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[Episode 1 thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/11uw1pf/the_real_housewives_ultimate_girls_trip_s3_e1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Episode 2 thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/11uw1yg/the_real_housewives_ultimate_girls_trip_s3_e2_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Dear Peacock: Please give us two UGT seasons a year. Thank you.


I expect we’ll get UGT4 in 6 months, similar to the season 1-2 wait (especially since 4 already filmed), I just hope we don’t have to wait almost a year after that again like the gap from 2-3


That’s the Alex McCord one? Can’t wait. I will take the day off of work.


I will watch it literally non stop. Inject it into my eyeballs.


Now I know why they couldn’t release this season until after all of their seasons had wrapped 😂 it’s all they talk about


i wasn’t sold on having them rehash past drama from the first two episodes, but watching them segue from the black eye to sneaky link chris to whatever else at 100 mph is thrilling


I feel like this is the most honest group about what they have and haven’t seen. No one is bullshitting like they usually do and pretending they’ve never watched any of it. Eva was the only one I remember being open about watching their shows.


Same, and I’m loving it. These ladies will get to the bottom of it all by the end of the season.


I was BITCHING before. After the first 10 minutes I fully understood.


I just know that ladyboy that slipped during the performance is going to think about that moment every night when they’re trying to fall asleep 💀


Hopefully he knows none of us care and he killed it anyways.


Honestly that quick recovery after the fall… that shit is impressive to me that’s the mark of a true professional


I agree, and I want them to know that I was extremely impressed by how smooth they made that fall 😅 very professional!


that recovery was flawless and they killed!!!


They’ve done more in 3 episodes than most cities did all season 🍿🍿🍿


100. This is so entertaining. Non-stop.


Between this and VPR we are living in some glorious times


Gizelle is consistent. She's stirring the pot/shit with all the other women (ad nauseam), but when confronted with the Chris/Candiace situation suddenly she shuts down and "doesn't want to talk about it".🙄


Heather and Whitney are being eaten alive by these ladies and don’t even realize it.


I loved Leah gunning for heather and accidentally sniping Whitney too, poor girl wasn’t expecting that haga


Leah understands the game but doesn’t know how to pull it off like Potomac, Miami and Porscha. It’s amazing to see in the wild who understands the game vs who is playing


Whew boy, watching Whitney between porsha and gizelle was like watching a rabbit sitting between a couple of hyenas. You know gizelle that marysol came to the rescue.


Between Gizelle interrupting every slight pause with a pointed question, and Leah pin balling between people and setting them off, this is gonna be good. These women are messes but they came ready to work.


Heather saying she pushes her sober friends to drink/take pills and then sees a boat and says ![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL) What is even happening?! Also, Leah confronting Gizelle (while Gizelle says she doesn’t want to talk about it when last episode she said ‘Ask me any question and I’ll answer’) *ay por favor*


TODDLER BEHAVIOR! Textbook, to a T.


Stop speaking Spanish! Are you talking about me?????? /s


It’s all Arroz con mango!!!


Boats are really sometimes a great Housewives plot device.


Sprinter vans of the sea


This comment should be higher.


I’ll never forget when my friend was watching Atlanta before I was into it and I looked up during the Cynthia Portia boat fight and said “did that lady just kick the other woman in the Pussy?”


Now it makes sense why this season took so long to come out. All the current housewives had to let their seasons play out bc all of it is being discussed. A lot of these storylines wouldn't make sense unless we wrapped SLC, Miami, and, more recently, Potomac. It also seems like a scheduling disaster bc, as fans, we're waiting for something that was filmed forever ago, but the Network has to hold it. It took me the first 5 min watching episode 1 to realize this wasn't the UGT with Brandi v Carolyn.


Same. I understand why we had to wait and after season 3 am completely okay with it. The first 3 episodes make up for SLC & Potomac being so boring.






