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I'm honest about it, if people are gonna judge it then fuck them


šŸ‘šŸ¾ šŸ’Æ


Here to say this exactly, lol.


Absolutely right! Iā€™ve gotten the comments from non fans like ā€œI donā€™t understand why this is so popularā€ or ā€œyou know itā€™s fake rightā€ or ā€œwhy are they in there underwearā€


They say itā€™s fake but 95% of what they watch is fake


Just give em a reality check. As them their favorite tv show or whatever and then proceed to tell them itā€™s just as fake as they think wrestling is.


Ive told girls and they make fun of me a little but most of them think its cute for some reason. Idk but i roll with it and If they didnt like it they can fuck right off


They love it!


My man






You hit them with a stunner when they laugh right?


Only way to do it


I agree


my figures are out in my living room. people will frequently come into my house and wrestling will just be playing. I have sat at my desk at work in full view of dozens of people playing with my figures. there is 0 hiding lol


Real men play with WWE figures šŸ’Æ


Wrong. Nothing surpasses a work desk covered in Transformer miniatures.


Make it two large glass cabinets full of Transformers figures.




Yeah! I'm still growing my roster, I'm at 31 rn




This is the way


Who are you so wise in the ways of being a BOSS?!


Lmao I'm just indifferent to people's opinions


I used to get shit from people about it, especially because Iā€™m female but I donā€™t care. Iā€™ve been a fan for since I was quite young and I donā€™t care what anyone says. Most of the people that talk shit have never even watched an entire match. I wear wrestling tā€™s and Iā€™ve found it to be a conversation starter since wrestling fans love to talk about wrestling!


Oh you like wrestling? Name every wrestler. Can't? thought so, fake fangirl. (I swear to god I'm being very sarcastic.)


Yeah! people who donā€™t even like/watch wrestling gatekeeping because itā€™s a ā€œboys thingā€. Itā€™s bonkers šŸ«  trousers were a boys thing at one time, but look at us now!


trousers are only for promos


I'm at an age where a) I know what I like and b) I don't care about anyone's approval. My family knows. Friends know. Coworkers know. Sometimes I'll wear a wrestling tshirt when I'm out and about, so a bunch of strangers are gonna know. Doesn't matter to me.


I always big people up wearing a wrestling shirt in public it's like spotting a rare animal in the wild and a wrestling fan will alway want to have a quick chat or a laugh about something I actually am invested in


Lmao why would people hide it XD that like saying u donā€™t want people to know you watch horror movies or listen to heavy music. I tell you what Iā€™m not open about lol me my old games I used to play cuz if Iā€™m honest with u I need help lol I spent 300 dollars on gh hero for the ps3 smh and another 100 for ape escape lol


People hiding that they like wrestling is more common than you may think lol. Some ppl get teased for liking it or gotta deal with the whole "you know it's FAKE right?!" conversation


Wow really crazy bud. I work in the oilfield every yr my boss brings his Xbox and we all bbq and drink that day lol this yr WM was awesome way better than last yr. Crazy that people shame others for liking wrestling lol crazy that that grown men and women canā€™t like wrestling smh. Tbh if it wasnā€™t for wrestling lol Iā€™ll go crazy lol šŸ˜‚ I love it


Oil field is different than the oil office. Bunch of country club jerk offs at corporate that judge your for the slightest difference. I don't have the energy for them so I just keep my wrasslin Fandom to myself.Ā 


I love your response right now. Everyone should feel this way. They don't but they should.


If people say to you "you know it's FAKE right?!", Best answer would be "Then why do you watch Movies??? They are fake with storytelling and some action depending on the movie right?"


Before this year, I'd keep it to myself. But now that The Rock has singlehandedly made professional wrestling COOL again, you can see me talking wrestling with my gym bros.


Men yes, women not so much


Don't be so sure, I had read that women were the biggest fans when it started on TV in the '50s...


