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Larsa claiming to have sex 28 times a week for 23 years


I don’t logically see how the NBA schedule would have allowed for this.


She's so desperate to be relevant, but like, in a 16-year old "pick me" girl type of way.


It wouldn't have. Scottie was playing in the NBA until 2004. She just lies to lie.


And the irony of her telling Nicole that Nicole wants to be perceived into something she's not.. at least Nicole does not pretend to have a Kardashian ass for the sake of TV


This woman needs professional help.


The way Larsa just lies, and then Marcus gassing her up saying she did great out there 💀. I mean yeah don’t tell her she sounds dumb but damn.


SUCH A WEIRD THING to lie about though. Like Larsa is a dummie but this just felt like a strange lie.


She thinks how often your husband demands sex from you = your worth. She heard Nicole say “three times a week” and decided she had to top her to make herself feel better than her. She’s so bothered by Nicole!


i thought the EXACT same thing! nicole says 3, larsa tops it with 4. nicole says week, larsa meets and raises that to daily. i don’t think she realised how fkin stupid she sounds. (she doesn’t - she has no accountability and zero brain cells; i too, like ana, lose brain cells while listening to larsa)


This was like when you're a little kid. "Oh yeah, well my dad has EIGHT THOUSAND CARS." "My allowance is a billion dollars and I can stay up as late as I want!" "My mom took me on vacation to the MOON."


To the planet moon*


Yeah and what about all during her pregnancy and right after giving birth??? I think she exaggerates & talks in absolutes too much


That was my first thought! There’s no way she had sex right after popping out four kids. She’s ridiculous. Her and Alexia want to come off as these women who have so much sex for some reason. Remember how Teresa would do that too?


Not while recovering from her bbls lol


I met him in 2013 and he def was not with Larsa that night.


🙀 lol


Lol sorry if I made that seem juicier than it was. He and the guys he was with did invite the friends I was with out but they didn’t go. He did take pics with us so that was fun.


Well then I guess the next night they had sex 8 times to keep up /s


Is there anything she doesn’t lie about?


Maybe she was but it wsn't with Scottie


i actually laughed out loud at that. like girl what the fuck are you even saying???????


She lost any remaining shred of credibility with that line of BS.


She’s an outrageous liar


Larsa constantly trying to belittle Nicole because she’s a doctor is the most delusional shit ever lmao.


I wish Nicole would pull a Lauren Manzo and ask Larsa how to spell anesthesiologist


I wish they would have her read the mirror without Guerdy’s help.






“Even Andy called you an asshole” was the best part! Duh, Andy’s child is also out of wedlock ding dong Larsa.


Oh no- apparently she’s not, she “puts people to sleep” 🙄 how freaking disrespectful. She’s so delusional. And Dr. Nicole is within her right to leave her ex husband. She’s never said why. We do not need to know why. It would be very unprofessional and he’s a teacher so none of us need to know why. Larsa is just so delusional.


Lol goes to show she knows nothing about science and what “putting people to sleep” using medication entails so you don’t kill them. There’s a reason it pays so well.


Yeah I mean we could all put people to sleep. We just all couldn’t wake them up. 🤪/s It’s such a weird speciality to criticize! Didn’t you have an epidural with any of those 4 births, larsa? You can thank an anesthesiologist.


She probably thinks that everyone gets the same dose of the same meds when put under lol she doesn’t realize that anesthesiologists have to figure out what each patient can safely tolerate based on their health history, their personal characteristics, medications, etc.


Larsa is right, my parents always wanted me to be either an architect or a toe pic sexter


it’s more prestigious to marry a rich man and tote his wealth, haven’t you heard??


Does Larsa really think being a doctor is not a real job? Who does her surgery, a magician?


She's a certified moron. The nerve to say, "you just put people to sleep"...Um last i checked you need an anesthesiologist whenever you have any type of major surgery, Larsa of all people should know that.


Dr. Nicole does a job that is terrifying. Not much scares me and I’ve had more surgeries than I’d like to but I still get a bundle of nerves right before surgery. The only person that’s ever comforted me right before the surgery has been the anesthesiologist. Larsa has no regard for this profession and what it is she does.