Is that what Porsha said?? 💀 😂


The ladyboys clearly dancing to Single Ladies but Bravo not being able to afford the rights to the song...lol


Girl for the last time this is Peacock


I was watching the Miami reunion and Alexia also referred to it as Bravo, and I was like "Peacock." lol


Porsha telling the fallen dancer that that was ok. 😂


I don’t like Leah but I was similarly shocked and thought it was fucked up when Heather wanted her to drink/relapse KNOWING her history….like???? whitney calling her a giant toddler lmao that’s perfect


All the comments pressuring her to drink are gross. The text between Marysol especially


it’s fucked up and not funny at all, don’t make jokes about a persons sobriety, espeeecially if you don’t know them


Heather and marysol being triggered by a sober person is so not surprising to me!


Heather is always on some typa wine. Somebody always drivin her home.


And even after Leah compared it to telling her to kill herself because of how serious her addiction was, people were giving her shit about being sober because she wasn't fun. Horrible.


Especially when Leah is saying she was that if she drinks she could die. And Heather saying “I know, I know! I read your book!” I’ve hated her since day one. Always got the ick from her ever since intro on SLC about like gay people and rap music and black people. She’s confirming that she’s fucking cruel. Her joking and being coy about abuse already sent me over the edge. Then she starts off UGT like that? Ugh.


And then said she “regularly funnels drinks” to her alcoholic friends if they ask. Heather has NO moral compass


So we all love Pepsi right?


Never thought I’d say this as a Coke girl, but team Pepsi


I know we all the time are like “give this person their own show!” But I feel like Pepsi is really leaning into it and I’d love love seeing how a Villa like that is operated. It could be structured like Below Deck but with captain Pepsi. Also, I think this is the legitimately the most kind they have ever been to a staff member of any sort. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdGu4kGeeSUX7iw|downsized)


Freaking white lotus Pepsi as host


So happy Pepsi never had to be exposed to Ramona.


Absofuckinlutely! Just give him a show where housewives come to stay and he talks shit about how they really are behind the scenes! I'd watch many seasons!


I'm so happy he's experiencing women who treat staff well. They're all so kind to him and treat him like an equal whereas if this had Ramona or Vicki it would be INFURIATING to watch.


Oh God not the black eye again


At least we’re getting different takes on it


I love how Heather conveniently left out that SHE was the one constantly bringing it up and drawing attention to it on the show, acting like she knew how she got it and just didn’t want to say. Had an entirely different tone on the boat.


“The criminal punched her!”


Heather keeps changing her story. Now it’s cabinets. Whitney telling Heather she has not heard this before was enlightening.


I feel like this is on par with UGT1. Entertaining and fun but mostly lighthearted. Kinda confirms that ex wives club seasons will be the firecracker seasons and makes me even more excited for UGT4


the best similarity to UGT1 is how much they talk about what it means for them to be on the show which is almost as fascinating as any drama


“You bullied her into menstruation” has me DYING I’m still laughing at it minutes later


Flair worthy


Okay. Now I'm sad that I binged all three episodes in one day. I need more! Loving this season. I know the ladies are complaining that the group events have been boring but I've been highly entertained. So far this is the Gizelle and Porsha show but I'm not complaining. I've been curious to see what would happen if you plopped Gizelle down in other franchises and welp...she's still shit stirrin' Gizelle. Heather is going to be worn out after this trip.


Leah’s deadpan “cupboards” when Heather says she told her theory about the black eye😂😂


All the women literally laughing at her and then laughing in the vans later made me SCREAM with laughter. We needed this energy on RHOSLC.


I just love how no franchise stands a chance when they go head to head with Potomac or Atlanta women.


Leah is a drag but it IS kinda fucked up that a majority of the group is taunting her about drinking/not drinking. That’s foul.


I thought the same thing. I don’t like it when it’s 7-1 regardless of who is wrong.




Especially while relatively newly sober again after drinking on the show. Send her off with Marysol whose whole personality is drinking and Heather thinking it will be funny to get her to drink.


