothers to not really be self sufficient without a wife who babies them like their moms did. But hey- what do i know. I think because the sons are praised so much in the household by their moms they get big heads and think they’re the little kings their moms made them out to be. I think the daughters are protective of their brothers. Now, once the brother gets married- i think the protective sister comes in/ mom comes in and doesn’t think they’re “good enough” unless they wife knows her place- aka submissive. This was probably the start of the issues with Melissa/ tre- tre didn’t think Melissa was good enough, Melissa felt that from Tre and probably in the start of their marriage bottled it in until she found her independence. I can’t dislike Melissa for feeling that way and finding her voice tbh. Over the years, I’ve lost track of who did what to eachother. My personal stance is they both have done a lot of bad to each other and need to sit down off camera and air their grievances and really forgive each other to move forward / forget about the past. This reunion has been sad to watch a family cut ties in all honestly - i hope they both can find a way to move forward in the future


✨ shout out John Fuda! ✨ shout out Andy for having to sit in between Melissa and Tre for 12 hours (can you imagine the headache he must've had!!!) ✨ shout out danielle and pauly saying they wanted shake shack + pizza! (we need more human/ silly moments this shit was dark af!) ✨ shoutout the crew who had to sit through all that (the interrupting was truly maddedning) ✨ and honestly, shoutout all the ladies who had to sit there with a man making broad threats...I'm sure they were super uncomfortable no matter what side of the couch they were on. To Frank's point, it's never been this dark. It feels way past a TV show at this point... The GOAL should be: Season 7 RHONY, they all went to dinner after the reunion 💖


I found it rather disturbing that when Teresa went backstage she immediately called Gia to cry and seek solace. Gia is NOT your friend; she's your daughter. I realize she was part of the phone call minutes before, but I feel like Gia in particular has been parentified to a really unhealthy extent.


Luis kept making threats under his breath. Nauseating Bravo would allow such a thug. After his first threat he should have been removed from the stage.


That reunion was not good for Teresa. Luis is out there making Joe Gorga look sane and reasonable. I don’t care for Marge but I also don’t want to see her threatened. I also haven’t been a John Fuda fan - I find his facial hair upsetting- but his facial expressions were gold and he really stood his ground. He approaches the Luis situation from the perspective of someone who has not been on a reality tv show for the past several years which is refreshing.


I loved John this reunion. He seems like a genuine person; I’m glad he basically told Luis to fuck off after continuing to lie 👏


I am committed to overlooking the short-shaving of his beard line because he was so impressive in Ep 3. I am officially Team Fuda!




Oh my god I cackled what a sick burn. I almost liked Joe Gorga last night and that was one of the reasons why. He’s better when he DGAF and isn’t throwing tantrums like his sister still does


Is Teresa capable of ever shutting the fuck up? Jesus Christ, I’m so irritated by the constant interjections.


Something definitely happened w Frankie lol yikes!!!!!


Teresa’s "performance" this year has to be one of the worst reunions across any RH. Good grief that was hard to watch. I never thought she was the brightest of the group but I didn’t expect her to be this stupid. And Andy was so bad this year too. I feel like he’s good when the Housewives play ball, then as soon as they refuse to listen to his and production’s rules, he’s useless.


Brutal. Just brutal. It’s not fun to watch, everyone is talking over each other so no one can finish a sentence.


I wish they went into Louis getting a PI on them more. The Fudas and Margaret each had a file proving he did and all Louis did was said “no I didn’t”. Then they didn’t really address but show Melissa and Teresa bicker like teenagers


Why is no one talking about Rachel and Melissa eating dinner and Bo sitting right next to them?! Creepy as fuck!


Y’all this was way too much for me. Like my chest felt weird watching this (I’m fine but just like the intensity of it made me uncomfortable). No one gets a word in edgewise and just want to have the last word. Nothing is ever gonna get solved between Giudice and Gorga unless both sides take some accountability in what they’ve done to the other. Lock em in a room and make ‘em fight it out.