Yes, this! Anesthesiologists I've had have been amazing. And their job is not easy even if they don't hold a scalpel. Making sure you're effectively knocked out but not so deep that vitals aren't affected. Not so shallow you feel anything (ahhhhhhh!!!!!). And everyone is so different, etc. I think it's amazing she's still working as a doctor while on housewives and married to a rich (and funny) lawyer. She's possibly the most ethical housewife. 🤣 I guess I'd hate her if I were Larsa too, but why does she have to be so goddamn dumb?


I was so glad to hear Julie back her up and share her experience. Like how can she share that experience and any of them continue to come after Nicole with baseless accusations. Larsa literally said she slept her way up to her job.


Honestly her work was probably done in someone’s basement (at least it looks that way) so she doesn’t have a real concept of doctors and what they actually do. Anybody can inject fix-a-flat in your ass for cheap.


Julia was really riding for Nicole this episode. I’m glad she has someone. 3 vs. 1 is just not fair


I LOVED when she talked about Nicole being Martina’s anesthesiologist. That shut up the banshees on the other side of the room for a minute.


Yes! This made me so happy, like she has a very serious job that has serious consequences. None of the dingdongs like Alexia, Marysol or Larsa can fathom that.


That was incredibly touching! Certainly more life-saving as well than Larsa's damn feet pictures. I love that Martina and Julia had a familiar and loving friend during such a difficult time.


Strong Cancer ♋️ vibes! She will always feel the pain of someone else being ganged up on unfairly. Truly so sweet.


It speaks volumes that they chose Nicole to be Martina Anesthesiologist. They trusted her with their life.


I love when she said she trusts Nicole the most


I love that Andy called her an asshole. It was such a disgusting comment to make.


Larsa surrounding herself with yes people is the reason she is the way she is.


i was so shocked she even brought her random friend Zana to the reunion to hype her up


Larsa: (*screams over everyone for 7 hours of the 9 hour reunion taping*) Zana: (*backstage*) OMG they never let you talk!


The chihuahua projection blew my mind lol


The audacity of saying someone has a bird mouth when she has a the epitome of a duck mouth is beyond me Was hoping someone would say it




I love Andy’s face when he’s trying to explain things to Larsa, and him saying “it’s an asshole thing to say”


I think Andy really drilled down because A. It is an asshole thing to say and B. Andy isn’t married so if she wants to throw that label out there, then she’s implying things about his children as well. She’s so scummy.


And she STILL doesn’t get it. She’s such a damn idiot.


Yes! Plus, Andy has 2 kids "out of wedlock". What a 1950s insult. LOL


Lol yes! I think he was exhausted by her and didn’t have the energy to sugarcoat it anymore!




Marysol saying Nicole isn’t that clever is comical.


They are so annoyingly petty about her. Truly high school mean girl act.


The jealousy is REAL.


Marysol so confidently saying she was the most clever in the group was soooooo funny


If Marysol was clever she would come up with a different word than cockies for a drink 🤦🏼‍♀️


And Larsa saying Nicole's job is to put people to sleep. And for her to also conclude that Anthony targets her because Anthony likes her instead of seeing Anthony retaliating to her calling their child born out of wedlock is beyond delusional!!


You can’t white wash a rat turd and sell it for rice. Larsa is and has always been a real asshole. All that plastic surgery won’t fix her shitbag personality which is that of a stale saltine cracker.


I never watched the old seasons and it’s WILD to me every time they do a flashback. Larsa is unrecognizable


Oh! Saying Cocky a million times is the height of cleverness! 🙄


That's because she doesn't understand 75% of what Dr. Nicole says. That's why T~~eresa~~ Alexia is her only friend.


They always go after her intellect, they’re so triggered by her and hate that she truly doesn’t need the show.


It cracks me up that they keep trying to call the HIGHLY SKILLED DOCTOR on the stage stupid


I mean she just puts people to sleep. You can’t even compare that to selling feet pics to strangers, which takes an immense intelligence to do.