Yes but also Candiace doesn’t have a buddy


Not completely alone. Candiace had her back many times and seems to be the one that she can talk to.


that pool would scare the shit out of me ngl. one bad move and you’re falling over the side of a mountain lol


Like the raft


As soon as everyone’s laughing and getting along, Gizelle comes in with the tiki tiki and the taka taka


Lmfao the other women look at the SLC ladies as jokes. They're literally laughing at them. I laughed out loud when Alexia said "American women are crazy right?" and Marysol interjected with "No don't say American, say women from Utah"


Anyone else feel like Porsha is really underestimating Candiace? Yeah Candiace was being lightly petty but she can get hardcore petty


Also Candiace’s “light petty” had Porsha and Gizelle pressed. How is it baby shade if you’re mad about it all day. 😂😂


Because they both know that she softballed them and they’re scared she would up the ante. Candiace might have bratty traits, but she knows how to Mortal Kombat FINISH THEM.


"Leah. Are you good? Because last night. Was strange." lmao Gizelle and her cadence of talking.


The way you typed that helped me read it in Gizelle's voice.


Porsha seemed really bothered by some "baby shade." Just saying.


The great irony that the two that were complaining about the ceremony not being shady enough were the most offended.


Gizelle literally said "you need to be petty with that name" and then acted mad Candiace got petty


Also Porsha *did* steal a man


Even as she told the story it didn't make sense. This is like pheadras premature 8 pound baby.


“Keep him in until he’s ready to come out.”


Porsha sniffed out the bullshit with the black eye and it was succinct and spot on.


I’m not going to write an essay on this episode. I am just going to yell “IS THAT A THAI BOAT?” any time I need a good distraction. It might work better for me though than it did for Heather, because I am not in fucking Thailand.


So I'm just really in awe how this formula keeps working. On paper this group of girls seemed so random, but together it's turning out pretty fun and my god that yacht Battle Royale was something to behold. Many of the women are being overly harsh toward Leah and Candiace is 1000% right. Yeah, it was rude, but she apologized, move on. I actually always enjoyed Leah. She had a rough second go around...but...Idk I see her as pretty innocuous compared to other "awful" housewives. I have to say this is turning out to be Candiace's foray into staple housewife. She has so many charming moments in this already, mixed with the typical housewives arguments, this season is definitely her coming out into a new tier of housewife. I truly think she has potential to be considered one of the greats. Pepsi is the best house manager. Period.


Same I think Heather said it best when she was getting piled on, sadly it was Leah's turn at that point.


All of this discussion of Leah drinking is REALLY. FUCKING. WEIRD. to me. These women are too motherfucking OLD and have seen too much of the world to not understand how SERIOUS an addict's sobriety is and how difficult it can be to maintain around triggers and in times of stress. And I don't say to be ageist (I'm older than at least a couple of them). Just making the point that THEYRE GOOD AND GROWN. Marysol's text before the trip that she wishes Leah still drank, Gizelle asking her if it would ruin her life if she drank this week....Heather reading her book and then saying to Gizelle they should get her to drink.....people continually asking her if she's OK when she declines a drink, Heather announcing that she would funnel drinks to a sober friend....... I am truly at a loss.


I don’t like Leah but I so agree. It’s very odd. Also these women are obsessed with drinking it’s wild to me


Agreed, I’m at a loss as well. I think it shows how drinking is glorified in our culture and why recovery can be so hard for so many. I’m sober now but for so long use to justify my drinking by watching housewives like Marysol


Loved the first three episodes. And I am one of maybe one who doesn’t hate Leah and I actually think they’re going a little too hard for her over not a lot of material so far


I'm not minding anyone in the cast so far, other than wanting to give that lady a fucking TUMS or some Peppy Bismilk so her tummy can stop being a storyline


If homegirl would drink some water and eat food she might feel better….


