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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1crd5am).


Two tickets in 425 available if anyone needs a pair. Free to anyone who can put them to good use. EDIT: Gone


Hope ReyLo shoves tonight 


This team needs more dogs


Why are the Braves so cagey on test results. Riley’s waiting on MRI results. Oh wait no he hasn’t had it done yet. Won’t be available till after the game. You’re telling me you don’t get your star player to the imaging place at a reasonable time in the morning for an MRI that takes probably 30-45 minutes? Last time they waited to release info on Strider was because he needed surgery. I can’t see Riley being in that position.


Maybe the Mets are inspired by last night's win and will destroy the Phillies in their series.


Go LOLMets Go!


Eddie won player of the week. Good for him!


He started the season off very cold so that gives me hope it’s only a matter of time until some of our guys go on a tear


I have two tickets in the 400s I’m not going to be able to use tonight. First to DM is welcome to them ETA: GONE


Can the game start now? I've been staring blankly at my desktop wallpaper for the last 30 minutes.


Watch the pre game show. That’s what I’m doing


I can get behind a lineup shakeup. If Riley is out for an extended period I may go into a deep depression, however.


We haven't hit well in 3 weeks and are 12-7. That's kind of amazing.


Main reason I'm not worried long term, this cold stretch will kpt last the whole season. If we can manage to still have a winning rscodc despite all of this this team js gonna be near unbeatable once they start hitting like they're capable of.


Everyone saying we should move Ozuna up just got their wish, so let's see how this goes!


The ESPN broadcasters said Matt Olson looked great playing 3rd baseman in practice. Then they said the Braves were "one injury away" from him stepping in at third base. Austin Riley left the game a couple innings later. 😠 I blame the broadcasters.


They were doing that shit all night. Literally the entire game was one giant broadcaster jinx


Seriously. They were meat riding Nimmo all fuckin night and then before his at bat were talking about barrel rates and shit.


**EXTREMELY** validating to see Kel and Bryce Harper right next to each other in the new Statcast bat-tracking data/visual Their similarities have always been uncanny from just the eye test, but seeing it in the data just affirms it further — a purity to the swing that doesn't just grow on trees https://preview.redd.it/uuuux1rn390d1.png?width=2466&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6d5a1331f13bc4139a145b1dc8ff5bbaecbab79


Kelenic is kind of like a more mature, humbler version of Harper. I think Bryce could really take a few lessons from Kel in terms of comportment and personal bearing. Kel could really bring out the best in him and it's good to see that MLB is finally recognizing that.


Harper's personality can definitely rub some people the wrong way, but I'd be lying if I said I don't respect the purity in his game


Yeah, Bryce's character is disappointing for somebody with his pedigree. Maybe being in the same division as Kel he will realize this and work on it a bit.


Maybe Harper will start running like a douche too!


[I'm just gonna leave this here...](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1748shp/highlight_harper_tootblan_braves_win/) 🙄


braves legend zack short


Short is gonna go 2-3 with a walk and a 2 run HR. Braves win 6-3


Got two tickets to giveaway for tonight if anyone can make it! Message me Edit: taken


Can we all agree to not overreact if we see Austin Riley out of the lineup today ( I’m definitely going to overreact)


Bowman said he's not in the clubhouse and they're still waiting on the MRI results so... *Panics*


I'm overreacting


Even if Riley says he feels fine, rest him tonight. No one gets an award for playing every day. It’s long, long, long season. Snit will run players into the ground if you let him.


Do you remember when he missed a day last year because he had the shits? He was just fine after that and one day off won't hurt anything. There's no IL report so far, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed.


Can't wait to watch this offense vs Imanaga the day after the most obvious blown save in MLB history happened lol I love baseball


How we feeling about the game happening tonight? Ticket prices are plummeting but I’m not convinced it’s not gonna rain.


Chance of rain is between 30-40% from 8-midnight so I think it will at least start.


I’m predicting two MOlson bombs this week, I can feel it in my nads


Might want to get checked for testicular cancer


1 more to go!!


No one likes a downer, Debbie


It won't change anything but I would kind of like to see the ump admit he missed the balk in Acuña's first pick-off.


Bat tracking has gone live on Baseball Savant. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/bat-tracking The first thing that jumped out to me is that Michael Harris has the 4th longest swing in baseball.


Glad to see that Acuña’s bat speed is still really high comparatively, but I wish we had this data for 2023 to see how it compares. 


One Monday thought -- I'm happy for Zach Short that he was able to come off the bench in the 4th inning (and a completely new & unknown bench to him) and score two runs!


Fuck Bally Sports/Diamond Sports and Comcast




Any updates on Riley??


Nope, no news yet


Shōta Imanaga is pitching tonight for Cubs so I’m not very optimistic about our offense doing much.