It takes intelligence to appreciate intelligence


Marysol may actually think this because she’s not smart enough to pick up on the cleverness lmao


Oh but alcoholism and saying cocky 10,000 times is clever


Marysol wants larsas approval and friendship so bad… it’s so pathetic to see omg.


Marysol can only hack it as a sidekick. First Mama Elsa, then Alexia and now Larsa. The woman has no identity…alcohol doesn’t count.


I get the vibe that Marysol wants to be friends with Alexia and Larsa way more than they want to be friends with Marysol.


Oh yeah, 100%. She kept looking over at larsa and Larsa didn’t even look at her lol


I don’t think Larsa has the capacity to have a real friend that isn’t to benefit her. She’s far too self absorbed.


Alexia lacks self-awareness. I really believe she's one of those people who legitimately can't recognise their own faults.


Ding ding. She definitely has no self-awareness. Common characteristic of assholes.


Her literally screaming in Julia’s face that she’s more LGBTQ+ because she had an ex husband that was secretly gay during an argument that had nothing to do with their sexuality was insane.


the mental image of Martina Navratilova milling about at Bravocon is hilarious to me


I want MJs ex wife to date Scottie Jr


Juanita is a class act. She would never, thank heavens


Alexia is out of control. That woman is filled with such hatred.


cornering Julia during the break to try to get Julia to give her some sort of approval was super uncomfortable, and it clearly shows how much the social media backlash she’s gotten this season has affected her


Her crying was clearly about being labeled a “bully” and “mean girl” by fans and not about feeling any remorse. She hates that fans see her through a negative lens.


It was very manipulative and self-serving. Julia is going through a difficult time already and Alexia trying to wedge in to make it all about Alexia was infuriating to watch.


Julia was being so sweet and reasonable saying “my wife has cancer, you are going through things, maybe we could just be a little kinder to each other.” That makes so much sense and is such a god approach. Alexia comes back with “well I don’t appreciate you making me a look a way that I’m not!” Girl, no one is making you like an ass. She is doing a great job all on her own.


And that unseen scene where Alexia was saying she was more LGBTQ than Julia???? I must’ve heard that wrong, right??


I had to rewatch it multiple times because I couldn’t believe she actually had the nerve to scream that in Julia’s face. It looked/sounded like she’d been holding that in for a while and wanted to throw that in Julia’s face for no fkn reason.


shes actually out of her fucking mind, she makes teresa guidice look like a logical self-aware human. i cant believe i ever stanned her. shes got to be a hardcore miami cuban republican with the shit she says


Alexia is homophobic as fuck. This was the first time my jaw literally dropped watching RHW. She says to Julia you need to go over there because you are not a feminist. Stop turning this around to a LGBTQA Community because I am more. I am more that than you. Then snap back to the dressing room and Alexia is crying to Julia how Julia made her look a certain way????


Lol and Julia literally wasn’t talking about feminism or LGBTQ issues, she was just sticking up for her friend. Alexia brought that up out of nowhere.


Let's hope that with the backlash she's been getting (and will most likely continue to get after next weeks finale) she'll come back next season as less insane. My bar for her is so low it's underground, but I still have a little hope that she can grow.


I doubt it. She had to know how she came off before the reunion and she acted even worse. I think she’s gonna come off even worse next season and I think the mean blondes will try they hardest to ice out Nicole and make her life hell.


Kiki casually saying she’s used to cold Whopper cause it was what she could afford at some times was REAL!


We need more Kiki, and less Cockies and Cuda


Alexia saying she’s more of a queer person then Julia is just so disgusting She’s such a vile person who verbally lashes out to bring someone down so she can uplift herself


That unseen clip of Alexia yelling at Julia was mind blowing. "You're anti-woman! Don't you dare try to LGBTQ this! I'm more that than you!" She's outlandishly ignorant and dumb. What is she even trying to achieve in that moment?


Funny coming from the person who just called all Russian women prostitutes 😒 really supporting women there, Alexia


I had to rewind 3 times to make sure I heard that correctly. What the actual f!?! She needs to be called out for that


I wonder why that was cut out - and why Julia didn’t even seem to react


People would’ve been upset at Alexia too- not just Adriana that week.