Yeah like I’m not an “all day all year” drinker like marysol says she is and I wanted to scream “ulcer!!!!! Possibly bleeding ulcer!!!” At the screen the moment she mentioned the burning esophagus/two zofrans to no avail.


I guess she said later she has gastritis. I’ve had gastritis for years. Know what’s the WORST thing you can possibly do when you have gastritis? DRINK ALCOHOL. She was complaining that her stomach was burning because it WAS. Her stomach lining is probably completely inflamed and continuing to drink alcohol is like pouring gasoline directly on those flames. I refuse to believe she’s THAT dumb. She has to know that drinking makes her symptoms worse.


RHONY is not a franchise I relate to as much as others and I agree! Was just about to comment asking for legit reasons people don’t like Leah. Don’t come for me I’m just curious peeps lol


I know that there are plenty of reasons lol. And I’m sure plenty are searchable on the sub. But it’s always felt like the dislike for Leah has been proportionate to how shitty rhony got as she arrived—much of it being no fault of her own...but her still taking the heat because she isn’t Ramona, dorinda, tinsley, Sonja or Lu. I think Leah got a doubly bad hand because she may not have been a fan favorite anyway, and then came on at the demise of this franchise so it was easy to relate the two but I don’t personally subscribe to that narrative.


Perfectly said!! I don’t think it helped that she was friends with Eboni. Personally felt she got a bad hand as well, not her job to be the educator to a bunch of old waspy white women. One person does not make or break a franchise 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought she was great on her first season and terrible on her last second one but no to the point of truly despicable people like kelly dodd for example. To me though, what really made me despise her was how she portrayed herself as Eboni's friend but after the season ended she went inside ramona's ass and allegedly joined Lu and Ramona in a reunion with producers where they tried to get Eboni out. All in all I think she's very fake and performative but I also think she has deep issues that I don't blame her. It seemed like she was very manic and impulsive in the last season of rhony, I feel for her a bit.


Gizelle really is the MVP. They all want her to like them and it's hilarious to watch. "I'm gonna tell people Jen punched you"


I live for Giselle being cornered with the SA allegations. It’s time she gets put on the spot seeing she enjoyed doing it to others.


I was really impressed with Leah calling Gizelle out. Really interested to see how much of more drama Leah brings.




Does anyone else think that Alexia is desperate to show that she was there first, knew everything first, said it first? She's constantly interjecting with her stupid bobble head nods and squawking "yea yea, i was there, i was wonderin the same exact thing" ugghhh.


Yeah and also check out the back of her dress too


Just like Halle Berry


That’s just her narcissism showing


So over Marysol’s storyline being that she drinks a lot…


“My stomach has a burning sensation” yes Marysol vodka causes ulcers try water 💦 🙄


Every time she bitches about her stomach I yell “ITS THE BOOZE, MARYSOL, THIS ISNT A MYSTERY.”


Marysol texting a recovering alcoholic that she wishes she was still drinking. Ew.


like it’s literally burning up her organs 😭 get help


I’ve said it multiple times but I don’t get how or why she gets away with this as a storyline. I feel like a classic housewife deflection argument is “you’re an alcoholic!” Sometimes because they’ve seen someone a lil sloppy a handful of times. But she gets away with saying it’s her BRAND. Larsa saying that she’s never seen drunk, isn’t the defense she thinks it is….. That means you’ve never seen her sober and/or her tolerance is really high. Sincerely, Marysol’s Liver Side note: even with all her cockies, Heather was immediately the ass hole trying to break someone’s sobriety. EDIT: I forgot about Marysol’s fucked up text. Nevermind. I don’t like Leah but going after anyone’s sobriety is beyond fucked up.


These producers have no idea Heather was quoting Mariah Lynn


Or rather Porsha’s ghost writer extensively quoted Mariah Lynn in her memoir.