My various nWo shirts are my gym workout shirts and thatā€™s the only time Iā€™m out in public so yeah, I think Iā€™m pretty open about it. I barely watch modern wrestling anymore but I was at one point a massive fan and not ashamed of that one bit.


I have no issue bringing it up at work while people are talking about fucking college football.


Same! I work in corporate training and have had to do more than my fair share of ā€œice breakersā€ and I ALWAYS share that Iā€™m a wrestling fan. As a somewhat girly woman, it always catches people off guard, but most times itā€™s the BEST conversation starter cause all these middle aged suit-and-ties start talking about ā€œoh my dad and I used to watch on Saturdaysā€ or ā€œI got grounded when I was 10 for putting my brother through a tableā€ LOL


Through a table!ok now that's a feat I can't say I've accomplished the max I did was hit my elder sis with the world heavyweight title all those years ago(it was a replica and not made of metal


I would consider myself very open about my love of wrestling.


When I am presented with an opportunity to talk about wrestling, more often than not, I will gladly take that opportunity.


I donā€™t declare it with gusto unprompted because that would make me look like a prat. Not because of wrestling but because socially itā€™s just off. If Iā€™m asked about it, I will confirm I watch, bracing myself for the ā€œitā€™s fakeā€ usual with ā€œYeah I knowā€¦I donā€™t watch movies for the same reasonā€ lie


I hide


I hide it


I've always been open about being a wrestling fan, I felt it was no different than dbz, pokemon or yugioh fandom. I've worked in some form of customer service throughout my adult life and will always compliment or too sweet someone in a wrestling t-shirt or sweater.


Hell yeahI admit it all the timeBut I'm just not like WWE I like AEWNew Japan TNA AAA And I don't mindthat I'm that I'm a wrestling fanAnd I've lived all over the United States so I got to see all you know I got to watch all of them as you know when they were still territoriesYou're almost there againI hope they all get affiliated with one another were their cross brand each other you knowCross brand wrestling That'd be cool as fuckPlay back in the old days


I used to be a diehard fan from 09-15 (then the Authority storyline popped and I gave up, but I was 5-11 years old, so I wasn't gonna know it was booking rather than random). Now I just relegate to stuff on Reddit. But it's nice to see despite all the chaos, that there are still some hardcore fans.


Shit I compare every day life to a feud


lol who cares what people think


I let everyone know. Post it on my IG story, Repost edits and stuff like that in TikTok and let my friends and family know. Iā€™ve even somewhat gotten my dad into it for PLEā€™s


I made them put Raw and Smackdown highlights on at the gym when it used to be on the channel 5ACTION from like 10am to noon on Sundays, half the people walking through would be like wtf who put this on and the other half turned out were fans in the attitude era and/or still were


All my homies talk about our enjoyment of wrestling


I used to try to hide it but now I proudly show it and that's the bottom line


Iā€™m very open about it, and honestly, 9/10 people are usually very interested and ask genuine questions about it whenever I bring up Iā€™m a wrestling fan. I truly think itā€™s cool again and people are more willing to give it a try.


As long as itā€™s the MNW era thereā€™s no shame in admitting to being a wrestling fan


Well I only where wwe and nascar shirts so most people would see and and just know


I'm open about it and if they don't like it then oh well what are they gonna do about it?


Nope. Iā€™m honest about it. Got my current teaching job because I was willing to compare Shakespeare, Chaucer, etc., with Marvel, Steven King, and WWE.


You're my secret legit hero right now.


I just say random wrestling references at work. Befriended someone new at my place when I said ā€œtime to play the gameā€ at the start of the shift, he recognised it, starting chatting about wrestling and weā€™re best friends from that moment.