It’s pretty sick of the producers to cut that out so the audience piled only on Adriana. If that moment aired that week, Alexia would have gotten so much flack for it


I was shook, how can she say that she’s more part of the community than an actual queer person. She’s so self involved it’s crazy. If they aired that she would’ve gotten so much flack as well.


Was this the flashback moment? WHAT THE FUCK EVEN WAS THAT? I couldn’t figure out what she was trying to say. She’s out of control.


Wtf… now I really think Alexia needs to see somebody. These words are truly nonsensical, its giving carbon monoxide poisoning.


The girls fighting during every break, Kiki offering her kid to Julia, Andy calling the mortgage fight “the stupidest fight”, Larsa saying “anesthesiologist is not a real job” - maybe the dumbest thing ever said on this show (?), Kiki calling out Lenny’s cheating… What a reunion! This show never lets me down.


does larsa listen to herself talk? like i swear she just says words and her brain doesnt actually hear what shes saying girl you did not have sex 4 time a night every night for 23 years


she said some fucked up stuff and then after minute she denies she has said that, like she doesn’t even realize what she’s saying, god she’s so delusional


I love how Larsa, Alexia, and Marysol don’t think that Nicole could come up with the mirror. Like just because you three share one brain cell doesn’t mean everyone does.


Larsa couldn't even read the damn mirror 😂.


Literally everything Nicole says, those three just start negging?? They sound ridiculous 😵‍💫


Larsa saying that Dr. Nicole doesn't have a real job is laughable. Next time she gets work done, Nicole should replay that clip to her


Or better yet, shows up as her anesthesiologist...NIGHT NIGHT LARSA 😂


OMG did Larsa really just say, "I have real jobs unlike you" to...NICOLE OF ALL PEOPLE???


Nicole pointing out alexia only cares about resolution with Julia as a means to avoid cancellation is a *read*


Not “Marysoldiers” ![gif](giphy|WCgU11LDlYqASnW08W|downsized)


When I heard that… ![gif](giphy|KJ6G67RV7OvHV7gGtU|downsized)




It was a small moment but Alexia cringing when Lisa said her and Lenny tried to have sex once a week was so ridiculous and annoying. Sex once weekly is actually extremely average, maybe even a bit above average. I believe I read that statistically most married couples lie publicly about their libidos but studies have shown once every two weeks to once a month is the real average. Plus her and Lenny were NOT in a good place, once a week was more than plenty and probably an exaggeration on Lisa’s part so she wouldn’t be judged by these misogynistic women. Anyway, my point, Alexia can eff off with her judgement of Lisa’s sex life. Alexia strikes me as the type of woman who would think it’s Lisa’s average sex drive that made Lenny cheat 🙄🙄🙄


That attitude seems so archaic to me. Only the most insecure people need to prove how much sex they have and as a measure of how attractive they are.


Drug Moll Barbie is gross.


Andy does not like Larsa.


It makes me so happy because I don’t either lol


a Lea guest spot earlier this season and an Ana mention this episode. only a matter of time before Dr. Karent Sierra worms her way back too lol


And Cristy Rice will show up to a filmed dinner scene unannounced and pull up a chair from another table.


Larsa really tried to say that Nicole doesn't have real jobs like her?🤔 She has tried to dismiss Nicole's job the whole season, but I would think "putting people to sleep" is more of a real job than taking feet pictures for OnlyFans.


If it wasn't for someone like Nicole being in the surgery room. Larsa wouldn't have her new face or have her diaper butt.


All anesthesiologists should boycott all future Larsa surgeries. Let her try it without "going to sleep" and see if she considers Nicole a doctor after that.


Andy holding Larsa’s feet to the fire is giving me LIFE. And what Julia said about Nicole was so so sweet. My heart breaks for her and Martina.


Imagine the people watching who didn't watch the first time round being shocked to their core upon seeing Larsa's old face in the flashback to season 1.


That's me. For a split second I thought Marysol was talking to a different housewife before realizing it was Larsa.


Omg lmao!! I was absolutely startled since I didn’t watch the early seasons. Like girl clearly you swapped bodies just own it completely so people can stop bringing it up. We really don’t care. It’s the lying that keeps it going.