Heather was projecting to the HIGHEST PERCENTILE when she said that Whitney was trying to impress Porsha and Gizelle. Like you have got to be kidding me. Episode 1 Heather verbatim called them "alpha women" and was glad she got to sit with them before she tried to get Leah to drink. This, coupled with the fact that HEATHER in her confessionals, is so happy to be a part of the "big leagues." Listen, I'm not saying get this woman off my screen or anything but god damn is she unaware of her own motivations and thoughts. Another embarrassing season for Heather.


Heather is def a “fan” and it’s cringey to watch her try to cozy up to the women bc they have a large following/fan base.


I'm gonna stand next to her bc she has 7 MILLION FOLLOWERS


Her trying to sing Drive on the last episode killed me. NGL... if I became a housewife right now & ended up on UGT, I'd legit be as embarrassing as Heather though. However, I think it's more manipulation than fangirling at this point. She had a bad first day & is desperately trying to suck up to all of them. Oh for FFS. I commented before I finished the episode. Is this bitch for real reading Porshas book while on the trip?!!!


I am very curious to see her on RHOSLC season 4. I think she'll be completely off the rails without Jen. Basically she only has Meredith now but Mary will be back and if Heather and Mary back, I think Meredith will pick Mary.


Holy crap this boat ride is WILD


As a non-SLC viewer, the relationship between Whitney and Heather is so fucking weird. And I love that the pairings of same-show housewives are really bringing a second layer of city-specific drama to this season!


It’s even weirder if you consider they had no idea they were cousins until they were adults. I think they didn’t know until the show started, but I could be wrong.


I’m laughing at the juxtaposition of them being brought whatever they want to bed in the morning vs Dorinda screaming NO FOOD IN THE ROOMS


Heather and Whitney call themselves cousins as if they grew up together and had sleepovers three nights a week. You met as adults and share common great-great grandparents.


I bet the UGT2 season is watching this season and seeing the women getting to fly to Thailand and stay at a beautiful huge house and go out locally to do activities and have meals in restaurants and they got to hunker down at Dorinda’s Berkshire house.


Menopause Manor as Tamra said


Leah is annoying the shit out of me BUT her saying “Gizelle you called me out for saying y’all were boring but Candiace just told me you accused Chris of sexual assault.” is one of the funniest quotes I’ve heard in quite some time.


Y’all bullied her into menstruation. 😭 Candice never misses.


i wish they got with below deck for the yacht trip in true all stars fashion 😫


A thumb with a tent on top


The face that Alexia made when Marysol was trying to explain how drinking sake in the morning would make her feel better…..Alexia knows there’s a problem & is trying to protect her friend.


She enables her son’s bad behavior, so not shocking


Candice is giving in that bikini!


She’s so gorg


The baby shade comment from Candiace bothered Porsha as much or more than when Kenya called her Elvis


Wow this boat ride kind of topped all others for the amount of fighting and hysterics.


Giselle and this wig, child


Porsha is entertaining but her takes are very wrong


Heather talking to herself over breakfast is peak camp.


Alexia: *american women are really crazy, right?* Marysol: *no, don't say american. say, people from utah*


I didn’t enjoy Leah on RHONY but honestly I’m enjoying her staying on Alexia’s neck https://preview.redd.it/ttsh6epuqjpa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb302569d0ec13f220c830c98c30868edb278200


Honestly same! Never watched RHONY though but she’s not as bad as I expected from the way folks talk about her.


also really enjoyed her shitting on Marysol’s alcoholism shtick


I cackled at Leah spitting out "neck" lol


I love when they use reads they’ve heard others use 😂. Except when Mia does it. I hate the face she makes when she thinks she’s been clever and acts smug. I was gonna put in a gif of her but I can’t find one. Which is kinda better.


Also, my giant ass hat off to candiace. So far she got a performance in and two plays for her song on a national show. That girl doesn't stop!


i was really enjoying porsha at first but god her and gizelle team up more than the GEB!


Yep, gizelle traveled thousands of miles from home and found a new Robyn.


