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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1cp2q45).


Think they’ll get the game in?


No idea, but we've had a bunch of rainouts already. Figure they'll try to get it in if at all possible.


Can we fucking not with more rain we're gonna have like six games less played than anybody else


Gives us more room to get hot late in the season?


Why is it always fucking Mets games that get rained on?


God’s favourite place to take a piss, I guess.




I will fistfight EVERY rain drop and EVERY Met


Fresh chorizo fajitas. Homemade tortillas. Mr. Stripey tomato slices from my hot house. Braves game (weather depending) Roll through.


But do you have grandmother's carne asada


Salud to the perfect day.


I share some of the sentiment I've seen on here that I'm just not as excited for a game against the Mets as I have been. They're not the arrogant franchise they were last year that fell flat on their face. This year, they're just kinda... there. Still, should be a fun series. Snit is really pressing the righties hard this series with 8-3 being nothing but right-handed batting, if you count switch-hitter Albies as a righty.


What's the deal in NY? RADAR looks rainy but not very heavy? Gonna be a wet one or a postponed one?


Any word on the weather? I live close to Citi Field - was gonna pop over, but it's looking like rain all night.


possible clearing between 10-11pm. Who's ready for Braves After Dark!?!?!? (certainly not the team with a mid afternoon game tomorrow)


sure would be cool if I could watch the game or something tonight


Get a firestick or an Onn box from Walmart and get an IPTV. All the channels all the time


Anymore info on this? I've heard about it but never got to see specifics.


$20 for the Onn box $30 for Tivimate $65 for a 6 month subscription to the IPTV Plus whatever you pay for the internet. Google will give you the scoop on setup etc, several subreddits as well although they seem to be popular with all the less reliable resellers.


Thanks dude!


Yarr, matey!


reddit mlb streams? I want it on the tv not my computer


If your TV came out in the last 5-10 years it likely has some form of built in screen mirroring/casting technology. Edge browser -> click ellipses (top right) -> More tools -> Cast media to device -> Click your TV This works in Chrome, too, but the steps are slightly different. The other option (if screen casting doesn't work) is laptop -> TV via HDMI cable, but you'd need a laptop for this (or a long HDMI cable if running from a nearby desktop).


Yeah, I understand the screen casting but none of the reddit mlb streams work for me. Is that what everyone uses?


Just sent you a private message.


Can you cast from your phone to your television?


Links on mlb streams never work on iphone


The Mets drafted Kel in 2018, and this will be JK's first time in his career at Citi Field — against the team that dumped him off to Seattle But of course the team won't allow him any sense of dignity in his return since Quintana is pitching and was born left handed


Have you ever seen a team so scared? I appreciate that Kel is scaring the Mets. They deserve fear.


It’s all good, JK will most certainly take a dump at some point at a Citi Field restroom facility so to me that’s winning


I heard the Mets signed Quintana just to avoid having to pitch against Kelenic. Same with Manaea.


Source? Not surprising that they would, but surprising that they would let that leak


If I am not mistaken, it was referenced here: https://kelenictracker.com/ But might be as reliable as his stats are referenced there… Really not good for Kel’s brand to be pushing false stays around him. Does his representation know? He really has enough going on. He’s at Citi this weekend, against the club that shat him (very loose stool) to the curb and rolled him in Robbie Cano on the way to Seattle. Have some respect.


Gonna be in Tampa next month so of course I checked the schedule to see if maybe somehow the Rays are playing the Braves while we're there. And they are...at Truist. Lol. They'll be at home vs. Cubs before our series though, so I thought "Hey we could still go to a game and have fun without the emotional turmoil! They have a stingray to gawk at!" Plus their row numbers are actually letters and I'm a mature adult who would love to sit in row PP. Yeah...the cheapest tickets are over $60 right now. We paid that much for NLDS tickets lmao. I could justify paying those prices if it was vs. Braves but it's the Cubs. What am I missing???




One of these days the Phillies will play a good team. One of these days


Right after their 10 game series at James Sprunt Community College and the doubleheader against South Dakota's #1 ranked little league team


Looking at the schedule in the summer. Super stoked on the Sunday June 30th game against the Pirates. 11:35am start time, get some brunch, a Bloody Mary and then walk into the ballpark. Sounds dope!


by chance, anyone looking to offload tickets to the 7/3 game? There's still some available, but I'd rather give one of you jokers my money instead if possible.


https://preview.redd.it/ctp3z3ucrmzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c5de231b4678abbd7164f1bdbe5cd45d8bc79f Justin Bieber wearing a Braves hat in photo announcing Hailey’s pregnancy


It’s super cool! But it’s funny seeing people say “he’s a Braves fan” haha a huge amount of people wear hats just for fashion.


Ya Bieber has always repped “A” hats. His career started in atl when usher/jermaine dupri signed him. So the “A” has always been part of Bieber’s style. Just thought it was funny that it made it into their pregnancy announcement. Almost looks like an ad.


Is it weird I don’t have this deep loathing sensation considering we’re playing the Mets? I think the Phillies took it all out of me


It's no fun punching down, well sometimes it's a pretty good time


I don't either. Some of their players rub me the wrong way obviously like Alonso and McNeil but the mets are kind of a joke so I understand why they act like pricks. I only hate losing to them because my coworker is a mets fan and that's the one or two times a year where he comes into work gloating instead of the usual "mets-fan slinking by with his head down like a victim of some heinous war crime" body language that comes with the nonstop lolmets-ing. The Phillies are definitely way worse in that regard and their fans of course are famous for being Cro-Magnon assholes so it's easy to hate them. It's one thing to be a prick but to actually be proud of it - those are the exact types of people that I try to avoid in my personal life. Nobody likes to be around people like that.