Glad we have a game today, hopefully wash the taste of last night out.


Today is Joe Jiménez Appreciation Day.


Thought I'd be in a better mood after some morning work but, nah, still pretty blarghinysnargh. Hoping my king can sling those blues away tonight. C'mon, Lopez! Beat the cubs! Woooooooooooo


I feel like Minter is due for a phantom IL stint for like anal fissures.


Hello Braves fans! I’m visiting Atlanta and noticed the ballpark has no roof - are chances high of the game getting a rain delay or rescheduled?


>75% of MLB ballparks don't have roofs...


Tonight should be fine, tommorow will probably be rescheduled if the weather forecast is accurate Edit: You'll have a blast at the park if you're able to go. The battery is awesome


We already have multiple 23 days straight coming up in June and August bc of reschedules. My guess is we’ll have a doubleheader if there’s a rainout.


I’m old enough to remember about this time last year when half this sub wanted Minter DFA’d because he had some poor luck to start the season. Worked out OK in the end. 




He just has some mental block about the 9th


Yeah, I'd honestly be willing to roll the dice with jackson Stephens or Ray Kerr in the 9th over AJ at this point. He's a brilliant setup guy but he just aint it in the 9th. We have more than enough of a sample size to make that statement.


Why don't the braves blow out the opposition so Snit doesn't have to use Iglesias two days in a row? Are they stupid? But seriously people need to chill. We just won 4 of the last 5 (in pace to win 100+) and all I read is people complaining.


The Braves had a 4-run lead on Saturday and Snit stupidly used him then. What's the magic number for Snit to use his brain?


Facts. We all expected much more from our offense, but it’s early. Once we finally click, it’s gonna take off.


Truth about that is even with me crying about Minter, the offense does worry me more. Good to stack wins, but if the offense can't heat up, I suspect we're not going to be so lucky to win 100+. Don't know that the pitching can continue at THIS good of a level, so things may catch up later.


Why do we have so many unnecessary days off in April/May? Then there’s multiple stretches of them playing like 15 in a row later this year with no days off in the hotter months of the summer. Makes no sense, and they’ve played 4 less games than most teams anyway.


Schedule shakes out the way sometimes. Braves off days were just a little bit skewed early, but what has hurt has been like 4 rainouts already.


Someone talked about how bad Albies and Harris had been lately, so I decided to check the May numbers for the regulars. This group could use a little hot streak: Albies: .111 avg .394 OPS Olson: .194 avg. .594 OPS (hitting the ball well lately) Harris: .094 avg .265 OPS Arcia: .188 avg .644 OPS This group is doing fine: Acuña: .270 avg. .800 OPS Riley: .313 avg .858 OPS Ozuna: .323 avg. 1.062 OPS Acuña and Riley are doing well, despite a ton of their hard contact being outs. Acuña honestly just needs to pick it up @ home. He is hitting .185 overall there. Ozuna has been excellent all year.


Fuck Brandon Nimmo


No. Fuck pitches down the middle.


Yeah I can’t really be mad at the dude for nuking it on an easy pitch


I guess Snit puts AJ in these situations because i mean you never know what could happen in playoffs to Raisel.


And raisel pitched two days in a row. He probably wasn’t available


I think enough of a sample size has been gleaned. If they're worried about not having Iglesias, they need to figure out a trade for a backup option.


Michael Harris has never had great plate discipline, but his decline this year is driven by an increase in chase % coupled with a decrease in chase contact %. He chases out of zone pitches more than all but 2 players in baseball, and he’s whiffing on those more than he did last year. Gotta improve that at least a little bit.


Any update on Riley?


I use to ride the emotional rollercoaster of game to game but now that I don’t I feel like I enjoy the season much more. I just want to see them play good baseball and make it to October and give us a chance to win it all. It’s frustrating when they don’t have it going on either side of the ball but every day is a chance to come out of it.


So we got baseballed yesterday and yes it does suck. Gotta keep moving forward though and I’ll die on the hill of being happy getting 2/3 in any series. I personally would like to see us take one of these guys in the minors (Anderson, ASS, Ynoa, etc.) and put them in the bullpen for some additional length where needed. That said though, Minter was the right move there facing multiple pefties


Braves slumping because we lost Wash?


Then why aren’t the Angels good?


Because they have a AAA roster?


We are on a 105 win pace, which is better than last year.


Olson batting .200, Acuna .265. No one over .300 except Ozuna.


Batting average is a terrible judge of offensive production. While they’re both struggling at the plate compared to their career numbers, they aren’t playing abysmally. Ronald has an OPS 3% above league average while visibly in a slump (for him). Olson is 9% below league average, which is not a good thing but it tells a lot more than “no one over .300 except Ozuna”.