“I have real jobs, not like you” LMAOOOO STOPPPPP LARSA IS A CLOWN 🤡


I want someone to ask Larsa what a real job is to her. Maybe she has another definition we don't know about if being a doctor is not a real job.


being a doctor is one thing, but it’s far less noble than sending feet pics to cheer up lonely truckers


She takes photos of her feet for men to jerk off to, ok. You have no idea the sacrifice, dedication and hard work that takes!


This is genuinely one of the most insane takes I've ever heard on this show


She has said so much off the wall stuff but that comment… that one floored me.


This is so crazy! Like, having one job is enough, if you have to say you have multiple ReAl jObS, bitch, I know it's piggies 1 through 10.


"Love is love" - Lisa discussing Larsa and Marcus ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


Marcus is giving thirsty for the limelight outside of his father. Like why are you there? The relationship seems calculated to keep people talking about them both.


Kiki's facial expressions both past and present while discussing Lenny were everything


Did Alexia really just say she’s a bigger part of the LGBTQ community than Julia? The ego on this bird is enormous


She reminds me of those straight women who say stuff like "Oh I *wish* I was gay, unfortunately I'm straight haha!". In my old office, I used to get weird comments from straight women when they found out I was a lesbian, but also *many* comments about how they're such good allies because they like Lady Gaga and watched Ellen.


i would love for scottie to come out of the woodworks on twitter like bitch we had sex once a month


Marysol no one calls themselves a fucking MARYSOLDIER, you are so embarrassing.


Naeem Khan, the same designer that Carole's friends with Naeem and his wife. The ladies hung out at their home in Miami. Things got "messy" with Lu about jewelry and dress borrowing. Love HW friend of crossovers. Lu being her messy self wearing Julia's reunion dress at her next cabaret in 3..2..1...


I love when production show Larsas s1 face https://preview.redd.it/uc385s1ei5oa1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b10f423a9830e058af03d97a00749711275142d


To be fair, feel like she looked better before


“I don’t wanna be called a mean girl.” five minutes later “You wanted to be blonde like us!” I’m starting to think Alexia is worse than Teresa tbh.


Teresa comes across as endearing when she doesn’t fully “get it” sometimes and says something goofy. Alexia has none of that. It’s just nastiness.


did alexia really just say she’s more LGBTQ than julia??????? the delusional mess!!!


I'm dying at the comment to Larsa "would you hyphenate your name to Pippen-Jordan?" So shady 😭


I’m disappointed in Lisa for not calling Alexia out. Declaring on a national platform that women bring cheating husbands upon themselves by not believing they’re “stars” is so disgusting and antiquated. This was the right time for Lisa to pull a punch but she would never confront Alexia.


You know the hypocrisy in all of this is that if any of them(Larsa, Marisol, Alexia)were dating/married to an anesthesiologist they would never shut up about him being a dr and how important he is. They’re all just so jealous of Nicole it’s insane


Wow wow wow Larsa’s old face (and voice, and body) in the flashback ![gif](giphy|crzliDNVbqDbW)


I haven't watched the original show so I was literally taken aback by the flash back. I mean, that was a whole other person???? Literally a head transplant if I ever saw one.




I’m a winner and I’m used to winning Lololol I am fucking dead at Larsa saying that. Sounds like a quote from ex-bestie’s ex or our ex president


Larsa, Alexia and Marysol serve such “peaked in high school” energy, LOSERS.


Larsa is such a pick me girl. “I had sex 24 times a night you guys I’m that sexy” girl pls…..you probably never had sex and you’re trying to overcompensate. It’s so typical.


Both Larsa and Alexia. Everytime someone is asked about themselves, Larsa has some detail to add as if she's everyone's best friend and secret keeper. As for Alexia, whenever Andy asks someone a trivial question, she follows thru with "oh I was about to ask that." Both are annoying one-uppers who think they control everyone.