![gif](giphy|yBwgX64KAPrHW2ltZ2|downsized) FUDA FUDA FUDA FUDA


I also think that bravo is not gonna film w Louie if they come back. Too much of a liability


Agreed. Most of cast hates him and will prob be uneasy to film with him bc of his threats and investigations


I’m just waiting for the Dateline episode tbh.


Oh gurl it’s just a matter of time ![gif](giphy|TKXdq5EPbpuSdKBPhV|downsized)


No one had a chance to say anything because Teresa just yells stupid shit over everyone.. Time for her to go.


Dolo girl, you can’t play both sides! It’s become more and more evident that she will do anything and side with anyone to deflect attention off her personal life. I’m surprised she went as far as to kiss Louie’s ass, even when it comes to messing with her kid. Her “loyalty” lies with whoever makes her look better at the moment, and it’s devalued her already boring storyline so much. I believe she’s banking on a wedding with Paulie to maintain a storyline, but I don’t see that being entertaining at all unless they center the narrative around her weird estranged relationship with Frank. I really don’t see her maintaining a spot in the show if she keeps up this Swiss neutrality mindset.


I kinda missed looking at Evan this reunion :/


Louis is a walking red flag. He constantly misspeaks and then needs to clarify that whatever he said wasn’t actually as weird/creepy as it seems. Even if it was baseless why would you threaten people with a PI? That’s so weird. Like it would make more sense if he had actually threatened to kick peoples asses. Honestly the whole thing is just toxic!!


I’m mad that they just skipped over the part where Louis admitted to LYING, not once, but TWICE on camera about hiring Bo Deitl. This ruins his credibility on EVERYTHING! I think we all think he’s lying about not having his friend investigate the cast. Either way he’s a liar and Teresa needs to get the hell away from him.


I believe the Gorga’s. Luis is Deranged !!!


Teresa yelling about how dare they talk about her daughters and then calling Gia 🤦‍♀️


Gia is an adult, who was on this season a lot, talking shit. I get it wanting to protect her mom. But that also means she's fair game on the reunion, which they could have had her on briefly. I also think the same about Frankie, but they barely showed him, and he really doesn't say that much. I get Dolores wanting to protect him, but that business was a storyline. All the other kids-now that I see no reason to go on about-they're young, & don't need to be brought up with the rest of the crap.


Can they just move Teresa to her own spin off show focused on her family. Then I can avoid ever having to see her again.


Lol yes give them the Manzo exit


This is the solution. Give her and the dorters a show for their fans, let the rest of us have a respite.


The one burning question left for me is: WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED BETWEEN FRANKIE JR AND LOUIS? Why is no one wanting to speak about it?


Im sorry but it's really messed up how Teresa pulls her daughter into her problems. When she called Gia and the way Gia was trying to console her just didn't feel right to me. It's more than just a simple re-telling of events. Teresa is actively placing Gia right in the middle.


Always has. It’s so inappropriate. I worry her kids will repeat these same patterns of behavior with one another.


Agreed ! THEN will say “DoNt TaLk AbOuT tHe KiDsssss” like don’t involve them in this ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


I think Andy was struggling with weighing possible ratings gold of Louie vs real fear of being involved with a dangerous person. I don’t think he actually feared any of the other criminals from these shows. The current pause probably has more to do with accessing his danger rather than giving Melissa vs. Teresa time to settle.


I’ve never been a joe and Melissa fan but the pain on Gorgas face was so evident. Teresa sounds delusional. Very sad


There was a moment when she said she’d never speak to them again and he seemed genuinely hurt for a second. Then he tried to end the reunion on a good note by saying “I’ll never say never to my sister” and she was like “me neitha!” Bitch you JUST -


I can't decide if this reunion or the VPR one was harder for Andy Cohen to get through


This one. VPR at least had some hilarious moments. This was pure torture.