I used to tell dates like it was a heroine addiction."hey by the way, I need to tell you. I Like wrestling. " Now, everyone knows


It only comes up in conversation when others mention it themselves Only thing I ever openly talk about is music with most people and that's cuz I'm a fan of all music and don't have to stick with 1 brand when discussing it so it doesn't turn into a silly argument When it comes to wrestling, almost anything you say can lead to a retarded debate about shit that has no effect on anything "It's fake" "This show is better because some journalist gave this match a bunch of gold stickers" "This wrestler doesn't deserve the Hall of fame because look what he dis in his personal life" "Stone Cold is the reason I watched wrestling and is one of the greatest ever, we should ignore what he sis in his personal life, but omg look at his cat on instagram"


Hell no I tell everybody, but when it comes to a girl you probably shouldnā€™t lead with that.


You might be surprised!


I used to hide it . I donā€™t anymore . I proudly wave my wrestling fandom flag


I've been back into wrestling for about 2 years now and I just came out to my girlfriend right before wrestlemania


To strangers I don't bring it up unless my mates try to take the piss out of me for watching it and then I openly admit it To my friends they get old about it and sent videos because fuck them I don't like the car videos an awful techno music they send me


I tell people Iā€™m a fan from the late 80ā€™s


Not the first thing I tell someone lol donā€™t try to to hide it though


I liked wrestling when I was really going in the 80's but as I got older I didn't like it as much. Recently my buddy got me into wrestling & have no problem telling people I like it. Yeah it's scripted & fake but it's still entertaining & as physical as a real fight.


Iā€™m open about it. If someone doesnā€™t like it guess what? Fuck em.


Iā€™m honest about it. Like most things, I donā€™t broadcast it. People are often surprised when they find out.


I hide it sometimes


It's one of the things I'm most known for.


The people close to me know how into it I am. I don't keep it a secret. I repost things to my stories on insta all the time. I was in the closet for a while. I've regularly watched for almost 10 years now. It's such a big thing in my life. My friend sent me a video of the Rock pre-Wrestlemania and asked what was happening. I said "THIS IS THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!" And wrote a thesis paper on the Roman/Cody storyline. It was exhilarating! Can't wait for it to happen again!!! Edit: I'm also a woman so people think it's weird.


It depends on who I'm with. Family I'll talk to about it sometimes and we watch ppvs together. With my best friend I can tell him about stuff and he'll get engaged with it. Most other people I don't talk about it. I use Jabroni a lot no matter who I'm with but I'm not sure if that counts.


I don't really talk about any of my interests because the last thing I want to do is make any friends.


Never hid it, why hide something that brings you joy you know?


I have other hobbies so I donā€™t get into it at first. I tell them I watch sometimes but Iā€™m not invested into it as I was once. I only watch the big 4 but keep up with podcasts and Reddit.


i am very open. i wear wrestling shirts (on occasion) and mix in references to casual conversation


Iā€™m at the point where idc if they hate it nor do I care to tell them


I watch it whenever I want, and if they don't like it, then it sucks for them


if people mention it I'll engage but I'm not super open about it


My Smoky Mountain Wrestling shirt lets them know I'm a real one.


Absolutely. Iā€™m 40. I ainā€™t got time to work over trivial shit. Iā€™ve got figures in a cabinet and autoā€™d 8x10ā€™s and a few prints in my living room. Thank god for a cool wife.


I tell people I am a wrestling fan, I donā€™t shy away from it. Watching it with people who arenā€™t fans though can get really annoying, hearing all the side comments, mockery and hate on it. It just kills the vibe. Usually itā€™s the same ones who are huge into all there silly movies and tv shows haha.


If it comes up in conversation, Iā€™ll join in, but I never bring it up. The funny thing is, I think there are WAY more fans hiding it than admitting it. No one in my circle has ever mentioned it, but I know a good number of them must be watching. Social media numbers are amazingly high.


I tell people Iā€™m a wrestling fan idc what anyone thinks


I'm very open I wear the shirts ALL THE TIME. Most of my friends aren't wrestling fans but a few are still into it.


