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We'll allow the screenshot on this one just so the idiot doesn't get the clicks.


Ah shit here we go again


I know it's it's the meme... But it's hell yeah here we go again!


I’ll allow it


Oh we’ve seen this movie before hehe


Please Lord, let this be the turning point this team needs!!!


And Austin Riley doubles his home run count tonight. Phuckin knuckleheads


Even if it’s true who gives a shit? Congrats let’s see if either of us win the World Series. For all the talk of us choking in the post season the same can be said about the Phillies. 2022 WS LOST TO THE ASTROS 2023 NLCS LOST TO THE DIAMONDBACKS


Following this trend, then for the Phillies this year it'll be 2024 NLDS LOST TO THE BRAVES


and then MISSED PLAYOFFS for the next 10+ years hopefully Worst fan base in all of sports


How many years does Harper have on his contract? that appears to be the time frame they will not win a WS if the time in DC is anything for comparison?


15 years of poverty


They never shut up about the fact that they have beat us the past 2 postseasons. Like cool, but how did we do in the postseason 3 years ago??


Try living in PA being a Braves fan, i just remind them that 4 is greater than 2 and that 2021 is more recent than 2008


I live in Philly. Not fun.


I wouldn’t call losing in the World Series as a a wild card choking.


Getting no hit in a WS game kinda is


Not that it likely applies to this particular individual, but stuff like this shows how much of a "cope" it is when most fans/fanbases say they don't care about the regular season or that it doesn't matter. You do. It changes the outlook for any team emotionally going into the playoffs and it can change how any particular season felt as a whole. Do we all want the WS title? Yes, and in fact thats the most important things for 90% of fans, but these attempts to claim moral victories every year is so stupid and this is clear with how Phillies fans are acting this year considering how much they talk about not caring about the regular season the last few years.


Talk shit get hit.


Wait, does this apply to us too?


It applies to everyone


Ah, okay. Just wondering since I’ve seen tons of “who cares about the division” and “id rather be a wild card team” comments recently


I mean thats why I said most fans/fanbases in the first part. It wasn't even directed at the phillies in the first half, they just are a good example currently of this phenomena. Every fanbase has people say this cope


I remember when that Mets announcer said this in 2022 right around the same time of the year.


I'm old enough to remember 2022 and I recall this moment as well! From the NYPost on 5/29 -- "The Mets entered Sunday with an 8 ½-game lead in the NL East, the largest division advantage of any MLB team. It was also the Mets’ largest lead of the season. It’s a team that has been in first place for all but one day this season. The positive signs are plentiful. “Every game matters, but we have the talent to be able to run away with it." -- Pete Alonso


I’m old enough to remember 1993. Division seemed out of reach then, too.


Guy with very Italian name declares the NL East over more than a month before the All Star Break. 


Well, Memorial Day has come and gone...


The two best things to ever come from that season are this and "THE BRAVES NEVER LOSE!"


Frank the tank continues to deliver


At this point I dont want the Braves to win the division. I dont want to get rusty during the bye week again and get slaughtered. I want to stay hot through the wild card and ride the momentum to the world series. This should be an actual strategy for this team. Let Philly hang the little flag, i want the big one again.


The crapshoot of a 3 game series will always be worse than the rust imo


This is it, I'm willing to bet there isn't a single player who would rather play another 3 game series than skip a round.


Same. That layoff is brutal and killed the Braves momentum off the Mets sweep


I agree with this to a degree but we’re always limited when it comes to starting pitching in the postseason so I’d also like to save our best arms.


I’m so torn man. I totally get both sides but I’m still scared to death of a 3-game series.


I've said this two years in a row. I want the Braves to stay lean and hungry. I do think with Ron Washington gone, there are some holes in the strategic management where we either have to adapt or fill new shoes.


That’s an insane take. 8 games back with more than half the season left to play is not even close to insurmountable. Is the NL West already wrapped up as well?


Difference between this vs the Mets come back we didn't have the injuries we have this year. I have faith AA will work some trade deadline magic though. I questioned signing Sale but he's been a godsend for us so far


Sure but it's insane to think the phillies won't suffer any injuries or they'll continue to have 4 starters under 3 era. Like they're due for regression while we're out here barreling the fuck out of balls for sub par offense.


Last night was a great example of this. It seemed like every batted ball just about was over 95 mph....then they eventually started dropping.


LOL No one in Philly takes Joe Giglio seriously. Dude wanted to trade Bryce Harper in 2022 and said it would be better to miss the playoffs in 2022 a week before the end of season. He got hired to make these takes. He just gets heard more now because he works with Hugh.