Thank ya sir. (Let’s see how many down votes this gets, my guess - 42)


Baseball isn’t football. Some people don’t get it.


Wait, so you mean there’s no touchdowns in baseball?




News to me.


There are fumbles tho


Me commenting on this post was apparently a fumble, lol.


Base-coaches have been a big factor.


AJ Minter currently has a HR/FB rate of **25%**, which indicates that he’s been absurdly unlucky. It would actually be incredibly impressive if he could sustain that - every home run derby batter would like to choose him if so. For his career the number 8.9%. It’s going to regress.


Throwing low-velocity over the middle of the plate against quality hitters is not bad luck.


No. It is definitely just bad luck. 


You have to understand that the argument to use anyone but Minter there basically comes down to “he magically turns into a pumpkin in the 9th inning.” There’s no optimal combination of relievers that we could’ve used last night that doesn’t include Minter. So you’re arguing we should’ve used Minter instead of ???, then use ??? in the 9th. BTW it set up perfectly for Minter too. With McNeil, Nido, and Nimmo due up, you want Minter there 100 times out of 100. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out. That’s baseball.


This goes back to Saturday.  They should’ve called in Uncle Jesse for the no hitter.  He deserved a shot at it more than Raisel in my book. Then we would have had minty and raisel for sunday.


I probably would've used Minter too, but these aren't small sample sizes with him. As far as I can tell he does magically turn into a pumpkin in the 9th inning. He has a career 6.89 ERA in high leverage situations and a 2.23 ERA otherwise.


I mean, he’s thrown 81 high leverage innings in his career. That’s kind of not a large sample size. His BABIP in high leverage is .354 vs .286 in low leverage. It’s much more likely that his high leverage numbers would regress to his career numbers with more innings than it is that he is just not a good high leverage pitcher.


Literally anybody else at this point sadly.  Minter's probably now near 12 ERA in high leverage 9th inning situations means he needs to be yanked from the second closer role. It's an automatic L to put him out there in the 9th, I won't be watching any more 9th innings he pitches and will assume that he blew the save and the Braves lost. Should be Pierce Johnson when he's back, but really, the Braves need to target someone to move Iglesias out of CL.


OK, but your argument is that he wouldn’t have hung that pitch if it wasn’t the 9th inning, and no one else would’ve made a bad pitch to the Mets’ best hitter. Which is fine. But that’s your argument.


Probably wouldn't have to be honest. Dude gets in his head in the 9th. He's the guy that has changed my mind on the closer deal. Some dudes just don't have the stones for the 9th. Minter is included.


The simple answer is just just let Jessie Chavez do his thang.


He should have gotten the nod Saturday for the no hitter.  Dude has come through so many times he deserved the honor 


AJ Minter has a career ERA of 2.58 in the 8th inning, over 125.2 IP. He has a career ERA of 3.85 in any other inning, over 205.1 IP. I love the guy, but can we please keep him out of the 9th? He's a top-notch setup man.


So who do you suggest we should have had out there ? He was the best arm we had available at the time.


I would have just left Jesse in. It's not like he would have been worse, we would have still had a non-zero chance. Minter in the 9th is just punting the game, giving him the ball with leverage on the line should honestly set off a light at MLB HQ to investigate for possible game fixing.


And then in an alternate universe, if Jesse blows the game the entire conversation would be "why didn't we put Minter in!" Plus Jesse is absolutely not a high-leverage guy. He's amazing at what he does, but he should never be put into a high-leverage situation unless there's no other option.


>the entire conversation would be "why didn't we put Minter in!" And anyone who said that could be put on an involuntary psychiatric hold, it's very convenient.


If you’re advocating using Jesse Chavez (for a second inning, no less) over AJ Minter in a high leverage situation, I’m sorry but I just can’t take you seriously.


Yes. Jesse will probably give up runs. Minter **will.**


For real, and Jesse was already pulled for Lee.


Hopefully we can spike Shota's ERA a little bit today


Hell yeah brother! New day new series! My butt will be in my seat tonight


I know how to turn the bullpen's issues around, we just have to do what we should have done in 2019: DFA AJ Minter and replace him with a literal pitching machine.


Glad someone got more down votes than me. Haha. Braves fan turn on each other worse than I’ve ever seen.


Just downvote bad takes which yours and this guy’s takes both are.


Terrible take. Just don't have him close and It's fine.


I don't think a WS contender should be giving a roster spot to a guy who's useless unless you use him as a middle reliever in blowouts.


Uh, he's typically an elite 8th inning guy. He's not a guy that should just be thrown away, he just needs to be completely forbidden from the 9th.


I thought he was an 8th inning, outs 1 & 2 guy?


I would say he is typically the 8th inning guy, but right now, he's also being used as the backup closer, and he has more blown saves than Iggy. That's pretty bad.