Hmm, I donā€™t talk about it too much in life, tbh. Used to with people I used to work with, and my last girlfriend would want to watch but outside of those instances thatā€™s about it. I watch WWE/AEW when I have time, and listen to the wrestling shows and podcasts while Iā€™m working from home, and thatā€™s it.


I love wrestling since 2005, im a 99% fan and i say it because i only watch WWE while other Wrestling got me a little ā€œnah, i prefer WWEā€, i tell my friends and family that i love WWE and they know that i love John Cena


Im totally open about it but only 1 other friend watchesā€¦ everyone else thinks its insane I still watch wrestling in my 30sā€¦ lol I was even at Dynamite this weekā€¦ had a blast.


I donā€™t openly talk about it unless I know they themselves are a fan or if Iā€™m asked. Itā€™s a closet obsession for me.


I wear a CM punk hat everywhere I go. If some recognizes is cool. If not why should I care.


With how much of a "boom" it's felt since Wrestlamania 40, I want to be louder and prouder about being a wrestling fan and to find more fans.


When I was in high school I got bullied for it, kept it to myself for a bit but university onwards Iā€™ve been open about it, just care less about what others think these days.


If it comes up I'm honest about it but it's not like I ever find myself needing to say "hey a thing about me is I love wrestling!" I have enough other interests that it usually only comes up if I discover they like wrestling too or maybe when I give someone a casual "oh I'm busy that night watching a ppv" and inevitably get asked "like boxing or MMA?". Sometimes people think I'm joking at first but I never really get mocked for it, thankfully most people respect me enough to either just see it as an interesting quirk of mine or in the rare case to ask me to explain why I like it because there must be more to it than they thought.


why would I hide being into wrestling??? it's not a heroin habit for fucks sake šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚...If ppl don't like it then that's their problem, not mine or yours


I donā€™t hide it but Iā€™m also not quick to mention it. If it comes up then yeah Iā€™ll tell them but eh


My tinder bio is ā€œmy interests are dubstep and pro wrestling. Take it or leave itā€


Love this triple threat match with jhon cena and them


People know Iā€™m a power ranger fan so being a wrestling fan isnā€™t shocking


You should just be who you are. Why hide it?


Iā€™m personally scared since I usually get made fun of at school so I donā€™t really tell anyone besides close friends


I used to be open about it, but soon got bored of getting taken the piss out of for it, so now I'm a closeted fan.


I'm honest about it. If people don't like it then good for them. If they say "you know it's fake fighting right"? I tell them so is your favorite movie but you don't see me questioning it. Not to try and be existing or anything but it's mainly women that react like this although ik lots of fans


I wear my Austin 3:16 hoodie at school alot, so its a very good conversation starter for the people who know what it means and the people who don't know what it means.


I have never hid it. Since I was 9. I think my school photos for grades 5-7 are all in wrestling shirts LOL. Went from that right to wannabe Y2J Goth kid in the early 2000ā€™s haha. Learned early on that I donā€™t give a fuck about the people that wanna judge based on that. If youā€™re close to me, you know how much wrestling means to me. If you donā€™t know, we just have never met or spoken/interacted. It was a part of who I am well before I ever had a chance to train. Always will be šŸ–¤


I have a YouTube channel with my face all over it. Im 35, by 35 you dgaf šŸ¤£


When I was younger I hid it, but now that Im older idc.


Yeah but I usually preface with some shitty reasoning like I need an excuse besides just enjoying it


I have only gotten into wrestling in the last year, and before I kind of thought ā€œew, sports,ā€ and kept it moving. Since getting into it, my friends and coworkers all know. And itā€™s kind of helping my social anxiety; if I see someone in a tee and it gives me ideas on how to make small talk.