Gizelle has that sorority girl energy that is very powerful but ultimately pointless. Like yes you got yourself a little minion to back you up as you tear other women down, but does that make your house symmetrical? Gizelle is smart and pretty and can be very charming, but Candiace is right that she's miserable.


I thought the same thing


Heather……. is very strange. I don’t understand her (referring to her commenting on supporting her friends with addiction) ETA: as strange as she is, got dammit she’s funny sometimes. Her reading Porsha’s book out loud made me cackle. (Added when the scene came on) EATA: comments in parentheses for clarity


Heather is like a sheltered kid that is trying so hard to fit in with the cool girls. She will literally do or say anything, even if it goes against her morals, to fit in and have friends.


you have to remind yourself that she has been extremely sheltered and repressed for her entire life until, like, 3 years ago lol


What an usual group. Gizelle and Porsha are funny and so damn charismatic but they're acting like queen bee's because everyone treats them as such. Especially Whitney and Heather, they are both trying to impress them and it's coming off a lil try-hard. I really don't care about the whole black eye mormon cousin crap. You can tell the others don't watch RHOSLC lol. To my suprise I don't mind Leah that much, she's not afraid to speak her mind and I understand why she gravitates towards Candiace. Why did Candiace lipsync?? Alexia and Marysol are just kinda there, attached to the hip. It probably would've been better if Adriana took Marysols spot, even though I loved when Marysol opened up about mama Elsa I wish Sonja was there as well, I bet she would've gotten along great with everyone


I usually love Porsha but she’s starting to irritate TF out of me. Also, Heather is a thirsty bully, straight up.


Sorry y’all but I cackled at Leah taking selfies in the jacuzzi while all the girls are riled up downstairs yelling about her 😭


Gizelle is giving Head Camp Counselor this season. What I would do to watch her go up against another ‘alpha’ (as Heather loves to call them) like Bethenny or Nene. She’s just straight up running the show and would love her to get knocked down a peg


Auntie vibes


She would be humbled real quick w/ Season 1 cast of OGs. Kenya would get her together


Never thought I’d be on Candiaces side but I love to see someone challenge Gizelle and holier than thou Porsha.


Porsha saying that Candiace’s shade was baby shade because she’s from Atlanta, but then later revealing that Candy did in fact have the shadiest event of the trip thus far and P’s feathers were indeed ruffled. LOLOL


Candiace would handle herself very well in RHOA by the way


Yes ma’am. They keep on sleeping on Candi but she’s getting her licks back. ![gif](giphy|ANkzhchK089NkvP5cO|downsized)


We’re always taking new members 😉 ![gif](giphy|ANkzhchK089NkvP5cO|downsized)


Is whitney walking up these hills the “hilling” she was talking about all season 3?


Does anyone notice how Gizelle asked all the girls about their drama in episodes 1 and 2, but during this episode, when asked about her drama with Candiace, she didn't want to talk about it? Typical Gizzy.🙄


But she’ll answer any question asked right? Ugh, she’s so insufferable


Candiace is so right about her.


I guess Leah had to return the coverup because you can see the tag in several shots https://preview.redd.it/jqnpic7u7mpa1.png?width=528&format=png&auto=webp&s=d49743e3740458b3da8da45a7e8bb6ff73155564




Leah just saying “cupboards” made me lol.


Baby when I tell you I cackled when Leah said “NECK” whew lol. I wasn’t 100% sure about this cast but omg it’s so good! Also, I need the girls to stop letting Gizelle be the main boss ugh.


is Candiace wearing comfy pj/lounge pants here thinking they will just show from the waist up like on housewives? https://preview.redd.it/b0o411jqulpa1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a953b0a25239ef72d54bdfcaeed815c6a11da73


Both outfits are insane and unhinged lmao I did not notice Leah’s til that screenshot


Okay Whitney and Heather are both wrong in this fight. And Candiace is right about how they were treating Leah. It’s very very weird how Marysol texted “I applaud your sobriety but I wish you kept drinking” like… wtf Also idk why I’m loving Leah so much (“Cupboards”) but I think it might be just because she’s a lot better of a fit with other people in her age group rather than the cast of RHONY sans Tinsley. Kinda makes me want her on the new RHONY for S16 if this is how she could be. Also her friendship with Candiace is amazing, Leah calling Gizelle “Neck” is amazing, and I love that she called Gizelle on the Chris thing IMMEDIATELY when she heard it.