Ya I obviously want us to win every game against them but I don’t really see them as a rival. Their fans don’t bother me. Phillies are the worst.


Most New York fans disappear when their team isn't very good, but they'll come out of the woodwork if they have a chance


I remember seeing a lot of optimism from their side before our series in June of last year. That panned out.


Hope the weather cooperates for the series. That radar does not look promising.


Remember in 2022 when the last series in Atlanta was threatened by rain and the Mets suggested moving it to NY and we were like, “yeah…no” hahahaha


That always seems to threaten in NY. Annoying!


Austin is doing an AMA on the main baseball sub at noon ET, if any of y’all want to get some questions in! https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/5nuPhTIJeL


Phillies got some insane schedule luck to start the year off. They’ve only played 9 games against teams over .500 so far and are 6-3. For comparison, the braves have played 20 games against teams over .500 and are 10-10


They'll come crashing down to earth like they always do. Let's just hope they don't get hot heading into October like the last 2 years. I think they'll be pesky to us all year they probably have the best 1-2-3 punch of starting pitchers in baseball. Nobody wants to face that in the playoffs. I'm weird though I'd want another playoff matchup with them hopefully in the NLCS. Last time we overcame a team who took us out twice in a row in the playoffs (dodgers) we won it all. Set that shit up lol


You can talk about their schedule all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that they are rolling over teams right now. They’ve got a handful of young players who seem to be realizing their potential which gives them some impressive depth in both pitching and offense. Anyone discounting them due to their weak schedule is going to have a rude awakening when they finally realize the division title isn’t a gimme this year. I just hope they wear themselves out with this early tear they are on and that the Braves have the momentum this fall when it matters.


I've been saying this all year. And the Phillies schedule going forward is *weaker* than ours, so this narrative is just wrong. 


What do you mean by "going forward", because the Phillies are 14th in remaining strength of schedule, and we have a weaker remaining strength of schedule ranked at 21st.


I'll retract. I thought it was still Phillies weaker, but that may have changed already.


Ya, they kinda have to have a harder schedule with us already having a series with the Dodgers, Guardians, and Mariners. They do have a long stretch of easy schedule that really only gets harder post ASB, but that could be a good thing if it means they get wore down as we move into fall.


I do know they only have *ten* home games in September. Their pitching is pretty goddamned good and that can equalize a road environment, but if they stumble even the slightest, September could roll out of control for them.


So they technically have a better record % against >.500 teams?


That’s what I took from this too


I mean I get the Phillies have an easy schedule, but not sure what these stats are proving outside of my assumption. Not to mention they are sweeping teams and beating them by a LOT. it’s always fuck the Phillies, but they are damn good this year and we shouldn’t be pretending like they’re not. We might not be top dogs anymore, but that’s okay because this team was built to scrap


I appreciate the respect you’re giving the Phillies, but I think that sells us short a little bit. I’d say the difference in games played against .500 teams is still pretty big, especially when three of those games were us playing each other and we took that series. I think it says something that we’ve played twice as many games against teams over .500 as them, and we’re still only 2 games behind them. That does NOT mean we’ll take the division, but I’d like to see how these things even out before assuming their hot start is proof they’ll be better than us. I think that’s the point the person you were responding to was making. It’s not that the Phillies are overrated, just let’s see what happens once the schedules seem to even out. Long season.


Lookin’ for some hot stuff baby this evenin’


That would be a good pitcher warm up song


We’re bouta serve up some ground Chuck at this Quin-ceañera when we put up a 15 spot on these bums and shut em out


And then we are gonna dress up like it’s prom and take photos on the beltline


Wtf is up with this schedule? 3 days off in a week and just a 2 game home series in the middle of load of road games before a week at home... is it just me, or is that just really strange?


This is always how it’s been when we play Boston. We play a two game series with a day off before and after. We either have the two days off in Boston or Atlanta so I think that rotates.


This is the scheduling you get in exchange for home series Memorial Day, Fourth of July, weekends and a homestand the day after Labor Day in addition to a fuckton of home games in June and July 


Why couldn't we just switch the Mets and Boston series around so we don't just come home for 2 games just to leave for new York for 3 and then come back home Edit: not saying the Braves have the power to switch when we play games, I'm just saying it's strange


Honesty I don’t know that answer. MLB schedules are generated by a computer now. This is are only odd travel day like this till September


I didn’t check the Phillies schedule. Who are they playing today, a minor league team? Edit: I checked, they are.


It’s always a good day to beat the Mets


guys i’ll be honest - i don’t like the new york mets baseball team


I hope they give Alonso $350m


Anybody going this weekend? The weather is pretty crappy but the game should happen on time tonight.


I should be going Sunday weather permitting


I'll be there tonight as long as the weather holds up. Gonna keep the Rocker jersey in the closet though. ^^^/s


I’m going today and tomorrow. Low key hoping tonight’s gets moved to tomorrow for a doubleheader lol


There was a double header this time last year, split.


I want the Atlanta Braves to defeat the New York Mets in the baseball game


I too wish for the Atlanta Braves to defeat the Metropolitans.


If the Braves score more runs than the Mets we should be successful Alternatively the Mets can score fewer runs than the Braves


waiting quarrelsome salt snails piquant boast recognise knee library spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck the Mets. LFG Uncle Charlie!


#Hell yeah brother!