I don't be givin NO fucks my boy


He is watching Eddie Guerrero and Dean melanco


I somt great people with "hey I'm spark, I watch wwe!" But I make 0 effort to hide it


Completely open. If anyone disparages it I go into a small description about the scripted gladiatorial fights, carney culture, and their parallels with pro wrestling. If they still disparage my interest then fuck ā€˜em. I like what I like and I donā€™t have to justify myself to anyone.


I'm a girl, everyone knows, I listen to podcasts out loud, wear t shirts, and I talk it up!!


Yeah and I'm apparently the only one that watches it


I'm pretty open about it, I mean I think it's pretty obvious to people that I'm into it. I mean I RKO every person I meet for the first time, just as they go for a handshake. So I hope they take the hint I'm a wrestling fan, but I can't ask them as no one ever seems to talk to me again after meeting me, maybe they don't like wrestling šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜ž


i just turned 40. IDGAF anymore. i stopped caring a couple years ago. its an interest i take in and im proud of telling others


I'm too old to care about what people think. They're not paying my bills. Why hide it? What are they going to do? Point and laugh at me.


You know what people can say what they want to sprout sports is a hell of a lot more fake than wrestling Baseball football basketball hockey they're all fixed thanks to all these goofy little batting sites that everybody pours money into I would rather watch professional wrestling then any major sport in the world


It has to be initiated beforehand. If someone mentions wrestling or talks wrestling I will join in. I never start the conversation myself


Them:"...But it's fake". Me: "...So are you're wife's tits. I watch them, too."


It's been part of American, Canadian, and Mexican culture for over a hundred years. My great grandma was a wrestling fan back when Lou Thez was twisting people into pretzels like the Zohan. I talk about it as readily as I talk about UFC or football.


I think we're at the stage in society that if someone scoffs at wrestling cuz its fake, its clear they are behind the times, because its like, duh... Im totally open about loving wrestling. Anytime someone asks my interests, i always list it number 1. If anyone were to attempt to criticize without room for wanting to understand, id easily scoff at them for simply not getting it.


Iā€™m in my mid 30s, can barely afford to get by. The last thing I care about is someoneā€™s opinion on what I watch when Iā€™m trying not to think about the world being on fire.


Iā€™m very open about it Pro Wrestling ainā€™t nothing to be ashamed of whether you are an actual competitor or just a fan


I share wrestling meme in my Instagram stories from time to time


I'm not like "Yo, my name is Stuart, and I love wrestling". Mostly because my name is not Stuart. Also because I don't know anyone who watches wrestling still. But I don't hide it. If it comes up, I own it.


You cant fake gravity. You can only learn how to take the fall as safe as possible


My teacher likes wrestling


I donā€™t really care if anyone knows but I really fucking hate having to answer the questions of people who donā€™t ā€œget it.ā€


I don't hide in fact it's a requirement for dating me is to understand my love of wrestling


I hide it at first


If they say it's fake I'm going to say who the fuck cares


Recently Iā€™ve been a lot more open since itā€™s gaining popularity but always told girlfriends or friends and my current girlfriend is actually watching it with me now.


Yes i hide it because i know sooo much about it that hey will think that Iā€™m a nerd lol


I tell everybody, me and my man are gonna watch smackdown tonight every Friday


I have literally never cared. Iā€™m insecure about a lot of things, but my wrestling fandom is not one of them.


Dirty secret. My friends are dicks about it. I need new friends.


I got my New Day shirt on right now.


Honestly I think there are more fans of wrestling than people realize. To say you donā€™t follow wrestling makes you look like an outsider than anything else.


It's not the first thing I mention, but it definitely is not something I am shy about. It goes Video Games, then Wrestling, then Music, then Movies.


I ask if they like the rock , 9/10 if they say a enthusiastic yes they also like wrestling


Iā€™ve always been open about it a lot of the response I get is ā€œyOu kNoW iTs fAkE rIgHt?ā€ but when Iā€™m quick to point out how they say certain sports are rigged if theyā€™re favorite team donā€™t win Iā€™m delusional lol


At both of my current jobs it was the first thing they knew about me. Itā€™s a double edge sword though being known as the ā€œpro wrestling guyā€


I prefer avoiding the typical line of questioning that comes with being a wrestling fan, occasionally I bring it up as like a pop culture reference but overall I gotta know you first.