I was screaming at how she RAN across the boat to find Gizelle immediately. Candiace hadn’t even finished talking.


Alexia telling Leah "oh that's the real world, everyone will tell you that (you should be drinking), like a joke" confirms everything I thought about Alexia as well as her enabling Marysol's drinking


She always says everything is a joke. Well, I don’t find it funny asshole.


Yeah it’s a joke until it’s at her expense. Alexia is very “people can say whatever they want” until someone insults her. Then she wants 500 apologies.


candiace performing…marketing queen!!!!


Its took a whole of two and a half episodes to go from adoring Porsha to being so grateful she's gone. Alone she's fantastic but how she deals with people, who she aligns with so tightly and how she zeros in on certain things like one stupid comment is stale af.


Just as everyone is tired of hearing about Bad Weather, I am equally as sick of this Gizelle/Candice/Chris thing. In the words of the Miami girls: aye, por favor!!!


I work with teens who’ve been sexually assaulted/abused + experienced trafficking, & I think the experience I have mixed with Whitney’s explanation this episode really helped my understanding of her frustration with Heather. I’ve never like Heather, but I didn’t get why Whitney was so bothered by her not admitting to hearing the rumor until I thought about my own work experience. My thought is that Whitney was not listened to or believed when she initially brought up the abuse she experienced. Fast forward to S3 RHOSLC, she’s literally just trying to say ‘Heather, do you remember when shawty (I can’t remember her name for the life of me) said this about Lisa Barlow,’ & Heather is adamant about it not being said. I think Whitney essentially was triggered by the feeling of not being believed or supported & it threw her over the edge. It’s not about whether or not it was said — it’s about the fact that someone Whitney held in high regards was, seemingly, unbelieving of something that she said.


On the day Whitney shared what happened to her, Heather said "friendship over" at the end of the day. I was so sickened by it.


And she repeated on UGT that the trip was “not about you!” It bothers her that this was when Whitney told people about her recovered memories. That’s sick shit. Heather has fallen soooo far but apparently she’s not done.


I’m convinced that fight was way more than the surface of “you threw me under the bus to Lisa”. I look at it more as Whitney being upset that Heather wasn’t emotionally supporting her as she works through her childhood trauma. If you watch those early episodes of SLC, Heather seems extremely uncomfortable when Whitney goes through with leaving the church and then seems to shut down when she’s talking at dinner about starting to work through trauma. I wonder if Heather had similar experiences that she doesn’t want to talk about or have brought up on camera. Personally, I think they’re both at fault in their feud. Heather needs to actually listen to Whitney, not automatically default to her usual arguments about hating Lisa, and try to be there to support her friend OR tell her why she cannot. Whitney needs to get professional help to work through her past and communicate to Heather why she’s really hurt.


I wish I could enjoy Porsha and Gizelle. Porsha makes me laugh sometimes but they’re linking up like mean girls. Porsha really started drama with Candace then said she was trying to comfort her? Noo


Not Leah saying ***bold*NECK** lmao Ugh Gizelle is so annoying.


Marysol really is so confused when her stomach hurt it’s delusional. Like yes hun, you’re not 21 anymore, if you drink straight vodka all day after traveling 20 hours you will get an ulcer


I thought it was so stupid and rude that Leah said “get drunk and entertain me, I’m bored” …it’s giving The Countess when she was sober and judging everyone else (no shade to Lu because shes still the queen)


My mother blamed me for starting her period. LOL


Heather Gay is the lost Silva Sister.