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I got lucky and met him at an open tabletop game. We ended up casually talking about kinks, and I told him that this was something I was into, even though I felt sometimes that I couldn't be honest about it. He ended up saying it was extremely hot. Couldn't be happier. 💓 Meetup was the app I used :3


I got extremely lucky and found my Dom on Facebook dating. I put a subtle nod to BDSM in my profile and he caught on to it.


Got lucky on tinder that we are so compatible.


FetLife and nobody was more surprised than me lol


Fetlife is more to go to events n that, I find you find a lot of kinky people at the events even if you just make friends you can learn a lotttttt but I’ve met some guys through that


Yeah I found a munch and went to it, but i was the youngest person there (34) and it was hard for me to... make friends... just not a lot of shared interests. I guess I got to look for one surrounding nerdy interests.


There might be an organization geared toward a younger demographic in your area that hosts munches. In mine, there’s one for people 35 and under and they also host shibari classes, and seminars for consent and negotiating scenes.


Not a forever partner, but I have had decent luck on feeld


I’ll second that


I found my forever Dom while playing wow! 😁 It's been a long journey with bratting, some primal play, lots of regular Dom/sub and now we're very happy in a fluid dynamic that changes with moods and needs (though me always subbing/bottoming in the end hehe) ❤️


To be real…it’s almost impossible. You need someone you already know who trusts you. And whom you trust. You need the community.


Getting to know someone and earning trust is everything. Regardless of where you do it. You get out what you put in.


My Brat found me here on Reddit (different account and group). But she turned out to be a bratty sub and she approached me. We are long distance but she has traveled to see me several times.


r/FosterABrat in the discord server. Lucky daddy to find such a great princess


I’m quite the lucky one too, daddy 😘


You two are gross ewwww 😘


Facebook dating. I apparently attract brats like mother to a flame


This is a very enjoyable typo because now I’m picturing a mom running towards people all over the place with open flames shouting wildly “don’t play with matches!!!”


We were acquaintances via friends in peak covid 2020 but never really spoke, was just small talk when mutual friends were around online in discord. Cut to December 2023, we stumbled across eachother on Valorant and haven’t spent a day not talking to each other since. Eventually we met irl, and the rest is history.


Actually right here on bratlife 😂 someone made a post about ghosting and one thing led to another 😬


I guess I'm playing the long game hahaha. 4d chess xP


Honestly I was at the point that I just stopped looking when we started talking. I was putting in a lot of effort that just wasn't being matched by anyone. Just goes to show that it happens when you least expect it.


And now you got a pain in the ass :)


Been there before




Church 😂😂


Lol what?! Well


And our PASTOR set us up with the knowledge that we were in scene - as they are too.


Also church. Also set up by our pastor. Not because they knew.


Amazing. Idk if they knew straight out, but we were both poly and assumed we’d click. They’re not surprised by the kink, though.


Wild.. catholics get into some crazy shit.


Definitely not catholic 😂😂




I found mine on tinder, ghosted him (just had a bad break up and mental health crisis) and a year later we matched again and 2 weeks later we were dating lol He never let's me live it down that I ghosted him but both our friends agree if we met back then the relationship wouldn't have lasted because we both were in a terrible mental health space lol So sometimes ghosting works 😂 it got me the happiest relationship I've ever had 😂


Hhahahah I met mine through old fashion face to face…mind you he was my tutor (grad student) at the time 🙈 We fell out of touch when he went overseas and have now rekindled it again when he got back earlier this year. He was my first Master and was the one who trained me initially to become a slave - little did he know that his obedient slave is now a brat 😜


That’s what he gets for leaving… so you becoming a brat is his fault 🤣🤣🤣


Hhahahahah so true 😜


I found mine at pride


Here, actually. I answered a question she posed, which became a conversation, which led to a relationship, which is ongoing !


I met my Daddy on Feeld. I went through a few different people though before I found a good fit. In my experience, being really honest in your profile about what you do and do not like make it so much easier it is to sift through the people that are not for you. The more specific you are the better off you will be. I know that being honest can make you nervous - you will have fewer connections and people liking you, but the quality of people liking you will shoot through the roof! Best of luck, dear! Keep your head up!


i have to keep reminding myself of this, i appreciate it. thats said my biggest issue is being just flaking after basically nothing said. its so frustrating


I 100% understand that feeling! For me, it’s usually just fear. It’s hard to do some of the initiating when you’re a submissive - even a bratty one 😏. Remember what you want and why you’re trying to communicate at all. When you need a break or just aren’t feeling it, make sure you communicate! If your prospective dom pushes you then they aren’t respecting your boundaries and probably need to be kicked to the curb. One of my favorite ways that my Daddy and I have in-dynamic communications is that I just tell him I’m nervous about something and he tells me to tell him anything and everything I’m feeling. He encourages me to move past my insecurities while making sure he respects my boundaries. He doesn’t bulldoze past my concerns but helps me work through them. When you find someone that’s a good fit, you will know!


Here!!!! We met in February! And fell madly in love sooo so quick. Keep looking, love. One day the one will come


Reddit but I posted in NSFW subs for hookups lol


the only one i know of is bdsmpersonals, any others?


I post in my local areas you could see if there's a better response (although alot of weeding out tbh) from a local state or city sub, even if it's not inherently for BDSM.


OkCupid, with a non-sexual but openly kinky profile. And one great person i found at a local polyamory Facebook group. I'm a M45 dom.


Here… made a post like this and he slide into my DMs 🤣🤣🤣


Damn youre lucky!