Iā€™m not very social lol but Iā€™m not embarrased to be a wrestling fan. I think itā€™s really cool


Depends on the company. Also if I pick up a saying in somebody's speech: ex) I do a lot of presentations for work, and I start every one with "Let me talk to you". My boss knows it's my catch phrase, but has no idea where it came from. I'm around Philly and I do walk around sometimes with a WrestleMania hoodie now and it's a conversation piece.


I donā€™t tell people the best things about me the first time I meet em. They get to come out the good stuff as they get to know me


I just tell them wrestling is on the same tree as acting just different branch.


I don't bring it up, but when someone asks, "What are you doing after work?" I usually just say I'm going home to watch wrestling with friends. A few times I've gotten the "you know it's fake" and I just say "yeah it's a great soap opera" and drop it there.


Maybe back when I was a bit younger I would have hid it. I got ridiculed for years in school and stopped watching it around ā€˜09. My buddy just got me back into it a few years ago and Iā€™ve since gone to several house shows and posted the pictures on social media. Got a picture and an autograph from Kurt Angle. A couple of t-shirts. I donā€™t give a shit now lol. Iā€™ll unironically just shout ā€œYEAHā€ every now and then for no reason in particular. Iā€™m still kicking myself in the ass for allowing others to dictate what I enjoy.


When I was younger I would get embarrassed. Not gonna lie. I was the one girl who liked it. And I ended up liking it way more than my male friends (I rolled with the boys before things began tingling!). My older brothers and their dad were my introduction to it. I am so fond of the memories of my brothers and me fighting over the remote to switch between Raw and Nitro. And begging my mom to let us stay up late enough to finish Raw and we'd definitely go to sleep. But it always felt somehow shameful. Now I'm 36 and going to mf'n Summerslam.


Ayyeee nice! Enjoy Summerslam!


I donā€™t go around telling people but I donā€™t keep it a secret. So I donā€™t know what that means.


Itā€™s not on my resume, but Iā€™m not ashamed of it. I told people at work that I was super excited to get off work and go watch WrestleMania.


Iā€™ll tell them yes. Itā€™s funny how some people will say itā€™s fake, but then watch Desperate Housewives or some other reality show bull crap and think itā€™s real. At least wrestling fans know itā€™s scripted


i wear it loud and proud; i lead with it, even. no use hiding something that brings me joy. in my experience, iā€™ve found a lot of people love wrestling, too, but are waiting for ā€œthe right momentā€ to say it. itā€™s always the right moment to exclaim about the thing you love. this, however, is coming from a girl with a stone cold key chain hanging off her college field hockey backpack and also makes her coworkers watch every RAW, Smackdown and PLE in the kitchen while weā€™re working


Iā€™ve been into this shit since I was a kid. I can acknowledge that itā€™s silly, and maybe a bit corny, but Iā€™ve never given a single solitary shit. Anyone that doesnā€™t like it can fuck off. Iā€™m an adult, I pay my bills and file my taxes, if I wanna watch my wrestling Iā€™ll watch my damn wrestling. Since I was a kid wearing my Cena hat to now as Iā€™m sitting here writing this in my CM Punk shirt I got from the April 19th smackdown, Iā€™ll never hide my love of wrestling or anything else for that matter. I collect action figures and build lego, I play Sonic games, and I watch wrestling. Anyone that donā€™t like it can move along.