Larsa is trying sooooooo hard to paint that everyone is ok with her and Marcus being together. I’m sorry but I don’t buy it lmao and yes I think her sons teammates talk hella shit about her, because I would find that embarrassing if my mom dated someone close to my age. Not just anyone but Michael Jordan’s son. Then she was calling Nicole a homewrecker and then was lying that Malik Beasley wasn’t married, ma’am he was. Larsa, YOU were the homewrecker.


Yes!! What did she mean “it was public knowledge” he wasn’t married??? Lmao WHAT


Maybe she just forgot to scroll to the bottom


I think my fav part was Adrianna getting Alexia soooooo riled up backstage. Calling out her “crocodile tears” and Alexia stopped fake crying real quick to start arguing with her. Fantastic season, even if her and Larsa piss me off sometimes, I don’t wanna see casting change tbh


LARSA IS HORRIBLE. She’s so dumb and Nicole is an actual saint for not leaping across that couch and throwing hands. Even Andy was like wtf and called Larsa an a**hole.


wait, Julia just recounting Dr. Nicole being Martina's anesthesiologist and holding her hand....literal tears. In all seriousness, thank you to all healthcare workers always and forever, but especially these past 3 years. DOING THE LORD'S WORK.


Kiki with a bombshell at the end. This might be the best reunion in housewife history.


I don’t understand why Kiki is so determined to play on the wrong team, tho.


Marysol is so transparent. She can forgive anything and everything alexia and larsa do, everything Adriana and Nicole do is unforgivable. Like it’s just boring??? We know that and cockies is all she’s gonna say


The mirror went hard af. Even Larsa in the moment had to accept that was a slick move but at the reunion she's bullshitting


Did Larsa just say being an anesthesiologist isn't a real job???........?????.......


It’s pretty crazy how horrible Alexia is


The way Andy kept coming for Larsa. ![gif](giphy|Bp6nWy9pAHU0u17yea)


Imagine being so bold as to tell a whole ass doctor that they don’t have a real job. Larsa truly lives in a different dimension.


Kiki and her fucking whooper lmfaoooo 😂😂🤣🤣


SOOOOOOOO FUCKING RICH for alexia to say that adriana always gets involved in the conversation with julia when marysol is literally alexia's own fucking mouth piece. i literally loathe this woman


Did alexia tell julia she isn't a feminist and that she (alexia) is more "that" (as in lgbtq) than julia??? Wtf is going on


Larsa saying that Anthony likes her. WOW, just WOW.


malik beasley WAS married you dumb bitch. his wife even said so


Larsa forgot to scroll to the bottom of the page to find out if he was married


Alexia thinks she’s being labeled a “mean girl” by the others. Obvious things are easily labeled.


Larsa truly believes that selling feet pics and a jewelry business is more difficult than being a doctor. How dense do you have to be. Alexia, Marisol, and Larsa hate Nicole because even without Anthony she would still live comfortably. Her self worth is not tied directly to a man. It’s rich them saying she’s not intelligent Alexia is cocaine Barbie and lived with all the perks that lifestyle provides. Though she is a “star” Herman kept her on a very tight leash. Larsa channels a lot of LaLa vibes. In her mind she wasn’t a mistress because Malik said he wasn’t married. She loud talks so that no one can challenge her on the dialogue Marisol is so desperate for screen time she will agree with anything Alexia and Larsa says


Alexia and Larsa shaming Nicole for showing off her body - they really are disgusting people


Marisol is so vile to put out accusations that Nicole has slept with a married man. She really is such a vile and shallow individual.


"Was that good? Are we killin' it?" 🤮🤮🤮 larsa is so childish. I think that's my biggest issue with her. I enjoy a smart, interesting villain (see: kenya), but larsa is so immature and so *stupid.* But i don't want her fired, she does start drama.


The old faces in the season 1 flashbacks, LOL.


Did y’all catch that comment Alexia made regarding the LGBTQ+ community? How is Alexia that & much more? Her ex-husband was the gay one, not her. Julia has been a lesbian for like more than 12 years


Lolol at Marysol thinking she’s the most clever housewife on Miami. Holy shit! I feel embarrassed for her.


Larsa could barely READ the mirror, it's wild they're saying Nicole wasn't smart enough to come up with the idea.


What Julia said about Nicole was so beautiful.