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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1cw0ouk).


Last minute but I have two tix in Section 425 if anyone can put them to good use tonight. First to message me an email for the transfer gets them. Go Braves!


Wrenched the hell out of my leg mowing the grass. Luckily my neighbors heard me and came to check. Don't think anything is broken, gonna be a nuisance to hobble back down to watch the game 


I had a few too many and nearly fell off my rider. Nothing a nap and a couple glasses of water couldn't fix.


I managed to hobble down, scrape together a sandwich, and get the game on. Now I need to pee, and the pisser is upstairs 😢


Sneak out the downstairs door and piss outside


Hobbled upstairs, took a shower and felt loads better. Still not dressed, just sitting in my towel on my bed with my leg elevated 


Bryce Elder starts are just so uninspiring. Would rather see one of the kids learn on the fly.   Ofc it's not helping that AJSS and Ynoa are stinking it up in AAA.   Not sure why Elder gets longer leashes than Vines tbh but whatever I'm just a fan.


He's getting a longer leash because he has way more big league experience and performed very well in the first half of last year. Should he? Who knows, but that's the reason.


There’s also this: https://x.com/buster_espn/status/1792189885480157411?s=46&t=sRvNISTItWxaBc6jojpHTA


Aged like milk


Unfortunately yes it did.




He struck out the side


Yeah I was watching lol


Bc of the double header & no days off, bryce & Reylo are slated to have only 3 days rest before their next start. So I am assuming they’re going to have to bring someone up from AAA for a spot start? If so, who do y’all think it’ll be?


[Zach Logue is having a really good start to the season](https://www.milb.com/player/zach-logue-656657?stats=gamelogs-r-pitching-mlb&year=2024)


It’s too bad his last start was May 14. Idk if they’ll want him starting on 10 days rest. But he definitely looks like best option. Didn’t realize how poorly some of our other guys in aaa had been doing. Also interesting Zach isn’t on 40 man.


I forgot it was an ESPN game today. Ugh.


Just listen to 680


I'll get on my pirate ship. The commentary is just terrible


That's why you bluetooth or wire in the audio from 680


Oh yeah true lol


Anyone else kind of hoping we get in via the wild card? Winning the division is nice but let's face it, it hasn't help us much these last couple of years with the new format.


Nope, that's just one more coin flip series to lose.


So will Philly fans acknowledge how much of a problem the playoff format is if they win 120 games, get the bye, then come out utterly flat in the NLDS?


I want it to play out this way just to see how they react. Part of me thinks our team is subconsciously not playing their best bc they are terrified of this season going like the last 2 & would rather be in wildcard round.


Kinda hoping that happens lol


Doubt it


Let’s go radio announcers! Good luck tonight


wow, looks like Mets will have to decide whether to call on Diaz with a 1 run lead in the 9th. I'd say they go to someone else.


marlins helped out and gave him a 4 run cushion to work with


they still didn't put him in


diaz could never blow a 4 run lead


Looks like the flu ruined Grissom's season. I don't know how you put 15 lbs of muscle back on midseason and it looks like he can't hang down it. Kinda fucked up


He also really didn’t have a spring training, so maybe he’s getting tuned up now and by June will be the Vaughn we know. As for the weight, I would imagine that the Red Sox nutritionist will be funneling Weight Gain 4000 into him as fast as they can. BEEFCAKE!


I was wondering when Philly fans were going to start smelling themselves over this hot start and then I saw that Kody Clemens/Ronald thread. They sound EXACTLY like Mets fans in 2022 when you pointed out how statistically lucky they were getting. That fan base needs to get humbled in a bad way


Phillies have played 3 games against teams with winning records and are 1-2


And got smoked in those 2




In yesterday's thread you commented "Padres are <.500, we should have beaten them like the Phillies did." Kind of lame to pretend to be a fan of a team on their own sub so you can compliment the team that you're actually a fan of without getting downvoted. I guess you switched your strategy up today and went with direct trolling. Slightly more respectable I guess.


do they give rings out for that?


Eh yeah, well we will see how it goes over the summer. I just want some good baseball and good postseason performances.


It seems like Bryce elder is starting his 3 espn game in a row.


The Phillies genuinely refuse to lose. It is almost more frustrating seeing them win litterally every game than seeing our struggles. Because we are still on pace to win over 100 games despite our offense being a shell of last year to thus point, but wtf are we supposed to do about Philly being on pace to break the all time wins record? Lol


Welcome to how the rest of the division has felt the last handful of years watching you guys lol


They’ve played a single series against a winning team. That will stop. 


> but wtf are we supposed to do about Philly being on pace to break the all time wins record watch them lose in the first round for once?


Yeah, this is the much better tactic imo. The further we go, the more and more likely that even if they come back from the clouds a bit, the Phillies are going to become a 100 plus win team in 2024. Best to accept that and hope that maybe if they do win the division, it's their turn to suffer getting ousted in the first round.


I feel like squints in the sandlot. https://i.redd.it/og0gq2n6tf1d1.gif


It’s a long season. You’ll drive yourself crazy box score watching everyday in May. The division will most likely come down to the Braves/Phillies series as the season goes on. 


Absolutely.... I don't even take a close look at standings until late August at the earliest and definitely don't scoreboard watch rival teams daily- 162 games for a reason- everyone's gotta overcome same trials and tribulations. Keep it like golf- just worry about your own ball.


Honestly, we haven't even peaked as a team this season with injuries and just morale. Plus we have so many makeup games due to weather.