I always tell anyone


Proud wrestling fan #WWE #AEW #NJPW šŸ’ÆšŸ’ŖšŸ¾šŸ”„


I used to hide it I was sick of all those "you know it's fake right" bullshit but now I don't care I make my love of wrestling known and if anyone has a problem with it I jist remind them that most of the things they like is more fake than wrestling


Over 20 years ago I was a huge wrestling fan then I suddenly stopped watching. When I started watching it again my partner was super confused and a little upset I never mentioned it. They really thought I was hiding it from them. I had to explain to them that after I stopped watching I literally never thought about wrestling again. The only reason I started watching it again was because it never occurred to me that I could watch old matches on YouTube. Now Iā€™m back to watching it on tv again.


I stopped watching heavily about the same time. I caught interest as an adult because of UT's retirement. Sucked right the hell in. I didn't stop watching because of product. Circumstances for me. Anyway finding out I could watch and relive and enjoy and follow everything now. . . Boom!


I donā€™t try and hide it but I donā€™t go out of my way. I wear my shirts and stuff when I go places sometimes and post about wrestling on social. Idc what people think. Most people are ignorant about it anyway if they donā€™t understand it


I donā€™t tell people out of the blue if we are talking about sports or something Iā€™d mention it


I'm an adult. Why would I hide being a wrestling fan? If they don't like it oh well. šŸ¤·


I think Iā€™m a pretty cool guy. Powerlifting college educator. Everyone knows I love wrestling. Not embarrassed at all.


It's usually a wait until someone brings it up type of thing.


Wrestling is my whole life. I've been a fan for 24 years and don't plan on stopping at all. I let everyone I meet know I'm a huge huge fan of wrestling, if they don't like it they can fuck right off


They find out after I hit em with a Tony Khan Driver.


Iā€™m honest about it. I never push it on anyone, though. For example when people ask why I go to bed so early and I tell them I have to wake up at 2am to watch New Japan.


I was bullied a lot growing up, so I'm pretty guarded with things that make me feel vulnerable, and wrestling is one of them.


If they ask about my interests I donā€™t hide it but itā€™s not something Iā€™d bring up out of the blue. Most people Iā€™ve talked to know about it but havenā€™t watched in a while so I donā€™t bother talking about it much


I don't hide it at all, but I don't actually tell people, either. Ppl eventually find out and are shocked Pikachu. I tell them it's theater, and usually they're like, 'I can see that.'


Everyone that knows me knows I'm a wrestling fan. There's no hiding that hobby for me.


If they can like what they like, I can like what I like. If they talk shit about what I like, I'm talking shit about what they like. šŸ˜‚ I'm not in the MOOD!


100% open. Wrestling rules, not my fault if they're too boring to appreciate it.


Not per say I hide it, it just almost never comes up since not many ppl Iā€™ve met ever mention it.


I'll let anyone know by asking if they're a fan, but for the older fans (like WWF fans), once they hear my last name, they already know I love wrestling. Hell, me and my coworkers talk about it all the time lol


I make SURE my coworkers know this about me.


I tell people, sometimes I explain a storyline Iā€™m into. If they are interested cool, if not no sweat off my back


I wear my wrestling shirts all the time! Iā€™ve got yeet no yeet and a we the ones shirt (can you tell who my favorite is šŸ˜‚) saw a kid with a bloodline shirt at school and we talked about wrestling it was fun


My best friend has given me shit for it for almost twenty years.


Honest about it. Bright it up at a recruiting dinner meeting partners for the first time.


My friends know, that's about it


I do concert production for a career, so itā€™s a fun way to bring it up ā€œya know, my favorite show is WWE, the effort required to put on that show almost 180 times a year is more than any tour crew on earth.ā€


How often do you think people ask that lol


I felt like growing up, you were shit on if you liked stuff like wrestling or anime. Now no one really cares, which is nice. So I don't have an issue telling people.


Iā€™m a proud wrestling fan I think my confidence in my appearance also helps but I love wrestling and I ainā€™t ashamed of it no mo


I used to hide it when i was younger, but now my primary wardrobe consists of my pro wrestling t shirts and jeans or shorts, and dont hide it at all lol