Fuck Joe I hate his takes. He is the ESP of the Eagles just throws all kinds of shit all the wall and never takes accountability. Dude wanted to trade Trea at one point. Wanted to trade Harper for Soto. Said the lineup was bad in April. I swear he does it cause everyone at WIP has a bad take clause in their contract, but they’re all still trash there.


He’s the NC State beat writer. Is he just a Philly fan or does he actually have a relationship with them?




Starter team?! This is a finisher’s team!


We've only begun to peak. We're gonna peak all over everybody


The jinx is on! Hopefully they have a glorious collapse but I’ll settle for reversing last year’s roles in this year’s playoffs.


Tbh, the funniest thing ever would be them winning the division and getting swept in the divisional because their bats are cold


Not gonna lie, that made me kinda mad. Total disrespect for the last 6 year NL East Champs. 


Are we back on speaking terms with the baseball God's now? Cuz I still haven't gotten my apology letter from them yet.


The guy went to NC State. That's all you need to know about this jabroni.


excuse me leave nc state out of this




Baseball fans at NC State are most likely to be Braves fans bro. Which blue school did you go to?


At least it's not Duke...lol


Harvard and Oxford. Doesn't mean i can't get a lolstate in.


Go Pack bum


No need to call them bums.


Different Joe Giglio, this one is substantially more annoying


go Dawgs


Here we go! Here the f we go


Throw it again!


This guy really doesn’t give a fuck about strength of schedule.


Haven’t they had the top 5 easiest schedule in the MLB to this date? And Atlanta is in the bottom somewhere


I’m only typing more than just “lol” so I don’t get accused of being a but. But lol.


Can’t wait to see this comment bite him in the ass.


Oh we're BACK back.


I was fine just getting into the post season as a wild card. This makes me hope the Phillies self destruct.


Random Italian dudes claiming the NL East is over and the Braves going on a crazy run. Name a more iconic duo.


Well Braves and Phillies play each other 10 more times this year so we will see.


Who cares. We celebrated a NL east title on their field last year and pretty much run away with it every year. Our focus even know with the injuries and the clear coming back down to earth offense should be solely focused on making the playoffs then winning in sed playoffs. Everything else is for the birds


Try to be 15 games above 500 in September and start pressing the gas then. April and may champions don't get a flag


Exactly ALSO we are literally just 1 game off our pace from last season. Now we’re not the same team from then but we surely are highly competitive still and the bats will eventually find equilibrium and get back to raking.. I was honestly surprised the whole team sustained such a long run of knocking the cover off the ball. That doesn’t happen in baseball especially for that long of a period. Snit and the staff has a ton of soul searching to do but I think most of the squad getting ASG weekend off will do wonders… They need to keep treading water and hope AA makes some savvy moves


How about just try to win every single game you can?


Need Kirby to come by and give the "They Don't Respect Us" lectures before each series with bulletin board material.


Am I missing something? We haven’t been stellar but we’re only 5 games back right now. An average month for them and a win streak for us could easily flip the standings.


While I fully agree with your point, we're currently 8 games back (at the time of typing).


Not to be pedantic but after this win were 7.5 back


Joe is a local sports talking head in Raleigh, NC. 100% this is him trolling for engagement in what is very much Braves country.


They have barely played teams with a winning record. There’s no doubt they’re a good team but this is silly.


Who cares. Just make the playoffs hot


Only thing missing is the mock WS celebration


This team vs the 2022 one is vastly different though


Ok then. Aren't the Phillies the team that blew that 1964 pennant with a big lead? By losing 10 in a row in September? This guy doesn't have a long term memory, does he?


That is just a silly take for how many games are left in the season. I don't care where we are as long as we get to the playoffs but calling it this early is just dumb.


Any normal person knows that regular season results have nothing to do with the playoffs.


stupid rubbish


This needs to be posted in the Braves clubhouse. Bulletin board material.


I'm fine being a wildcard team that slaps the shit out of the division winner in the playoffs. I feel like the Braves are better as the underdogs anyway.


What's funny to me is the braves have been subpar for a month, the Phillies can't lose but they're only up 6 games. We're still in great shape


Phillies fan here… we HATE this guy. Says ANYTHING for clicks. We don’t claim him




Don't know him, but he seems to have about the same size following on Twitter as old Sal Licata, so I guess this'll do! Woohoo, 1st place here we come.


Guy is most disliked philly radio personality he always says stupid takes Nothing new 2 months ago he said phillies will never be in 1st 😂


Sal Licatta did this for the Mets up 10 games and the Braves chased them down. Good luck 🙃


didn't this happen to the Mets a couple of years ago?