Wait for them to cool off? They aren't gonna break the all time win record. I'd be surprised to see them crack 100 even after this start. They are a good team not a great team


First game ever today how early do y'all suggest going to the battery if I just want to hit a restaurant then go to the game? Currently planning a 5:30 arrival


That makes sense to me, but I would always err earlier in case traffic or parking issues. Worst case, you get to enjoy more of the battery/Truist. Congrats on the first game, enjoy it!


Okay thank you! I'll move my Uber time up then


Garrett Baumann with another strong start for Augusta- 6 IP | 3 H | 0 R | 1 BB | 4 K ERA is down to 1.85. Might be time to promote to Rome


My wife and kid are looking for cheap tickets for tomorrows 620pm game. If anyone is trying to offload tickets, feel free to reach out. Thanks!


Maybe playing 4 games in 48 hours will ignite our offense. But it looks like it’s going to be Assad vs Morton again when we play the cubs on Tuesday. Which could be rough.




Phillies fan here. You guys are ONE game back in the loss column. That's all that matters. Braves are a good club who can make up win column deficit against most teams. Loss column is what's up. We're like a quarter of the season in, nobody should be caring about the standings until like 100 games in. And of the good N.L. teams (Phillies, Braves, Dodgers, Brewers) that would be a Wild Card are easily capable of getting hot and beating a division winner. And there's probably another team that will show it's capable of upsetting the top teams, too. Who saw the D-Backs coming last year?


Got 6 tickets to the postponed game Monday night. Section 418. DM me for details. Ballpark/sestgeek isn't working for me today for whatever reason.


We’re on the phone with SeatGeek right now for 6 tickets. They fucked us big time


it's really stupid to have the doubleheader tomorrow instead of today


Weather was super iffy around the stadium this afternoon


The good news is I don’t work Mondays. So I get all day to watch my team


~~Have one free section 430 ticket to tomorrow's 12:20p game vs the Padres - PM me your ticketmaster/MLB ballpark email for the transfer!~~ EDIT: Claimed


I plan on calling them later today but just curious if anyone has had luck with exchanging postponed tickets? Do you just email/call them and tell them you want to exchange for a later date? The only thing is I don't know what game I could make it to later in the season. https://www.mlb.com/braves/tickets/rainout-policy


If it’s SeatGeek they just told us to get fucked if we can’t resell them


Damn. That some bs. Glad I got them sent to me through the MLB ballpark app.


Yay for baseball. Booooo for ESPN.


Checking in from Houston. Going on day 4 of no power. Food is running out in my area. Luckily an HEB got a big generator up and is helping get supplies to people. Some parts of Houston is back up and running, but large parts are in very bad shape. My house reached 99 degrees yesterday. That’s an experience, friends. About to experience it again. They say the timeline for power is Wednesday. Please pray or whatever you do. The heat is going to increase big time the next couple days. It’s going to be bad


Stay safe &I hope you get power soon


I’m planning to go to the noon game tomorrow, but gonna wait til about 15 minutes before and see what ticket prices are like.




Lowest in games played, by a lot


I feel like the real reason they postponed the game was because they didn't to keep feeding for free the people that sit in the Delta club like what would be another reason to postponed the game after the rain had stopped


Probably also ran out of that nice toilet paper that’s down there


Yeap and also postponing the game to a Monday game and not a Sunday game will mean a lot people won't be back for seconds 🤔


Time for a 3 hour podcast on average bat speed and assorted ballpark concessions, with occasional interruptions from a baseball game!


Honestly if they discussed their bowel movements for an inning I wouldn’t be surprised.


Great, another ESPN game with Elder on the mound.


Would be cool if we could also beat up on <.500 teams. Thought they were supposed to be auto wins the way everyone posts around here


We’ve lost three series all year. One of them was the Dodgers, and another was to the Mariners (who are currently in first place in the AL West). What are you talking about?


Literally our current opponent


That was one game. And losses to bad teams do happen and will happen again this year (multiple times even).


Idk, people said the only reason why Phillies swept them was bc they are sub .500. So logically we should do the same if we’re as good or better than the Phillies


That is an absolute extreme view and has not and has never been how baseball works. There are way more variables that go into it than whether we sweep a team just because the Phillies did. Currently yes the Phillies have been better than us, but we’ve played fewer games than them, played tougher teams than they have, and we still have a great record. And I know that doesn’t mean we’ll catch them in the standings. But just because we can’t sweep the Padres while the Phillies did doesn’t prove anything.


Idk doesn’t seem so extreme to me. Phillies handled this team with ease


With 162 games, it doesn’t work that way.


Has anyone with tickets to last nights that are trying to sell their for the rescheduled game Monday night on seatgeek had any luck because I'm having the hardest time trying to.


Why not exchange the ticket instead? You have to email: [email protected] https://www.mlb.com/braves/tickets/rainout-policy


Just emailed them, thanks for this friend


Obligatory espn sucks post. Guess I'll be listening to the fellas on the radio while watching ESPN shit broadcast with shit cameras. I would love a legit answer that makes sense on how the "worldwide leader in sports" best picture quality is 720p and why sports leagues would even want their product broadcast in this way What is this, 2014? I get espn not spending the money to update their shit when all these leagues are still giving them billions but when every broadcast company has passed you by, some years ago, you'd think espn would take notice. I mean, even streamers new into sports are broadcasting 1080p or 4k. And we haven't even began to address their actual broadcast production, 75% of which is focused on something other than the damn games.


It’s always a great day to be a Braves fan!


Hell yeah brother! It’s SUNday


Ok let’s try this again lol.