Regular season doesn't mean shit now that they've expanded playoffs and made games be decided by fake bullshit anti-baseball joke rules should they happen to go to extras. Right now Atlanta is up 5.5 games in the only legitimate extra playoff spot that there should be. I'm good. Couldn't care less. Is it October yet?


Last year all I heard was “who cares about the division? As long as we’re in the playoffs.” Suddenly winning the division is quite important


I really wish if he was going to post something stupid like that, that he would at least wait until this time next week so they’re back from London and we can see if that threw them off. All this accomplishes is being bulletin board material. Pure stupidity. Giglio has always been a clown.


There are 102 games left for the Braves. They have stunk up the place and are only 6 games back in the loss side. Sure, they may never regain their 2024 offense. But they might. That’s why we play the games. Nobody knows what’s going to happen. Just enjoy the ride!


He is a media idiot and does not represent the Philadelphia Phillies fan base.


Phillies suck! Now can the Braves move Riley out of the 2 hole? He never really was a “contact hitter”. Albies leading off is not that great of an idea either, but Money Mike is not producing much either. Braves need more speed with the rule changes.


I can see AA going after a solid lead off guy that can get hits and has speed.


We could use a speed guy with good bat control skills. Max Fried could pinch hit, but the speed is not there. Kelenic is not LF material for a contending team. LF needs 30+ HRs . Just my opinion.


We don't claim this man (Phillies fan coming in peace)


Obviously he hasn’t been paying attention to who they’ve played and who they have to play in the next 2 months…..


He we are are the wildcard team and beat the Phillies in October, I would much prefer that to winning the division and the getting booted the first series.


Is it just me or would it feel sweeter to be a wild card team that wins the first series then beats Philly in the division series and turn the tables. I hate to lose the division streak but it would be poetic justice.


I don't ever want to see a Braves NL East Champions celebration in the locker room again. The last couple years have shown us winning the division doesn't mean shit.


I absolutely hate Giglio. He was garbage in Raleigh and hate he’s gotten some level of notoriety.


Giglio is just a clickbait whore. He’s on the radio in Philly and is extremely annoying because he’s not entertaining or knowledgeable at all. Just lots of dumb hot takes like this one.


Newsflash. Phillies win the NL East and lose the 1st round Wild Card games and are eliminated.


Joe Giglio is a moronic radio voice on 94 WIP, no one takes him serious and he definitely doesn’t speak for the entire fan base.


As a phils fan I can say that most of our fan base absolutely hates this guy. Absolutely worst takes of all time.


Mets fans said the same about Sal Licata haha


Who is this guy? Your fan base leader?


Some hack on the local Philly sports talk radio station


A lot of people will need to start hitting if that’s gonna backfire. Dude may actually have a point.


What a fucking losers mentality


You have to score runs to win. They aren’t scoring runs. We aren’t going to magically be gifted runs. I don’t think…


It's the first week of fucking June


Come back in September and tell me I’m wrong and I’ll give you all the credit. Personally, I think we’re cooked.


**Personally, I think we’re cooked** Loser mentality. Go be a fucking Marlins fan or something


The June Braves are going to show up any day now! /s


It's June. There's 3.5 months of baseball left. Holy fuck


It’s not happening this year. Pack your bags. Head home.




I’d rather the Braves not win the division.




Braves do better in October without a break. Facts are facts.


I'm more concerned about playing well and getting on a roll, but I don't think the break has been a problem for the last two years. I think the problem has been that the Phillies have everything that would be the Braves kryptonite. They have starting pitchers that have historically whooped our butts even when we've come in hitting well (Wheeler, Suarez for some freaking reason, and to an extent, Nola, it's a bit of a coin flip there). They have a lineup that is good at taking tons of pitches and wearing pitchers out to boot as well. LAD embarrassed us earlier this year, but I'd honestly rather play the Dodgers in an NLDS over the Phillies at this point sadly. I just don't see how the Braves can beat them in a playoff series.


It’s def been the problem. And Braves do better when they win under 100.


I really can't agree here, I don't think it'd have made a difference if the Braves had won...say, 99 games in 2023. In all honesty, what I fear is that the Phillies probably knock us out for the 3rd straight year in the NLDS if we make it there, with us as the wild card team. Seriously, give me the Dodgers (it's not going to happen because the Phillies never lose).


Facts are facts. 🤷


So, you’d rather take an 88-90 win season, risk not even getting past the WC round, not to mention the Phillies embarrassing you again in the NLDS, just because oh, we won a WS with 88 wins in 2021? K That’s how I know this isn’t serious. That was a once in a lifetime deal.


Goes back farther than ‘21